Self-driving cars in Russia
Since 2015, companies in Russia have been actively developing the technologies necessary to create unmanned vehicles.
How an unmanned vehicle works
Main article: Autopilot (self-driving car)
Global market
Main article: Self-driving cars (global market)
Unmanned trucks in Russia
Main article: Unmanned trucks in Russia
Manufacturer News and Models
The Russian
- Yandex.Taxi Unmanned vehicle
- SberAutoTech: Self-driving cars
- StarLine (NPO StarLine)
- KamAZ unmanned vehicle
- KamAZ-1221 Shuttle Unmanned bus
- KamAZ-6561 (Hercules)
- Cognitive Pilot - C-Pilot and Cognitive Agro Pilot Automatic Driving System
- Auriga Video Markup and Data Streaming Tool for Machine Learning
- MatrЁshka
- Traft Truck Project Self-driving truck - Traft (Traft)
- Technical vision
- BaseTracK
- Self-driving trucks in X5
Main article: Self-driving cars (global market)
- Tesla, Tesla Semi Truck - Tesla Model
- Waymo
- Otto
- Honda Autopilot, Honda + SenseTime
- Volvo Group
- Volkswagen Sedric
- Toyota Safety Sense, Toyota e-Palette
- Bosch Onboard computer with artificial intelligence
- Nvidia AI Traffic Jam Pilot, Nvidia Drive AI platform for self-driving cars
- Ford Autonomous Vehicles
- Ford Transit Connect Language of Visual Communication for Self-Driving Cars
- Ford Fusion Hybrid Self-driving car with hybrid drive
- Argo AI
- CARLA Simulator Self-driving car training
- Renault Autopilot
- Alphabus
- LG LTE V2X (communications for self-driving cars)
- Drvline (platform for unmanned vehicles)
- Apollo (self-driving car platform)
- Cisco Software Defined Vehicle, SDV + Hyundai Motor Company
- ZF ProAI
- General Motors Robotaxi
- Renesas R-Car H Protection of Connected Cars
- Continental Autonomous Driving Systems
- Navya Arma Unmanned Bus
Unmanned trains and trams
2025: ₽250 -390 billion is required to localize the production of technologies for unmanned vehicles - Yakov & Partners
In early February 2025, the consulting company Yakov & Partners published a study on the development of unmanned vehicles in Russia. The company's analysts determined that investments in the amount of ₽250 billion to ₽390 billion will be required to localize the production of unmanned vehicle technologies.
According to RBC, in the self-driving car industry, software, algorithms and protection systems account for more than 50% of the cost. Another 30% is the cost of chips, communications, navigation and electronics. For the development of the domestic industry, it is necessary to ensure the confidentiality of information, which is possible only with the full production of all systems in Russia.
Maxim Bolotskikh, partner of Yakov & Partners, head of artificial intelligence development practice, predicts that by 2035 more than 25% of cars on Russian roads will become unmanned. By 2042, this figure may exceed 80%.
According to the analytical agency Avtostat, in Russia in July 2024 there were 55 million cars, 4.22 million light commercial vehicles and 3.66 million trucks.
Apples Daniil Sivolozhsky, Business Development Director of the company, notes the need to develop artificial intelligence technologies, sensors and data processing to create reliable unmanned systems. In his opinion, the road infrastructure of Russia requires modernization for the introduction of unmanned vehicles.
Director of the Department of Digital Development and Data Economics of the Ministry of Economics Vladimir Voloshin said that 15 companies are participating in experiments to test unmanned vehicles. They overcame more than 20 million km, transported more than 20 thousand tons of cargo and made more than 100 thousand trips in robotaxi mode.
Vice-President of the National Automobile Union Anton Shaparin points to the need to modernize the roadway and update specialized state standards, taking into account the development of autonomous cars. The expert emphasizes that Russia is one of the leading countries in terms of the speed of development of autonomous driving technologies.[1]
Pulkovo Airport has introduced unmanned baggage delivery platforms
Petersburg Pulkovo Airport at the end of December 2024 began introducing domestic unmanned autonomous rovers for transporting passenger luggage, including oversized and luggage of people with limited mobility. Read more here
How Russia is preparing for unmanned public transport - TAdviser
At the end of November 2024, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Dmitry Bakanov, speaking in the State Duma at a meeting on unmanned technologies, said that the concept of a law on unmanned traffic would be ready by the first quarter of 2025. According to the deputy head of the Ministry of Transport, a specialized working group is developing the document, which includes representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the traffic police, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Digital Development, as well as key market participants such as Yandex, Sberbank and Kamaz. How Russia is preparing to launch unmanned public transport and what hinders its implementation - TAdviser material is devoted to this.
Since 2022, trams equipped with an advanced autopilot have been operating in St. Petersburg. It increases the smoothness of driving on rail vehicles and prevents collisions with cars and pedestrians. So far, a driver is still sitting in these trams, and it is planned to start operating a fully unmanned tram in St. Petersburg by 2025-2026.
Moscow began testing an unmanned tram in 2024. As TAdviser was told in the Moscow metro, as part of the first stage of launch, the tram ran around the city without passengers, with a driver and a system of duplication of his actions. At the second stage, the tram moves completely itself, and the driver insures the operation of the car. At the end of 2025, at the final third stage, it is planned to launch a tram around the city on a route with passengers already in a completely unmanned mode. More information about unmanned trams in Moscow is written in this article.
In addition, the first automated electric train "Lastochka" was launched in the capital of Russian Railways to transport passengers to the MCC. The Moscow Metro is also operating an unmanned metro: Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that such a train will be commissioned by 2026. According to the approved program for the development of the transport complex in Moscow, by 2030 most of the capital's tram network will be unmanned.
Development Director of STEP. Transport Solutions "Alexey Smirnov draws attention to technical aspects that prevent the transition to an unmanned metro in Russia. Automation is not yet able to withstand the interval of 90 seconds. She will drive at higher intervals, which is impossible at peak hours in the Moscow metro. By November 2024, the necessary movement interval is provided by manual control, the expert explained.
Nikita Bogoslavsky, general director of the Exponent Center for Engineering Technologies and Modeling (including those involved in unmanned technologies), also touched upon technical problems:
Ground drones need expensive lidars, stereo cameras, industrial GPU controllers that handle large amounts of data. Our experience in debugging the subsystem of unmanned buses and trucks shows that the electronics overheat, reboot, do not give the necessary speeds and processing frequencies, which is why the quality of algorithms decreases. |
Experts interviewed by TAdviser agree that unmanned vehicles can significantly reduce the number of accidents on the roads. The fact is that a car controlled by artificial intelligence will not be able to exceed speed, will not drive into the oncoming lane and will not turn in the wrong place. Namely, due to such violations, accidents most often occur. However, the mass introduction of public transport in the Russian Federation is hindered by a number of factors, one of which is the need to form a legislative framework.
More than five years have passed since the appearance of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1415 "On Conducting an Experiment on the Experimental Operation of Highly Automated Vehicles on Public Roads." At the same time, there is still no legal solution to key issues related to the use of unmanned vehicles on public roads and responsibility in the event of emergency situations and accidents.
The next barrier that TAdviser's interlocutors drew attention to is related to the economic factor.
In Russia, the cost of a driver's labor in any type of transport is only a small fraction of the carrier's total costs. Therefore, they do not have the financial feasibility of switching to unmanned vehicles at the moment, - said Mikhail Yakimov, member of the public council of Rostransnadzor, director of the Institute for Transport Planning of the Russian Academy of Transport. |
Dmitry Matveev, General Director of My Auto Rental, lists several more problems that, in his opinion, Russia needs to overcome for the full development of unmanned public transport:
- insufficiently high level of access to the latest technologies;
- lack of landfills for testing such cars (it is necessary to create experimental unmanned zones and routes);
- poor road quality outside major cities;
- insufficient network coverage; 4G
- unwillingness of investors to invest in unmanned infrastructure due to high risks.
According to TAdviser, director of innovation at Mercator Holding (developer of IT solutions for managing a fleet of municipal equipment) Pavel Teplov, by November 2024, work on unmanned vehicles projects is being carried out in all directions, it involves the state, business, science and education. A system of support measures is working, laboratories and advanced scientific schools are being created. In Moscow, for example, MADI (created a number of Russian unmanned technologies) and Mospolitech (opened the Avtonet competence center for highly automated equipment) are involved in these projects, Teplov noted.
He also stressed that the development of these technologies is taking place with an emphasis on security, the foundation that creates infrastructure elements is created by the Ministry of Transport within the framework of the federal BKAD program, which has a section of ITS (intelligent transport systems), some modules of which create the basis for the development of unmanned vehicles and data exchange between vehicles.
Lada Vesta testing with autopilot began on Russian public roads
The Central Research Institute of Cars and Automobile Engines (NAMI) has begun road tests of Lada Vesta with autopilot. Denis Endachev, Executive Director for Information and Intellectual Systems of FSUE NAMI, spoke about this in early April 2024. Read more here.
The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation has decided on those to blame for an accident with unmanned vehicles
In early February 2024, it became known that the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation had finalized the draft law on highly automated vehicles (VATS). This is about who should be responsible in the event of a road accident involving self-driving cars.
Cars and trucks with autopilot are being developed by companies such as Yandex, Sberbank, KamAZ, etc. In 2021, the government decided to allow unmanned vehicles without a person in the cabin on the roads, but this requires a separate law. Specialists of the Ministry of Transport have identified the main requirements for self-driving cars.
In accordance with the document, robomobiles must be equipped with an "on-board event recorder" and a system that allows you to remotely transfer the car to a "minimum risk state" (when the autopilot is turned off and the vehicle stops at a safe and permitted place for passengers to leave). All drones must be registered with the traffic police and undergo regular maintenance.
The document prohibits the use of unmanned vehicles on sections of roads included in the routes of transportation of dangerous goods - in particular, along the route of fuel trucks. Drones will be able to move only on those roads that have a "digital twin" - a plan and map of the route, data on the state of the road, road accidents, weather conditions and other parameters that will be transmitted to the car in real time. Plus, it is forbidden to operate cars with autopilot if they do not have on-board software updates.
The main civil liability for harm caused to life, health, property of "third parties, the environment" will be borne by the owner of the drone, if he does not prove that the harm arose as a result of "force majeure or the intent of the victim." The document also suggests that responsibility can be shifted to the car manufacturer if it is proved that the harm was caused in connection with "the design features (shortcomings) of the control system" or the unmanned vehicle as a whole. If the accident occurred in connection with the "failure to carry out dispatch control," then the responsibility will lie with the dispatcher (we are talking about an employee who will have to remotely monitor the state of the machine and turn off the autopilot if necessary). If the accident occurred due to poor maintenance, then the dealer will be responsible.
It will be necessary to issue an accident with VATS only with the participation of a traffic police officer - europrotocol is prohibited (the corresponding amendment is made to the law on OSAGO). If the loss from an accident involving a drone is reimbursed, the insurer will be able to request from the owner of the unmanned vehicle the information recorded on the "on-board device," and he will be obliged to provide them. Also, insurers will receive the right of recourse against the owner of the robomobile, if he did not update the software in the car on time.[2]
How unmanned vehicles are developing in Russia. Ministry of Transport Report
As part of the digitalization of the transport complex Russia in 2023, Neva 6 cargo drones of PJSC "" and KamAZ 3 cargo drones of LLC "" are used on the M-11 "" road. Sberavtotech This is stated in the report, Ministry of Transport which was published at the end of March 2024.
The document says that in 2023 a digital twin of the Neva M-11 highway was created. 2.52 thousand driveways were completed along the specified route. Commercial freight turnover of highly automated vehicles on the M-11 Neva highway amounted to 101.45 million cubic meters-kilometers with a planned value of 57.09 million cubic meters-kilometers. The volume of cargo transported reached 161.61 thousand cubic meters with a planned value of 93.6 thousand cubic meters.
To work out the mechanisms for implementing the agreement on the use of navigation seals in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) for tracking transportation in 2023, a project was launched to use navigation seals for timber and woodworking products moved from Belarus through the territory of the Russian Federation and by road for the purpose of subsequent departure from the territory of the EAEU. In 2023, as part of the experiment, 545 traffic was tracked using navigation seals.
In 2023, a system was introduced for the use of navigation seals in the transportation of goods between the Russian Federation, the Republic Kazakhstan Kyrgyz Republic and within the framework of mutual trade. The use of the platform made it possible to carry out 1284 transportation arriving via the ferry line from Turkey to the port. In Novorossiysk 2023, the information and technological interface State of the automated information system "" with ERA-GLONASS emergency operational services in an automated mode in 85 regions was ensured.
The document says that the implementation of the concept of integrating unmanned aircraft into a single airspace of the Russian Federation in 2023 is partially completed. The air code introduced the concept of "ALS control and control lines" (unmanned aviation system), established requirements for equipping manned and unmanned aircraft with navigation, observation, communication, collision prevention systems. Amendments to the federal rules for the use of airspace, rules for the preparation and execution of flights, rules for certification of aviation equipment came into force.
The Ministry of Transport of Russia has carried out work on the deployment of GIS electronic transportation documents (EPD) on the resources of GosCloud. EPD GIS data was migrated to the new infrastructure. In addition, in 2023, the uninterrupted operation of the information system for measuring railway rolling stock (LC PS) was ensured. A module was developed for unloading information about railway substations to the showcase of the unified digital platform "GosTech" and its preliminary tests were successfully carried out.
As part of the communication systems for technological support of promising transport, in 2023, the design of the trunk quantum network was carried out on sections with a length of more than 2 thousand km on Russian railways: Moscow - Sochi, Likhaya - Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod - Kazan. An information security project has been created for a high-speed technological data transmission network - more than 5 thousand communication nodes throughout the Russian Federation. In 2023, the innovative Opturan system was created to form optimal outfits for drivers and vehicles. This is allegedly the first platform of this class, developed to solve the problem of planning the resources of public transport enterprises in the Russian Federation.[3]
An unmanned armored car "Zubilo" was created in Russia
On August 11, 2023, it became known about the creation in Russia of an unmanned armored car "Zubilo" for assault groups. This is the development of the Remdizel company from Tatarstan (specializes in the overhaul and modernization of weapons and military equipment; the company also produces armored vehicles of the Typhoon, Tornado and Shot families). Read more here.
In Russia, created an unmanned car for coal mining
In July 2023, the Federal Research Center for Coal and Coal Chemistry (Federal Research Center UUKH, Kemerovo) of the SB RAS presented an unmanned vehicle that will increase the efficiency of mining when mining coal and other minerals. Read more here.
Creation of a landfill for 4, 5 billion rubles
Subordinate to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, FSUE NAMI will create a testing ground for autonomy technologies for automotive equipment. Deputy Minister Albert Karimov spoke about this on July 10, 2023. Read more here.
Wildberries began using electric trucks without drivers
On June 21, 2023, the company Wildberries announced the start of the use of unmanned trucks Evocargo in. Moscow area Transportation on cars without drivers was launched at the marktetplay distribution center in Elektrostal near Moscow. More. here
"Gruzovichkof" took up projects of unmanned vehicles
Gruzovichkof"" took up unmanned projects. transport To do this, the freight taxi service in mid-June 2023 entered into an agreement with a company Evocargo providing services on the basis of electric autonomous platforms of its own production. More. here
An investment project for the production of autopilots based on AI will be implemented in Tomsk
Governor of the Tomsk Region Vladimir Mazur and CEO of Cognitive Pilot Olga Uskova signed a cooperation agreement on June 14, 2023.
The agreement provides for the implementation of a set of measures for the production and implementation of promising domestic technologies based on artificial intelligence (AI) in the fields of agriculture and industry in the region. Read more here.
GOSTs for unmanned vehicles adopted in Russia
Rosstandart approved eight GOSTs for unmanned vehicles with artificial intelligence (AI). The documents published in November 2022 on the agency's website come into force on January 1, 2023.
- GOST R 70249-2022 defines terminology for various documentation and literature on AI systems in transport. So, GOST explains that the algorithm is "a finite ordered set of precisely defined rules for solving a specific problem." By AI, the document proposes to understand "a set of technological solutions that allows you to imitate human cognitive functions (including self-learning, finding solutions without a predetermined algorithm and achieving insight) and obtain results comparable, at least, to the results of human activity."
- GOST R 70250-2022 is devoted to the use options and composition of functional subsystems of artificial intelligence for their safe and effective functioning.
- GOST R 70251-2022, sets the requirements for algorithms for identifying various obstacles on the roads that can interfere with the movement or maneuvering of a vehicle with autopilot.
- GOST R 70252-2022 regulates the testing of low-level data fusion algorithms and concerns the processing of "raw" data received from sensors.
