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Smart traffic lights, cameras and traffic sensors: how the intelligent transport system of the Moscow data center works

Customers: Center for Traffic Management of the Government of Moscow (GKU TsODD)

Product: Comprehensive Engineering Systems Projects
Second product: APK Safe City

Project date: 2011/04


Main article: Intelligent Transport Infrastructure (ITS) of Russia

Moscow Smart city


Mosgortrans has introduced an AI system for automatic assignment of drivers to routes

Moscow City Transport (Mosgortrans) has introduced a new system for automatically assigning drivers to routes using artificial intelligence. Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Transport and Industry Maxim Liksutov in mid-February 2025 said that about 30% of drivers are already working under the new system. Read more here.

Moscow metro buys 2 thousand ticket machines with facial recognition system for ₽4 billion

In mid-February 2025, it became known that the Department of Competitive Policy of the city of Moscow signed a contract with Banking and Financial Systems LLC (BFS) for the supply of 1970 ticket machines for metro stations, MCC and MCD in the amount of more than ₽4 billion. The new terminals will be equipped with a facial recognition system. Read more here.


Smart traffic lights, cameras and motion sensors: how the intelligent transport system of the Moscow data center works

In Moscow, the development of the intellectual transport system of the Center for Traffic Management (DPC) continues. It combines smart traffic lights, sensors, cameras, intersections with the ability to adapt to the current situation and other elements. The peculiarities of the functioning of the platform are described in the materials of the Department of Transport and the Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the city of Moscow, published on August 5, 2024.

It is reported that in order to improve the safety and efficiency of road traffic, the data center uses new technologies and constantly introduces non-standard solutions. For example, multifunctional road cameras are installed on the Moscow Ring Road, which can distinguish between 13 types of incidents, including fire and access to the roadway. Employees of the situation center quickly respond to congestion and traffic accidents, optimizing the operation of traffic lights. The intelligent transport system uses a huge database, collecting and processing information about all traffic in the Russian capital.

the beginning of August 2024, traffic lights are being tested in Moscow, which warn people on the zebra that a car may appear due to a turn, and 600 smart intersections can independently determine the road situation and adapt to it

As of the beginning of August 2024, there are more than 60 thousand traffic lights, 3.8 thousand photo and video recording cameras, over 800 information boards and 3.9 thousand traffic sensors in Moscow. Operators regulate traffic flows, monitor infrastructure and make forecasts based on big data. Equipment exclusively of domestic production is used. The intelligent traffic light control system helps to regulate traffic, improve capacity and improve street safety. In the event of accidents or any incidents, the specialists of the data center situation center can intervene in the operation of the devices.

Traffic lights help prevent accidents, make the streets safe for motorists, pedestrians and urban transport. There are more than 60 thousand traffic lights in Moscow, there are also smart intersections and devices with different phases for traffic participants. On behalf of Sergei Sobyanin, we continue to reduce accidents on the roads of the capital, "says Maxim Liksutov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Transport.

It is noted that metropolitan traffic lights can work in three modes: local, coordinated and adaptive. In the first case, the devices function according to a pre-laid scenario independently of each other - for example, in the morning and in the evening. In coordinated control mode, traffic lights are interconnected and act synchronously to allow the required number of vehicles to pass through and maintain the required intensity in certain areas, including departure highways. In adaptive mode, the devices, based on incoming data, independently determine the road situation and optimize their work to ensure maximum efficiency. Information comes from induction loops or sensors mounted in asphalt at the intersection. Such detectors are installed at a depth of 15 cm, when replacing asphalt, they are not damaged and provide 99.9% of transport detection.

By August 2024, there are 600 smart intersections in Moscow. Some sites have pedestrian traffic lights that warn people on the zebra that a car may appear due to a turn. This model helps reduce the risk of a vehicle hitting a person. In addition, the data center introduces a new format of traffic lights with a combined phase: a white signal with a pedestrian image and a turn arrow is transferred to the yellow light section. In conventional devices, it is located separately, under the green signal. Smart intersections are adjusting to public transport, including a green light for buses and trams.[1]

Smart cameras helped reduce accidents on the Moscow Ring Road by 20% in 3 years

The installation of smart video cameras on the Moscow Ring Road (MKAD) has reduced the number of road accidents by 20% over the past three years. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced this in July 2024 in his telegram channel.

