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Micran NPF



Mikran is a manufacturer. radio electronics Russia The enterprise is a research and production, vertically integrated company, whose business is based on the development and production of digital radio relay stations, broadband access equipment, control and measuring equipment of the VHF and EHF frequency bands, high-resolution solid-state radars and security systems based on them, mobile control and communication systems, as well as the spectrum of microwave modules and monolithic integrated circuits.

The company has representative offices in Italy, Vietnam, Brazil and South Africa, and promotes products in the Middle East and CIS countries.


2025: "ICS Holding" bought "Mikran"

On March 20, 2025, it became known that the multidisciplinary IT group ICS Holding completed a deal to buy 100% of the Tomsk manufacturer of radio electronics and semiconductor products NPF Mikran. Information on the value of the acquired asset at that date has not been officially disclosed. According to market participants, we can talk about the amount of 10 billion to 15 billion rubles.

The head of "ICS Holding" Alexei Shelobkov spoke about the deal in an interview with "Vedomosti." According to him, Mikran has unique developments in the field of radio electronics, relay systems and instrumentation, which are used by telecom operators and telecommunications equipment developers.

ICS Holding bought chip manufacturer Mikran

We have a big focus on the development of telecom products, where we also develop through the acquisition of assets. The other day we entered the final stage of the deal to join the Mikran engineering company from Tomsk, says Shelobkov.

The Mikran website notes that the main activity of the enterprise is the production of telecommunication equipment, instrumentation and accessories of the microwave path, microwave electronics and modules, radars for navigation and security, mobile communication systems, complex solutions in the field of communication and automation. Mikran provides a full production cycle with its own product development - from the electronic component base of microwave to serial products and complex solutions. The company employs more than 1,600 people.

In turn, ICS Holding unites Yadro, Citadel, Kryptonite, as well as the structure for creating a low-orbit satellite constellation of broadband data transmission with global coverage Bureau 1440. Thus, the acquisition of Mikran will help ICS Holding in the development of specialized areas and strengthening production potential.[1]


Continued purchases of US TI processors

The agency Bloomberg mentioned the company among the buyers of processors. the AmericanTexas Instruments For details, see. Semiconductors (Russian market)

Expanding U.S. sanctions against the company

In June 2024, NPF Mikran was included in the blocking SDN-list of the USA[2]Previously, only export US restrictions were applied to Mikran.

Russian IT companies that fell under US, EU and British sanctions in 2022-2024 TAdviser map

Map of sub-sanctioned IT companies. Click to enlarge

TAdviser drew up a map of Russian IT companies in 2022-2024. which fell under the sanctions of the United States, the EU and Britain. It included, among other things, NPF Mikran. The article about the map can be found here.

Gazprom Tech bought 90% of NPF Mikran

On February 13, 2024, it became known about the sale of 90% of NPF Mikran to Gazprom Tech from the Gazprom group. The value of the transaction was not disclosed.

According to Kommersant, the deal has already taken place. A top manager of a large IT integrator and an employee in one of the electronics manufacturers told the publication that the structures of AFK Sistema and Rosatom were also interested in buying NPF Mikran.

It became known about the sale of 90% of NPF Mikran

Arseny Brykin, General Director of the Basis Consortium, noted that Mikran supplies equipment for Gazprom's structures. Thus, the company can mitigate risks when working with the supplier.

It is quite possible that for Gazprom Mikran is a critical supplier of equipment and solutions that has risks in organizing its activities. In this situation, it is easier to buy a company by vertically integrating the supplier. This neutralizes some of the risks, and most importantly, it will allow them to be managed, - believes Arseny Brykin.

FG Finam analyst Leonid Delitsyn said in an interview with the newspaper that 100% of NPF Mikran could cost up to 14 billion rubles. According to the expert's forecasts, the demand for Russian telecommunications equipment will increase, including due to large-scale government plans for import substitution of foreign equipment.