- GOST R 70253-2022 contains requirements for algorithms for detecting intersections, considered one of the most complex road elements for artificial intelligence.
- GOST R 70254-2022 sets requirements for a forecasting system designed not only to predict the behavior of other road users, but also to respond in a timely manner.
- GOST R 70255-2022 is devoted to the detection and recognition of road signs for the corresponding behavior of an unmanned system.
- GOST R 70256-2022 regulates lane and shoulder control systems and determines the behavior of algorithms that track these indicators to keep a car within its lane.[4]
Mishustin approved testing of unmanned vehicles on the Moscow-Petersburg highway
In October 2022, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree approving testing of unmanned vehicles on the M11 highway (Moscow-St. Petersburg). Read more here.
KamAZ built a testing ground for unmanned vehicles for 1 billion rubles
In early October 2022, it became known about the launch of KamAZ a new landfill for testing unmanned vehicles. About 1 billion rubles were invested in this project. Read more here.
Putin announced Russia's leadership in the field of unmanned vehicles
On September 20, 2022, the president Russia Vladimir Putin announced the country's leadership in the region. unmanned vehicles According to the Russian leader, this industry RUSSIAN FEDERATION is in an advanced state.
{{quote 'In the field of unmanned vehicles, we are not generally catching up. This is very important. And to a certain extent, we are even leaders in something. And this leadership must be preserved and strengthened, "Putin said at a meeting with the heads of advanced engineering schools and their industrial partners in Veliky Novgorod. }}
The President also added that the use of automobile marine or aviation unmanned vehicles allows solving many problems in various areas from increasing defense capability states to developing the economy and individual industries.
Vladimir Putin also noted that there are interesting and promising developments of Russian companies, including KamAZ and Yandex, in the field of unmanned vehicles and called for maintaining and strengthening Russia's leadership in this area.
In general, according to the head of state, the topic of drones is very important and interesting, and we are talking not only about such equipment in the automotive sector, but also in the aviation and sea transportation sectors.
Шаблон:Quote 'It seems to be easier by sea. The sea - there is no oncoming traffic there and pedestrians do not run, "Putin said. Earlier, Putin promised to draw the attention of the government to the need to support the development of unmanned vehicles, in particular, shipping. He also supported the proposal to involve the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in promoting the ideas of domestic specialists at the international level, although he called this not the most important, as well as the information campaign in foreign media.
Speaking about financing developments for unmanned vehicles, Putin spoke in favor of using a venture capital investment mechanism, when an investor comes, then he can come out even with a small profit.[5]
The first Russian unmanned military truck presented
In mid-August 2022, the Ural Automobile Plant presented the first Russian unmanned military truck. It is designed for use by the armed forces of the Russian Federation in order to transport goods in dangerous areas, for example, on the front line. Read more here.
Recording cameras and insurance for 10 million rubles. Minek has developed rules for unmanned vehicles
In August 2022, the Ministry of Economic Development published the rules for the operation of unmanned cars and trucks in cities and suburbs in more than 40 regions of the Russian Federation. The document developed by the department establishes an experimental legal regime (EPR) for the operation of self-driving machines.
According to the project, self-driving cars will be divided into two groups: the first includes vehicles in which the test driver is constantly located - in the driver's or front passenger seat. The second includes machines that move in fully autonomous mode and are remotely controlled by the operator.
Autonomous vehicles must be equipped with cameras that record the situation around them in a constant mode, as well as the actions of the test driver (for the first group of vehicles)
The ministry believes that the establishment of various EPR programs in the field of unmanned vehicles will allow in a short time to increase the availability of new types of transport services in combination with their comfort and safety. They also noted that the provisions of the proposed program open up the possibility of participation in the experiment of both those organizations that have not previously operated unmanned vehicles and those who have experience in such operation if new unmanned vehicles that have not previously been used are developed.
The document prepared by the Ministry of Economics assumes increased financial responsibility of drone operators in the event of an accident - the subject of the experimental legal regime is obliged to insure each car in the amount of at least 10 million rubles. According to the ministry, any accident involving a drone will be issued according to traffic rules.
The registration of the incident and its investigation will be carried out, respectively, by the traffic police and the investigating authorities strictly in accordance with the procedure established by law - there are no exceptions to this rule, the press service of the department emphasized (quoted by Izvestia)[6] |
"Sberbank" tested unmanned vehicles by the roads of St. Petersburg
The SberAvtoTech company tested unmanned vehicles in St. Petersburg. Read more here.
The government allowed Yandex to launch unmanned taxis in Moscow
The government allowed Yandex to launch unmanned taxis in Moscow. This became known on March 17, 2022. Read more here.
Mishustin approved a legal regime for unmanned vehicles
The Government of the Russian Federation approved the program of the experimental and legal regime (EPR) for the operation of unmanned vehicles. This was announced on March 17, 2022 by the press service of the Cabinet. Read more here.
The Cabinet of Ministers agreed on the program of the experimental legal regime for the launch of unmanned taxis
On January 11, 2022, it became known that the Government of the Russian Federation agreed on a program of an experimental legal regime (EPR) to launch unmanned taxis. It is assumed that self-driving cars will begin to drive around Moscow in February 2022.
According to Vedomosti, a representative of the government's press service, according to Art. 7 258-FZ "On experimental legal regimes in the field of digital innovation in the Russian Federation," the validity period of the experimental legal regime is calculated from the 20th working day after the day of publication of the government act.
Olga Barinova, a representative of the secretariat of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, told the publication that the developed program is the first document on EPR. She clarified that the draft resolution was being finalized on behalf of the Deputy Prime Minister.
The press service of the Ministry of Economic Development told the newspaper that all controversial issues under the decree, which was submitted to the government at the end of 2021, have been removed. The department hopes that the EPR will work in early 2022. The interlocutor of the newspaper in one of the federal departments noted that the traffic police had comments on the text of the documents, all of them were taken into account in the latest edition.
According to the program, unmanned taxis will be able to travel on 18 streets in the Moscow Yasenevo district, in the Sirius center in the Krasnodar Territory, on the territory of Skolkovo and in Innopolis (the satellite city of Kazan). In the last two cities, cars will be able to move without an engineer on board.
It is also possible that Yandex will transfer data on trips of unmanned taxis in Moscow to the state information system. The operator will also control test drivers.
Back in 2021, Yandex applied for EPR, on the basis of which a government decree and a program for launching taxi drones were developed.[7]
Russian Post asked the state to compensate for 1.3 billion rubles in losses from the launch of unmanned trucks
On December 13, 2021, it became known that Russian Post asked the state to compensate for 1.34 billion rubles in losses from the launch of unmanned trucks. The request for subsidies is stated in the company's proposals considered by the working group under the government on the Unmanned Logistics Corridor (BLK) project.
As sources in the transport industry explained to Vedomosti, the losses are caused by an increase in the cost of delivery by drones - such trucks are more expensive, and it will not be possible to save on labor.
As the representative of the Russian Post noted, it is impossible to say unequivocally that these subsidies are intended for it. He stressed that, first of all, these are measures to support manufacturers and developers of transport technology and infrastructure for drones.
It is assumed that by 2024 the fleet of Russian Post will be replenished with 25 unmanned trucks, and by 2035 it will be up to 66 such cars. Among the possible options for trucks that the company can purchase are KamAZ"," and Volvo EvoCargo others. They will run between logistics centers St. Petersburg in and in, and To Moscow going into unmanned mode on the highway. M11 It is planned that in 2024 the total mileage of unmanned trucks of the Russian Post within the framework of the project will be 3.6 million km, and by 2035 it will increase to 12.3 million km per year.
Autonomous mail machines are expected to pay off no earlier than 2035. Estimates of the Russian Post show that drone transportation will cost more than ordinary transport by 8-18 percent. Other companies have come to the unprofitability of the method, hoping to integrate into the future market. Thus, Globaltruck asks 40 million rubles from the budget for the revision of the IT system and another 8.8 million rubles for the purchase of an unmanned truck.
In addition to the Russian Post, the delivery of goods through the BLK will also be launched by Business Lines, Globaltruck, Ozon, X5 Group and other companies, according to the Vedomosti publication[8]
The launch of unmanned vehicles on the Moscow-Petersburg highway is postponed. Project estimate increased by 27%
On December 10, 2021, it became known about the postponement of the launch of travel along the unmanned logistics corridor (BLK) on the Neva M11 highway (Moscow-Petersburg). Vedomosti writes about this with reference to the presentation of the project presented by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.
According to the document, the pilot launch is scheduled for October 15, 2023, and the commissioning of the BLK is scheduled for December 25, 2023 of the same year. Earlier, the Ministry of Transport planned to start the departure of unmanned trucks in 2022. The developers called the same date.
The ministry noted that the launch of test unmanned trips in some areas of the M11 is possible already in 2022, when an experimental legal regime on the M11 will be launched, and manufacturers of highly automated vehicles (VATS) will have the opportunity to test equipment and cars.
Capital expenditures for the project were 27% higher than the initial estimates, according to which expenses amounted to 5.2 billion rubles. 4.9 billion rubles were to be allocated from the National Welfare Fund, and 300 million rubles were planned to be received from additional budgetary allocations.
They began to describe the requirements for infrastructure, and it became obvious that the money was not enough, "one of the project developers told the newspaper. |
According to another interlocutor of the publication, the cost of the project has changed, since most carriers and developers needed hubs. The third interlocutor explains the increase in costs by the appearance of a single BLK infrastructure operator - Avtodor.
Explaining the reasons for the possible adjustment of the cost of the project, the Ministry of Transport said that "in the process of negotiations, most carriers and developers of VATS spoke about the fact that they need special points on the highway for connecting trailers and checking the car before switching to unmanned mode." Previously, these costs were not included in the project cost.[9]
Rules for the use of unmanned vehicles in Moscow approved
On November 24, 2021, the Moscow City Duma approved the rules for the use of unmanned vehicles in the Russian capital. The deputies approved the establishment of an experimental legal regime for the operation of such vehicles.
The Moscow City Duma called the decision protocol: it was necessary to yuridicheskogo consolidate such experiments.
Our task is to create the necessary legal conditions for the possibility of objective assessment and systematization of the results of the experiment, so that this experience is reflected in the final version of the draft law of the pravitelstva of the Russian Federation, which will regulate the rules for the operation of drones, - said the chairman of the Duma Alexei Shaposhnikov. |
According to him, according to the legislation in force by November 2021, the preparation by the Moscow government of a conclusion on the possibility of conducting such an experiment should take into account the position of the legislative authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
Oleg Artemyev, a member of the Moscow Duma's commission on science and industry, previously expressed the opinion that unmanned technologies should be introduced taking into account the psychological readiness of passengers.
At the end of November 2021, he recalled that the capital's Stroykomplex announced its readiness to launch unmanned vehicles in the near future. According to him, technologically, Moscow transport is already ready for such a step.
Moscow authorities have chosen the streets on which unmanned vehicles, including taxis, will be tested. In total, the list includes about 140 streets. For 18 of them, as well as on the territory of the Skolkovo center, unmanned vehicles will be able to travel with passengers and luggage. Here are some of the highways:
- Aminyevskoe highway;
- Sevastopol Avenue;
- Frunzenskaya embankment;
- Vernadsky Avenue;
- Luzhniki Bridge;
- Warsaw Highway;
- Ochakovo highway;
- Presnenskaya embankment;
- Staromozhayskoe highway;
- Proletarsky Prospekt.[10]
Unmanned electric "Gazelle" began to transport goods
At the end of September 2021, Gazprom Neft spoke about the use of the GAZelle NEXT electric car, equipped with an autopilot system. This car makes daily flights along the intrafield roads of the Yuzhno-Priobskoye field in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug along with other traffic participants, the company's press service reports. Read more here.
A sign will appear on Russian roads prohibiting the entry of unmanned vehicles
September 22, 2021 it became known about the appearance in the future of a road sign prohibiting the entry of unmanned vehicles. The new sign will show the crossed-out letter "A." In this case, self-driving vehicles will have to have the identification mark "A" ("Autonomous driving").
Veronika Korshikova, a representative of the Autonet working group of the National Technological Initiative (NTI), told RIA Novosti that by September 2021, a project was being discussed with the Ministry of Transport, the traffic police and Rosstandart, which, among other things, involves the introduction of the sign "Entry to drones is prohibited" in 2025.
The Russian government should soon consider creating special no-go zones for the movement of unmanned vehicles. Trips of such cars may be prohibited, including near the Kremlin, as well as GUM and TSUM.
It is assumed that forbidden zones can be created anywhere where the use of drones can pose a threat to the safety of citizens, problems for movement or other negative factors that should be assessed by authorized organizations - from traffic safety agencies to state security services.
According to Dmitry Rudenko, general director of Absolute Insurance, it makes sense to create zones prohibited for drone traffic not only in special territories, but also in places with poorly developed road infrastructure.
For drones, it is very important to read information from objects that are around. Therefore, it also makes sense to create forbidden zones in places where repair work is carried out, replacement of the roadway, curbs and other work that temporarily narrow the road space. In such areas, traffic is always difficult, and it can be problematic for a drone to go according to a given algorithm, he said.[11] |
Creating no-go zones for self-driving cars
In mid-September 2021, it became known that Russia no-go zones would be created in. In self-driving cars particular, it is planned to limit the driving of such transport on roads near the Kremlin.
The corresponding issue was raised by the members of the working group on the coordination of the positions of regulators, traditional market participants, developers and suppliers of new technological and business solutions in the field of Avtonet, formed by First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov.
Boris Ivanov, head of the StarLine Unmanned Vehicle project, told Vedomosti that traffic control in restricted areas will not be required either from automated systems or from traffic control stations. If you enter information about the restricted area in the digital model of the road, then the unmanned vehicle will automatically bypass it.
Experts interviewed by the publication considered that restrictions could be introduced, since such transport is potentially dangerous for citizens and can create problems for traffic. In addition, cars can be seized for terrorist acts. Some experts also proposed restricting traffic in areas with poor road infrastructure.
"" Yandex explained to the newspaper that drones are subject to general requirements for other cars.
If only special vehicles with an accredited driver can enter any territory, access there will be limited for both ordinary taxis and unmanned vehicles, they explained there. |
Technically, it will be easy to regulate the ban on the entry of self-driving cars into certain zones, according to a Vedomosti source familiar with the members of the working group. This can be implemented by registering restricted areas in the software or by installing physical fences and signs that the drone recognizes, he explained.[12]
Minek has developed a program to launch commercial unmanned taxis
On September 2, 2021, it became known about the program developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to launch commercial unmanned taxi services in the country. The document was created in cooperation with Yandex.
As representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Yandex told Vedomosti, first only Yandex.Tests will participate in the program. At the same time, participation in the program and other developers is allowed. To do this, at the time of filing the application, their drones must be tested on public roads for at least a year, follows from the document.
A taxi without drivers will appear in Moscow, in Innopolis in Tatarstan and on the territory of the Sirius educational center in Sochi. The machines will have a distinctive "Autonomous Control" sign in the form of a white triangle with a black letter "A." Inside the cabin there will be contacts for connecting passengers with technical support of the service.
In accordance with the requirements of the experiment, each drone must be insured in the amount of 10 million rubles in case of an accident. In addition, the testing laboratory will check each such taxi for compliance with safety requirements.
The traffic police officer will be able to stop the car without a driver to check - on a call to the operator. If necessary, the company must send a representative within an hour. Accidents with a drone will be issued according to ordinary traffic rules. If someone is injured in an accident, the operator is obliged to call emergency services. The operator himself can be notified by any person by the number indicated on the website or in the car.
The first commercial drones will appear in Innopolis - 8 cars at once in 2021. In 2021-2022 10 cars will appear on the roads of Moscow.
It will be possible to call a taxi, as well as pay for the trip, through the Yandex Go application. The price of the service will be set at Yandex, while all profits from trips will go to the company.[13]
Ministry of Transport issued a strategy for the development of unmanned trucks
In August 2021, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation presented a transport strategy until 2030. The document, among other things, concerns the development of unmanned vehicles.
According to the TASS Information Agency of Russia with reference to this document, by 2035 the share of road freight and passenger urban transportation in the largest 20 cities carried out by highly automated and unmanned vehicles should reach 30%. The share of intercity freight transportation on key highways carried out by highly automated and unmanned vehicles will be 50%, passenger - 30%.
According to the strategy developed by the Ministry of Transport, in 2024, unmanned and highly automated transport will carry out 2% of intercity traffic on key highways, by 2030 - 20%. The share of freight and passenger urban road transportation in the largest 20 cities carried out by highly automated and unmanned vehicles by 2030 will be 5%, the same share will be for intercity transportation.