According to the Center for Traffic Management (TsODD), more than 1.5 thousand video analytics complexes were installed on key highways in Moscow, including the Moscow Ring Road and the Moscow High-Speed ​ ​ Diameter. These "smart" cameras analyze the traffic situation around the clock and identify 13 types of incidents, such as stopping a car or having unnecessary items on the roadway. After the violation is detected, information is received by the operator, who calls the desired service to the site.

Smart cameras reduced the accident rate on the Moscow Ring Road by 20% in 3 years

In addition to cameras, 18 crews of the data center help drivers on the Moscow Ring Road, and 160 modern emergency information boards warn about accidents or road works. To increase the attention of drivers, noise stripes have been installed near large construction projects. In 2024, on ten sections of the Moscow Ring Road, it is planned to mark additional rows, transitional and high-speed lanes and arrange new exits.

According to the press service of the capital's Department of Transport, in the first half of 2024, the capital's cameras recorded more than 10 million cases of speeding. This caused 616 accidents from January to June 2024, every sixth accident with victims occurred due to non-compliance with the speed on the road. In particular, 21,600 cases of speeding by 60 kilometers per hour or more were recorded.

The most frequent places of violations were the Kyiv highway in the Novomoskovsk district, sections of the Garden Ring near the Kurskaya and Sukharevskaya metro stations, Marshal Zhukov Avenue near the Moscow Ring Road and the intersection of the TransTeleCom with Leningradsky Prospekt. Deputy Mayor of Moscow Maxim Liksutov clarified that speeding up to 40 kilometers per hour was recorded 9.88 million times, and by 40-60 kilometers per hour - 216 thousand times.[2]

Unmanned trams and artificial intelligence. Moscow approved a transport strategy until 2030

One of the main tasks of the development of the transport system in Moscow is the use of artificial intelligence technologies. In particular, it is planned to introduce unmanned trams. This is stated in the program for the development of Moscow transport until 2030, approved in mid-February 2024.

As of the end of 2023, a number of projects at the base were implemented in the Russian capital. AI This is, in particular, the Sphere system for recognizing biometric data at transport infrastructure facilities. There is a recording of incidents on the city's highways based on AI. In addition, a service has been introduced to pay for face recognition travel.

One of the main tasks of the development of the transport system of Moscow is the use of artificial intelligence technologies

Until 2030, it is planned to develop the infrastructure of unmanned trams. The emergence of such public transport is expected to reduce the number of non-punctual flights by 27%, as well as reduce the number of passengers traveling in congested cars by 8%. In addition, it is estimated that the number of complaints about aggressive driving will decrease by 73%.

By 2030, in Moscow, 100% of the ground route network will be updated automatically using predictive analytics based on AI. At the same time, over 85% of intersections will be equipped with video detectors based on neural networks.

Moscow is already a center for the development of unmanned vehicles, and in the future it will become an absolute leader, - says the website of the mayor of the Russian capital Sergei Sobyanin.

In the future, payment for travel on biometrics will continue to develop and appear in all types of Moscow transport. In addition, artificial intelligence will be used to manage the intelligent transport system and parking rates. The main part of the capital's transport fleet will be modern Russian-made electric models - from taxi cars to suburban trains.[3]

Moscow Mayor's Office buys HPE DSS for 665 million rubles

At the end of March 2024, the Moscow Mayor's Office announced a tender for the purchase of data storage systems from the American company Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). In total, it is planned to purchase 8 pieces of equipment for 665 million rubles. Read more here.

Traffic lights appeared in Moscow warning pedestrians about the appearance of a car due to a turn

On February 9, 2023, the Moscow Department of Transport told about the appearance of traffic lights in the city, which warn pedestrians about the appearance of a car due to a turn. Such equipment operates in pilot mode in five areas:

  • at the intersection of the 1st passage of Perov Field and Zeleny Prospekt;
  • at the intersection of Central Avenue and Yablonevaya Alley (Zelenograd) Street;
  • at the intersection of Central Avenue and Nikolai Zlobin Street (Zelenograd);
  • at the intersection of Sergei Eisenstein Street and Longitudinal Passage;
  • at the intersection of Shirokaya Street and Projected Passage No. 5286.

Previously, when the green light burned simultaneously for pedestrians and turning cars, the warning was turned on only for drivers. Pedestrians did not know that the car could drive due to the turn. A new model of traffic lights warns pedestrians as well. When driving in combination at a pedestrian traffic light, the white silhouette of the car and the exclamation mark additionally flashes. The data center clarified that we are talking about traffic lights that allow the simultaneous movement of pedestrians and cars.

