Software Product
Since 2002
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
121096 st. Vasilisa Kozhina, 1
Top managers:
Podobailo Nikolai Nikolaevich
Software Product Group has been operating in the Russian IT market since 2002. The main competencies of the group companies are concentrated in the field of implementation of large-scale IT projects of the federal and regional level, including: development of design documentation, coordination and approval of regulations and regulatory documentation, development or modernization of software, implementation, as well as support of IT infrastructure and technical support.
"Software Product" is one of the 20 largest Russian software developers and in the top 30 largest Russian IT integrators. GC is one of the 50 largest IT companies in Russia.
The group employs more than 400 specialists, most of whom are graduates of prestigious universities: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow State University), State University - Higher School of Economics, Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, State University of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Among the company's specialists, many employees have academic titles in the field of physical and mathematical, economic sciences.
The Group's companies operate a quality management system certified according to ISO 9001:2008, ISO 9001:2011, ISO 9001:2015 (GOST R ISO 9001:2008), the risk management system is used in the implementation of all projects. In addition, the "Software Product" has a full package of licenses and certificates necessary for working with government agencies, including licenses for working with state secrets, as well as special licenses in the field of information security.
For more than 15 years of work, the Software Product Group of Companies has completed more than 1000 projects. Among the company's clients are federal departments, special services, administrations of the largest regions of the Russian Federation:, FSO,, FSB,, MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS,, Ministry of Defence,, Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media,, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, and Ministry of Economic Development Ministry of Finance Ministry of Education FMBA CEC others Moscow Government. MO Government State Duma Supreme Court
Performance indicators
2022: Revenue growth by 32.2% to RUR 8,097 million
At the end of 2022, the revenue of the Software Product Group of Companies increased by 32.2% to 8,097 million rubles. In the ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to take 63rd place.
5th place in TAdviser ranking "Largest IT suppliers in Russian healthcare"
The company "Software Product" took 5th place in the ranking "The largest IT suppliers in Russian healthcare," prepared by TAdviser in January 2025 based on the revenue of companies from the implementation of relevant projects for 2023. Read more here.
7th place in the TAdviser ranking "The largest suppliers of custom software development services in Russia"
The Software Product company took 7th place in the ranking "The largest suppliers of custom software development services in Russia," prepared by TAdviser in January 2025 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation of relevant projects for 2023. Read more here.
6th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of custom software development services in Russia"
Software Product took 6th place in the ranking of the largest participants in the custom software development market in Russia, prepared by TAdviser in March 2024 based on the companies' revenue from the corresponding services for 2022. Read more here.
8th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest IT suppliers in the Russian public sector"
Software Product ranked 8th in the ranking TAdviser prepared on the basis of revenue from the implementation of IT projects public sector Russia in 2022 and published in November 2023. Read more here.
4th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of their own IT solutions from the register of domestic software"
The Software Product Company is included in the#.D0.9A.D1.80.D1.83.D0.BF.D0.BD.D0.B5.D0.B9.D1.88.D0.B8.D0.B5_.D0.BF.D0.BE.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B0.D0.B2.D1.89.D0.B8.D0.BA.D0.B8_.D1.81.D0.BE.D0.B1.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B2.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.BD.D1.8B.D1.85_.D0.98.D0.A2-.D1.80.D0.B5.D1.88.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B9_.D0.B8.D0.B7_.D1.80.D0.B5.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82.D1.80.D0.B0_.D0.BE.D1.82.D0.B5.D1.87.D0.B5.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B2.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.BD.D0.BE.D0.B3.D0.BE_.D0.9F.D0.9E rating "The largest suppliers of their own IT solutions from the register of domestic software," prepared by TAdviser in September 2023 on the basis of the companies' revenue from the implementation of implementation projects and the supply of their own solutions from the register of domestic software for 2022.
Revenue growth by 17.7% to RUB 6,124 million
At the end of 2021, the revenue of the Software Product company amounted to 6,124 million rubles, an increase of 17.7% compared to 2020, which allowed it to take 83rd place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2022.
TAdviser interview with CEO Nikolai Podobailo
In May 2021, in an interview with TAdviser, Nikolai Podobailo, General Director of Software Product LLC, spoke about how 2020 has developed for the company, what restrictions, prospects and opportunities this period has outlined. Read more here.