According to the head of the Ministry of Transport Kirill Bogdanov, by the end of the summer of 2021 it is planned to prepare a "roadmap" for conducting experiments to launch unmanned trucks on the Neva M-11 highway. Experiments should begin no later than 2022, full commercial implementation is planned until 2024.
According to the calculations of the Ministry of Transport, the use of drones at the M-11 will increase by 25% the commercial speed (from 60 to 75 km/h) of cargo delivery within one day by 2030 and reduce the cost of transportation for logistics companies by more than 10%. The implementation of a set of initiatives will allow 10 times to increase the share Russia in transportation on the route - and by China Europe 20% reduce the accident rate by. transport
The use of drones on the M-11 highway can shorten the delivery time of cargo between St. Petersburg and Moscow by an hour due to the lack of rest stops for drivers according to the work and rest regime, said Farid Madani, General Director of Business Lines Group of Companies.[14]
More than 800 billion rubles are allocated for the development of unmanned vehicles in Russia
In mid-July 2021, it became known that transport Russia more than 800 billion were allocated for the development of unmanned vehicles. rubles We are talking about the creation of automated auto, rail, air and water transport.
As Izvestia writes with reference to the federal project "Infrastructure of unmanned and connected vehicles" developed by the Ministry of Transport, 490 billion rubles of state funds from the treasury and 348 billion rubles of extra-budgetary money will be required to develop self-driving machines and prepare infrastructure for them by 2030. In addition, over 155 billion rubles are planned to be spent on a network of charging and refueling stations for cars on automatic control.
The document presents a plan for the development of unmanned rail transport. To organize autonomous traffic on the Moscow Central Ring (MCC) and other directions, 94 billion rubles will be required. Other items of expenses are also indicated there:
- 46 billion rubles - for the creation of a digital sorting complex;
- 26 billion rubles - for automated train maintenance;
- 24 billion rubles - for the system of automated diagnostics of compositions;
- about 6 billion rubles - for the development of unmanned aircraft;
- about 1.7 billion rubles - for the development of automated water vessels;
- 1.2 billion rubles - for the development of a regulatory framework for unmanned vehicles.
One of the blocks of the federal project includes the creation of infrastructure for unmanned and connected road transport. Its implementation will require over 379 billion rubles. More than 155 billion rubles are planned to be spent on a network of charging and refueling stations for cars on automatic control. About 1.4 billion rubles will be allocated to pilot zones for testing technologies for integrating such ships into a single airspace.[15]
A corridor for unmanned trucks will appear on the paid highway "Moscow-Petersburg"
A corridor for unmanned trucks will appear on the paid highway of the Neva M11. This was announced in early June 2021 by Deputy Minister of Transport Kirill Bogdanov. Read more here.
Launch of the world's first smart highway for unmanned vehicles in the Russian Federation
In May 2021, the concern "National Telematic Systems" (NTS) and "Avtodor" showed, according to them, the first intelligent road infrastructure in Russia. It is implemented within the framework of the Central Ring Road. Read more here.
The route M-12 Moscow - Yekaterinburg will be adapted for unmanned vehicles
On May 20, 2021, it became known that road the automobile M-12 under construction - MoscowKazan Ekaterinburg will be adapted for driving. unmanned vehicles This was announced by the chairman of the board of the GC "." Avtodor Vyacheslav Petushenko More. here
The Ministry of Industry and Trade extends the experiment with unmanned vehicles until 2025 and connects 2 more regions to it
In April 2021, it became known about the extension of the experiment on testing unmanned vehicles in Russia, as well as an increase in the number of regions participating in it. The corresponding change to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 26, 2018 No. 1415 was made by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.
Initially, the experiment was supposed to be carried out from December 2018 to March 2022. Now Ministry of Industry and Trade I decided to extend it until 2025 and attract the Murmansk and Novosibirsk regions to it.
Thus, it is planned to conduct an experiment on experimental operation on public roads of highly automated vehicles in the following territories:
- Moscow and the Republic of Tatarstan - from December 1, 2018 to March 1, 2025;
- Vladimir, Leningrad, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod and Samara regions, the Chuvash Republic, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts, Krasnodar Territory and St. Petersburg - from March 1, 2020 to March 1, 2025;
- Murmansk and Novosibirsk regions - from May 1, 2021 to March 1, 2025.
According to the document, testing of driverless drones is allowed in places of operation of accredited test laboratories, on sections of public roads determined by the decision of the regions in agreement with the regional traffic police and road owners, within the territories of the experiment, including in the territories of enterprises, sports facilities, airfields and aerodrome areas, industrial facilities, closed motor roads, parks, cultural institutions, scientific and educational institutions, innovation centers, sanatorium-resort organizations, roads, providing transport links for oil and gas facilities, seasonal roads with a canvas and road clothes made of snow, ice and frozen soil and other seasonal roads.
Regional authorities can establish additional safety requirements and other restrictions for the movement of drones.[16]
The Government of the Russian Federation approved tests of cars without drivers on public roads
The First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov approved a set of measures for testing and phased commissioning on public roads self-driving cars without the presence of a test engineer in the cabin. The order to develop such a document was given by the president, Russia Vladimir Putin reported on March 15, 2021. Ministry of Transport of Russia
The implementation of the measures will allow in the period from 2021 to 2024 to create the necessary legal conditions for the introduction of highly automated vehicles (VATS) into the transport complex. A prerequisite is to ensure the safety of road users and compliance with the established norms and rules, the ministry said in a statement. |
The Ministry of Transport clarified that during the preparation they took into account the positions of the executive authorities , as well as expert associations (the Digital Transport and Logistics Association , the Russian Union of Auto Insurers) and organizations, including KamAZ, Sberbank, GAZ Group , and Gazprom Neft.
Tests of drones without an engineer in the cabin on public roads will be held in certain constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where the appropriate permission will appear. By March 15, 2021, such movement is allowed in Russia only in closed test areas.
According to the source Interfax"," first of all, unmanned vehicles will be tested in the territories of Innograd Innopolis"" and Skolkovo"." In addition, the agency's interlocutor allowed testing in certain areas Moscow and St. Petersburg.[17]
According to the head of the digital development department of the Ministry of Transport, the Dmitry Bakanov introduction transport of unmanned vehicles is dictated by unconditional socio-economic effects and is one of the key trends in the digital development of the transport complex around the world.[18]
RF proposed to revise the Convention on Road Traffic for the Development of Unmanned Vehicles
In February 2021,,,,, and Russia Belgium Luxembourg Portugal France Finland Switzerland Sweden proposed to the Economic and Social Council (ESA) UN to revise the Convention on Road Traffic. The changes relate to the admission to public roads of unmanned vehicles. More. here
Minek plans to give more freedom to developers of drones and unmanned vehicles
In February 2021, it became known about the plans of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to give more freedom to developers of unmanned vehicles and aircraft. The agency has prepared a bill suggesting the possibility of adjusting or canceling the norms of the laws "On Road Safety," "On the Protection of Personal Data," the Air Code, as well as the law on compulsory motor insurance of civil liability for participants in tests of innovative vehicles.
As Vedomosti writes with reference to the document of the Ministry of Economic Development, the regulation of the law on traffic safety, which prescribes to register the vehicle participating in it, may be adjusted as part of the experiment. The requirement for civil liability insurance of the owner of an experimental drone may be revised or even canceled. The same applies to the requirement for a mandatory medical examination of drivers - due to their absence in unmanned vehicles.
According to the representative of the Ministry of Economic Development, the bill has already received government approval and "will soon be submitted to the State Duma," according to the publication of the publication of February 11, 2021.
The new law will allow, for example, to organize experiments on drone control outside the direct radio visibility zone - such tests are now being prepared in the Tomsk region as part of the Taiga project of the Advanced Research Fund, said Sergei Zhukov, leader of the Aeronet working group of the National Technological Initiative (NTI). Also, the amendments will allow testing technologies that ensure the phased integration of unmanned aircraft into the common airspace of Russia, and develop rules for them, he says.[19]
Cognitive Pilot froze autopilot project
The development of autopilots for vehicles is no longer a priority for Cognitive Pilot (Cognitive Robotics) (a joint venture between Sberbank and Cognitive Technologies, created in 2019). This was reported to Vedomosti on February 9, 2021. Read more here.
Sberbank is testing its drones on the streets of Moscow
The first Sber Automotive Technologies Self-Driving Vehicles went to the streets Moscow for testing in a winter metropolis: drones they will be tested with high humidity, negative temperature, poor visibility and a difficult road situation. This was Sber announced TAdviser on December 22, 2020. More. here
NP "GLONASS" begins testing the unmanned driving system in the stream
On November 8, 2020, NP GLONASS announced the upcoming testing of the unmanned driving system in the stream. Until the year, it is planned to test V2X equipment (onboard equipment, sensors designed for receiving and transmitting data) from Fort Telecom, MVS Group, Kaspersky Lab, Sreda Solutions, Keysight and FSUE NAMI. Read more here.
"Taxovichkof" began testing an unmanned vehicle
In October 2020, Taxovichkof began testing an unmanned vehicle. In this project, the taxi ordering service cooperates with the manufacturer of equipment for protecting cars "Starline" and the developer of artificial intelligence technologies Ralient. Read more here.
On the territory of the First City Hospital named after Pirogov launched an unmanned car for transporting goods between buildings
As it became known on October 19, 2020, on the territory of the First City Hospital named after Pirogov in Moscow launched an unmanned vehicle for transporting goods between the buildings. Read more here.
"VkusVill" began testing the delivery of products using unmanned vehicles
On October 5, 2020, VkusVill began testing food delivery using self-driving cars. To do this, the chain of stores organized cooperation with the Russian company "Moove!." Read more here.
The first commercial trip of an unmanned car in Russia was made
On September 16, 2020, it became known about the first commercial trip of an unmanned vehicle in Russia. GAZelle autonomously delivered almost a ton of vegetables from Vladimir to Moscow, covering more than 240 km.
This is reported by TASS with reference to the official representative of the NTI "Autonet" Yaroslav Fedoseev. According to him, delivery took place at night, when traffic was minimal. The cost of transportation amounted to 1.5 thousand rubles, including the fee of an engineer who was driving, followed the road and, if necessary, could intervene in driving a vehicle.
At the same time, Fedoseev stressed that without a specialist, transportation would cost less than 1 thousand rubles, but the 1968 international convention obliges that a person should be driving any vehicle. It doesn't matter if it's unmanned or not, he added.
Avtonet stressed that the unmanned vehicle was certified by the relevant institute and the test engineer was fully prepared.
Earlier it became known that the Tomsk region will become the first experimental region of Russia, where tests of cargo drones will begin in 2021. By mid-September 2020, the list of regions where testing can be carried out was expanded to 13 (Vladimir, Leningrad, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Samara regions, St. Petersburg, etc.) were added.
By September 2020, Russia is preparing a legal framework for unmanned vehicles. transport It is expected that in the coming decades it will provide most of the transportation.
Now it is still exotic, but "it will take another 10-15-20 years, and indeed, maybe a significant part of transportation will be carried out without human participation," said Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, in early September.[20] |
"National Telematic Systems" and Rosdornia will jointly create a national ecosystem of unmanned vehicles
Concern "National Telematic Systems" (NTS) and the Russian Road Research Institute (FAA "ROSDORNII") signed a memorandum of cooperation in projects to create smart road infrastructure and unmanned vehicles in Russia and international markets. NTS announced this on September 4, 2020.
It is planned to create a single national ecosystem of unmanned and highly automated vehicles, which includes the study of changes in legislation, the formation of uniform national standards, the construction of landfills for testing and certification of technological components from manufacturers. Read more here.
Rostec introduced the Pioneer robotic unmanned fire extinguishing machine
"High-precision complexes" State corporations Rostec on August 24, 2020 presented robotic a fire extinguishing machine "," Pioneer designed to combat forest fires in hard-to-reach places and in difficult soil and climatic conditions. The remote control system allows you to use all the functionality of the machine, including traffic control and fire fighting equipment, without the presence of a driver in the cab. More. here
The authorities have postponed testing of fully unmanned cars in Russia until 2021
On August 20, 2020, it became known about the postponement of testing of Russian fully unmanned vehicles. Initially, the tests were scheduled for autumn 2020, and now - for the first or second quarter of 2021.
Vedomosti wrote about the new deadlines with reference to the adjusted roadmap for the introduction of self-driving cars on public roads. The document has been finalized by four relevant ministries - the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Development, sources told the publication. One of them claims that the updated roadmap has been sent to the government.
Russian developers, with the exception of Yandex, are not yet technically ready to go on the road without a driver in the cabin, Yaroslav Fedoseev, a representative of the Avtonet working group, which participates in the development of regulatory documents on drones, told the publication. The term was unrealistic and did not take into account the opinions of many companies, for example Volvo and Scania, he said.
Avtonet also noted that testing driverless unmanned vehicles is a key stage in the process of their implementation and, in fact, the fate of the project depends on them. The company estimated that autonomous tests can take up to a year for the developer to work out technologies. However, unforeseen difficulties are very likely, and it may take longer.
The last stage of the adjusted roadmap map implies the coordination in the fourth quarter of 2024 of the technical regulation of the Customs Union on the requirements for drones, which allows for the possibility of their operation in the countries of the Customs Union. In the previous version of the document, the launch was planned for 2023, according to the publication of Vedomosti.
By August 20, 2020, robomobiles are being tested in 13 regions of Russia. During these tests, the engineer must sit behind the wheel.[21]
The Ministry of Transport called the timing of the appearance of unmanned taxis without drivers in Moscow
On July 15, 2020, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation named the timing of the appearance of unmanned taxis without drivers on Moscow roads - this will happen in four years.
If we effectively start implementing the plan that we develop on the basis of our interested departments and key companies - this is the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, then, I think, the term 2024 is the time when, I think, we can launch this kind of unmanned taxis in one mode or another, - said Deputy Minister of Transport Alexei Semenov during an online discussion organized by Roscongress (quoted by TASS). |
According to him, the issues of unmanned movement have already been reflected in a number of strategic documents of the Ministry of Transport.
A great success, I believe, the adoption in March of this year of the concept of ensuring road safety, which will unite the main issues of the development of digital road transport infrastructure and frames a number of definitions and formulations, - explained the Deputy Minister of Transport during an online discussion "Drones cars against pandemic and crises: how to speed up their implementation on Russian roads?" |
By mid-July 2020 To Moscow , as part of the experiment, self-driving machines are being tested. Yandex But, according to federal law, an autonomous car cannot go to a public road (outside closed areas and landfills) without a person inside. The operator engineer should come to the rescue in a critical situation, including the risk of an accident or breakdown.
Alexander Vasiliev, a member of the State Duma Committee on Transport and Construction, believes that the current situation in the world and the country with the spread of coronavirus is one of the arguments in favor of the fact that unmanned vehicles should have been developed for a long time.[22]
In Russia, create a digital landfill for unmanned vehicles for 600 million rubles
On June 22, 2020, it became known about the creation in Russia of a digital testing ground for testing unmanned vehicles and infrastructure for them. It is planned to invest 600 million rubles in this project. Read more here.
The second company begins to test unmanned vehicles on the common roads of Russia
At the end of May 2020, the Starlin NGO announced the passage of state road tests of its self-driving StarLine car. Thanks to this, the company washes up to start testing the drone on public roads, which Yandex is already doing. Read more here.
Unmanned vehicles will appear on public roads in Russia by 2023
Unmanned vehicles will appear on public roads in Russia by 2023. The Izvestia newspaper writes about this with reference to the roadmap developed by Sberbank and Yandex with the participation of GAZ and KamAZ.
By the end of 2020, it is also planned to develop and adopt recommendations for investigating self-driving accidents and agree on a standard for data transfer between cars and infrastructure (V2X). In addition, in 2020, it is proposed to create at least two test zones with 5G coverage in the country to test fully unmanned vehicles.
The plan also provides that by October 2021, Russia will be allowed to test robomobiles without a test driver in the cabin on public roads. By December 2022, it is proposed to allow the full operation of drones, including for commercial purposes. Finally, by December 2023, any restrictions and bans related to the operation of driverless unmanned vehicles should be completely lifted in our country.
From the letter of the Deputy Minister of Economic Development Oksana Tarasenko it follows that the department supported the expansion of the conditions for the experimental operation of unmanned vehicles and preparation for the gradual transition to its full operation. She considers it possible to test drones with a driver in the passenger seat, limited testing without a driver in the cabin, as well as commercial operation of drones if there is a driver behind the wheel.