If testing is successful, consider using such traffic lights. First of all, where there is a risk of an accident, - said the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Transport Maxim Liksutov, whose words are quoted in the Telegram channel of Deptrans.

Earlier in Moscow, they began to test a new traffic light with contour lighting around the perimeter. According to the representative of the National Automobile Union Anton Shaparin, such a traffic light can increase road safety and reduce the number of accidents.[4]

Moscow Mayor's Office buys mobile systems for face recognition for 225 million rubles

Moscow Mayor's Office buys mobile systems for face recognition for 225 million rubles. The corresponding tender was announced on February 6, 2024. Read more here.

Traffic lights were launched in Moscow with the fixation of the faces of pedestrian violators

Traffic lights were launched in Moscow with the fixation of the faces of pedestrian violators. This was announced in early January 2024 by the head of the Moscow State Traffic Inspectorate Alexander Bykov.

The first traffic light with a biometric camera, which allows you to recognize faces, was launched on Berezhkovskaya embankment. The device can detect traffic violations by pedestrians, people on electric scooters and other means of individual mobility. The violation is broadcast on an electronic scoreboard next to a traffic light. At the same time, while the system does not identify the identity of the violator, said Alexander Bykov.

The first traffic light with a biometric camera, which allows you to recognize faces, was launched on Berezhkovskaya embankment

To effectively bring pedestrians to administrative responsibility, Bykov called for the collection of biometrics to be made a duty, not a right of citizens. In this regard, the issue of changing the legislation on personal data may be raised, he clarified.

Russians have the right to refuse to collect and store biometric data. Those who make such a decision will not be able to access services provided with biometrics, including payment with voice or face identification. If desired, the ban can be revoked.

According to the head of the Moscow State Traffic Inspectorate, changes in the relevant regulatory legal acts and national standards will be required. Bykov believes that this will fully correspond to the tasks set out in national projects.

In mid-October 2023, a new GOST was developed in Russia, which is designed to improve the safety of pedestrians. This standard was developed primarily for road services and regulates the speed limit before an unregulated pedestrian crossing, the installation of additional cameras and the adjustment of switching traffic lights.[5]


Moscow data center deploys video analytics system to control atypical behavior of drivers for 285 million rubles

In October 2023, the Center for Traffic Management (DPC) of Moscow announced a tender for the creation of a video analytics system to control the atypical behavior of drivers. It will be called "PROSobitie." 285 million rubles were allocated for the implementation of the project. Read more here.

In Moscow, began to install control systems for automated tram arrows

In Moscow, they began to install control systems for automated tram shooters. This was announced on August 1, 2023 by the deputy mayor of the city on transport issues Maxim Liksutov.

According to him, 30 cabinets of the control system for automated tram shooters were placed on Mira Avenue, in the districts of Bogorodskoye, Metrogorodok, Cheryomushki, etc. In the future, the control system is planned to be installed on all shooters that help the tram turn in the desired direction.

The first 30 tram smart shooters were installed in Moscow

It is noted that it is planned to equip the trams themselves with a smart system, it will automatically determine the route number and transfer arrows over the radio channel. The direction of rotation will be displayed on the screen in the driver's cab.

Today, almost all tram arrows work in automatic mode, but are transferred by the driver from the cab using a button. In the future, the direction of the tram will change without the participation of the driver. This is an important step in modernizing the entire infrastructure, which became possible with the transition of the capital's tram network under the control of Mosmetro, - said Maxim Liksutov on August 1, 2023, adding that such a technological solution will allow this type of transport to travel faster and make traffic even safer.

According to him, in the future, tram drivers will not be distracted from the road - switching the switch will occur automatically. Until the end of 2025, it is planned to gradually provide all arrows with a "smart" control system.

This is one of the important steps towards modernizing the entire tram infrastructure, which will allow trams to travel faster and make traffic even safer. We support domestic mechanical engineering and introduce only the most modern technologies of Russian manufacturers, - added the Deputy Mayor of Moscow.[6]

Road cameras in Moscow began to identify violations of users of electric scooters

TRAFFIC POLICE implemented To Moscow neuronet in to search for violators on electroscooters and other means of individual mobility (SIM). TASS Alexander Bykov, head of the Moscow State Traffic Inspectorate, spoke about the pilot launch of the new technology in mid-March 2023.

