Information technologies in the Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation
The Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation (FC) is a federal executive body that performs functions for the execution of the federal budget, cash management, and control over operations with funds from the budget system of the Russian Federation.Key Information Systems
Federal Treasury Automated System
Main article: Treasury system of the Russian Federation
The creation of an automated federal treasury system (AS FC) became one of the largest state IT projects in Russia in the 2000s.
Communication and Portal Systems
As of the beginning of 2019, FC telecommunication and portal systems include:
- Departmental Transport Network,
- Video conferencing systems (VKS),
- Unified Procurement Information System (UIS),
- GIS "The official website of the Russian Federation in the information and telecommunication Internet network for posting information about state (municipal) institutions" (GIS GMU),
- State Information System on State and Municipal Payments (GIS GMP),
- Data collection, analysis and visualization system for the central office of the Federal Treasury (KPI),
- State Automated Information System "Management,"
- State Integrated Information System of Public Finance Management "Electronic Budget" (GIIS EB).
IT infrastructure
- Infrastructure in data centers of the Federal Tax Service
- Support of IT infrastructure of the Federal Treasury of Russia
Import substitution of information systems
Main article: Import substitution of information systems in the Federal Treasury
Digitalization Chronicle
Finance Minister Anton Siluanov of the Russian Federation named the 5 main tasks of the digitalization of the Treasury in 2025
Finance Minister RFAnton Siluanov outlined five key tasks for the digitalization of the Federal Treasury of Russia for 2025. The statement was made on March 6, 2025 during the expanded board of the department, dedicated to the results of activities in 2024 and areas of development for the medium term.
According to TASS, the head of the Ministry of Finance emphasized the introduction of the digital ruble in the budget process as a priority. According to him, together with the Central Bank, it is planned to implement an experiment on conducting appropriate payments in order to subsequently ensure the use of this instrument to implement the targeted nature of budget execution and traceability of each ruble.
The second important task set for the Federal Treasury is related to the digitalization of the new procedure for supporting domestic producers. This area is designed to provide a more effective mechanism for the interaction of the state with Russian companies within the framework of the policy of import substitution and stimulation of the national economy.
The minister called the digitalization of small purchases the third task. This will simplify and make more transparent the procedures of public procurement of small volume, which previously often remained outside of digital control and automated accounting.
The fourth priority for the Federal Treasury in 2025 will be to complete the import substitution process in terms of ensuring the operation of the modern digital treasury. This area is of strategic importance for ensuring the technological independence of the country's financial system.
The fifth task, outlined by Anton Siluanov, is to improve the monitoring system within the framework of the state defense order, including the transition to fixed prices for products. This direction is directly related to increasing the efficiency of spending budget funds in the defense sector and ensuring control over the targeted use of funding.[1]
The Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation is switching to the Russian DBMS Postgres Pro for ₽100 million
The Federal Treasury of Russia has begun transferring the state information system with data on state institutions (GIS GMU) to the domestic database management system Postgres Pro Enterprise Edition. ₽100 million have been allocated for the implementation of the import substitution project, according to documentation published in January 2025. Read more here.
Allocation of ₽0,5 billion for the development of completely new software for GIS "Torgi"
The Federal Treasury of Russia in December 2024 announced the allocation of ₽513,6 million for the development of new software for the state information system "Torga." The decision was made after the Unified Register of Russian Programs did not find suitable software with the necessary functional characteristics. Read more here
A contract was signed for the introduction of SBP into the treasury payments platform for 278 million rubles
On September 30, 2024, it became known that RT Labs (a subsidiary of Rostelecom) won a tender to create an integration service for the fast payment system (FPS) for the Federal Treasury. The amount of the contract is 278 million rubles. Read more here
The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation transferred the sale of confiscated property to the GIS "Torga"
From September 1, 2024, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation transferred sales of property confiscated in favor of the state to the Torgi GIS platform. The goal of the initiative is to increase the transparency of the process.
The new procedure for implementation is established only for movable property turned into state ownership, detained goods, material evidence and seized items worth up to 10 thousand rubles. In accordance with the new rules for the acquisition of property in GIS "Torga" it is necessary: to register as a bidder; select the necessary lot and accept the public offer; pay for the purchased item immediately or within 10 days after the acceptance of the offer; sign a certificate of acceptance and transfer of property. The rules provide for automatic price reduction at each stage in the absence of submitted proposals.
On electronic platforms, the stages of submitting applications and subsequent price proposals during trading will remain - by analogy with the state order. However, according to the Kommersant newspaper, market participants express fears that this is only the beginning of the process of transferring all state property trading to the Torgi GIS. It is said, in particular, that the new functionality of the system will allow the Ministry of Finance to gradually transfer to it the process of privatization sales of state-owned facilities. The department, however, says that there are no plans to independently sell state property.