NPF Mikran is a manufacturer of telecommunication equipment, instrumentation, microwave electronics and modules, radars for navigation and security, etc. Mikran also produces equipment for satellite communication systems, so "synergy with the company" 'is possible, "Gazprom Space Systems said Oleg Beshtau Osipov, CEO of". " He estimated the potential cost of NPF Mikran at about 5-10 billion rubles.[3]


  • The company develops new directions - industrial internet of things (), IIoT technology, 5G radiophotonics.
  • Mikran has developed a radio interferometer for the heliogeophysical complex of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • An agreement was concluded with an Indonesian company for a large supply of radio relay equipment.


Mikran became the main supplier of RRS on the strategic project of MG Power of Siberia.


  • Consolidation of three private high-tech enterprises: JSC NPF Mikran, LLC T8, LLC Enterprise Eltex - creation of the TELMI alliance. Within the framework of the association, Mikran is responsible for radio relay equipment for any communication networks and telecommunication masts, T8 for DWDM systems, transport solutions for data centers, fiber-optic security systems for telecommunications equipment; "Eltext" - for Ethernet communicators, service routers, Wi-Fi access points, VoIP terminals, software communicators;
  • Mikran equipment is among the high-tech products for the needs of the Arctic. Development of complex communication solutions.

2016: Under US export sanctions

On September 7, 2016, the US authorities announced the imposition of sanctions against Russian electronics manufacturers and NPF Mikran, in particular. The company's assets in the United States (if any) were "frozen," technology exports were limited.

Read more: Foreign sanctions on Russian citizens and companies


  • On March 14, 2011, it became known that Rusnano was going to invest in the production of LTE (4G) base stations in the Tomsk region, which was signed today by an agreement of intent with the Tomsk enterprise Mikran, the regional administration and the Russian representative office of Nokia Siemens Networks.

The agreement of intent does not contain information on the size of investments in the project and on the composition and shares of investors: these figures will be made public only when an investment contract is signed. As explained by CNews in Rusnano[4], "the volume, structure, and composition of investors" are still in the process of being discussed. However, according to a source at Rusnano, "preparations for signing the investment contract are being accelerated" and can be completed "in a few months" (usually the term for preparing an investment agreement at Rusnano is limited to 9 months).

Kristina Tikhonova, director of the Russian representative office of Nokia Siemens Networks, told CNews that for the production of "4G LTE base stations of the Flexi family" at Mikran, her company will import new equipment and commission it.

The participation of Nokia Siemens Networks in the project will consist not only in the transfer of technologies and the transfer of know-how, but also in financial support, the size of which Tikhonova refrained from specifying. According to her, "such a project in Western Europe costs up to $50 million." Telecommunications equipment experts interviewed by CNews, based on known data about the project, believe it may require an investment of "the first tens of millions of dollars."

According to Tikhonova, production on the basis of Mikran will be launched before the end of 2011, reaching the design capacity is expected in the first half of 2012. The plant is designed to produce 10 thousand base stations per year.

The Tomsk enterprise Mikran has many years of experience in the production of radio equipment, and part of the enterprise's capacities is engaged in servicing the defense order. According to industry experts interviewed by the publication, Mikran has no experience in producing base stations for mobile networks.

According to Tikhonova, potential buyers of Mikran products will be, first of all, Russian operators. In addition, project participants are considering the possibility of entering foreign markets.

  • On December 1, 2011, Nokia Siemens Networks, the Mikran research and production company and Rusnano opened a joint production of Long Term Evolution (LTE) base stations[5].

The joint venture Center for Wireless Technologies, located in the Tomsk special economic zone, has already released the first base station Flexi Multiradio 10 from Nokia Siemens Networks and by the end of December 2011 plans to manufacture a batch of 1,000 pieces of equipment. The Flexi Multiradio 10 station simultaneously supports GSM/EDGE, WCDMA/HSPA +, LTE/LTE-Advanced and offers over 10 Gbit/s capacity while consuming 30% less power compared to the previous generation Flexi Base Station (about 1 kW for all 3GPP communication standards).