We say: places [for movement on electric scooters] should be close to the video surveillance system, [to see] where the trip begins, two people should not sit on a scooter, "he said.

Road cameras will now monitor electric scooters with AI

At the first stage, the neural network will work on several streets in the capital, where there is an increased speed limit. Artificial intelligence was connected to city video surveillance cameras, from where information will come to inspectors who can confirm or deny the fact of violation of traffic rules.

According to Bykov, the new system is based on a neural network used by the Center for Traffic Management to identify traffic violations. If the experiment is completed successfully, the functionality of artificial intelligence can be expanded to other city video cameras.

Users of private scooters, as a rule, move along the same routes, says Bykov: according to data from traffic police cameras, they will be able to open an administrative investigation (lasts up to two months), within which it will be possible to request video from cameras, interview witnesses to identify the offender, etc.

Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Automobile and Urban Passenger Transport of the Ministry of Transport Vladimir Lugovenko in mid-March 2023 announced the development of amendments to the Administrative Code, which will tighten fines for SIM owners. He did not specify the size of the new fines. The head of the Moscow City Duma, Alexei Shaposhnikov, said that parliament was ready to prepare amendments and submit them to the State Duma. Now fines for electric scooters range from 800 to 1,500 rubles.[7]


Sobyanin: Avtougonov in Moscow became 93% less after the launch of photo and video recording complexes

The number of car thefts in Moscow decreased by 93% thanks to photo and video recording complexes. This was announced in mid-February 2023 by the mayor of the capital.

For comparison: 948 cases of theft were recorded last [2022] and 13 thousand in 2012, when the first such complexes began to be installed in the city, Sobyanin wrote in his Telegram channel.

As the vice-mayor of the capital Maxim Liksutov noted, each car that drives along Moscow roads will hit an average of 14 cameras in the lens. Thanks to this, the authorities can understand traffic flows and make traffic better and safer, and the police can find stolen vehicles. Law enforcement agencies online receive information that the camera has recorded a stolen car, and can track and stop it, he said. Liksutov clarified that by the end of 2022 there were 3.8 thousand photo and video recording complexes in the Russian capital.

Sergei Sobyanin

By February 2023, almost 4 thousand photo and video recording cameras were installed in Moscow. In addition to monitoring compliance with traffic rules, they help law enforcement officers trace the route of the stolen car and quickly take action. The neural network automatically checks the cars and their numbers for compliance with the credentials.

According to Autonews, Moscow is one of the five regions - leaders in the number of car thefts. According to Rosgosstrakh, more than half of car thefts were recorded in three regions: St. Petersburg (24% of thefts), the Moscow region (19%) thefts, Moscow (15%).

According to statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, for 11 months of 2021, more than 1,700 thefts were registered in Russia, which is 12% less than in 2020.[8]

Moscow will spend 800 million rubles on cameras that monitor compliance with parking rules

On February 21, 2022, the Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space (AMPP) announced a tender for renting road cameras designed to comply with parking rules in Moscow. The customer is ready to conclude a contract in the amount of 802.7 million rubles. Read more here.


Traffic police officers in Moscow will have access to all traffic cameras from a working tablet

Traffic police officers in Moscow will have access to all road cameras from a working tablet. The capital's mayor's office will spend 180 million rubles on the development of the appropriate software. Read more here.

Plans to install 2,000 CCTV cameras on the roads

On July 1, 2021, it became known that 2,000 CCTV cameras would be installed on the roads of Moscow.

Video recording tools will quickly identify accidents that block traffic and record any abnormal cases.

According to the press service of the Moscow Department of Transport, unlike the previous generation video cameras, which were installed 8 years ago, these devices have more advanced image tuning capabilities. The cameras will analyze the traffic situation in real time and transmit images to the Data Center Situation Center. A high-quality video review system allows you to accurately assess traffic and causes of congestion.

According to the source, earlier in the capital, to ensure road safety on bike lanes and use them for their intended purpose, 12 photo and video recording complexes[9] were installed on[10].


Road cameras in Moscow will record a violation of self-isolation

As it became known on October 15, 2020, road cameras in Moscow will record a violation of self-isolation. To do this, the Center for Traffic Management (DPC) announced a corresponding tender. The amount of the contract is up to 98.1 million rubles.