Online hackathon together with the "Accelerator of Opportunities" at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov
The group of companies "Software Product" and "Accelerator of Opportunities" at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov opens the acceptance of applications for the online hackathon PROGRAM BOOST - a competition for young developers, corporate teams, experienced specialists, active students and novice enthusiasts in the field of EdTech. Read more here.
Revenue growth by 17.9% to RUB 5,203 million.
At the end of 2020, the revenue of Software Product amounted to 5,203 million rubles, an increase of 17.9% compared to 2019, which allowed it to take 78th place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2021.
Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "Largest IT Service Providers"
The company "Software Product" is included in the rating "Largest suppliers IT services Russia by revenue for 2020," prepared TAdviser in December 2021. More. here
Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "The largest IT suppliers in the Russian public sector"
The company "Software Product" is included in the rating "Largest IT suppliers public sector Russia in by revenue for 2020," prepared TAdviser in December 2021. More. here
Launch of competition for selection of projects in the sphere of "Smart City "
The group of companies "Software Product" together with the company "Accelerator of Opportunities" at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov November 6, 2020 announced the launch of a competition for the selection of projects in the field of "Smart City."
Participants until December 10, 2020 can submit their applications on the competition website, projects that have successfully passed the preliminary selection, will have the opportunity to hold a presentation on Demo-Day with investors. The winners of the competition will have the opportunity to implement their projects in various areas of Smart City with the attraction of investments of up to 10 million rubles and support from the Software Product Group of Companies.
Around the world, one of the key areas digital economy is construction, the "Smart cities" infrastructure of which is based on the interaction of ICT and () internet of things IoT and is intended for the management of urban property. Smart City, or "Smart City," is a concept of use IT in an urban environment and in a city management system to improve the comfort and safety of its residents. Their use significantly improves the economy of the city, increases the standard of living and safety due to effective management, ITS and HOUSING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES transport street services. It video surveillances Russia concept of "Smart Cities" has been implemented since 2018 as part of a national project "Housing and Urban Environment" and national program. "Digital Economy"
Opportunity Accelerator is a joint project of students of the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University, which helps startups in finding potential investors for the project, provides financial and legal support for their activities and takes part in developing a strategy for promoting the company to enter the market.
TAdviser interview with CEO Nikolai Podobailo
In September 2020, in an interview with TAdviser, Nikolai Podobailo, General Director of Software Product LLC, spoke about the use of Big Data technologies, artificial intelligence, neural networks and video analytics systems, as well as technologies for ensuring the protection of information integrity for the implementation of the Digital Economy national project. Read more here.
Inclusion in the list of backbone companies of the Russian economy
On April 21, 2020, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications presented an up-to-date list of backbone companies - enterprises whose activities are important for the life support and functioning of a separate region or country. The company "Software Product" announced this on April 24, 2020.
79 companies were included in the list of organizations significant for the Russian economy, among them IT companies, Yandex, Kaspersky Lab, Rostelecom and Software Product. In addition, the list includes the largest news agencies, publishers, newspapers and other organizations related to the field of information and communications.
When forming the list, such indicators as revenue of the organization included in the register of accredited organizations engaged in activities in the field of information technology were taken into account; ensuring information security, providing services for the development and operation of state information systems (GIS) and socially significant Internet services, a monthly audience, ensuring broadcasting in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and a number of others.
The system-forming enterprises included in the list will be able to apply for the created form of support - soft loans to replenish working capital. This was announced on April 15 at a meeting with the government by President Vladimir Putin. The state subsidizes the cost of paying interest on such loans in the amount of the key rate of the Central Bank (at the moment 6%), by 50% such loans will be provided by state guarantees of the Ministry of Finance, which should also give additional incentives to banks to issue such loans, minimizing risks for the banking system.