Deputy Chairman of Delovaya Rossiya Anton Danilov-Danilyan believes that the state justifiably seeks to control the process of selling state property. However, according to him, the transfer of sales to one platform, that is, a radical change in the market, will require long-term adaptation, which means it will lead to financial losses. And this can result in a decrease in the quality of services. Grigory Nachinkin, head of the privatization department of the Russian Auction House (RAD), sees no reason to strengthen control over the sale of state property, calling the process absolutely transparent for the state and buyers.[2]
The Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation is updating tens of thousands of R7-Office licenses for 120 million rubles
On August 1, 2024, it became known that the Federal Treasury of Russia was updating tens of thousands of licenses for office software "P7-Office" for ₽120 million. The agency purchases the rights to renew 30.3 thousand licenses "P7-Office" for a period of 2 years. Of these, 28.3 thousand licenses are bought for the desktop version of the software, 2 thousand for the server version. Read more here.
The Federal Treasury has completed a tender for the development of object storage for its GIS for 187.7 million rubles
The Federal Treasury of Russia has completed a tender for the development of an object storage facility for its state information systems (GIS) worth ₽187,7 million. This became known at the end of July 2024. Read more here.
Federal Treasury finds Yadro DSS contractor for 0.5 billion rubles to switch from Oracle to PostgreSQL
Federal Treasury of Russia signed a contract for the supply of memory modules for storage systems () DSS Yadro Tatlin.Unifiedна in the amount of ₽492,7 million. This became known in July 2024. The winner of the tender was the company "Infocel," specializing in the integration of IT solutions. This equipment is necessary for the implementation of the project for the transition the AmericanDBMS Oracle from domestic. PostgreSQL More here
The Government assessed the effects of the digitalization of the Treasury
Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Head of the Government Apparatus Dmitry Grigorenko held a meeting with the leadership of the Treasury of Russia on the digitalization of budget execution and procurement. Information about this was published on the official portal of the government in a message dated July 17, 2024.
The Deputy Prime Minister noted the effectiveness of the current budget management system. In particular, the level of cash execution, according to him, increased from 94.2% in 2019 to 98.1% in 2023.
Due to the automation of the procedure for redistributing budget funds, its speed increased by 2 times. If in 2019 the timing of changes was more than 50 working days, then as of July 2024, changes occur within 20 working days on average.
At the same time, each stage of the redistribution of funds is recorded in the digital monitoring system. Funds aimed at a new goal are tied to a specific result. And these are new schools, roads, modern equipment in hospitals and other socially significant projects, said Dmitry Grigorenko.
In addition, the Treasury Russia is actively applying innovative solutions in the areas of contracting and. state procurements So, as of July 2024, 100% of budget checks are carried out automatically.
At the same time, thanks to electronic document management, the average payment period under the contract was reduced to 2 working days. In 2022, the procedure took an average of 30 working days.
The time to form one payment document was reduced to 20 seconds, while in 2022 it took at least 20 minutes.
It was also noted that due to the digitization of the public procurement procedure, the number of violations when signing certificates of work performed decreased by 25% compared to 2022. Such violations led to refusals to pay, which slowed down the implementation of social, infrastructure and other projects.
"In an age of technology, the budget management system must be fast and flexible. The speed of reaction to changes in the economy and other spheres of the country's life directly depends on this. We see that the current money management system is effective. Now the task is to adjust it. To do this, we focus on optimizing business processes and introducing digital tools, "said Dmitry Grigorenko. |
The Deputy Prime Minister also outlined a number of key tasks facing the Russian Treasury. First of all, this is simplification of treasury support, optimization of the procedure and timing of granting subsidies to legal entities, as well as further acceleration of the procedure for redistributing funds.
A separate task will be the digitalization of the small procurement mechanism and the launch of an appropriate digital platform. This is expected to expand the opportunities for entrepreneurs to participate in small public procurement. In parallel, the platform will allow aggregating more proposals, which, as a result, will lead to the formation of the most favorable conditions and budget savings.
During the meeting, the head of the Russian Treasury noted Roman Artyukhin that the most important task of the Treasury is to complete import substitution software and IT infrastructures provide treasury services to the entire budget system of the Russian Federation.
He also stressed that as of July 2024, most of the subsystems of GIIS "Electronic Budget" have been implemented and are developing on the basis of import-substituted domestic solutions using modern information security technologies.
The Accounts Chamber recommended the Ministry of Digital Development to extend the experience of digitalization of the Federal Treasury to other departments
On June 25, 2024, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation published the results of the audit of the state information system "Official website for posting information about state and municipal institutions in the information and telecommunication Internet" (GIS GMU). According to the results of the analysis, the department recommended that the Ministry of Digital Development extend the experience of introducing this platform to other government agencies.
The customer of the work on the creation and development of GIS GMU, as well as its operator, is the Federal Treasury. Within the framework of the project, internal documents for regulatory support of activities in the field of information technology were developed using the generally recognized library of best practices ITIL, ITSM and the International Standard for Management and Maintenance of IT Services ISO 20,000 (created in 2005 British Standards Institution). The auditor of the Accounts Chamber Danil Shilkov says that these documents can be considered as "best practices" for use by government agencies in managing IT, including the organization and regulation of all stages of the life cycle of InformSystems.
The head of the office of the budget accounting center of the IT integrator First Bit"" Pavel Fominykh in a conversation with the publication ComNews said that the Ministry of Digital Development of Digital Science has experience in disseminating such practices and solutions. So, according to him, the ministry is actively promoting the implementation of IT development according to a flexible methodology, and Agile cooperation between business and the state is carried out according to a well-known scheme according to 44-FZ and 223-FZ with strict observance of the terms of contracts.