According to materials on the public procurement website, the contractor must modernize 59 minibuses based on Ford Transit and Gazelle Next, on the roof of which cameras are installed to record traffic violations. The functionality of these cameras, at the request of the customer, should be expanded to record 50 new offenses (there are 64 of them in the application to the terms of reference). Among them is "violation of the self-isolation regime in quarantine mode." This is the only violation from the entire list that is not related to traffic.

Road cameras in Moscow will record a violation of self-isolation

The data center Moscow "" To the businessman explained the addition of the function of recognizing violators of self-isolation by the fact that "stationary complexes and mobile ones must work in synchronous mode, so a planned revision is underway." software Most of the stationary complexes that are used in Moscow can already recognize 55 types of violations, the newspaper writes. A source familiar with the situation Kommersant noted that the expansion of the functionality of mobile cameras to record violations of self-isolation is introduced in case it is necessary to control the movement of citizens around the city who are prescribed self-isolation.

Grigory Shukhman, an expert on photo and video recording systems for violations, told the newspaper that the car, and not the driver or passengers, would be fixed.

There is a substitution of concepts: movement on a vehicle not included in a certain base is equated with a violation of self-isolation by its owner, "he said.

In April 2020, as part of the fight against the spread of coronavirus in the country, article 6.3 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation ("Violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population") was amended: for citizens who violate self-isolation standards during the "high alert" regime, fines range from 15 thousand to 300 thousand rubles.[11]

FAS froze the installation of hundreds of road cameras in Moscow for 6 billion rubles

In September 2020, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) suspended tenders for the installation of 865 new road cameras in Moscow for a total of almost 6 billion rubles. The regulator did this after a complaint from the Samara LLC Effective Technologies.

At the end of August 2020, the Center for Traffic Management (DPC) announced two competitions (for 1.05 and 4.9 billion rubles) for the installation of road cameras in 2021. The only contender for both contracts was Stroy Invest Project, which, according to Kommersant, has long been cooperating with the data center and actively participates in city competitions. Stroy Invest Project is part of the Stroy Invest Project corporation, which produces Strelka cameras, road signs, scoreboards and fences.

"Effective technologies" complained to the FAS about the too detailed and stringent requirements for equipment that the data center presented in its tenders. Such conditions, according to the company, greatly narrow the circle of applicants and violate federal legislation on the contract system.

FAS froze the installation of hundreds of road cameras in the capital of Russia for 6 billion rubles

The General Director of Effective Technologies cites the following data center requirement as an example: the motherboard and the searchlight control board must be made of six-layer and two-layer textolite, respectively, while "the cable containment of the video module housing must be made of nylon with neoprene rubber gaskets."

How is the customer going to check how the motherboard of an industrial computer is executed, despite the fact that the complex is verified and its case is sealed? - Antonov asks.

According to him, the legislation requires a description in the terms of reference of "functional, technical, quality and operational characteristics of the product," but not the internal design of the camera or the requirements for the cable.

In addition, the complaint includes the requirement of the data center, according to which the complexes must record the conversation of the driver behind the wheel by phone. However, by September 2020, there is not a single camera with such functions, as well as an operation algorithm software capable of detecting a conversation on the phone while driving in automatic mode, Antonov said.[12]


Reduction of accident rate in Moscow by 23% since 2010

According to the analytics of the GLONASS-BDD company[13], Moscow is the leader in the rating among cities with a high density of road cameras. Among the effects of this work − a 23% decrease in the number of registered accidents since 2010, while the number of cars in the Moscow agglomeration during this time increased by 1.2 million units. In the coverage area of ​ ​ some photo and video recording complexes, the decrease in the number of accidents amounted to 75%.

Statistics of traffic violations in places of installation of photo and video recording systems approached the lower threshold: data for 10 months of 2019 indicate that under the cameras, drivers in most cases behave more disciplined.

"Formally, a camera installed several months or years ago no longer affects the statistics of violations. At the same time, its benefits remain obvious, as it continues to perform a preventive function. We must not forget the fact that road cameras significantly affect the statistics of car thefts and thefts - in Moscow this figure has decreased by 4 times over 9 years, "says Necheukhin Maxim, General Director of GLONASS-BDD.

Rostec participates in the development of the intelligent transport system (ITS) of Moscow. In particular, in 2018, the Shvabe holding, which is part of the Rostec structure, signed a contract for servicing the IT of Moscow until 2023. As part of this work, the company is entrusted with the functions of monitoring the operation of 3700 traffic monitoring sensors, 2860 traffic lights, 175 road scoreboards, 2700 television viewing cameras and 48 weather stations.