The inclusion of the Software Product company in the list of backbone organizations is quite logical. We have implemented many socially significant projects that help ensure the comfort and safety of people. As the current situation has shown, the company's decisions are in demand by the state and society. Our specialists have implemented projects for the FMBA of Russia and the Medical Social Examination Service, which help fight COVID-19 and ensure the receipt of the most socially significant services online. We participate in the automation of public services processes and the implementation of super services so that citizens can have access to the maximum number of services without leaving home. Software Product participates in projects of the Moscow Government that help ensure the sustainable functioning of the city infrastructure, ensure control and security (the introduced ticket system for passenger transport, the modernization of the GKU OP and Mosgortrans systems, the development of the Moscow Assistant project and the portal. " noted Director General Nikolay Podobailo
IT Training Collaboration with MAI
On September 20, 2019, Software Product announced that it had entered into a cooperation agreement with the Moscow Aviation Institute, which would result in participation in the implementation of three joint training areas:
- computer science and computing;
- infocommunication technologies and communication systems;
- management.
Within the framework of these areas, four master's programs will be prepared:
- cybersecurity of infocommunications;
- design of high-load Internet services;
- HR analytics in the digital economy;
- Manage the software development process.
Selection for master's studies will take place on a competitive basis. The curriculum includes solving project problems and preparing final qualification works.
The program teachers will be representatives of the "Software Product," who before that will undergo special methodological training at the Moscow Aviation Institute. In addition to lecturing, the Software Product will hold a series of master classes, workshops, mitapes, hackathons and other events at the institute aimed at developing the practical skills of students. The most talented and hardworking students will be able to take an internship at a large IT company and take part in the development of modern information systems. In the future, such experience will be an important advantage when applying for a job.
TAdviser interview
In May 2019, Nikolai Podobailo, CEO of Software Product, in an interview with TAdviser spoke about the key areas of the company's activities, large-scale projects and promising technologies that contribute to revolutionary changes in the Russian IT market.
2018: Joining the RAQIB Association
On August 7, 2018, the Software Product Company announced that it had become a member of the RAKIB Association - an association of "developers and users of blockchain technology and products created on its basis in the interests of developing a digital economy."
The main goal of RAKIB is the development and integration of blockchain-based solutions into the country's economy. The activity of the association consists in the expert assessment of regulatory, administrative and other conditions for the use of technology, the assessment and setting of standards for industry processes, the dissemination and scaling of best practices for the implementation of blockchain technology in state, commercial and public organizations, as well as in building a dialogue between RAQIB members to form a position in working with state legislative and executive authorities.
The entry of the Software Product company into RAKIB was a logical step, - said Roman Malyshev, Marketing Director. - Our company already has experience in creating solutions based on distributed registry technology. Participation in the association will help us develop this area and actively participate in the development of Blockchain technology in our country. |
Joining the RAKIB association, "Software Product" already has in its arsenal solutions created using blockchain technology - this is a service for checking the insurance of deposits of individuals, an e-voting project, a solution for managing the transfer of intellectual property rights, projects for creating electronic trading platforms and others.
Creation of transactional system for processing suburban travel documents
The Software Product Company has developed a new ticket system for the Central Suburban Passenger Company (CPPK). Main article.
Creation of an automated information system of Roszdravnadzor
The automated information system of Roszdravnadzor ensures the collection of data on the release of medicines from the subjects of drug circulation; preparation of reports on the data on the release of drugs included in the external information resource of the Roszdravnadzor AIS "Control of the quality, effectiveness and safety of drugs," state control during the circulation of drugs in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts (subsystem "Destruction of drugs"), as well as collection and analysis of information within the framework of operational monitoring of drugs. Main article.
Among the largest developers of mobile applications
According to the results of the rating "The largest developers of mobile applications for business and government agencies 2016," prepared by the agency CNews Analytics, the company "Software Product" took 16th place among the largest Russian mobile developers.
In the ranking, companies are ranked by revenue. At the end of 2016, the revenue of the Software Product from projects related to the development of mobile applications amounted to more than 85 million rubles, which allowed the company to enter the rating TOP-20.
In 2016, the company implemented a number of projects to develop mobile applications for departments of the Moscow Government, including the Department of Transport, as well as projects for the State Duma of the Russian Federation that ensure the work processes of deputies through mobile devices.
Among the largest service IT companies in Russia
According to the results of the rating "The largest providers of IT support services 2016," prepared by CNews Analytics, the company "Software Product" became one of the 30 largest Russian companies providing service services for technical support and maintenance of information systems.