The Accounts Chamber proposed amendments to IT legislation aimed at improving the regulation of the GIS life cycle and increasing the efficiency of spending budget funds. In particular, it is proposed to establish the obligations of copyright holders to carry out state registration of the results of intellectual activity obtained at each stage of the creation (development) of GIS.
In addition, it is said about the need to determine the requirements for the content of a regulatory legal act governing the obligations of a government agency to create and develop GIS, providing for "the need to determine the goals and objectives of creating (developing) the system, the composition of the information contained in it, the purpose and functionality of its elements, other characteristics, as well as requirements for system participants and their powers."[3]
The Accounts Chamber revealed the imperfections of legislation in the IT sphere
On June 25, 2024, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation announced that some provisions of the current legislation in the field of IT are imperfect, and therefore may need to be improved. We are talking, in particular, about the requirements for state information systems.
The Accounts Chamber conducted an audit of the GIS "Official website for posting information about state and municipal institutions in the information and telecommunication Internet" (GIS GMU). In the period from 2012 to 2022, the costs of this platform amounted to more than 1.7 billion rubles. The operator of the GIS GMU, as well as the customer of the work on its creation and development, is the Federal Treasury. However, the relevant powers and responsibilities are not normatively assigned to him. The reason is the absence in the current (at the end of June 2024) legislation of requirements for the content of a regulatory legal act providing for the obligation of the government agency to create and develop GIS.
The absence of such an act both in relation to GIS GMU and in relation to any other state information system does not allow assessing the compliance of the system with its target state, as well as monitoring the achievement of the goals and objectives of creating and developing GIS and can potentially lead to the use of federal budget funds without achieving the result, - said in the report of the Accounts Chamber. |
Another problem has been identified. At the legislative level, the obligation of copyright holders to carry out state registration of all versions of software created as part of the development of GIS at the expense of the federal budget is not enshrined. This makes it impossible to register developments with the national fund of algorithms and programs.[4]
The volume of Treasury data grows by 22-25% annually. How the ecosystem of services of the datacentric department is developing
At the TAdviser SummIT conference held on May 28, Alexander Albychev, Deputy Head of the Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation, spoke about the services provided by the department and the process of creating a domestic ecosystem of public financial services around them.
Let me remind you that the treasury is the third among state bodies to contribute income to the budget among ministries, - said Alexander Albychev in his speech at the forum. - Last year it brought in more than 600 billion rubles. This is both for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and for the federal budget. These funds have already gone to various needs of the state. Our task is to increase the ability to attract funds to budgets of various levels. It's just that human resources can no longer increase profitability, so we are looking towards applying more effective tools using artificial intelligence and expanding the space of signs to make the right decisions. |
With the help of artificial intelligence technologies, the Treasury is engaged in semantic data marking, forecasting the risks of non-fulfillment of key points of national projects, intelligent analysis of budget payments and forecasting account balances. In addition, large language models are used in the department both to prepare responses to user requests, and as a voice assistant for managing and searching for the necessary information on financial statements.
The Treasury is now engaged, in particular, in accepting payments from business (C2G) with the help of the SBP within the framework of Public services. 385 million transactions in the amount of 577 billion rubles have already been made through the system. The use of such a system made it possible to switch to non-cash payments and reduce the time of receipt of funds from 2 days to 15 seconds. This made it possible to reduce the costs of public sector enterprises and provide citizens with more convenient services. Since December 2023, pilot projects have been implemented in the GAUK of Moscow "Zaryadye Park" and for a single portal of state and municipal services. From July 1, it is planned to replicate the services of work with the SBP for all customers of the Treasury.
Another digital service of the Treasury is the so-called "court wallet," which allows through "Public services" to deposit money for legal costs and deposits with the ability to check their status through their personal account at "Public services." Moreover, the same data are available through the state automated system "Justice" when considering cases in the courts. This allows you to reduce the risk of preparing payment documents, control the state of your finances in the system for participants in legal disputes and reduce the cost of processing financial documents - only in arbitration cases it was possible to reduce the labor intensity of work by 60 thousand man-hours.
Also, an important service of the Treasury is working with a digital ruble - it is this department that monitors the correctness of financial transactions to comply with the conditions for using digital rubles in budget projects, that is, all Treasury clients. This project is important for controlling budget spending and identifying various abuses when using the third form of the national currency. By integrating the Treasury system with the digital ruble, the traceability of budget transactions is achieved to reduce abuse.
When these and other Treasury services work, a huge amount of data has already been accumulated in its information systems - about 7.5 PB, to which another 1.5 PB is added annually. Moreover, now comes the transfer of data accumulated by the department from the classical storage architecture in a dedicated SAN to converged solutions from domestic manufacturers. Most Treasury applications have already been transferred to Russian software, but the replacement of the basic components - server operating systems and hypervisors - should be completed in 2027.