ITS of Moscow in practice showed how new technologies help to solve the situation with traffic jams and make roads safe. As a result, Moscow has become the safest city of federal significance in the Central Federal District, despite the fact that the capital is significantly ahead of other cities in terms of population and number of cars

ITS equipment

  • Traffic lights: 2801 pcs.
  • Television cameras: 2156 pcs.
  • Road boards: 177 pcs.
  • Annunciator at NGPT stops: 1800 pcs.
  • Radar motion detectors: 3000 pcs. - > 12 million/day
  • Photo and video recording cameras: 1766 pcs. - > 50 million/day

Trackers on public transport

  • Ground passenger transport: 12 thousand.
  • Communal equipment: 20 thousand.
  • Service equipment (data center, AMPP, MADI): 1 thousand

Car sharing and taxis

  • Taxi (7 companies): 115 thousand
  • Car sharing (16 companies): 23 thousand.

2018: Contract for maintenance of Moscow's intelligent transport system

The Shvabe holding, part of Rostec, 2018:_.D0.9A.D0.BE.D0.BD.D1.82.D1.80.D0.B0.D0.BA.D1.82_.D0.BD.D0.B0_.D0.BE.D0.B1.D1.81.D0.BB.D1.83.D0.B6.D0.B8.D0.B2.D0.B0.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B5_.D0.B8.D0.BD.D1.82.D0.B5.D0.BB.D0.BB.D0.B5.D0.BA.D1.82.D1.83.D0.B0.D0.BB.D1.8C.D0.BD.D0.BE.D0.B9_.D1.82.D1.80.D0.B0.D0.BD.D1.81.D0.BF.D0.BE.D1.80.D1.82.D0.BD.D0.BE.D0.B9_.D1.81.D0.B8.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B5.D0.BC.D1.8B_.D0.9C.D0.BE.D1.81.D0.BA.D0.B2.D1.8B received a contract for servicing the intelligent transport system in Moscow. This was announced on August 8, 2018 by the RBC edition with reference to information on the public procurement website.

Shvabe-Moscow LLC won the tender with an initial price of 17.5 billion rubles. The company will have to ensure uninterrupted operation of the "smart" transport system for five years, including "repairs in case of emergencies." In particular, the contractor will serve traffic monitoring sensors, traffic lights, road signs, television cameras and weather stations.

2016: "Daughter" "1C" received a mega-contract for photo and video recording of traffic violations in Moscow

In April 2016, following an open auction, the Moscow Traffic Management Center signed a contract with its subsidiary 1C, Alager[14] renting 500 complexes for photo and video recording of traffic violations in Moscow. The volume of the contract is 2.9 billion rubles, and the term for the provision of rental services is 60 months. After the expiration of the lease, under the terms of the contract, the equipment will become the property of the city free of charge.

The complexes should be functionally and technologically combined into a system for automatic fixation of the passage of vehicles and installed within the Moscow Ring Road, with the exception of the ring road itself, follows from the competitive TA.

2011: Start of ITS implementation in Moscow

In April 2011, it became known that the Government of Sergei Sobyanin began to introduce an intelligent transport system in Moscow, which should relieve the city from traffic jams[15].

"Sitronics" won a competition for the development of an intellectual transport system (ITS), several businessmen working in the field of transport told Vedomosti. This information was confirmed by a senior official of the mayor's office and vice-president of Sitronics Irina Lanina. By the end of 2011, the company will develop the concept of ITS and create a single traffic control center, a source close to it said.


6.257 billion rubles will be allocated from the budget for the implementation of ITS in 2011, according to the Moscow transport program. "Sitronics" will receive this money at the end of 2011, when it will already complete the work, the interlocutors say. "Sheets

A source close to the mayor's office says that Sitronics will modernize the existing Start traffic light control system (new traffic lights, detectors, video recording systems will be purchased) and a public transport control system (it will equip Mosgortrans rolling stock with navigators). "If you call a spade a spade, so far we are talking only about modernizing the existing system," says Alexander Ovanesov, partner at Strategy Partners.

The contract with Moscow is comparable in volume to the quarterly revenue of Sitronics. Cooperation "Sitronics" with Moscow began to develop only recently, says Lanina. Until now, the company had, in fact, only one large Moscow contract - with the metro for the supply of contactless travel cards (for about $100 million).