"We have brought technological know-how to the country, which will help develop in Russia our own personnel potential for the production of modern LTE equipment, and will also become one of the components in the transition to an innovative economy," said Kristina Tikhonova, CEO of Nokia Siemens Networks in Russia. - Russia is an important market for Nokia Siemens Networks. By placing production facilities here, we will be able to become closer to Russian operators, simplifying logistics and reducing the delivery time of base stations for the rapid deployment of networks. "

By December 2011, Nokia Siemens Networks had created a base for research and development work in Russia and opened a global network operation center in Voronezh, which will provide Russian operators with service in the field of managed services, the report said.

"At the moment, no more than ten companies in the world can produce equipment with support for fourth-generation LTE technology. And now production in the special economic zone "Tomsk" is among them. This is an important step towards building a modern telecommunications infrastructure and innovative economy. And on the scale of not only the region, but the whole country, "said Oleg Kostin, General Director of the Special Economic Zones management company.

At the ceremony dedicated to the launch of the plant on December 1, 2011, an HD video call was demonstrated, which was performed using the Flexi Multiradio station released at the plant in Tomsk. To provide phase synchronization of the base station, the signal of the Russian satellite system GLONASS was also used for the first time.


The total number of employees of the enterprise is constantly growing and as of September 1, 2010 exceeded 1,000 people, including:

  • 91 employees - administrative and managerial apparatus;
  • 250 employees - developers, including 6 doctors of technical sciences and 23 candidates of sciences.
  • more than 550 employees - engineering and technical workers and workers.


The start of the project implementation: "Organization of industrial production of GaAs electronic component base of the microwave range for telecommunications, radar and instrument making" ("MIS Factory") in the technical and introduction zone (TVZ) of Tomsk. "


  • Development of radar complexes for river and sea vessels using global satellite systems.
  • Subsidiaries of NPF Mikran CJSC - Submicron Technologies LLC and Mikran LLC became part of the Tomsk special economic zone.


  • Development of the "last mile" equipment of the G 802.11, G 802.12 WiMax WiMIC series standards, which provides point-to-multipoint access at speeds up to 75Mbit/s at a distance of up to 50 km.
  • Development of equipment for wireless transmission of large amounts of data - radio bridges of the "MIC-GigE" series of millimeter wavelengths at a speed of 1 Gbps for a distance of up to 6 km via Gigabit Ethernet protocol.


  • Development of the first domestic SDH hierarchy radio relay station (155 Mbps).
  • Expansion of the model range of measuring instruments.
  • Start of industrial production of instrumentation (KIA SHF).


  • Introduction of a new unified series of digital RRLs in frequency bands from 150 MHz to 40 GHz with a modern network management system.
  • Development of the first microwave measuring devices.


  • Expansion of frequency bands of digital RRL "MIC-RL." A sharp increase in production.
  • Development of plesiochronous digital hierarchy (PDH) multiplexers.
  • First participation in the exhibition "Svyaz-Expokom-2000."


Obtaining unique noise parameters of low-noise amplifiers and converters - at the level of the best world samples.

1995 - 1997

  • Development of a unified series of microwave nodes.
  • Use computer-aided design systems to develop new products.
  • Development and production of the first radio relay equipment. System certification.
  • Development of GaAs monolithic integrated circuits in cooperation with JSC Research Institute of Semiconductor Devices (Tomsk).

1991 - 1995

Development of microwave units and units of various applications. Participation in the program for the creation of the Russian global low-orbit satellite communication system "Signal." Development of broadband low-noise amplifiers for frequency bands 1-13 GHz.


The plans for the construction of equipment for LTE were announced by a joint venture of the state corporation Rostekhnologii and Alcatel Lucent. In addition to them, RVM Alliance, a joint company of the Israeli manufacturer Runcom Technologies with the Russian Alliance group and Sozvezdiye concern, as well as the enterprise the AmericanMotorola and InformInvestGroup, also claimed the title of Russian LTE equipment manufacturer.