The Treasury today can be called a datacentric department, since a huge amount of data has been accumulated, "Alexander Albychev said in his speech. - We have created a division within ourselves that deals directly with data management, that is, this is no longer a disparate division, but everything within. The next step is the creation of a basic department together with MIREA and the formation with its help of competencies: courses, laboratory work, teaching for students. We need two specialties: data analytics and data engineers. The first is versed in data, and the second is who knows how to write queries to the database, configure integrations and work with the data lake. Our next step is to create a scientific and educational center together with the university. This year we plan to do it. |
О TAdviser SummIT
TAdviser SummIT, held on May 28, became the largest in the history of its holding: in total, more than 1.5 thousand delegates attended the conference, and more than 50 stands of IT products and services suppliers were deployed in the exhibition area. Nine thematic sessions were held as part of the event - more than last time. About 150 people made reports in the plenary part and thematic sessions. TAdviser SummIT was supported by Ministry of Digital Development. It was attended by the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksut Shadayev, who in the format of an interview on stage answered sharp questions from participants in the IT industry.
2023: Alexander Albychev at TAdviser SummIT - on the evolution of the IT landscape and the five priorities for the digitalization of the Treasury
Alexander Albychev, deputy head, Federal Treasury speaking at the plenary meeting TAdviser of Summit on May 30, 2023, spoke about the digitalization of the Treasury in five areas:
- working with data,
- artificial intelligence,
- clientocentric,
- import substitution,
- information security.
In each of these areas, the specialists of the department are doing a lot of work.
Data management is handled by a dedicated division, the Data Lab. One of the successful projects was implemented as part of the monitoring of national projects and state programs provided for by law.
Several thousand events are held for each of the national projects, each of them has several checkpoints with planned deadlines. In total, these are tens of thousands of checkpoints that are constantly monitored throughout the year, and it is difficult to manually analyze the timeliness of checkpoints.
Based on the results of the implemented project, data with planned points for measures are received into the data lake every day, updates are made on the facts of the implementation of control points. And if the execution is not recorded, and the planned deadline has come, the so-called "auto incident" is generated, which along a certain route reaches the responsible performer and he works out the incident according to the standard methodology. This business process has been successfully implemented, it is planned to extend this experience to all state programs, and then to the subjects, stressed Alexander Albychev.
The Treasury's artificial intelligence laboratory has already introduced speech recognition to manage dashboards and contact centers.
The second important case is the forecasting of balances in the accounts of the Federal Treasury, which is developed at the prototype level and is already being implemented. The deputy head of the Federal Treasury said that the Treasury, through liquidity management, earned over 400 billion rubles in the budget last year. Accordingly, the task is to manage balances in personal accounts as efficiently as possible using artificial intelligence algorithms. The effectiveness of the model depends on the number of criteria and features that it includes, said Alexander Albychev. In this case, in order to improve efficiency, the Treasury began to use exchange indices, interdependencies between transactions within the budget process.
A lot of work is being done at the Treasury to ensure customer centrism for both external and internal customers, so that the processes that ensure their service are as comfortable, transparent and high-quality as possible. External clients are state and municipal authorities, institutions that have personal accounts in FC. Internal clients - about 40 thousand treasurers in the country - are auditors who check the legitimacy of the use of budget funds, an accountant who calculates salaries for the authorities. Alexander Albychev explained what was done and done on the way to greater client-centric.
First, processes were described in a single database, then key ones were selected from them, and a client path was analyzed so that it became clear which directions to focus efforts on. The representative of the department stressed that the Treasury is improving its processes continuously. Each process is analyzed for client centrism, during the analysis, laboratory staff decide how effectively the process is implemented. Certain metrics are set for the process in order to measure the number of requests, performance, and the level of satisfaction is detected using surveys.
By the end of the year, it is planned to create a dashboard in which several business processes will be evaluated according to customer-centric criteria, and data from a number of systems will be pumped up daily in automatic mode.
Import substitution and information security are important areas of work. From the point of view of import substitution, many application systems have already been replaced, until 2025 it is planned to completely switch the basic components of the GIS FK to an independent technological stack.
In the context of ensuring information security by the Treasury, great attention is paid to training specialists, improving their qualifications through participation in internal and external competitions. The department is constantly working around the clock to repel external attacks, and all information security incidents are accumulated and studied. When developing PK information systems, it is mandatory to build an information protection system .
In conclusion, Alexander Albychev spoke about the basic department of the Treasury at RTU MIREA "State Financial Technologies," from where it is planned to recruit more than 40 students in 2023.
We began to engage in neural network models a couple of years ago, - said Alexander Albychev. - The first algorithms implemented were voice, speech and text recognition, like many who began to engage in this area. We have introduced voice control of dashboards - you can flip through slides in your voice, "fall" into various analytical sections. In addition, voice recognition is used in contact centers when interacting with our clients to analyze speech and improve the efficiency of interaction with clients |
TAdviser SummIT took place on May 30, 2023 in Moscow and gathered more than 1000 participants. Reports were made by Deputy General Director of Russian Railways Yevgeny Charkin, Senior Vice President of VTB Sergey Bezbogov, Vice President for IT EvrazHolding Artem Natrusov and many others. In a panel interview, Deputy Minister of Digital Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Parshin answered questions from the organizers and guests of the summit.
Data Lab and Mega BI System. How the Treasury is supplying financial information to the government at all levels
Even unfriendly countries recognize Russia's leading positions in the digitalization of the public sector. According to the World Bank, Russia is one of the ten world leaders in the development of state information systems. A significant role in achieving this is played by the financial block of the government, including the Federal Treasury. The deputy head of this department, Alexander Albychev, spoke about the Treasury's development strategy in the field of IT and existing digital services, speaking at the TAdviser SummIT conference on November 29, 2023.