According to Tarasenko, the Ministry of Economic Development is taking part in the development of a plan to bring drones to the roads in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport. She noted that the federal project "Artificial Intelligence" will play a key role in the development of such vehicles. [23]
Sberbank and Yandex, together with GAZ Group and KamAZ, have prepared a plan for the development of legislation for unmanned vehicles
and Sberbank Yandex"" together with "" and GAZ Group PJSC "" KAMAZ prepared a plan for improving the regulatory framework in the development of automated transport means. The plan includes the implementation of about 30 technological and regulatory measures for a phased transition from testing to full operation of highly and fully automated vehicles. This was announced on April 30, 2020 by Sberbank.
The plan provides for three stages. In 2020, it is proposed to significantly expand the testing conditions. At the second stage - in 2021 - it is planned to develop regulatory and technological conditions for the transition from trial operation to full operation. At the third stage (starting from 2022) - to create conditions for the full operation of highly and fully automated vehicles.
{{quote 'author=said Alexander Vedyakhin, First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank' In accordance with the instructions of the President of the country, Sberbank, together with its partners, as soon as possible developed a set of measures for testing and phased commissioning of unmanned vehicles on public roads. I am sure that if our plan is implemented, the conditions for the development of automated traffic technologies in Russia will become one of the most comfortable and effective in the world, }}
Also earlier, KAMAZ, Sberbank (a division of Sber Digital Auto) and Yandex jointly developed a draft amendment to Government Decree No. 1415. The project is designed to significantly expand the conditions for the experimental operation of highly automated cars in order to accelerate the development and introduction of unmanned vehicle technologies in Russia. The project implies the creation of conditions for testing vehicles without a driver inside and the use of unmanned vehicles in services in certain constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Russia is already among the world leaders in the field of unmanned vehicles, but progressive regulation is also required to maintain technological leadership. The instructions of the President and the Government are another step towards Russia becoming one of the first countries where unmanned vehicles will be an integral part of everyday life. The plan, developed by us together with colleagues from Sberbank, GAZ and KAMAZ, will make it possible in the near future as part of the further expansion of the experiment, commented Dmitry Polishchuk, head of the direction of unmanned vehicles "Yandex"
The plan developed by industry companies is sent to the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Economic Development. Companies are ready to participate in its discussion and revision together with relevant departments and the expert community.
Mishustin instructed to prepare for the launch of unmanned vehicles
On April 14, 2020, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin instructed to prepare for the launch of unmanned vehicles in Russia. The instructions were transferred following the March meeting of President Vladimir Putin with leading Russian investors.
Four departments (the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Economy) until May 12, 2020 were instructed to develop a set of measures for testing and phased commissioning of unmanned vehicles on the roads. It is assumed "experimental commercial operation" of such machines in a number of regions.
An experiment on the use of unmanned vehicles on common roads has been carried out since 2018 in Moscow and Tatarstan. By mid-April 2020, the list of regions allowed for testing increased to 13. It included, in particular, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Leningrad region, as well as Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod and Samara regions.
In the capital, unmanned cars are tested by Yandex - in the areas of Ramenki and Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, on Komsomolsky Prospekt and in the Central Administrative District. In addition, the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute (MADI) was engaged in development. In Tatarstan, drones were tested on the territory of the KamAZ plant and in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny.
Evgeny Belyanko, vice president for technology at NP GLONASS, says that the experiment to test unmanned vehicles will be completed by 2022. By this time, Yandex expects to bring about 1,000 such cars to public roads.
According to Olga Uskova, General Director of the software management company for autonomous transport Cognitive Pilot (Cognitive Robotics), the market for unmanned vehicles, including in Russia, will be formed for at least another 10 years. To develop the market, you need to create a regulatory framework and free landfills, she said[24]
Putin instructed to develop rules for testing unmanned vehicles
Vladimir Putin instructed to develop rules for testing driverless unmanned vehicles on public roads. This was reported on the Kremlin website on April 3, 2020.
By the end of May, the government should develop a set of measures involving testing and phased launch of unmanned vehicles on the roads with the possibility of their commercial operation in certain regions of the country. It is planned to involve representatives of the "scientific and technological business community" and interested organizations in the preparation of testing drones on the highways, the document says.
Earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers expanded the list of regions where unmanned vehicles are being tested from 2 to 13 positions. In addition, at the end of February 2020, the State Duma received a bill on the legal basis for the phased introduction of unmanned vehicles in Russia.
Putin's order was given following the March meeting of the president with Russian investors, in which Yandex co-founder Arkady Volozh F 68 participated. Then he told the head of state that for the competitiveness of technologies, in particular unmanned vehicles, it is necessary to ensure "advanced technological regulation," since competition for technologies has moved to the state level. As an example, Volozh cited the regulation of autonomous transport in the United States, where cars can already move without drivers.
By early April 2020, the Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University (MADI) continues testing a new unmanned vehicle in the capital. Tests are carried out on one car, and by autumn it is planned to launch another. The car has an identification mark in the form of the letter "A," which means "Autonomous driving," as well as a yellow flashing beacon.[25]
Concept of safety on roads with drones approved by the government
The concept of ensuring road safety, taking into account the introduction of drones, was approved by the government. The corresponding government order was published on the official portal of legal information on March 27, 2020. download concept
The concept provides specific economic indicators that the introduction of unmanned vehicles can lead to. These are indicators such as:
- fuel savings of 19-22% and a 26-30% increase in freight delivery speed compared to human-driven vehicles;
- reduction of the current costs of motor transport organizations after the introduction of highly automated transport by 25-33%;
- the amount of prevented damage from road accidents in Russia in the amount of hundreds of billions of rubles.
The concept, as follows from its text, has the following goals:
- increasing road safety and creating a safe transport environment by reducing the role of the human factor and the influence of mistakes made by drivers;
- improving the quality of life of citizens by fully meeting the needs for transport mobility, developing the associated market for services, creating comfortable conditions for people with disabilities, improving the environmental situation;
- increasing the multiplicative effect of the introduction of existing technical developments and creating new prerequisites for economic growth by using innovative transport and logistics technologies that ensure increased efficiency and availability of the services provided;
- reducing the load on the road network through its more efficient use and dissemination of technologies for connecting vehicles to the road transport infrastructure;
- improved handling of vehicles and predictability of their behavior in road traffic;
- improving the competitiveness of Russia's road transport infrastructure and the export potential of Russian companies on world markets through the development of unmanned technologies.
The concept introduces the definition of "unmanned vehicle," as well as a number of related concepts. In particular, "automated driving system," "automated transport convoy," "highly automated vehicle," "intelligent transport system," "unmanned mode of a highly or fully automated vehicle," "car sharing."
The concept provides for the possibility of voluntary, based on the concense of manufacturers, and mandatory for the application of advanced technical standards, methods and regulations, which can be variable and adaptable.
Highly and fully automated vehicles operating in unmanned mode should be gradually included in the existing transport system, without endangering other road users and ensuring full compliance with its rules, the authors of the concept note. |
The concept denotes fundamental approaches to ensuring the safe interaction of unmanned vehicles with other road users. They include:
- safety through ensuring situational awareness of unmanned vehicles by maximizing the capabilities of road transport infrastructure and comprehensive risk management;
- safety by ensuring the necessary functionality of unmanned vehicles, complementing and, if necessary, duplicating the capabilities of the road transport infrastructure, as well as by exchanging information between vehicles;
- safety through ensuring proper traffic management based on dynamic traffic flow control through control actions by intelligent transport systems.
The concept also makes recommendations for the safe functioning of highly automated vehicles. These include requirements for automated driving systems. They suggest:
- compliance with traffic rules;
- Ensuring road safety as a priority;
- network interaction with road transport infrastructure in the presence of such technical capability on its part;
- monitoring of surrounding objects of road and transport situation and safe interaction with them;
- the desire to respond safely to errors made by drivers and users of vehicles and other road users;
- actions only within the normal operation environment allowed for them;
- transition to a minimum risk state when a trip cannot or should not be completed;
- response to unforeseen situations involving minimization of danger to users of the specified vehicle and other road users;
- Clear, efficient and consistent communication with users of the automated driving system and other road users by providing them with sufficient data regarding their status and intent and enabling proper interaction;
- unambiguous notification to the driver when the vehicle goes beyond the normal operation environment;
- Ensure that the status of its operation is verified;
- possibility of own deactivation in a safe way.
The concept notes the need to form a specialized telecommunication road transport infrastructure.
The formation of a telecommunication road transport infrastructure for managing connected and unmanned vehicles includes the creation of a linear and station infocommunication and object instrument infrastructure on the road network, the creation and development of a technological platform including application software modules, data channel protection tools, as well as ensuring the functioning of the entire infrastructure on the basis of unified open protocols as a single digital ecosystem, - the authors of the concept declare. |
The created road transport infrastructure, according to the concept, should ensure maximum availability and continuity of services for connected vehicles, as well as the operability of information, support and engineering systems.
Given the massive emergence of unmanned vehicles, it is necessary to identify possible vulnerabilities of the system and threats, design models of potential threats that destabilize transport networks, the authors of the concept say. |
The road transport infrastructure, in accordance with the document, must undergo a procedure for confirming compliance with legal requirements. One of the methods of its passage in the concept is the implementation of a set of measures to protect and conduct certification tests of state information systems for compliance with information security requirements.
The concept introduces the basic requirements for road transport infrastructure. They suggest that she has:
- intelligent transport system including a service platform ensuring interaction of the vehicle with any objects capable of influencing it;
- accurate positioning systems operating on the basis of satellite technologies and a network of ground reference base stations providing differential correction;
- digital road models based on highly accurate digital dynamic roadmaps;
- stable road coverage by high-speed communication channels.
According to the concept, the physical architecture of the intelligent transport system should include the following complex subsystems:
- Traffic management;
- Charging;
- traffic control;
- User services and services;
- road condition management;
- control and diagnostic.
In the scenarios of operation of the intelligent transport system software, it is necessary to provide for the localization of road accidents, the advance exit of ordinary vehicles from the lane on which the accident of a highly automated vehicle occurred, and the entrance of special vehicles of emergency services, the authors of the concept write. |
Vehicles, according to the document, must be equipped with several communication systems that support one or more wireless interfaces that provide interaction between the vehicle and the road transport infrastructure.
The basis of the road transport infrastructure is made up of gateways, nodes, routers that provide communication with various road components of the intelligent transport system, the authors of the concept note. |
When creating intelligent transport systems on highways, they propose to be guided by the main international telecommunications standards. The availability and functionality of intelligent transport systems on roads, according to the concept, should depend on the category of the road.
A great emphasis in the concept is placed on the training and training of users of highly automated vehicles, as well as specialized specialists in the field of automated transport.
To ensure safety in the operation of highly automated vehicles, it is necessary to train a wide range of consumers of new technologies, drivers of highly automated vehicles with second, third and fourth levels of automation and users of highly automated vehicles moving in unmanned mode. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the need for additional competencies among drivers conducting pilot operation of highly automated vehicles on public roads, the authors of the concept say. |
They also note the need to ensure, in addition to the professional qualifications of drivers, their psychophysiological readiness to drive a vehicle and compliance with traffic rules.
In addition to the usual competencies, according to the concept, drivers of vehicles and users of automated driving systems on highly automated vehicles should:
- be aware of the need for their proper use before commencing the trip;
- comply with the requirements and procedure for their safe use;
- be able to exchange information with the vehicle;
- Understand whether there is a need to take on dynamic control to complete the trip.
In the event that the user assumes the function of dynamic control or if he has independently decided to carry out such control, the concept obliges him to:
- have a driver's license confirming the right to drive a vehicle of the corresponding category;
- comply with the rules of the road;
- Ensure that the vehicle is safe to drive regardless of whether it is using an automated driving system or performing a dynamic control function.
For manufacturers of highly automated vehicles, the concept recommends developing and documenting additional education programs for employees, dealers and consumers. These programs, according to the document, should contain the following topics:
- functionality and limitations of automated driving systems;
- operating parameters of highly automated vehicles;
- rules for interaction between the driver and the automated driving system, as well as procedures for transferring control to and from them;
- features of the human-machine interface;
- scenarios of behavior of the automated driving system after an accident;
- standard operation environment parameters;
- signs and causes of probable failures of the automated driving system.
Manufacturers of highly automated vehicles, in accordance with the concept, must ensure that their personnel, including marketing and sales representatives, understand the technologies offered and their ability to train their dealers and consumers.
Training programs should be continuously evaluated for their effectiveness and updated on a regular basis, including feedback from dealers, customers and other sources. Based on the experience of implementing these advanced training programs, further requirements for drivers of highly automated vehicles, professional standards and relevant educational programs should be developed. One of the most important conditions for successful automation of road transport provides for the presence of qualified service personnel, which will require training and unite the efforts of specialists in the automotive industry and the road industry, the concept says. |
The document also draws attention to the emergence of a number of new specialties in connection with the development of the highly automated transport system. Among them:
- Specialist in transport IT systems;
- Specialist in the design and production of highly automated vehicles;
- technologist for assembly and production of this transport;
- operator of its special equipment;
- assembler of its nodes;
- test of highly automated vehicles at virtual landfills;
- specialist in the field of cargo transportation when moving in an automated convoy;
- developer of navigation systems for highly automated vehicles;
- specialist in the design and construction of a road network designed for the use of this transport;
- Specialist in maintenance and adjustment of intelligent infrastructure for safe movement;
- road scene writer;
- Specialist in the analysis of data generated by road transport infrastructure and highly automated vehicles;
- specialist in ensuring the protection of information of this transport.
Training in new specialties, according to the authors of the concept, will require the development of professional standards and relevant educational programs, as well as advanced training programs for teachers, who will train staff in these innovative specialties. In addition, the concept notes the feasibility of creating a specialized educational infrastructure for training, the formation of which is possible on the basis of public-private partnership in cooperation with leading specialized universities and training centers.
Ugra joined the experiment on the use of unmanned vehicles
On March 18, 2020 Department of Information Technologies and Digital Development of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra (Department of Information Technologies of Ugra) , he announced that the Autonomous Okrug was among the territories participating in the experiment on the experimental operation of automobile highly automated transport means on public roads.
Depinformtekhnologii recalled that since December 2018, an experiment on the experimental operation of unmanned vehicles has been launched in Moscow and Tatarstan. Since March 1, 2020, according to changes in legislation, 11 more subjects have joined them, including Ugra. The experiment is designed for exactly two years and will end on March 1, 2022.
The project will allow more efficient use of working hours and reduce the number of employed personnel, reduce the negative impact of the human factor in transport management and increase the efficiency of road transportation.
Already on March 18, 2020, in the territory of the okrug, oil companies are actively introducing modern technological solutions in the field of logistics for more efficient delivery of goods to fields and fields. Thus, Gazprom Neft plans to use domestic cars in a pilot project for automated transportation of goods in convoy mode in winter.
For March 2020, the Department of Information Technologies of Ugra is preparing an agreement between the Government of Ugra and Gazprom Neft in the field of unmanned vehicles and the use of artificial intelligence.
Russian the auto industry has already joined the "unmanned race." The group of companies Volgabus presented an unmanned project. MatrЁshka This is a modular unmanned system transport for transporting people, goods and performing the work of communal equipment. The plant "" in KAMAZ 2018 tested the prototype of the unmanned electric bus "Sh. A. T. L." Responsible for maneuvering, the traffic electronics situation is controlled by motion sensors, video cameras and lidars. The Russian company Cognitive Technologies conducted tests of a self-driving combine in night conditions neural network , which is capable of recognizing the beveled and undisturbed surface of a field, obstacles and other objects.
Unmanned vehicles allowed in St. Petersburg, Moscow region and 9 other regions
The action of the state experiment on experimental operation on public roads of drones has been expanded to 11 more subjects of the country - St. Petersburg, Leningrad Region, Moscow, Vladimir, Novgorod, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod Region, the Republic of Chuvashia, Krasnodar Territory, as well as Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. This follows from the decree of the government of the Russian Federation, published on the website of the department on February 26, 2020.
The experiment on the territory of these regions, according to the document, will be carried out for two years - from March 1, 2020 to March 1, 2022.
Note that the experiment on the territory of Moscow and Tatarstan, in accordance with the government decree issued in 2018, will also last until March 1, 2022, thus taking about four years.
In this experiment, in particular, organizations such as, Yandex, MOSCOW ADMINISTRATIVE ROAD INSPECTORATE KB,, and "Aurora" "Kamaz" "Innopolis" Taganrog University take part. Drones in it are assigned the sign "A" - "Autonomous driving."[26]
Operators of unmanned vehicles in Russia will be obliged to receive special rights
In mid-February 2020, it became known about the draft federal law "On innovative vehicles" prepared by the Tatarstan authorities, which will regulate the movement of unmanned vehicles on public roads.
