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Ivanov Andrei Yuryevich
Ivanov Andrei Yuryevich

Ivanov Andrei Yuryevich - Russian statesman, since June 2012, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.


  • Apartment (rental) - area 30 sq.m, Russia.
  • Infiniti car M45[1]

The amount of declared income for 2011 amounted to 5.362 million rubles.


Born November 23, 1975 in Dudinka, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia. Father is a diesel locomotive driver, mother is a kindergarten teacher.



1992 - graduated from school-gymnasium No. 1 of Sosnovoborsk.

1996 - in Novosibirsk, on the basis of the Siberian Center for Support of Public Initiatives, a training was held on the topic "Strategic Planning and Project Management."

1997 - graduated from Krasnoyarsk State University with a degree in Law.

2009 - Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (g.). Moscow The direction is managerial.

2010 - Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (Moscow). Direction Organizational and Economic[1].



1994 - member of the creative group, fulfilled orders for the regional center of strategic design for "inventory of the power resource of state bodies of the region and local self-government bodies."

1997-1998 - Trainee researcher (assistant) of the Department of Constitutional and International Law, Faculty of Law, Krasnoyarsk State University.

1997 - Employee of the legal advice "Inter-Status" of the Bar Association "Moscow Law Center."


2004-2008 - Vice President of Siberian Machine-Building Holding LLC.

Since 14.08.2006 - First Vice President of Siberian Machine-Building Holding LLC.

2008 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the investment company SMart LLC.

Since June 2012 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Special Economic Zones[2]

Member of the Board of Directors of North Caucasus Development Corporation OJSC[3]


In 2012, he headed the Ministry of Finance of the republic, in 2014 he became the head of the Federal Tax Service for the republic. In 2018-2020. was the first deputy chairman of the government of Kabardino-Balkaria.

2020: Appointment to the post of first deputy head of the Ministry of Economic Development

On July 17, 2020, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a government order appointing Andrei Ivanov to the post of first deputy head of the Ministry of Economic Development. Prior to that, he was Deputy Finance Minister.

Thus, the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov had two first deputies - Ivanov received the post of first deputy minister along with Mikhail Babich.

While working at the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Andrei Ivanov in the Ministry of Finance, among other things, oversaw the topic of investments in the framework of public-private partnerships, was one of the main developers of the law on SZPK (agreements on the protection and promotion of capital investments).

New first deputy head of the Ministry of Economic Development appointed

RBC calls Ivanov the ideologist of the law on the mechanism of agreements on the protection and promotion of investments, through which it was originally planned to attract 30 trillion rubles to the Russian economy. By mid-July 2020, not a single agreement has yet been concluded. At the stage of preparing the law, the Ministry of Finance had disagreements with the Ministry of Economic Development, which is responsible for the general investment policy. It is not yet clear whether Ivanov will continue to oversee the topic of agreements on the protection of investments in the Ministry of Economic Development.

Former Deputy Minister of Economy Mikhail Rassigin left his post in June 2020. He oversaw three departments - competition, energy efficiency and ecology, the department of state regulation of tariffs and infrastructure reforms, as well as the department of economic development. Perhaps work on the federal targeted investment program will be added to Ivanov's duties, the newspaper writes.[4]


Andrei Ivanov left the post of First Deputy Minister of Economic Development in February 2022. According to Interfax, he resigned of his own free will. In the department, Ivanov was responsible for launching a new investment cycle and implementing a program to increase labor productivity in the economy.

2023: Appointment as CEO of Vnukovo-Asset Management

In mid-December 2023, it became known about the appointment of Andrei Ivanov as the new general director of Vnukovo Asset Management. In this position, the former deputy head of the Ministry of Economic Development replaced Ivan Kazikaev, who headed Vnukovo-Asset Management LLC for only two weeks. Prior to Kazikaev, the company has been headed since 2015 by Eduard Potapov, who previously headed Metalloinvest Management Company.

Andrey Ivanov

The change of the general director of Vnukovo-Asset Management LLC was announced by Kommersant"" with reference to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRYUL). It also follows from it that the company is engaged in the management of financial and industrial groups. The company was registered in early 2015, a few months before the state stepped up the consolidation of Vnukovo Airport property.[5]

Social and political activities

1995 - headed the public organization "Krasnoyarsk Regional Branch of the Youth Union of Lawyers of Russia," was a representative in Krasnoyarsk of the Siberian Center for Support of Public Initiatives, became a graduate of the federal program "Young Leaders of Russia."

1998-2004 - Leading specialist, chief specialist of the Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, adviser to the Governor of the Territory on legal issues, adviser to the Governor of the Territory on legal issues and local self-government.

Since December 2001 - Head of the Department of the Council of Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

December 2008 - January 2011 - Deputy Director of the Department of Budgetary Policy in Economic Sectors of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

January 2011 - June 2012 - Director of the Department of Budgetary Policy in the field of innovation, civil industry, power, communications and private-public partnership of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation[6].

Since June 2012 - Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian[7] Federation[7]

Membership in councils, colleges, groups

Since 10.02.2011 - Member of the Board of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Since August 2012 - Member of the Working Group on Technical and Technological Modernization of Agriculture and Agricultural Engineering[8].

Member of the Expert Council of the Center for the Development of Public-Private Partnership[9]


Outdoor activities, guitar singing, sports, literature and art.