The Treasury develops 8 large state information systems. Alexander Albychev gave several examples. One of these systems is state automated system "Management," which implements the most important projects. Alexander Albychev calls it a "mega BI system." The new projects that have been going on in it for the last couple of years are automation of the government's project activities and complete visualization of the calculation of all indicators, levels of achievement of all project activities. This is an analytics that is displayed in the coordination center of the government and is used to make management decisions at all levels of government.
Under the unified monitoring system are all federal projects that are being implemented in Russia for state budget funds. This increases manageability, transparency and makes it possible to instantly look at the current status of any project.
Another large GIS is Electronic Budget. Here, in the same way, the indicators of appointments, characteristics achieved within the framework of development are displayed. Over the past two years, most of the resources have been directed to data analytics to ensure the use of data that has already been collected over a long period of time for the Electronic Budget. From the lake of data of the "Electronic Budget" information is issued in various directions - the coordination center of the government, the NSD, etc.
The data lab at the Treasury has been around for two years. If earlier it was about the fact that each GIS created its own teams of technologists, analysts, and there were several people who understood where and how the data in these GIS lay, then the Treasury came to the fact that this team should be combined. GIS data constantly intersects, and when the commands are different, it is quite difficult to control this.
The NSD is already a reality today, said Alexander Albychev. Since February 2022, the Treasury has published a fairly large amount of data sets, which many use on an ongoing basis, including regional authorities.
Another system that not everyone can hear, but that is developing, is social processing. The Treasury, together with the NSPK, has formed a project in which, using the MIR card, you can receive preferential medicines, preferential food, goods without paying money for them - using a digital certificate. Integration is underway with both the personal account of the EPSU and the EGISSO.
All state support that is allocated for individuals will gradually go into this technology, - said the deputy head of the Treasury. |
The Certification Center is another big challenge for the Treasury. All users of state information systems receive certificates from the Treasury, more than 2 million existing ones have already been issued, and the target is about 4.5-5 million certificates. They are used by doctors, teachers, civil servants, municipal employees of state institutions, etc.
The creation and receipt of certificates has been digitized, more than 90% are certificates that are issued through a personal account.
An important project is participation in Gostekh, on the basis of which the Treasury conducts two high-tech services operating on, ON Oracle which require import substitution. The creation of Russian analogues of these components from scratch is designed for 2023-2025. On the platform "Gostech" , this is done so that in the future the entire community can use these tools and use them if necessary in their projects related to the implementation of ERP banking systems, large GIS and building the correct data management architecture.
Within the framework of the federal project "State for People," the Treasury is introducing a component related to customer centrism. As part of this work, the already described business processes of the Treasury are shifted to life situations, and if earlier the user-treasurer was at the forefront, now the paradigm is slightly changing - the Treasury goes to the level when the client path is put first.
Separately, Alexander Albychev mentioned the department's HR strategy. The problem with good personnel has always been, and today the Treasury has organized a basic department at MIREA, where he teaches at this department, works with students. This provides a flood of undergraduates and graduates who come to the Treasury for work. The areas on which the department focuses are data management and information security.
Summit Photo Gallery
О TAdviser SummIT
The TAdviser SummIT conference, held on November 29, 2022, became one of the largest in the history of its holding: in total, more than 1,000 delegates attended the event. Also at the exhibition within the framework of the summit, the most extensive exhibition of IT solutions in the history of the event was presented: suppliers of products and services deployed more than 40 stands. The conference was attended by the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksut Shadayev, who answered the acute questions of the IT industry. In total, about 90 reports were presented in the plenary part and five parallel sectoral sessions.
Treasury buys RISC servers worth 780 million rubles to work with foreign software
At the end of January 2022, the Federal Treasury announced a tender for the purchase of servers with processors based on the RISC architecture (reduced instruction set computer, reduced number of commands) for 780 million rubles. As Kommersant writes with reference to public procurement materials, the supplied equipment should support the migration of software-independent partitions operating on existing RISC Yadro P1-70A servers, and be compatible with the management console of the RISC Yadro P1-70A servers installed by customers. Read more here.
The Treasury of Russia has accumulated 5 PB data. What does it do to them? Overview of Major Projects
Deputy Head of the Federal Treasury Alexander Albychev, speaking at the TAdviser SummIT conference on November 23, spoke about the strategic directions of the digital transformation of the state federal department. The first major big challenge is data management. The Treasury has historically long had a large volume of digitized processes and, therefore, has moved to such a level when the task is to analyze this amount of data. If you add all the information systems of the department - 9 large GIS, the volume of their databases exceeds 5 PB. And they are constantly replenishing, growing by about 0.5 PB per year. In this regard, the infrastructure, hardware and competencies in data management are also being increased.
In recent years, the Treasury has formed an understanding of what components and tools need to be used in data management, and approaches the fact that a special unit with this competence appears in the department. Among the systems that are currently developing and where data management tools, "Electronic Budget" and state automated system "Management" are used. Moreover, if the "Electronic Budget" is a long-standing function, then the state automated system "Management" is new systems that appeared at the Treasury about a year ago: on the basis of the state automated system "Management," systems for monitoring national projects, state programs, and national goals are being developed. The latter require great attention to the analysis of data, their processing and active interaction with other departments.