As Kommersant writes with reference to this document, owners of self-driving cars will have to receive special rights to manage such vehicles.
In addition, during the trip, all data on the operation and movement of the car will be continuously recorded. All emergencies involving drones will be investigated according to special rules. Also, the authors of the document insist on adapting road markings, signs and other infrastructure for autonomous vehicles.
Another requirement - robomobili will need to be insured in case of an accident, "illegal access" and "unlawful impact." The law stipulates that unmanned and other "innovative" cars must be registered with the traffic police and insured. The minimum insurance amount, within which the owner will compensate for damage in an accident, will be established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
By February 2020, unmanned vehicles in Russia can be driven on common roads as part of an experiment that will end in March 2022. It is known that 96 Yandex cars and one car of the Moscow Highway Institute (MADI) are participating in the experiment.
The systems that are used in drones are divided, according to the Western classification, into six levels. The zero level assumes an instant intervention of the automatic system in the event of an unforeseen situation on the road, but does not provide for complete control over the vehicle. The fifth, level does not require any human intervention at all. And it was for him that the bill was developed in Tatarstan.[27]
Yandex began to use lidars and cameras of its own production in unmanned vehicles
In mid-December 2019, it became known that Yandex"" began to be used in unmanned cars lidars vehicles and cameras of its own production. The company claims that its solutions are half cheaper than foreign counterparts. More. here
"Vokord" will check unmanned vehicles for compliance with traffic rules "
On October 31, 2019, RVC announced that Vokord would check unmanned vehicles for traffic rules. Read more here.
"MosTransProekt" will digitize the movement of drones at the final of the "Winter City"
RVC and MosTransProekt signed a partnership agreement as part of the Up Great Winter City technology competition final. Competitions with a prize fund of 175 million rubles are aimed at creating an unmanned vehicle for the severe weather conditions of the Russian winter, RVC reported on October 21, 2019. Read more here.
Unmanned trucks are about to travel between Moscow and St. Petersburg
By 2022 St. Petersburg , unmanned trucks should start running on the Moscow-( M 11) highway. This was announced in September 2019 at the logistics session of the Eastern Economic Forum (WEF), which is taking place in Vladivostok, by the general director of the company National Telematics Systems"" (NTS) Alexey Nashchekin[28]
"In the near future, we hope, we will go to the M11 for a pilot, and in about two or three years, with the appropriate regulatory framework, we are planning to launch unmanned transportation," he said. On the sidelines, Nashchekin clarified that drones will not move in the general flow, but in the allocated lanes.
To date, NTS has already accumulated some experience in this direction - the company has implemented the Smart Roads project. "Comprehensive tests were carried out at the training ground in Kazan for two years," Nashchekin explained. - Within the framework of the project, equipment, software, and cargo drones were developed. Fully our Russian development. When not only the car itself works with machine vision, but the whole complex works: a smart road and a drone in conjunction. " |
The Russian government is preparing to launch unmanned vehicles: the first important document
On August 15, 2019, the Government of the Russian Federation published on the federal portal of draft regulatory legal acts a draft resolution describing in general terms the methods of ensuring the safety of unmanned vehicles on the roads in the Russian Federation. The document is prepared by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. The agency has developed a document in order to achieve the tasks and results of the federal project "System-wide measures for the development of roads," approved by the protocol of the meeting of the committee on the national project "Safe and High-Quality Roads" dated December 20, 2018 No. 4. Public discussion of the project will last until August 29.
The document entitled "Concept of road safety with the participation of unmanned vehicles on public roads[29]describes in great detail both the principles of operation of unmanned vehicles and the measures necessary to ensure its safety during operation. Moreover, we are talking not only about road safety, but also about preventing attempts at cyber attacks on a vehicle.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade proposes to consider a highly or fully automated vehicle (vehicle) functioning without human intervention (in unmanned mode) as an unmanned vehicle. The document also contains definitions of an automated driving system (ADS), a highly automated vehicle (Highly Automated Vehicle), car sharing (Carsharing), a digital model of a road, ridesharing/carpooling (Ridesharing, Carpooling), a fully automated vehicle (Fully Automated Vehicle), etc.
Two things draw attention to themselves. Firstly, almost all terms are given in Russian and English. For some concepts, adequate correspondences did not appear in Russian, therefore surface Russified ones are used - "car sharing," "ridesharing" and "carpooling." Some of the terms are given without translation at all, but with explanations of what is what: for example, all options for the interaction of the vehicle with the environment are presented (Vehicle-to-Vehicle, Vehicle-to-Infrastructure, etc.).
Secondly, although the title of the Concept includes "unmanned vehicles," the text itself prefers the definition of "highly automated vehicle" (VATS).
{{quote 'The common term' unmanned'is less successful, as it emphasizes the absence of a driver (pilot) in the vehicle, and this cannot always be implemented in the modern state of the art, and the term' unmanned'does not take into account the presence of intermediate levels of automation... In addition, an unmanned vehicle can be controlled remotely through commands from an external operator, which may mean the absence of vehicle automation per se, the authors explain. }}
The document highlights five levels of vehicle automation.
- The automated system controls the position of the vehicle in the longitudinal or transverse plane. Vehicle control is performed by the driver.
- The automated system controls the position of the vehicle in both the longitudinal and transverse planes. It is necessary to control the vehicle from the driver's side, because the automated system is not able to detect all situations within the USE. The driver must be able to intervene in the control at any time.
- DIA (automated driving system) is able to cope with all the tasks of dynamic control of the VATS within its USE or otherwise will transfer control to the driver with sufficient lead time (the driver must be ready to take control). The DIA controls the VATS and monitors the environment within a specific USE. The system detects its limit capabilities and, if it reaches their level, sends a signal about the transfer of control to the driver.
- DIA is able to cope with any situations within the USE (without requiring the driver to take control). A driver may not be required in separate VATS use scenarios, such as in the case of an unmanned concierge parking or shuttle bus off public roads. However, the DIA may request the driver to switch to manual control if the USE boundary values are reached (e.g., at a motorway exit).
- DIA is able to cope with any situation on all types of roads, in all speed ranges and environmental conditions. There is no need for a driver.
A set of requirements for functionality is prescribed for the DIA: such a system should be able to network with the road transport infrastructure, perform "monitoring of the surrounding objects of the road and transport situation and safely interact with them," exchange information with other DIAs, respond to unforeseen situations and errors of other drivers like this, to minimize the threat to both the user of this vehicle and other road users, to be able to deactivate themselves in a safe way, etc.
Methods of VATS parameters verification and conditions for their admission to operation are also prescribed - in accordance with various standards (GOST, ISO, etc.). One of the key is the developers' report on cybersecurity based on unified standards.
Make sure that the VATS is reliably protected against attempts to electronically suppress, intercept control and leak of transmitted information, including personal data of users. It is necessary to perform the system design of the VATS, taking into account the minimization of security risks due to cyber threats and software vulnerabilities (software). Decisions related to cybersecurity should be integrated into the vehicle control system at the stages of its development, the document says. - It is recommended to ensure cybersecurity not only through additional protection systems, but also on the basis of the maximum exclusion of the fundamental possibility of intervention (Safe by Design Concept), the physical impossibility of controlling movement from the outside, for example, transferring remote control to an external operator only by means of a manual switch. |
{{quote 'author '= says Oleg Galushkin, Director of Information Security at SEQ (formerly SEC Consult Services)'|The Safe by Design approach implies that this or that system is developed taking into account all security requirements. Any cybersecurity specialist will say that this is the only acceptable option in the development of critical systems such as transport. The provision on the application of the Safe by Design approach when creating automated vehicle control systems should not be a recommendation, but strict conditions for the vehicle's admission to operation. }}
The Concept stipulates, however, that a cybersecurity report "based on unified standards" should be one of the necessary elements of a set of documents for allowing the VATS to operate, and special attention is paid to preventing indirect cyber attacks: the authors of the concept rightly recommend introducing corporate cybersecurity and data protection rules in organizations that are related to the production and maintenance of connected and highly automated vehicles and indicate that the cybersecurity of connected and automated vehicles should not be considered only for individual components and problems.
The concept also describes in some detail the specialized telecommunications road transport infrastructure that needs to be created to control connected and unmanned vehicles; this will require "the creation of a linear and station infocommunication and object tool infrastructure on the road network, the creation and development of a technological platform including application software modules, data channel protection tools, as well as ensuring the functioning of the entire infrastructure on the basis of single open protocols as a single digital ecosystem."
The idea is to reduce the cost of transportation by harmoniously reallocating the responsibility concentrated on the vehicle to a system including the vehicle and infrastructure. The authors of the concept introduce the term MAC - "multi-agent control system."
This system will have to ensure "maximum availability and continuity of services for connected cars, operability of IT infrastructure, information, support and engineering systems for the efficiency and reliability of the information technology infrastructure."
The authors of the document point out that in view of the growing informatization of vehicles and the emergence of the ability to control critical components of a car from the outside via wireless communication channels, the internal information security of internal car interaction channels becomes one of the key risks that must be taken into account throughout the transport infrastructure.
The road transport infrastructure must also undergo a procedure for confirming compliance with the established requirements, including, in accordance with the current legislation, carrying out a set of measures to protect and conduct certification tests of state information systems for compliance with information security requirements by authorized state authorities, the document says. |
The authors also stipulate that when creating the road infrastructure of cooperative intellectual systems, the provisions of the Federal Law of 26.07.2017 should be taken into account. No. 187-FZ "On the Security of the Critical Information Infrastructure of the Russian Federation."
Specific requirements are also listed: the presence of an intelligent transport system, the presence of a V2X service platform (Vehicle-to-Everything) for the exchange of data between all components of the infrastructure, the presence of an accurate positioning system based on satellite technologies and a network of ground stations, as well as an implemented digital road model system based on high-precision digital dynamic road maps.
The concept also involves the training and training of VATS drivers - or users, if we are talking about a completely independent system that does not require the participation of the operator.
The human factor, as before in traditional driving, still retains its key role in providing road traffic safety at automation levels 3-4. It is necessary to ensure not only the proper professional qualifications of vehicle drivers achieved by training, but also their psychophysiological readiness to control the vehicle and comply with traffic rules, respect for other road users, the document says. |
Some experts respond positively about the document, the second complain that they were not invited to participate, and others see discrepancies in the definitions of the concept when correlated with terms in other documents.
The authors of the document themselves admit that the massive introduction of VATS will most likely lead to a massive loss of jobs by people whose work is related to driving vehicles. And we are talking not only about drivers, but also insurers, specialists in the analysis of accidents.
The absence of traffic violations also transforms the traffic police, the document says. |
The authors predict a backlash from driver workers, with the scale of the protest set to grow.
A complete solution to this problem is possible only by retraining workers, the authors say. |
BaseTracK showcases unmanned minibus
On July 16, 2019, the developer of control technology transport BaseTracK demonstrated one of the working prototypes of an unmanned minibus on GAZelle Next Eva the territory. Skolkovo Innovation Center More. Product: BaseTracK GAZelle Next Eva Unmanned minibus
Roscosmos presented an unmanned tractor
At the Innoprom-2019 International Industrial Exhibition (July 8-11), a presentation of an unmanned tractor developed by the Scientific and Production Association (NPO) of Automation (part of Roscosmos) took place. Read more here.
Russia overtook Brazil in the ranking of readiness for unmanned vehicles
The Dutch company KPMG conducted the second annual analysis of countries' readiness to introduce unmanned vehicles. The first place out of 25 was taken by the Netherlands, Russia was in 22nd place, beating Brazil compared to last year's rating, according to a report published on the KPMG[30].
Many existing prototypes of unmanned vehicles are capable of independently moving in different conditions, and some of their developers, for example, Uber, Yandex and Waymo have already begun experimental operation of unmanned taxi services. However, the massive introduction of self-driving cars is limited not only by their technological development, but also by a variety of other factors, the main of which is the level of support for the technology by the authorities. In addition, the introduction of unmanned vehicles is influenced by the development of infrastructure and the readiness of people to travel in cars without a person behind the wheel.
Since 2018, KPMG has been conducting an annual analysis of factors affecting the readiness of countries for the mass use of self-driving cars. In the new report, the company included 25 countries, the level of readiness of which its specialists assessed on the basis of 25 parameters, combined into four groups: legislative regulation, technology development and innovation, infrastructure development, as well as the level of adoption of drones by consumers.
The overall ranking, as in 2018, was topped by the Netherlands, with Russia ranked 22nd out of 25. The country received the highest rating for success in regulating unmanned vehicles by the authorities (22nd place), and Russia took 24th place in the other three groups of parameters. The company's specialists identified several main events reflecting the development of the field of unmanned vehicles in the country. For example, the report separately noted tests of a Yandex drone after snowfall in Moscow, as well as the launch of a test unmanned taxi service in Innopolis. In addition, the authors of the report noted the initiative of the NTI "Autonet" to amend the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic to legally equate autopilot systems with a driver, as well as a state experiment to test drones on Russian roads.
Compared to last year's rating, Russia dropped four places (from 18 to 22), but this year five new countries were added to the report. It is worth noting that some of the parameters used in the assessment of countries are not directly related to unmanned vehicles. For example, two of the 25 parameters reflect the quality of mobile Internet in the country as a whole and 4G network coverage in particular. In addition, two more parameters assess the level of introduction of electric vehicles and related technologies: experts took into account the share of the electric vehicle market when forming the rating, as well as the density of the stations for charging them.
More than ten teams are developing unmanned vehicles in Russia
There is a huge underestimation of technological potential in Russia, Dmitry Peskov, the president's special representative for digital and technological development, said at a press conference in February 2019. As an example, he cited the "fashionable theme" - self-driving cars. Speaking about the presence of Russian developments in this area, he noted:
If you ask - "Who?," They will usually call Yandex, those who understand better will say KAMAZ, and who understand worse will say Cognitive Technologies. |
He recalled that the technological contests of the "National Technological Initiative" had previously started, and one of them - Up Great "Winter City" - concerns the development of unmanned vehicle management technologies adapted for use in Russian climatic and road conditions. Its task is to develop an unmanned vehicle capable of moving around the city for 3 hours in autonomous mode in winter and at different times of the day, in compliance with traffic rules.
This is what "no Tesla, Ford and others can do, they do not see snow, do not read signs," says Dmitry Peskov.
According to the results of the final of the competition in December 2019, the winner in the form of a government grant will receive 175 million rubles.
When the competition first began, the initiative faced skepticism about the presence of such competencies in the country. There were those who said that there are literally a couple of companies in the country that win everything, Peskov says.
But on February 26, the first qualifying races should take place, we now have more than 10 teams that have brought their technological solutions. Among them are excellent private Russian technology companies, which we do not know about, but which have invested our own funds in development, "says the president's special representative for digital and technological development. |
The press service of the National Technology Initiative clarified to TAdviser that we are talking about 13 teams from different regions:
- SmartVision Tomsk (Alliance "Technical Vision," Tomsk);
- SnowBot (Aurora Robotics, Moscow);
- Icy Riders (OOO "North," Ryazan);
- Innoteam (Innopolis University, Republic of Tatarstan);
- ITS SPRUT (LLC "ITS SPRUT," Magnitogorsk);
- NSTU (Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University);
- StarLine (NPO StarLine, St. Petersburg);
- AUTO-RTK (a joint team of the Scientific and Design Bureau of Computer Systems and the company "Onboard Intelligent Systems" from Taganrog, SFU and South-Western State University);
- Winter City MADI (Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University);
- Alpha (Kovrov State Technological Academy, Vladimir Region);
- CVLRobotics (Moscow Polytechnic University (Mospolitech));
- BaseTracK (Energo, Moscow);
- RoboLife (Ulyanovsk State Technical University).
NAMI landfill for testing unmanned vehicles will work in February
On February 5, 2019, NTI Avtonet announced that the first testing ground for unmanned vehicles in Russia will work in February 2019, during this time it is planned to complete the initial stage of its modernization - this is the NAMI training ground.
Tests of self-driving cars will be held from February 26 to March 5, 2019 as part of the Up Great Winter City competition. According to the task, the drone must move in extreme climatic conditions in the absence of road markings, with low visibility of the roadway and in the presence of road traffic. At the training ground, the conditions of the real urban environment will be imitated: the movements of pedestrians and other cars, road works will be recreated.
At the NAMI training ground in the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region, 13 teams will test their cars. The final tests will be held in December 2019. The prize fund of the competition is 175 million rubles.