The largest international companies were not invited to the auction, complains a top manager of the International Road Consortium (unites developers of systems and software for the transport sector - Singapore AA Traffic, French STI and British Verrus). The competition was closed, participants had to have permits from the FSO, the FSB to work with government highways, says a source close to the mayor's office. The official of the mayor's office recalls that the structure of AFK Sistema - Navigation and Information Systems - was preparing a feasibility study for one of the main components of the new transport system - a single dispatch center for passenger transport management, and is also the federal operator of the Glonass system, necessary for its operation.

Expected Project Results

Due to the introduction of an intelligent transport system, transport delays will decrease by 10%; throughput will increase from 5 to 15%, average speed - by 17%; travel time will be reduced by 15-20%, promised in the draft Moscow transport program.

In May 2011, CJSC Sitronics-KASU and NIS GLONASS"" signed an agreement for the implementation of the project "Creation of an intelligent transport system of the city" Moscow(ITS of Moscow).

Within the framework of the agreement, NIS GLONASS will take part in the design of the key and fundamental part of the structure of the IT of Moscow - the Unified Dispatch Center for Passenger Transport Management (EDC).

Specialists of the Federal Network Operator will also create zonal control centers, equip Moscow passenger transport with multifunctional navigation devices and security systems.

At the end of January 2011, the Federal Network Operator developed the Technical Assignment (TA) and Feasibility Study (TEO) for the creation of the EDC and submitted them for consideration to the Department of Transport of the Government of Moscow.

The introduction of the IT of Moscow will make it possible to effectively solve the problem of traffic jams in the capital, control and manage the most complex transport nodes, and ensure the prevention of road accidents. It is planned that the Unified Dispatch Center within the framework of the IT of Moscow will be created by the end of 2011.

Satellite navigation systems are the most important part of building the ITS structure, since they alone allow you to receive the necessary data on the location of hundreds of thousands of vehicles at the same time.

The uniqueness of information of space navigation systems is in accessibility, scalability, independence and 100% reliability. The technological basis of the EDC is the domestic GNSS GLONASS.

The intelligent transport system (hereinafter referred to as ITS) is designed to effectively manage traffic flows, increase the capacity of the road network, prevent traffic congestion, reduce traffic delays, improve road safety, inform road users about the emerging traffic situation and options for the optimal route of traffic, and ensure uninterrupted movement of ground urban passenger transport.

Composition of ITS:

  • system for monitoring traffic flow parameters;
  • a system for informing road users;
  • control system for technical means of traffic regulation and management;
  • tele-scan system;
  • parking space management system;
  • system of photo and video recording of violations of the Traffic Rules;
  • system navigation and information support based on GLONASS.

The functions of the state customer for the implementation of work on the creation of ITS are assigned to the State Treasury Institution of the city of Moscow - the Center for Traffic Management of the Moscow Government.

By the end of 2013, it is planned to carry out work on the arrangement of the road network of the city and rolling stock of ground urban passenger transport with ITS equipment in full, which will ensure:

  • adaptive control of traffic lights (intersections);
  • collection and analysis of data on parameters of transport flows;
  • informing road users about the current situation, including the choice of options and the calculation of traffic routes;
  • improving road safety;
  • uninterrupted movement of ground urban passenger transport.

In 2011, a draft technical project of the IT of Moscow was developed, work began and is underway on the arrangement of the city's road network and rolling stock of ground urban passenger transport with ITS equipment, the creation of a control hardware and software complex, traffic control centers and a data processing center for the photo and video recording system.

Also in 2011, various technical solutions were worked out within the framework of the implemented pilot projects, experimental operation of equipment and software was carried out.

As a result of the work carried out today, it is possible to obtain and analyze data on traffic flow parameters from 30% of points planned for construction by the end of 2013, 72 traffic lights were introduced into the adaptive control mode (intersections) and by the end of the year there will be 85 of them, dispatching control and control of the movement of a part of the rolling stock of the State Unitary Enterprise MOSGORTRANS is carried out, within the framework of the pilot zone, the function of automated informing road users about the emerging situation is implemented, the Center for Automated Recording of Administrative Offenses in the Field of Traffic of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the State Administration MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS Russia for the City (To Moscow hereinafter referred to as the CAFAP DD) operates).

See also