So, for example, one cannot do without the NSD (National Data Management System), which is being prepared by the Ministry of Digital Ministry of Digital Development.
We are faced with the fact that we do not have enough sources of our own to implement control over national projects, we need external sources. External sources are integrations, and here we are also moving together with the Ministry of Digital Development. We have already deployed the components of the ICD in our systems and are beginning to exchange data sets between various ministries. They take some amount of financial information important for operational monitoring of financing from us, and for our part we take industry information from them to implement control over national projects, "Alexander Albychev explained. |
As an example, the deputy head of the Treasury cited the national project "Export," the smallest of the national projects, which was decomposed into control points. In the national project "Education" or the national program "Digital Economy" there will be about four times more control points set out in the column.
Graphs are made in order to simulate different situations of execution of checkpoints and levels of achievement.
You can, without starting the programming process, simulate, for example, changes in some control points and calculate this process in the system. If this process, accordingly, gives an improvement, then start automation. The system allows you to save a lot of development resources at the stage of working out functional requirements: not to go "blind" into development, but to engage in modeling, "says Alexander Albychev. |
Another big project that the Treasury is conducting is related to the centralization of accounting. The task was set to bring into the perimeter about 5 thousand organizations subordinate to the government, and in them to ensure the centralization of accounting. This process should be completed in 2021, and it has already been implemented. For 52 ministries, their summations and territorial bodies, the Treasury is already providing a centralized accounting service based on a single software product in the cloud.
The strategy for the next 6 years to centralize accounting involves further development: the number of authorities in Russia, including municipal ones, is quite large, and the Treasury has developed various options for providing the service. In particular, the turnkey service option is to maintain full accounting and payroll for the organization, the option of providing the service as a product in which the organization can work. And the third - if the organization has its own mature system, offer it integration with the Treasury accounting system.
Another interesting project is "Social Processing." This is the payment function of a large project to create a "Social Treasury," which is now underway. The Treasury acts in it as a payment gateway and a technological system that allows a citizen-beneficiary, without using any plastic, except for his MIR card or the MIR mobile application, to receive almost any type of social benefits.
Having received a special certificate, you can pay for goods with additional money without payment. This system, according to Alexander Albychev, was deployed by the Treasury, and this was done as soon as possible - GIS was raised in 6 months, and the first transactions took place in September. Full integration with the systems of personal accounts, with the "Electronic Budget." The project was successfully implemented thanks to a collaboration with the Central Bank and the NSPK.
As of the end of the year, there is a recruitment of project participants. According to the deputy head of the Treasury, recently, for example, agreements were reached with the online retailer Ozon, and negotiations are underway with large retail chains to enter this project. It is also planned to expand the number of categories of goods covered by the project. Now these are means of rehabilitation, and in the future they will be medicines, food, etc.
Another big challenge is analytics. Here you need to conduct an analysis of expenses and fully track the passage of funding. If earlier it could be viewed to the level of the personal account of the region, now the task is to ensure traceability to each municipality, to each recipient of budget funds.
The final project on which Alexander Albychev stopped is the system of treasury payments. Implemented jointly with the Central Bank, it made it possible to completely introduce all transactions and payment transactions that previously took place using the systems of the Central Bank into the Treasury circuit and thereby increase the level of liquidity and manage account balances. According to Albychev, the Treasury places balances on personal accounts on the stock exchange, which allows you to bring income to the federal budget. And from 2021, similar placements on the stock exchange are made with the liquidity of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Revenues from these operations amount to tens of billions of rubles.
Thanks to this project, we became the fifth among the authorities in terms of revenues brought to the budget. And in addition, we began to bring income to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, analyzing the balances on their personal accounts and placing them through various instruments, - said Alexander Albychev. - The received funds can be used by the subjects to finance their various tasks. |
Within the framework of TAdviser SummIT, the Treasury IT team was awarded the TAdviser IT Prize in the nomination "Unique IT Project of the Year" for the creation of a new system of treasury payments.
Tadviser interview with Deputy Head Alexander Albychev
Treasury of Russia practically coped with many years of dependence on foreign software manufacturers, starting the migration of key systems to the domestic solution stack. A new challenge is to provide Government of the Russian Federation solutions for management based on. data Alexander Levashov The deputy head of the Federal Treasury spoke about this in an interview with the editor-in-chief Alexander Albychev.. Read more here.
The Treasury will transfer all types of trading for the sale of state property to electronic format
On September 9, 2021, it became known about a new digitalization project of the Federal Treasury (FC). The agency will build an ecosystem of relations in the sale of federal and municipal property.
According to Kommersant, FC plans to bring into a single circuit all data on sales of state property - from planning such transactions to the process of implementation and analyzing real revenues from them to the budget. To do this, in 2022, the Treasury will transfer more than 40 types of trading to its own platform, and in 2023 it is expected to introduce electronic activation of transactions by analogy with the field of public procurement.
Earlier, the functions of the operator of the trading platform were performed by the Ministry of Economic Development, while the de facto platform was only a showcase for posting information about the bidding, while sometimes such information could be unreliable, the newspaper notes.