The press service of Avtonet noted that a digital infrastructure has already been created at the training ground that simulates the urban movement: special equipment, sensors are installed, V2X communication is laid (allows the car to interact with another car, environment and infrastructure - ed.) It is assumed that thanks to it it will be possible to develop methods for testing unmanned vehicles on public roads and safety standards for allowing smart vehicles to participate in traffic.
As noted in the press service of NTI "Autonet," tests at an open training ground will be able to prevent emergencies and accidents, provide broadband communication between road users, create additional services for drivers, as well as find alternative economic models of transportation with the participation of unmanned vehicles, reduce congestion and improve the quality of driving in the conditions of the introduction of "Smart City," intelligent transport systems, -
Later, it is planned to modernize the second part of the landfill: the acceleration track, the outer and inner rings, imitating the movement of cars outside the city. For this, fiber-optic communication will be laid, video cameras and other equipment will be installed to ensure the connection of smart cars with the infrastructure.
The second stage is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2019. In the future, at the third stage of the modernization of the landfill, it is planned to create a virtual test laboratory with the ability to create a digital twin of an unmanned vehicle. Developers of automated machines will be able to use their own software to simulate any transport situations.
Russians do not believe in unmanned vehicles, but want to live in "smart" houses
NAFI On August 23, 2019, the analytical center, together with the organization "," Digital economy presented the second part of a study on the attitude Russians to modern technologies and readiness for life in a digital society. In this part of the study - about the attitude of Russians to "smart" devices, neurotechnologies, as well as innovations in the field. transport More. here
Medvedev signed a decree on the use of unmanned vehicles on the roads
On November 26, 2018, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on testing unmanned vehicles on public roads. The experiment will begin on December 1, 2018 in Moscow and Tatarstan and will last until March 1, 2022.
I signed a government decree on conducting an experiment on the experimental operation of highly automated vehicles on public roads, "Medvedev said at a meeting with deputy prime ministers (quoted by TASS Information Agency of Russia). |
According to the head of government, tests of self-driving cars, including for the delivery of passengers and goods, are carried out in many other countries. A number of Russian companies are developing projects for unmanned vehicles, but their implementation requires regulatory conditions, and "the current rules proceed from the fact that a driver must sit behind any vehicle," Medvedev said.
In his opinion, the experiment should not only give an impetus to the development of unmanned vehicles, but also identify the legal consequences in the event of an accident. In addition, technical requirements for an unmanned driving system will be developed to develop technical regulations and standardization documents.
Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov said that as part of the testing of robotic vehicles in December 2018, more than 100 such cars will be brought to the roads. Each of them will contain an instructor pilot who will take control of the vehicle in case of unforeseen circumstances, he added.
Only companies with an authorized capital of 100 million rubles will be able to take part in the experiment. Each car will have to be insured for at least 10 million rubles.
Earlier, Dmitry Medvedev announced a decision to strengthen state support for developers of unmanned control systems for ground transport. In addition, he instructed to develop the necessary infrastructure and a single list of requirements for drones.[31]
Base for testing unmanned vehicles
On September 26, 2018, the Monitoring Station, a high-tech base for testing unmanned vehicles (BPTS), was opened at the Skolkovo Innovation Center. Testing will be carried out in conditions close to public roads. The station uses a promising 5G network. The first tests were the buses of the second generation "NAMI-KAMAZ" 1221 of the "SHUTTLE" project.
Monitoring Station is a joint project of the Skolkovo Foundation, PJSC Rostelecom and FSUE NAMI. This is a high-tech base where you can conduct full-scale tests and assess the real prospects for bringing BPTS to the streets of Russian cities. The Station includes a dispatch center, premises for storage and charging of BPTS. Thus, development companies have the opportunity to clearly demonstrate the degree of readiness of technologies, as well as to conduct dynamic demonstrations of unmanned vehicles on a long (non-exhibition) basis. During the movement, all telemetry data of the BPTS, data of movement parameters and video recording of high quality are transmitted over 5G networks in real time to the command post "Monitoring Stations."
As of September 2018, three companies have valid permits for the pilot operation of unmanned vehicles in the Skolkovo infrastructure - Volgabas Robo Lab LLC, the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation FSUE NAMI and KAMAZ Innovation Center LLC.
An unmanned vehicle that demonstrated the work of the Monitoring Station was the second-generation NAMI-KAMAZ bus 1221 of the SHUTTLE project, which operates in 5G networks in the 3.4-3.8 GHz range. The electric bus is designed for 12 seats, 6 of which are for the seat. There is no driver's seat.
An important aspect in the operation of the bus is the use of a 5G network. It is used to operate the telematics system and transmit information to the central server of the control room and vice versa. Decisions on the current situation - bypassing the obstacle, the emergency appearance of a pedestrian on the road outside the permitted crossing zone, maintaining the lane, maintaining the distance and intervals - are made on board the car.
Order on the development of unmanned road transport
The Russian government has adopted an order on the development of unmanned road transport. Very soon, special sections of roads will be allocated for testing drones. However, the order indicates a particular danger of hacker and terrorist attacks on cars without drivers.
"For the Russian Federation, the development of autonomous driving technologies is of particular importance to solve the problems of increasing the mobility of persons with disabilities, as well as to ensure the connectivity of sparsely populated territories, including the regions of the Far North and the Arctic.
Increasing the autonomy of vehicles requires addressing issues of increased cybersecurity, including protection against hacker and terrorist attacks related to the hacking of intelligent transport systems and autonomous cars, in order to coordinate traffic violations and provoke mass collisions, as well as regulating property rights and data management in the development of autonomous driving systems to eliminate the risks of data misuse. A serious challenge is the distribution of responsibility when driving autonomous cars on public roads.
It is necessary to provide for a gradual transition of responsibility for a traffic accident from the driver to the manufacturer with an increase in the degree of autonomy of the vehicle, taking into account the established causes of the traffic accident (errors of the driver present on board, technical malfunction of the vehicle systems, hacker attack, etc.), "the official document says.
Putin considers it important to create a regulatory framework for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles
The scope of unmanned vehicles is very wide, but first you need to create a regulatory framework for their use. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the All-Russian Forum of Professional Navigation "Projector"[32] the[33].
"Drones are important everywhere, their scope is unlimited," he said. "We still need to do a lot in order to improve the regulatory framework for the use of drones," Putin said. According to him, over time, the use of such devices will be more and more ambitious and more effective.
The President noted that drones can be used in aviation, and in vehicles, and in the field of space, and in the military sphere. "Wars can end when one side's drones are destroyed by the other side's drones; then it will only remain to surrender, "he said.
Breakthrough unmanned air cargo platform created in Russia
Kazan aircraft designers announced in August 2017 an unmanned aerial cargo platform for vertical takeoff and landing, which can change the very perception of the applicability of unmanned aerial vehicles. The platform is easily adapted into unmanned aerial vehicles of various modifications for solving various tasks: from cargo logistics and field processing to fire extinguishing - SKYF Unmanned air cargo platform.
The first testing ground for unmanned vehicles appeared in Moscow
The first open testing ground for unmanned vehicles appeared in the Caliber technopark on Godovikov Street in the Ostankino district of Moscow. The 400-meter-long highway reproduces the urban environment: it has bus stops, pedestrian crossings, road signs, marking corresponding to GOST, as well as circular traffic.
"Forcompanies leading developments in self-driving vehicles, the infrastructure to test a car and 'train' it is important. In order to assist residents of the technopark, a special experimental training ground was organized, which is used to run drones, "the press service of the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship said.
Testing of unmanned vehicles at the training ground has already begun. Residents of the technopark took part in the creation of the technical part of four unmanned buses for a large Russian machine-building holding, in particular, they developed an engine and electronics. Cars are taught to interact with both road infrastructure and pedestrians on the zebra. Their roles are played by the employees of the technopark themselves.
The landfill will be used not only by residents, but also by students and graduate students of Moscow technical universities.
In 2017, domestic manufacturers of urban electric vehicles and drones will receive subsidies in the amount of 900 million rubles. The production of these high-tech vehicles opens up new opportunities for urban planning and environmental improvement.
Special roads for unmanned vehicles will be built in Russia
The Avtodor company has begun work on designing roads in Russia for "cars of the future." Talking about the start of the program, the head of the state-owned company Avtodor Sergey Kelbach noted in the summer of 2017 that unmanned cars need tracks of the first technical category, which still need to be built or modified. On such roads, the maximum level of safety for all road users should be provided, which will be provided through road-car and car-car communication. 'There is no way a car of the future can move along a track that is crossed by other roads. That is, intersections in one level should be completely excluded on it, "he explained.
At the preparatory stage, according to Kelbach, the company is developing a fundamentally new road system. Some changes have already been implemented. Thus, parking lots for electric vehicles have appeared at gas stations located along Avtodor roads, and separate electric stations are being built.
Cognitive Technologies conducted field tests of an unmanned combine
On August 15, Cognitive Technologies announced the first field tests of the combine in unmanned mode. The work was carried out in the Rostov region together with the company's partner - Rostselmash. An experimental example of the RSM 181 TORUM combine was equipped with the Cognitive Agro Pilot automatic driving system.
During the harvesting work, the driver of the experimental model of the combine was to be present in the cabin and act as a controller. Under the control of the Cognitive Agro Pilot AI, the combine is able to automatically steer, make turns until it reaches the end of the run - until the end of the circle (to the place where the field boundary breaks) or to the perpendicular edge. In this case, the combine harvester is given a signal to take control. If control is not taken, the combine stops. Read more about the trials here.
Roselectronics has manufactured prototypes of equipment for an unmanned combine
Holding "Roselectronics State Corporation" Rostec on August 8 announced the manufacture prototypes navigational of -connected elements of onboard and dispatching equipment for the agricultural unmanned vehicles control system. The work is carried out in the interests of the Moscow group of companies Rostselmash. Research Institute of Microelectronic Equipment "Progress"
A service platform for organizing the movement of drones will appear in Russia
As it became known on July 25, the president Russia Vladimir Putin instructed Government of the Russian Federation to prepare proposals for the creation of a Russian service information and telematics platform by December 1, which will later become the main one for organizing unmanned automobile traffic, they write with Izvestia reference to the text of the chapter's order. states[34]
It is assumed that the platform will accumulate information in the transport sector, including an assessment of traffic congestion, optimize traffic flows, predict the occurrence of emergency and dangerous situations, and monitor the state of urban and transport infrastructure equipment. Data on traffic will be collected from ERA-GLONASS and Platon systems, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Transport, the traffic police, from operators of security search engines and technical assistance and other private and state information systems.
The system should become a universal base for implementing the concept of a "connected car," as well as take over the provision of payment services such as payment for parking, collection of fares, transport tax, payment of multimodal travel.
In accordance with the instructions of the president, the development of the project will be carried out by the government together Agency for Strategic Initiatives with interested Russian IT companies. Issues of information exchange and interfacing will be worked out with JSC, the Ministry of GLONASS Transport,, Ministry of Natural Resources"" and Rostelecom other operators of state and non-state systems, as well as service providers.
In 2018, Moscow may test 5G networks for the first time on unmanned vehicles
In 2018 To Moscow , the first tests of fifth-generation communication networks () on may take place 5G in. In unmanned vehicles this regard, it will be necessary to ensure a high density of base stations in the capital. According to the Minister of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, a Nikolay Nikiforov new base station connected via a fiber-optic communication line should be installed every 400-500 meters. Read more about this in the article. Development of 5G networks in Russia
In Russia, legalize the connection between unmanned vehicles
The State Commission on Radio Frequencies (SCRF) at a meeting on June 30, 2017 will consider the use of the 5.9 GHz (5855-5925 MHz) frequency range for intelligent transport systems (ITS). This is stated in the agenda of the meeting of the State Committee for Emergency Situations, available to CNews[35].
Back in 2011, the SCRF allocated a 5.9 GHz band for ITS. However, then the maximum possible EIIM (effective isotropically emitting power) of radioelectronic means in this range was set at minus 10 dBW (decibell watt), which is equivalent to 20 dBm (decibel milliwatt).
As a result, at the moment, the use of ITS in Russia is limited to tolling systems. At the same time, as noted in the report of the Radio Research Institute (NIIR) prepared for the State Radio Broadcasting Committee, this type of systems is already outdated, although it gave impetus to the development of ITS.
Insurance for cargo transportation with the participation of a drone
The customer of the product is the domestic transport company Traft, which by the end of summer 2017 should make the first cargo transportation in the country on a heavy vehicle using unmanned control technologies.
The carrier wants to insure the liability of a self-driving truck operator driver to other road users during an experimental flight. Indeed, according to the current European legislation, which applies in our country (Vienna Convention on Road Traffic), the control of an unmanned wagon must be monitored without fail by a person directly behind the wheel and performing supervisory functions to ensure the correct operation of all autopilot systems, including sensors, sonars, lidars and other electronic and hardware components.
The executive director of Traft Artur Muradyan, explaining the choice of an insurance contractor, noted that "the company needed the most competent partner - not only in terms of insurance regulation, but also in terms of its existing experience in developing innovative insurance products using hardware and hardware." The expert recalled that it was INTACH that was the first in the country to successfully launch the mass retail insurance product CASCO based on telematics - the driver, if desired, can install a special device that analyzes driving style and behavior on the road and when driving carefully, will reduce the cost of the policy. Traft liked this project, after which the carrier turned to the insurer for help.
The insurance product of the pilot company (BPTS) shall include coverage of three types of liability: manufacturer of hardware, technical, electronic and information and communication components and solutions for BPTS; the responsibility of the tuner and tester of components for BPTS based on a commercial industrial model of a passenger or cargo vehicle; responsibility of the BPTS operator.
But in practice, such insurance in modern realities turned out to be difficult to implement: the legislation lacks a definition of an unmanned vehicle and a drone driver-operator and there are no regulatory concepts for whom to make claims in the event of an accident. The last significant steps in this direction were taken back in March 2016, when the Commission of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for the Development of Strategic Information Systems held a round table, at which officials agreed on a draft of a number of future changes and amendments to traffic rules, criminal and civil codes that will have to regulate the issues of unmanned vehicles on public roads, and since then, the topic has not received significant legislative development, the expert notes.
Therefore, the basis of insurance at the moment is the classic model of insurance of the liability of the owner of the vehicle. Regarding self-driving cars, such insurance is used in Russia for the first time. Also, both companies agreed to accumulate data on the movement of BPTS on landfills and tracks, since statistics on the operation of the vehicle are needed to create a comprehensive insurance product and calculate risks.
"Now we are working on an experimental model of an insurance product for BPTS: first, only the liability of the driver-operator of the BPTS is insured. The very concept of "operator" in relation to the driver of a vehicle is introduced by Russian insurance companies for the first time. In the future, a comprehensive BPTS insurance will be developed, for which the accumulated data on all truck movements, driver behavior and how the BPTS management system behaves as a result of operation will be used - comments Vasily Busarov, Director of Insurance INTOUCH. "With the advent of unmanned vehicles on the roads, the road insurance market is waiting for radical changes, and we are starting to look to the future now." The insurance company also notes that its experts, based on data obtained during an experimental drone trip, will need to understand what the main differences between the driver and the operator will be in insurance practice. Initially, the driver's actions imply full involvement and responsibility for the actions of the vehicle, while the operator is a serving figure, somewhat removed from direct control over the car and, therefore, only indirectly responsible for its actions. The data collected during the experiment will actually help determine where the line between the behavior of artificial intelligence and the area of responsibility of a living person passes, experts say.
Gemalto study
Almost half of consumers surveyed in Russia (49%) believe that unmanned vehicles are likely to become one of the main modes of transport in the next decade - these are the results of a recent survey published by Gemalto. However, since more than half of respondents (58%) currently do not trust autonomous driving technologies, automakers and their technology partners in the automotive ecosystem, if they really want to bring these technologies to life, it is necessary to develop secure and secure services in order to gain the trust of end users. In a study conducted by YouGov commissioned by Gemalto, more than 1,000 Russian consumers were interviewed to find out their attitude to the new ecosystem of road transport: connected cars, autonomous driving technologies and new ownership models made possible by the economy of shared consumption.
Advantages of self-driving and connected cars
With the launch of numerous tests of self-driving cars around the world, consumers are growing confidence that autonomous driving technologies are the future, with almost half of those surveyed (49%) believing that self-driving cars will become the predominant form of transport in 10 years.
In addition, respondents show great interest in those advantages that are already available in the short term, when connecting a car to the Internet. Answering a question about the main priorities when renting a car connected to the network, among the main answers, respondents named the convenience of driving (the main priority for 49% of respondents), cost savings (44%) and the availability of secure Wi-Fi access (45%).
