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GoodsForecast Gudfocast


Revenue and Net Profit Ths. rub


+ Government of the Russian Federation

GoodsForecast (Gudfokast LLC) is a subsidiary of Forex LLC and specializes in the development and implementation of software solutions in the field of supply chain management and optimization in the field of production, retail and distribution. GoodsForecast has been operating in the market of solutions and services related to demand forecasting for production and trading enterprises since 2004, first within the framework of the forecasting systems department of the Forex Group of Companies, and since 2013 - as part of a group of companies.

GoodsForecast solutions are used by enterprises from various fields of activity.

Performance indicators

2021: Revenue growth by 19% to RUB 169.5 million

As of the end of 2021, the company's balance sheet amounted to 199.1 million rubles, which is 27% higher than the same indicator at the end of 2020. Revenue for 2021 increased by 19% to 169.5 million rubles. Net profit amounted to 15.5 million rubles.

Partner Program

2022: Program Launch

On August 11, 2022, GoodsForecast announced the launch of a partner program that will expand the partner network, increase the availability of solutions for a wider range of users, and develop the vendor himself. The program was developed in such a way as to give partners the opportunity to build a business both on the sale of licenses and on consulting services, including the creation of their own fast-coming business applications based on the GoodsForecast platform.

The partner program includes several levels of participation - Silver Reseller, Golden Reseller and Expert, as well as statuses confirming the partner's narrower specialization in a specific task group or industry segment. Each of the levels of participation imposes certain qualification requirements on partners and gives them the appropriate rights and access to vendor resources, including special offers and marketing funds. GoodsForecast partners will be supported in the formation of internal competence centers, in training and certification of specialists, in the promotion of joint solutions and projects on the market, in working with potential customers and in concluding transactions.

The development of the partner network and the formation of expertise on the part of the partners will allow GoodsForecast to focus on improving its products: their functionality, increasing their fault tolerance, convenience and ease of implementation.

Previously, our work with partners was of a point nature, and the rules of the game were not fully understood by market participants. This placed certain limits on our ability to scale the business. Therefore, we decided to systematically approach building work with partners and separate this activity into a separate division, which in the future will also be responsible for the development of our international partner network, - said the development director of GoodsForecast Sergei Kotik.

The development of the partner ecosystem is a strategically important area for us. As a vendor, we intend to complement the partner program with all modern tools and best practices accumulated in the industry. For example, creating a partner training center, a Development Marketing Fund, creating and transferring sales assistance materials, and deal protection tools. All this will help our partners build stable processes and increase user satisfaction, "commented Maxim Mitrofanov, head of the GoodsForecast partner department.


2022: Receiving 206 million rubles of investments from the venture capital fund NTI Kama Flow

Venture the fund NTI under the management of the investment company Kama Flow invested 206 million rubles Russian in a software developer in the field of business planning and for optimizing supply chains production trade and companies GoodsForecast. TAdviser This was announced on April 28, 2022 by representatives of Kama Flow. GoodsForecast plans to use the funds received to develop its (integrated planning platforms GoodsForecast Integrated Planning Platform) based on technologies and. artificial intelligence analysts big data

The Russian developer of the supply chain optimization platform GoodsForecast attracted 206 million rubles. investments

As noted by Andrei Lisitsa, CEO of GoodsForecast, the predictive analytics market in Russia is actively developing, and the potential for better planning for the vast majority of companies has not yet been exhausted. The integration of planning processes allows companies to achieve significant increase in sales volumes, reduce costs, and ensure transparency and scalability of processes.

Our clients are big business, and historically we competed in our niche with global vendors, but the current course on import substitution opens up new opportunities for the growth of GoodsForecast. A joint partnership with KamaFlow will significantly expand the client base, increase the speed of the company's development, and also take the first steps in foreign markets, Andrei Lisitsa said.

The GoodsForecast platform automates the full cycle of integrated planning for a wide range of manufacturing and trading enterprises, including both the consumer goods and heavy industry sectors. Thanks to the low-code approach, its configuration and implementation are carried out in a short time without the involvement of specialized technical specialists, and the use allows you to increase the accuracy of planning and reduce costs throughout the supply chain, the developers say.

According to Oleg Teplov, CEO of VEB Ventures, the GoodsForecast platform is one of these solutions that will not only be able to close all pressing issues related to import substitution, redistribution of the supply chain, but will also determine the periods of shortage and provide data in the format of daily monitoring of lost sales.

According to recent research, supply chain reorganization, based on the application of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning or blockchain, leads to a reduction in the cost of the company's operating activities by at least 30%. And the use of high-tech software for managing the Supply chain system becomes a key component for implementing a strategy for digitalizing business, increasing the quality of service to both customers and the stability of the entire logistics system as a whole, "said Oleg Teplov.

According to Evgeny Borisov, Kama Flow partner, in the context of restrictions and the departure of foreign companies, GoodsForecast products are able to quickly close the need to solve routine tasks and increased supplier problems against the backdrop of a global supply chain gap.

We expect that following the global, the Russian supply chain market will multiply grow. We are confident that thanks to a team with strong scientific competencies in the field of ML, a collected library of forecasting algorithms and a proven more than a hundred successful efficiency cases, the company will take a confident leadership in the market in the near future, "said Evgeny Borisov.

2018: Turnover - over 100 million rubles

The company's turnover in 2018 exceeded 100 million rubles.

2013: Company Formation

GoodsForecast (Gudfokast LLC) was created in 2013 on the basis of the Forex company, founded by a group of mathematicians from the computing center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and Moscow State University.