In the ranking, companies are ranked by revenue. "Software Product" took 26th place in the ranking. Revenue from projects related to IT support amounted to more than 330 million rubles.
R&D Center in Voronezh
The Software Product Group of Companies has opened a development and technical support center in Voronezh. This city was chosen because of its strong university base and good training.
The priority direction of the Voronezh Regional Center is the development and integration of the concept of "smart city." The center in Voronezh faces another task - this is to expand the territory of technical support so that in all time zones the company's experts can be available. The center has already begun work on developments in the field of urban transport. Another area that the regional center will deal with is Big Data.
The Voronezh Center has become the next stage in the regional development of the Software Product Group of Companies. The decision to open the center in another million-plus city was influenced by the successful work of the development and testing center in Novosibirsk, opened in November 2016 on the territory of the Academgorodok of the Institute of Software Systems. The "Software Product" staff in Novosibirsk is now mainly staffed by software developers and testers, but soon it is planned to increase the number of other specialists. The main tasks facing the center are technical support of existing customers beyond the Urals and the search for new customers. The plans of the heads of the regional division are to completely move away from subcontractors in Siberia, as well as develop new information technologies in this region.
Revenue of 2.6 billion rubles (+ 102 %)
In 2016, the revenue of the Software Product company amounted to 2,628 billion rubles, which is 102% higher than the same indicator in 2015. In the ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia" at the end of 2016, the company "Software Product" took 40th place.
In the top three IT providers for healthcare
According to the results of the rating presented by the agency CNews Analytics, the group of companies "Software Product" took 3rd place among the largest IT suppliers for Russian healthcare.
Participants in the rating are ranked by revenue. The rating took into account the revenue received from projects related to informatization of healthcare in several areas - this is the introduction of information systems that ensure the automation of the main activities of medical institutions - MIS, LIS, PACS, and the creation of various electronic services on their basis, for example, appointments to a doctor; automation of administrative and economic activities - accounting, personnel, warehouse accounting, implementation of monitoring systems, registers and information protection systems, etc. In addition, revenue from projects to create the so-called regional segment of the Unified State Health Information System (RS Uniform State Health Information System) was taken into account, followed by connection to a single federal resource.
GC "Software Product" became one of the three largest suppliers, thanks to projects implemented in the interests of the Blood Center of the FMBA of Russia - the development and maintenance of a single information base for blood donation; The Ministry of Labor of Russia is the development and support of the Unified Automated Vertically Integrated Information and Analytical System for Medical and Social Expertise, as well as work on the development and maintenance of the automated information system "Portal of Medical and Social Expertise Institutions" and a number of others.
In the top 30 largest Russian IT companies
According to the results of the main ranking of the largest groups and companies in the field of information and communication technologies in 2016, prepared by EXPERT RA, the Software Product company has strengthened its position among the largest Russian IT sector companies.
In the ranking, companies are ranked by revenue. At the end of 2016, the company took 26th line, rising 5 lines higher than the previous year, and entered the list of 30 largest Russian IT companies. The revenue of the Software Product for the past year amounted to more than 2 billion rubles and was obtained from projects related to custom software development and the provision of IT services.
In the additional rankings prepared by the EXPERT RA agency related to the development of software and the provision of IT services, the Software Product company took 12th and 25th places, respectively.
Among the projects implemented by the company in 2016, it is worth noting the modernization of the Federal Information System of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (FIS Traffic Police-M), modernization and technical support of a unified information base for blood donation, creation of a ticket control management system at the Mosgortrans State Unitary Enterprise, creation of an automated system "Navigation and Information Center for the Administration of Freight Road Transport in Moscow," modernization of a transactional system for processing suburban travel documents (TSOPPD) for the Central Suburban Passenger Company.
Development and maintenance of ITU EAVIAS
In 2016, a project was carried out to develop and support the Unified Automated Vertically Integrated Information and Analytical System for conducting medical and social expertise.
Creation of state automated system "Lawmaking"
In 2016, a project was implemented to create a state automated system "Lawmaking," uniting more than a dozen systems that ensure the work of hundreds of State Duma deputies, employees of the State Duma apparatus and allow processing tens of thousands of citizens' appeals.