Along with this, there are more developed and innovative functions that can be used if you equip the car with a secure wireless module developed for the automotive industry. This technology allows cars to interact with traffic control systems and road infrastructure systems, receive real-time data on the situation on the roads and information on road safety, information from rescue services, interact with toll collection systems, and also receive information on available parking spaces. In addition to these features, the most attractive for consumers is the ability to protect their car from thieves and hijackers (84% of consumers are mentioned). Among this functionality, most often respondents mention the possibility of obtaining operational information about traffic along the route (80%), access to more accurate satellite maps (75%) and receiving real-time information about free parking spaces (67%).
The Challenge Facing Automakers: Gain Trust
Despite all the perceived benefits of unmanned technology, consumers still need guarantees of their own safety. Speaking of today, more than half of those who took consumers in the survey (58%) would not trust a self-driving car to make the entire trip. Today, respondents have concerns that hackers may gain control of the car, which can in turn lead to emergencies (63% of consumers have such concerns). In addition, users fear about the confidentiality of their data, while only 26% of consumers trust automakers and believe that they are able to ensure the proper level of security when processing collected data from connected cars.
In the case of connected cars, as well as in the case of autonomous cars, safety risks are very diverse. We can talk about the theft of user data, and about the shutdown of cars, and about the seizure of individual cars or attacks on a whole fleet. Moreover, attackers can intercept car control and perform "unexpected" actions. Obviously, consumers are aware of similar potential threats, which raises their concerns. All this quite definitely indicates that automakers need to take care of building confidence in this new ecosystem of mobility. This task is of paramount importance for accelerating the adoption of new technologies and is critical to ensuring the overall growth and success of connected cars.
Safety through design
To alleviate users' security concerns, automakers should use a multi-level security-by-design approach - in this situation, fixing errors as they are detected is unacceptable. This approach begins with ensuring the security of the connected car, its firmware (firmware) and application applications using the public key infrastructure (PKI), key management services and identity issuance. But in addition, it is important to be able to protect data transmitted towards or from the car - both during storage and during their transfer, which is carried out using high-speed data encryption technology. Such an approach would provide secure access to the car, as well as help protect users from data loss, intellectual property theft, fraud or equipment downtime.
There are certain areas in which most traditional automakers have not yet accumulated extensive competencies. To cope with the task, they will need to increase their expertise in the field of information security, as well as cooperate with experts in this area to ensure the full protection of their systems. At the same time, automakers need to be open and ready to learn from IT security experts to ensure that best practices and the most effective approaches to protecting information systems are implemented.
Road sign for self-driving cars
The transport company Traft, which is preparing the first cargo transportation in Russia using unmanned trucks in the summer, received the right to install special signs on the territory of its landfill in Shakhovo. The signs "Attention, unmanned vehicles on the site," "The beginning of the road with the participation of unmanned vehicles" and "The end of the road with the participation of unmanned vehicles" were created in accordance with the standards of road signs and belong to the fifth section of the SDA "Signs of special prescriptions."
Traft decided to equip the internal perimeter of the Shakhovsky training ground with signs, and during the first unmanned cargo transportation, agree with the State Traffic Inspectorate and other responsible authorities to install temporary signs on the section of the road where testing will be carried out.
AI system for unmanned combine harvester
Cognitive Technologies announced in April 2017 computer vision technology for automatic driving of a combine harvester.
"It is assumed that our system will first be installed on an experimental sample of agricultural machinery," said Olga Uskova, President of Cognitive Technologies. - We spent more than three years on its development and got excellent results. Having the function of automatic taxiing during harvesting, Russian combines will be able to compete on equal terms with world agricultural brands that already have similar functionality. "
Russia will be engaged in the creation of tracks for unmanned vehicles
By 2030 Rosavtodor , it plans to equip ten thousand kilometers of roads for the movement of unmanned vehicles, said the head of the department, Roman Starovoit, reports in March. RBC
The publication reminds that the first drone route in Russia will be created in Tatarstan. For these purposes, a federal road from Kazan to Naberezhnye Chelny will be prepared. Work on the reconstruction of the highway should be completed within two years. Starovoit stressed that, first of all, it is necessary to ensure the full radio visibility of such routes so that unmanned vehicles can move along them.
Professional standard "specialist of transport IT systems"
Traft, which develops the intelligent transport system Traft-OnLine, has developed a list of competencies for specialists in the field of managing IT transport systems. The corresponding project was sent to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation for further revision and inclusion of the new professional standard in the unified federal register. Such software should form the basis of a single ecosystem for managing unmanned vehicles by 2022.
The standard is designed to optimize and accelerate recruiting processes in domestic enterprises that today develop IT solutions for the logistics, cargo transportation, procurement and supply industry, as well as for all developers of unmanned vehicles (BPTS), Kamaz, GAZ, VolgaBus level. "Unmanned technologies and special software for automating cargo transportation go hand in hand, drones will not be able to work outside the ecosystem of special software products, which today have already reduced human participation in all issues of cargo transportation to a minimum. According to the company's analysts, the developed standard will be able to attract and adapt more than 11 thousand specialists in the field of unmanned vehicles over the next 10 years.
The professional standard "specialist of transport IT systems" is a level one and takes into account the specifics of this employee's work in a small, medium and large transport company (ranked by the number of cargo transportation for a period of 1 working day, week, calendar month), as well as in logistics projects according to the p2p model - virtual exchanges, where customers can directly post tasks and search for carriers in real time. Among the list of competencies, in particular, are experience in enterprise resource management systems 1C"" at the level of work in systems 1C: Enterprise"" or Russian analogues, an understanding of the main technological principles of operation of global navigation satellite systems - GPSGLONASS experience in configuration. DBMS PostgreSQL
Also, in cooperation with the Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University, Traft plans to develop 22 more professional standards. Among them are specialists in the design and production of BPTS, assembly and production technologists, operators of special equipment, assemblers in various areas, mechanics, BPTS testers at virtual training grounds, developers of navigation systems for drones, specialists in the design and construction of roads designed to move on them BPTS.
A separate professional standard will be developed for the specialty "screenwriter of the road scene." We are talking about programmers who are engaged exclusively in the development of pre-installed algorithms for the rapid response of a drone to emergency incidents while driving, when the logic of a computer program can too literally understand the situation on the road and only aggravate it.
Each force majeure at different intervals of time the same driver reacts differently. This is influenced by its fatigue, weather conditions, the characteristics of the car itself. The drone will not immediately acquire the heuristic ability of self-learning on the road, so today it is important to invest in its algorithms some a priori basic scenarios of behavior in unexpected situations that will make it safe for all road users. "
The screenwriter of the road scene should be not just a first-class programmer, but also a subtle psychologist with vast experience in driving vehicles.
It is planned to apply new professional standards not only when assessing the skills and qualifications of industry specialists, but also in order to optimize state educational standards. Also, on their basis, educational programs of educational institutions can be updated, which prepare personnel for the automotive, aircraft, engineering industries, the company explained.
Issues of professional standards are aggravated by the national agenda. So, since July 1, 2016, professional standards in Russia have become mandatory for enterprises of all forms of ownership. Article 195.3 of the Labor Code came into force, establishing the procedure for applying professional standards. From now on, the rule applies: if the Labor Code, other federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation establish the requirements for the qualifications necessary for an employee to fulfill a certain labor function, professional standards in terms of these requirements are mandatory for the application by employers.
855 professional standards were in the register posted on the website of the Ministry of Labor as of December 26, 2016. Five months earlier, on July 25, there were 818 of them. By 2018, the Ministry of Labor plans to increase the number of professional standards to 1,500.
The opinion of Russians and Americans
Cognitive Technologies, a developer of artificial intelligence technologies for unmanned vehicles, summed up a sociological study conducted among citizens of Russia and the United States. The survey was conducted with the support of the International Center for Robotics, MIPT, NUST MISIS, as well as the American company VidiaScope Inc. in order to study the opinion of potential users of intelligent driver assistance systems in Russia and the United States, on what should be an unmanned vehicle.
In total, more than 33 thousand people from Russia (from 36 regions) and 7 thousand from the United States took part in the study.
According to the study, more than 56% of the surveyed citizens of Russia and 68% of the United States expressed a desire to use the drone today. Moreover, overseas, the number of American women (43% of the total number of respondents) in this desire exceeded the number of men (37%). In Russia, the picture turned out to be the opposite. The percentage of men interested in traveling on an autorobot turned out to be almost three times higher - 42.6% against 14.9%.
In Russia, in addition, the oldest category of respondents showed the greatest interest in drone travel. More than 67% of survey participants over 50 years old voted for this. As well as the lowest age group (up to 35 years old) - more than 60% of young people, the company noted.
The number of Russians, to varying degrees, unsure of their desire to use the drone (about 39%) exceeded the same indicator of Americans (26%). But in Russia, almost no one expressed a categorical refusal to drive a drone. This indicator was recorded only at the level of statistical error, less than 1%, while in the United States it, surprisingly, turned out to be large at times - 6%.
The first surprise of the study was that of the advantages provided by unmanned vehicles, to reduce road accidents (30% of the votes "For"), Russian citizens preferred the opportunity to engage in another business in autorobot. More than half of the respondents voted for this - 55%. Moreover, Russian women were more indifferent to the security problem. This option was allocated by more than 70% of the fair sex.
In the United States, the situation turned out to be the opposite. It was the provision of the possibility of a safer and lower-emergency movement that attracted almost half of Americans - 49%.
Russians and Americans have very similar views on potential threats that unmanned vehicles can carry to some extent. Our fellow citizens in this sense are most frightened by the possibility of a technical failure of the drone system. This was noted by more than 51% of respondents. The same figure in the United States was 44%. About 34% of Americans and 29% of Russian survey participants voted for the inability, in principle, to influence the situation in the process of autonomous movement. Moreover, our main contribution to this percentage was made by the female half (47%).
The danger of hacker hacking of the drone's intelligence worried only 16% of domestic respondents and 19% in the United States. In personal interviews, the Americans also drew attention to their concerns about the safety of their personal data during any communications in the drone.
Of all the proposed options for classes in a drone, almost half of Russians chose rest - 48%. A third of the respondents wished to devote time to work - 27%. About 17% of respondents preferred to have fun. Moreover, of all age categories, those who are under 35 and from 35 to 50 years old (48% and 52%, respectively) wished to rest more, and those who are already over 50 (44%) to work.
In the United States, 39% of respondents expressed a desire to work in autorobot. For almost the same number of Americans, rest turned out to be more important - 38%. And about 20% wanted to have fun.
All ways of spending free time in a drone, Russian citizens preferred communication on social networks and games, as well as watching videos - 33% and 35%, respectively. More than 21% agree to devote their leisure time to reading.
Most Americans (more than 40%) are also ready to communicate with friends, including on social networks, and play. 29% intend to watch movies and TV, 18% - read. Almost 1.5% prefer to have sex overseas, which is about three times more than in Russia.
4% of Russians and 9% of Americans chose to just look out the window. In personal interviews, Russian respondents noted that this is necessary to control the traffic situation, since they do not yet fully trust artificial intelligence.
Among other preferences (about 7%), our compatriots noted such forms of entertainment as: to cook, eat, have sex, sleep, etc. For comparison, Americans (less than 1%) are ready to pray, play sports, take drugs, sleep, etc.
One of the main results of the study was the market demand for the functionality of the intellectual driver assistance system, which may appear on the Russian market as early as 2017. More than 28% of Russian citizens announced their desire today to use an intelligent system of warnings about dangerous situations on the road (dangerous rapprochement, violation of the sign, leaving the lane without turning on the turn signal, etc.). Moreover, the proposed functionality even exceeded interest in such drone capabilities as automatic parking (13%) and autonomous traffic on the highway (17%). But the most popular option for Russians was the complete automation of traffic in traffic jams (37%). It is interesting that women wanted to use the capabilities of an intellectual assistant more (36% versus 26% of men). They also actively voted for parking (22% versus 9%), as well as the oldest audience (over 50 years old - 22%).
The American audience, more familiar with the practice of using intelligent driver assistants, expressed a desire to use them in 24% of cases. True, in the overseas version of the survey, a footnote was made on the additional possibility of the system working in conditions of insufficient visibility, as well as poor weather and road conditions. The same number of US citizens are ready to acquire the functionality of autonomous traffic on the highway. 35% of Americans spoke in favor of full automation of traffic in traffic jams. 11% voted for the purchase of the possibility of parking.
As expected, more than half of Russians (59%) are ready to pay no more than 15% of the cost of a car for autonomous traffic capabilities. In the United States, where the market is in a more "heated" state, 42% of citizens are ready to do this. 32% of Russian citizens are ready to additionally pay for future technologies in the amount of up to 30% of the cost of a car (this figure in the United States is 45%) and only 8% agree to pay up to 50% of the total cost of a car. In the United States, this figure was 11%. And for more than 50% of the cost of the car for the right of unmanned driving, less than 1% of Russians are ready to fork out against 3% of Americans. Interestingly, women are ready to spend more on the purchase of a drone in Russia. The share of women who voted for the cost of autopilot up to 30% of the cost of cars (45%) is almost two more than men (26%). Also, the percentage of women who are ready to buy the functionality of the drone at the most expensive price was twice the percentage of men.
Traft is included in the national project of Rosavtodor for the development of unmanned vehicles in Russia
At the end of 2016, the Federal Agency Rosavtodor included the transport company Traft as industry experts in its federal project "Caravan" to develop the technical base and infrastructure for the development of unmanned vehicles in the Russian Federation. As part of interdepartmental cooperation, Traft experts will take part in the development of uniform technical standards in the field of movement of cars with autopilot. In the future, these standards will be extended to all federal highways of the country. More: Caravan Project Rosavtodor for the development of unmanned transport.
Traft announced a tender for the purchase of software for unmanned trucks
The logistics company Traft announced in November 2016 the start of accepting applications from domestic and Western automakers and IT developers for the introduction of its fleet of hardware and technical complexes for unmanned control into freight transport. This is stated in a special document sent to Russian IT companies engaged in the development of unmanned systems, and representative offices of domestic and foreign automotive brands. More about the project - see here.
Bright Box develops self-driving car system based on computer games
Bright box, which has developed connected car solutions Nissan Smart Car for the Middle East, KIA Remoto and Infiniti in Russia and more than 90 mobile applications for 450 dealerships, announced in November 2016 the development of a self-driving car system that works using computer games generated personnel and real personnel shooting from the streets of the computer vision neural network. Read more: Remoto Pilot.
"Autonet" - a plan for the development of the market for solutions for unmanned vehicles has been created
In 2016, a plan for the development of the market for hardware and software solutions for unmanned vehicles in our country was agreed for 20 years. For this, a special road map "Autonet" was created. According to the plan, at the moment our country needs to focus on the development of 3 main areas:
- Creation of an autonomous specialized smart car
- Create a system to control traffic flows
- Development of specialized sensors and software
According to the announced forecasts, it is expected that by 2020 the market of each of these areas will reach $600 billion, $300 billion and $200 billion, respectively.
According to the Avtonet concept, by 2018 it is planned to create a specially equipped landfill in Russia that allows you to test and certify the created solution, as well as establish mass production of driver assistance systems. By 2020, a hardware and software platform for the developed solutions will be created, and in another 10 years software will be created that allows you to control vehicles remotely. By 2035, high-speed transport corridors and systems that ensure the use of generated transport information will appear for the solutions being created.
Cognitive Technologies computer vision system for unmanned vehicles
Cognitive Technologies has developed computer vision technology, thanks to which the autorobot will be able to interpret with high accuracy complex situations that arise, as a rule, in critical situations - the sudden appearance on the road of other participants in traffic, pedestrians, foreign objects.
The technology, according to the company, will avoid errors that were made by well-known foreign systems when recognizing objects of the road scene."In fact, we have learned something to simulate the function of the hippocampus of a person who extracts and holds the most important information on the current situation in the stream of external signals, performing the function of storing short-term memory, like computer RAM," comments Yuri Minkin, head of the unmanned vehicle development department. It is known that the hippocampus also determines the degree of importance of the stored information and decides what to keep and what to forget.
At the same time, the system does not store in memory the entire picture obtained from the video camera, but only its most important elements that directly affect the road situation and safety. This makes it possible not to store the entire image as a whole, but only 5-10% of its volume and does not require any significant increase in the resources of the computing device. It also allows the use of video cameras with not the highest resolution or relatively narrow-angle lenses.
The use of the technology, according to the developers, will give a serious advantage over analogues, since it allows solving one of the main problems for any computer vision system - recognizing objects located at the very border of the picture (see Figure 1). As practice shows, it is in these cases that the largest number of object detection errors occurs. When using the Cognitive Technologies model to recognize them, we get an indentation (padding - the zone highlighted in color in Figure 1 between rectangles A'B "C'D" and ABCD), which is necessary for the operation of deep learning neural networks and other convolutional neural networks.