It is assumed that from 2022 all trading will be carried out in electronic form using the new GIS "Torgi," while the platform will be integrated with electronic platforms already operating under the law on public procurement. At the same time, GIS Torga will be integrated with the IT systems of the Federal Property Management Agency, Rosreestr, as well as regional property accounting systems for identifying objects and their value. FC plans to accumulate information on state property sales throughout their cycle - from planning (for this, structured privatization plans will be loaded into the system, while document scans are attached) to concluding transactions in electronic format.
In September 2021, the Federal Treasury noted that while the process of automation of sales is complicated by the fragmentation of the regulatory framework (bidding is carried out on 50 regulatory acts). According to the deputy head of the treasury Anna Katamadze, in two or three years it is planned to create a digital environment with analytics, with an understanding of how much it costs, whether a competitive environment has been created and how effective the procedures are.[1]
Deputy Head of the Treasury Alexander Albychev at TAdviser SummIT - on the mega-project of government agencies moving to cloud accounting
On November 29, 2018, Alexander Albychev, Deputy Head of the Federal Treasury, at the TAdviser SummIT conference spoke about the digital transformation of accounting and reporting systems in federal executive bodies (FNIV). Albychev noted that this project is interesting, large and complex.
Many large corporations have already passed such projects, and many authorities within their organizations have similarly centralized accounting. Centralization means obtaining a transparent picture of the assets of the entire state, business processes and a single methodology. This allows, using analytical tools, to more effectively manage the block of public finances, the speaker pointed out.
The new accounting service for FOIV is implemented in the cloud, government agencies receive access to it through secure channels. More than 1.5 thousand organizations participate in the project: 52 executive bodies and their territorial and subordinate institutions.
As of the end of November, there are three pilot departments in the system. The first was Rosaccreditation, which "tested" all business processes, determined the boundaries of interaction with the authority, legal significance and other points. After that, two more departments joined the project. Preparations are underway to transfer another 15 authorities to a cloud service.
Separately, Alexander Albychev stopped at the analytics service. The information is collected directly from the primary data and output in different sections. After conducting a survey of all 52 authorities, the Treasury determined that there is a pool of reports that all authorities use, despite the industry specifics. Such reporting is about 90%, the speaker cited these. This reporting was concentrated in an analytical platform on a single BI system and became a service for authorities. It is used by accountants and heads of institutions.
Cloud accounting is deployed on the infrastructure of two Treasury data centers. In 2018, a service for round-the-clock territorial-distributed technical support of users was created. A single contact center was deployed in the city of Vladimir. The deputy head of the Treasury noted that it is more economically profitable to place such a structure outside of Moscow.
One of the services that the Treasury provides, including within the framework of centralized accounting, is training.
Properly conducted training, I think, ensures 40% of the success of the project, - said Albychev. |
Before the start of the project, the institutions participating in the project used separate installations for accounting based on different software products. Now everything is being done on a single solution for a single fault-tolerant model with the ability to make changes to business processes at a single point, Albychev said.
An important point is import substitution. He is one of the key ones for the Treasury in the development of information systems. For cloud accounting, a completely Russian stack of technologies is used. The platform works on the basis of solutions, "1C" DBMS PostgreSQL the OS Linux for servers is also used.
One of the advantages of centralized accounting, Alexander Albychev called the reduction in development and maintenance costs.
Compared to the costs of development and maintenance, which were collectively spent on decentralized systems in authorities, the costs of a single information system are more than 34% effective, the speaker said. |
О TAdviser SummIT
TAdviser SummIT was held in Moscow on November 29, 2018 and attracted more than 700 participants - heads and experts of IT divisions of the largest companies and government departments of Russia, representatives of IT developers and contractors. During the event, the prospects for digital transformation of business and government agencies, the development of technologies, products and services were discussed. More than 70 reports were made in the plenary part and five thematic sections. The event was held in 5 halls of Digital October.
Minister Siluanov: Treasury will be converted into a payment system
The Federal Treasury will be transformed into a payment system by 2020, which will allow bringing funds to budget recipients online. This was announced by Finance Minister Anton Siluanov at the board of the department in Moscow in March 2018, the [2]Now the Treasury opens different accounts in the Central Bank and commercial banks. The Ministry of Finance wants to simplify the process.
According to the minister, in 2018, amendments will be made to the Budget Code that will make it possible for the treasury payment system to work. Then, in 2019, a single treasury account will be opened with the Bank of Russia. It will serve all Treasury customers. In 2020, all accounts that the Treasury will have at that time with the Bank of Russia will be transferred to the Treasury itself, after which it will begin to function as a full-fledged payment system.
As the deputy head of the Federal Treasury Stanislav Prokofiev explained to Vedomosti, this will allow to centralize numerous accounts of municipalities and constituent entities of the Federation on one account in the Central Bank and significantly speed up the process of crediting money. At this time, municipalities have thousands of expenditure accounts, while in 2020 all operations will be carried out within one account, adds Prokofiev. The new payment system of treasury payments will also significantly reduce the timing of settlements from the budget: the current deadline for crediting payments from the budget to recipients from the Federal Treasury is three days, and it is necessary that payments take place online, says Siluanov.
The liquidity management of the new treasury account will allow interest to be charged to public legal structures, which will be transferred to their accounts - such an opportunity should appear from 2021, Siluanov said.