Implementation of NP control over transportation organization
In 2016, a project was carried out to create an automated system for monitoring the organization of transportation, daily processing data on more than 200 routes, 1800 funds and 3 million passengers of public transport. The system is used by more than 600 traffic controllers. More than 300 specialists using the system daily monitor the activities of carriers at TPU and stopping points in Moscow.
Development of NP public services and functions
In 2015, a project was implemented to develop the Automated System of Public Services and Functions (AS GUF). An automated system of public services and functions ensures the process of providing public services in all. The MPSC Moscow system employs more than 12 thousand users from 780 state organizations participating in the provision of services in Moscow.
Creation of the traffic police system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
In 2015, a project was carried out to create a Federal Information System State traffic inspectorates MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS Russia (FIS traffic police-M). The system works in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. More than 100 thousand users use it every day. Registration actions for more than 25 thousand vehicles are carried out weekly through it and the issuance of more than 12 thousand driver's licenses is ensured. In addition, every week information about 160 thousand administrative offenses (including those recorded by video cameras) passes through the system.
The Supreme Court sided with the "Software Product"
On December 7, 2015, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation ruled on the insolvency of claims filed by OJSC Aramada against the management of Software Product. The Supreme Court recognized the victory of the "Software Product" in all courts.
The Moscow Arbitration Court confirmed the groundlessness of the claim of Armada OJSC
On May 26, 2015, the Moscow Arbitration Court confirmed the groundlessness of the claim of Armada OJSC against the owners of the Software Product. The Board of the Court of Cassation concluded that there were no legal grounds for canceling the decision of the Court of Appeal, which overturned the decision to return the "Software Product" to "Armada"
The Court of Appeal overturned the decision to return the "Software Product" to "Armada"
On May 26, 2015, it became known that the Court of Appeal overturned the decision of the first instance to transfer Armada to its former company[1]
The Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal of Moscow overturned the decision of the arbitration court to return 100% of Software Product LLC to Armada, the court said. The decision entered into legal force. "Armada" insisted that the alienation of "Software Product" was invalid.
The shareholders of Armada Herman Kaplun and Alexander Morgulchik say they will appeal this decision to the cassation instance. The case is absolutely transparent, the buyers of the asset were nominal and they did not hide it, says Kaplun. Until the court presented the motivation part, it is impossible to explain why the previous decision was canceled, says Morgulchik.
While Armada tried to arrest 100% of the Software Product through the court, the asset changed owners a couple of times, and in May 51% of the Software Product is owned by Sergei Alexandrov, and 49% by Alexander Shunaev.
In September 2014, Kaplun and Morgulchik filed a lawsuit demanding the return to Armada of 100% of the authorized capital of the Software Product, and on February 3, 2015, the Moscow Arbitration Court granted it. However, on April 24, 2015, the Moscow Court of Appeal decided to reconsider the case according to the rules of the court of first instance - the subpoena was sent to the defendants with violations, and they were not present at the meeting of the court of first instance. This does not correspond to either reality or the existing norms of law, Morgulchik is sure. Alexandrova and Shunaev were sent notifications by mail and the fact that they did not take them or did not receive them is not a reason to reconsider the case, he said.
The court ruled to return the "Software Product" to "Armada"
On January 28, 2015, the Arbitration Court Moscow decided to return to the ownership of OJSC "" and Armada its shareholders of the company "Software Product."
"Software product" for 2015 has already concluded contracts, primarily state contracts, in the amount of over 1 billion rubles
"Thus, today the process of returning property illegally withdrawn from the company by the previous management to the shareholders of Armada OJSC and the company itself has begun," representatives of Armada say.
22 state contracts for 415 million rubles
In 2014, the company entered into 22 state contracts with a total value of 415.6 million rubles, among customers - the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow.
Deployment of blood donation FIS
In 2014, a project was implemented to deploy the Federal Blood Donation Information System and its components on more than 15 thousand units of computer equipment, including 400 servers. The system contains data on 5 million donors, daily provides information exchange and registration of donated blood at 130 blood service facilities in 82 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
2013: Revenue of 381 million rubles
In 2013, the revenue of the Software Product increased to 381 million rubles.