When an object falls on the border of the picture (field of view of video cameras) ABCD, it is very difficult to recognize it (part of the car circled, caught in the field of view of the cameras is the ABCD rectangle). This problem is successfully solved when the artificial intelligence of the autorobot complements the knowledge of the current road situation with data from the near past - from its RAM (modeling the function of the human hippocampus). The picture that came into view of the video cameras moments earlier A'B "C'D" contains information about the object (a car circled around), sufficient for its recognition.
The use of such technology would allow the computer vision system installed on a Tesla car to avoid an accident that occurred in May this year (see Figure 2). "Our system would be able to detect a vehicle approaching from the side," says Yuri Minkin. - Software emulation of a larger camera angle would allow you to "see" the wheels, suspension, as well as other elements of the truck and eventually identify the approaching object as a car. And, in addition, win the fractions of a second that are desperately needed to make the right decision in a critical situation. "
Modeling the function of the hippocampus in similar situations allows you to use the most complete data on the road situation. In the ABCD picture, which falls into the field of view of the autorobot cameras, it is difficult to recognize a light image on a light background, however, the data reproduced "from memory" (picture A'B "C'D"), including wheels and other elements of the truck, allow you to accurately detect the object as a vehicle.
Putin was offered to create an open OS in Russia for unmanned vehicles
The Council for Innovative Development and Modernization under the President of Russia approved the Autonet roadmap describing proposals for the development of the Russian market for solutions for cars with intelligent information systems (AsIS) and intelligent transport systems (ITS) until 2035[36]
The document was developed as part of the project of the National Technological Initiative (NTI), created on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The working group developing this roadmap was led by KAMAZ CEO Sergei Kogozin and Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Alexander Morozov.
By 2035, the share of cars with intelligent systems will be 10%, most of the commercial traffic will be automated. And all vehicles will be equipped with systems such as V2V (Vehicle-to-vehicle) and V2I (Vehicle-to-infrastructure), which ensure communication of machines with each other and road infrastructure, respectively.
It is expected that by 2018 in the field of AsIS, a market for driver assistance systems (ADAS) will be formed. By 2020, partial driving autonomy systems will be widespread, by 2025 - high autonomy, and by 2035 it will be possible to achieve full driving autonomy.
Among AsIS, the following segments stand out: special-purpose systems for long-distance cargo transportation along robotic transport corridors and transportation in closed and restricted areas; sensors and specialized software for controlling autonomous and partially autonomous vehicles; systems for managing traffic flows and intelligent transport and logical systems.
Three development scenarios
There are three scenarios for the development of the AsIS market in Russia. The inertial scenario assumes that Russian consumers will fully use imported driver assistance systems. This will lead to "washing out" from the market of the domestic automotive industry due to the lack of domestic systems.
A moderate scenario involves state support for the purchase of licenses of leading world manufacturers according to the AsIS model, ITS systems for AsIS and the use of driver assistance systems. Licensing will be carried out with some level of localization. Due to licensing restrictions, enterprises of the domestic automotive industry will occupy a "marginal position" with a gradual decrease in the share in favor of foreign ones.
Finally, the innovative scenario involves the development of basic modifications of driver assistance systems, autopilot and AsIS systems, as well as ITS systems for AsIS. In Russia, software and hardware will be produced both for the domestic market and for export. This approach will require state programs for its own development of AiIS.
Corridors for self-driving cars
According to the plans recorded in the roadmap, in 2018 a testing ground for testing and certification of AsIS should appear in Russia. In the same year, mass production of driver assistance systems will be established. By 2020, Russia will have its own hardware and software platform for AsIS, and in 2031 - a remote control system.
By 2035, high-speed transport corridors for AsIS and systems that ensure the use of generated transport information will be created. Also in 2017, a developer competition will be held to create a free robotic operating system for AsIS - ROS AsIS "X-No." By 2025, this system will be integrated into manufacturers' solutions.
The start of testing in Moscow is scheduled for 2017
On October 21, 2016, it became known about the timing of the start of testing and the alleged appearance of unmanned vehicles on Russian roads. Information about this appeared on the website of the Moscow mayor's office.
Unmanned car sharing machines will appear on Moscow roads in test mode in 2017. First, such a vehicle will be tested without a person, then the driver will be put behind the wheel, who in case of an emergency will be able to drive the car himself. Robomobiles will be able to work in two modes: manual and automatic.
It is assumed that the self-driving car will be assembled from various parts manually, and after that it is equipped with many sensors and recorders, with the help of which the electronics will be able to distinguish traffic light signals, recognize pedestrians crossing the road, etc. Both foreign and Russian companies are considered for the production of such cars.
Before unmanned car sharing is launched in Moscow, cars capable of moving around the city autonomously will travel several hundred thousand kilometers to check the reliability of the technology, "said Stanislav Groshov, general director of the Delimobil car sharing operator. |
Road tests of the first samples of unmanned vehicles will be carried out on a specially designated site, after which they will be subjected to tests simulating urban conditions - on the fenced territory of one of the enterprises, with houses and roads. Employees of the company will take part in the tests at the first stage, and at the second - volunteers who will be allowed to freely travel around the plant.
The Moscow mayor's office said that renting unmanned vehicles may not appear until 2018-2019. To bring such transport to public roads on an ongoing basis, it is necessary to make appropriate changes to the rules of the road (SDA).
When self-driving cars are available for rent, the driver will be in them at first. In the future, Muscovites will be able to control drones by voice. It is expected that such cars will independently navigate the traffic and comply with traffic rules.[37]
Unmanned buses will appear in Moscow only in 5-10 years
In the capital, unmanned buses will appear only in 5-10 years - after the project is recognized as successful and safe in other countries. Department of Transport of the city of Moscow will explore the experience Singapore where an automated bus management system is being developed.
"Unmanned technology is undoubtedly the technology of the future. But so far, even the leading manufacturers of rolling stock note that these are still the first steps. When we make sure, using the example of other countries, including Singapore, that the unmanned bus control system is not raw, but quite safe, we will definitely discuss with Russian bus manufacturers the possible launch of such projects in, "said To Moscow the deputy mayor, Moscow head of the Department transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure Maxim Liksutov during the visit of the delegation of the Moscow Government to the Republic of Singapore. - A fully automated bus, according to our estimates, will appear no earlier than in 5-10 years. Taking into account our integration into the world system of urban transport, all such novelties will also be implemented in Moscow. "[38]
In order for unmanned vehicles to drive around the city, they must exchange signals with traffic lights installed in the city. "All our traffic lights are connected to the data center, so technically we will be able to transmit the necessary signals to unmanned buses when they appear." "The driver will still be present in the cabin, will simply be able to perform much fewer operations than usual. So far, there is no mass use of buses without drivers in any country in the world, only within the framework of pilot projects, "added Maxim Liksutov.
Kazan - Naberezhnye Chelny highway will be prepared for unmanned vehicles
The head of the Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor) Roman Starovoit announced in September 2016 the start of the Caravan project on the use of unmanned vehicles on federal highways, according to the Moscow city news agency, [39]
In particular, it is planned to apply special road markings and install drone motion sensors on the pilot section of the Kazan-Naberezhnye Chelny highway.
"We, as road workers, preparing for the fact that the infrastructure will soon accept unmanned vehicles, have begun the implementation of our project" Caravan, "which provides for the presence of unmanned vehicles on the federal road. We are interested in the need for as little investment as possible in the federal road network to accept such cars. Therefore, we began to equip our infrastructure synchronously with our colleagues from Finland and Germany, together with the companies that produce such cars, "Starovoit said.
He also said that the tested vehicles provide for the presence of a car controller to make emergency decisions on their movement. In the future, such cars will operate without human participation: a bus moving without a driver is currently launched in Finland, KamAZ is working in the direction of creating unmanned vehicles.
Experts believe that by 2020 there will be at least 10 million self-driving cars in the world.
Tests of Russia's first unmanned tractor have begun
In mid-September 2016, a series of tests of an unmanned tractor "" began at one of the agricultural complexes of the Ryazan region. Over the AgroBotnext year, the company expects to conduct a series of test implementations of AgroBot and work out the main operations in unmanned mode through the use of battery life scenarios.
The head of the Yandex car laboratory on the prospects of drones
In August 2016, the head of the Yandex automotive laboratory shared his opinion on unmanned vehicles and their prospects[40]:
From the "now" stage, when all cars are predominantly manual, to the stage, when all cars will be predominantly unmanned, several stages can be indicated. Because, frankly, I can hardly believe that now we drive ordinary cars, and suddenly bang, something will happen, you go outside - the sign hangs: "you can't go there with a car with a driver."
It seems to us that people themselves are not yet ready for this. Let's say you get into a car with your family in a drone, he drives at a speed of 15 kilometers per hour, everything is great. And suddenly it begins to accelerate sharply. What happens to people at this moment? Most likely, children... no, the kids are happy. Their mother beats in hysterics: "Where did you put me, let me get out of here." Humanity has to get used to it, and even there seem to be such gradual transition scenarios.
At the same time, drones will not appear just like that, this requires some kind of push. Or in the economy it should somehow develop that you understand - unmanned vehicles are cheaper, it doesn't matter - in production, in operation, and so on. Either the need for this is growing very much, that is, people for some reason begin to want drones. And now, it seems to me, the economic issue slows down the transition to unmanned vehicles, no matter what - cars, trucks and others.
It is clear that in Russia there are fool roads, and there are countries where the roads are really better, although, one way or another, they face the problem of bad roads everywhere. Do not assume that "they have everything there" is marked, everything is tinted, and as soon as this strip is lost, a person immediately runs out and tints this strip. Anything happens, but unmanned vehicles also go through some stages.
Previously, it seemed that you need to use [technology on the road to obtain information about remote objects] lidars - constantly scan everything. Then they began to say that it was expensive, and mass production could not be established, let's make cameras. A person drives, [focusing] with his eyes, which means that you can use the camera. And therefore, this approach arose: there are roads, the camera should see well, work out well, so there should be clear markings and so on.
Now there is a statement that high-precision cards are necessarily needed to drive a car. And it seems that the truth is somewhere in the combination of these all things. Yes, you can weigh the machine with sensors, it will constantly scan everything in real time, understand everything, but this requires strong computing power right inside the machine. Thanks to high-precision maps, we can get away from this. With the help of a map and high-precision positioning, the car understands how to drive along this road even without markings. But sensors and cameras are needed to respond to instantly changing things - pedestrians, a fallen tree. And, it seems, the future is in a combination of new state-of-the-art cartography and clarifying sensor data. In this case, there will be a balance of price and performance.
The topic of unmanned vehicles is a very important trend. But the fact is that there are questions that are too important to solve them quickly. Because this is not a problem - to allow or prohibit cars without drivers to drive on public roads. After all, it still rests on one simple thing: while they drive accident-free, everything is approx. But if, God forbid, something happened, hooked someone, no matter whether a person or a car, and you are sitting like that, with an iPad inside, a policeman pulls you out, and you say: "What are you? Do I have anything to do with it? She drives herself, I sat in the back seat, I could not even reach the "stop 'button."
Or there are more complex moral tasks. The car understands that the accident cannot be avoided. And she has a choice: save the driver, or save people in other cars, or just other pedestrians. That is, when you start thinking about it, here you go from technology to such things, you think: "Damn, it's not for nothing that these three laws of robotics were invented!" And until people formulate the same for drones, the essence is the same robots, what legislation can we talk about?
Cognitive Technologies announces C-Pilot autopilot
The Russian company Cognitive Technologies announced in the summer of 2016 the start of sales of the C-Pilot intelligent autonomous driving system. The system is designed to be installed both on cars and on other types of cars. Cognitive Technologies, created in 1993, is mainly engaged in the development and implementation of software for document management and text recognition, however, for several years it has been developing artificial intelligence systems for cargo and agricultural equipment.
Commercialization of C-Pilot is assumed in two formats: OEM (embedding technology in the systems of various automakers) and mass sales of the software and hardware complex. Now C-Pilot is negotiating "with several foreign and Russian automakers" on the supply of C-Pilot in the OEM format. The first sales of the system are expected in early 2017.
Read more: C-Pilot Intelligent Autonomous Driving System
"KB Aurora" together with the Group of Companies "GruzovichkoF" are preparing for the production of an "unmanned" car
On December 14, 2015, KB Aurora announced the signing of an agreement with the TaxovichkoF and GruzovichkoF group of companies on joint work to create a center for the development of unmanned vehicles. More.
KamAZ receives 300 million from the Ministry of Education and Science for unmanned vehicles
In February 2015, Cognitive Technologies and Kamaz announced the start of a joint project, as a result of which it is planned to create a new generation unmanned vehicle on the basis of the Kamaz car by 2020.
For the implementation of the project, the state represented by the Ministry of Education and Science allocated 300 million rubles. as part of the implementation of the federal target program "Research and development in priority areas for the development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2014-2020." Cognitive Technologies won the corresponding competition in 2014. According to its terms, another 90 million rubles. Kamaz will invest in the project.
Read more: KamAZ self-driving car
- Intelligent Transport Infrastructure (ITS) Russia
- AIC Safe City - as part of the implementation of the federal program "Safe City"
- Smart cities
- State IT giants: the 10 most expensive information systems in modern Russia
- Intelligent Transport System (Moscow)
- Transportation Management System Transport Management Systems and Projects
- Fleet management systems Auto management systems Systems and projects
- Vehicle Safety and Control SystemsSystems and Designs
- Satellite Communications and NavigationSystems and Projects
- ↑ Analysts predicted the share of unmanned vehicles in Russia at 80% by 2042
- ↑ Will robots answer for an accident
- ↑ Materials for the final board of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on March 29, 2024
- ↑ GOST R 70252-2022
- ↑ Putin called Russia a leader in unmanned vehicles
- ↑ Entertaining automation: requirements for unmanned vehicles have been prepared
- ↑ The Cabinet of Ministers agreed on the program of the experimental legal regime for the launch of unmanned taxis
- ↑ Russian Post asked the state to compensate for 1.3 billion rubles in losses from the launch of unmanned trucks
- ↑ The launch of drones along the M11 highway is postponed and becoming more expensive
- ↑ Protocol decision of the capital's parliament on an experimental legal regime in the field of digital innovation was made during a remote meeting of the Duma
- ↑ A sign will appear on Russian roads prohibiting the entry of unmanned vehicles
- ↑ Russia creates no-go zones for self-driving cars
- ↑ Minek has developed a program to launch commercial unmanned taxis
- ↑ More than 80% of passengers will use biometric data when driving by 2035
- ↑ And we will take off and swim: more than 800 billion will be spent on the development of drones
- ↑ Two more regions of Russia want to cover with an experiment on drones
- ↑ The Ministry of Transport will begin testing fully unmanned vehicles on the roads by the end of the year
- ↑ Testing of highly automated vehicles begins without the presence of a test engineer in the cabin
- ↑ Drones wrote the law
- ↑ Russia held the first intercity commercial transportation of cargo on an unmanned vehicle
- ↑ The start of testing Russian driverless drones has been postponed to 2021
- ↑ The first taxi without a driver may appear in Moscow in 2024
- ↑ On the machine: the plan for the appearance of unmanned vehicles in Russia has become known
- ↑ Mikhail Mishustin gave instructions aimed at fulfilling the list of instructions of the President following a meeting with leading Russian investors on March 11, 2020
- ↑ List of instructions following the meeting with leading Russian investors
- ↑ Ministry of Industry and Trade proposed to expand the experiment on drone tests
- ↑ Ubiquitous self-government
- ↑ Unmanned trucks are about to go between Moscow and St. Petersburg.
- ↑ "# npa=94034 Draft decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "Concept of road safety with the participation of unmanned vehicles on public roads"
- ↑ 2019 Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index website
- ↑ Medvedev signed a decree on the use of unmanned vehicles on the roads
- ↑ [ Putin considers it important to create a regulatory framework for
- ↑ use of unmanned vehicles]
- ↑ Russia will create a platform for organizing the movement of unmanned vehicles
- ↑ In Russia, communication between unmanned vehicles is legalized
- ↑ CNews: Putin was offered to create an open OS for unmanned vehicles in Russia.
- ↑ Testing of unmanned car sharing machines will begin next year
- ↑ Moscow will study the possibility of launching unmanned buses.
- ↑ Rosavtodor may install sensors for unmanned vehicles on the Kazan-Naberezhnye Chelny highway section.
- ↑ "The driver may not be in the car." The head of the Yandex automotive laboratory about unmanned vehicles and their prospects