Growth of the IT budget to 12.5 billion rubles. Key IT spend items
The increase in the IT budget of the Treasury in 2017 compared to 2016 is 10.8% (up to 12.5 billion rubles), which is about twice the average growth rate of IT budgets in all government agencies.
The largest spending items in the Treasury IT budget as of 2017 are:
- Development (2.7 billion rubles) and operation (1.5 billion rubles) of a single cloud infrastructure (EOI)
- Operation of server equipment that is not part of the EOI (1.5 billion rubles)
- Operation of telecommunication infrastructure (1.1 billion rubles)
- Development (706 million rubles) and operation (554 million rubles) of the information system "Electronic budget of GIIS" (in terms of Treasury responsibility)
- Development (339 million rubles) and operation (431 million rubles) of FC AS
- Development (397 million rubles) and operation (455 million rubles) of the UIS in the field of public procurement
- Development (RUR 170 mln) and operation (RUR 321 mln) of the Operation Management System (FK CMS)
- Operation of workstations and local peripheral equipment (245 million rubles)
- Operation of printing and copying means (198 million rubles)
Alexander Albychev - new Chief information officer
In August 2017, Alexander Albychev was appointed deputy head of FC. He previously worked as the director of the IT department of the Tyumen region.
Arrest of Sergei Guralnikov
In May 2017, three TAdviser sources familiar with Sergei Guralnikov reported that the official had been arrested. In early June 2017, he was dismissed from the Federal Treasury.
Expertise of IT infrastructure facilities for replacement with domestic solutions
On July 27, the Federal Treasury announced an open tender for the provision of services for the examination of information technology infrastructure facilities, requirements for the functional, technical and operational characteristics of software used in state information systems of the department. For more information about the project, see the link.
Creation of IT infrastructure on the basis of data centers of the Federal Tax Service
In July 2016, the Tax-Service structure of the Federal Tax Service of Russia announced an auction for the creation of a software and hardware complex for the Federal Treasury in a reserve data center located in Gorodets in the Nizhny Novgorod Region (RCOD No. 1). For more information about the project, see the link.
2015: OTR-2000 and Lanit are the largest IT suppliers of the year
Annually, the Federal Treasury spends 7-8 billion rubles on informatization, occupying one of the leading positions among federal government agencies in this indicator.
In September 2015, TAdviser reviewed Federal Treasury purchases to identify its largest suppliers of IT products and services. The tenders of 2010-2015 were taken into account, the amount of which exceeds 50 million rubles.
No | Company | Amount of contracts in RUB | Number of tenders won | Years of winning tenders | Types of works |
1 | | | 12 | | |||
2 | | 21 | |||
3 | | | | |||
4 | | | | |||
5 | | | 7 | | Hardware and |
Data: TAdviser think tank, September 2015
The main IT contractors of the Treasury - OTR and Lanit companies, in addition to the supply of finished equipment and software, are engaged in the development and maintenance of the main information system of the ASFK.
"I-Teco" is mainly engaged in servicing the computing complexes of the Treasury. Through the companies included in the NCC, the department buys servers, through "Computers" - software.
2012: Sergey Guralnikov performs at CNews FORUM
In November 2012, Deputy Head of the Treasury Sergey Guralnikov spoke about the development of portals of the department (presentation for the speech at CNews FORUM 2012)
Sergey Guralnikov replaces Aleksei Popov as IT manager
Since October 2010, Sergey Guralnikov has been working as the deputy head of the FC in charge of IT. Prior to that, Aleksei Popov was responsible for the informatization of the Treasury.
Ai-Teko performs work on a state contract for 933 million rubles
In 2006-2011, the total amount pledged by the Treasury for IT exceeded 15 billion rubles. About a fifth of them fall on the share of I-Teco, in absolute terms it is more than 3 billion rubles.
In July 2010, the results of a large-scale open electronic auction of the Federal Treasury were summed up. Work on this state contract of almost 933 million rubles. performed "I-Teco." The winner did not have to compete with other integrators, his application was the only one and the company received a contract at the maximum price.
For 1.5 years, Ai-Teko accompanied all the equipment that ensures the operation of the Automated System of the Federal Treasury (AS FC): servers, data storage systems (DSS). The task of this system is country-wide budgeting: collecting data from participants in the budget process, making plans, plan-factual analysis, etc. In addition, the integrator outsourced the reserve computing center and the official website of the department, as well as the maintenance of the central office. Finally, the tender documentation stated that the contractor will examine the regional authorities of the Treasury and draw up updated technical requirements for the FC NP.
2007-2009: Tens of millions of dollars from the World Bank to purchase IT. Contractor - I-Teco
The World Bank gives money to re-equip the Treasury. In December 2007, this line allocated $15.4 million for equipment and services supplied through I-Teco (deliveries of AS FK equipment to pilot regions), $31.1 million in November 2008 (works on AS FK) and another $24.5 million in December 2009 (deliveries of AS FK equipment to regions to which the system scales).
2006: Ai-Teko supplies software and equipment worth 428 million rubles
In May 2006, Ai-Teko supplied the department with equipment and software for the central office and territorial bodies for more than 428 million rubles.
Treasury IT Projects
{{# ITProj: Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation}}