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2025/02/27 15:45:55

Road accident in Russia



List of regions by number of accidents

In February 2025, the traffic police published accident statistics on Russian roads. The list of regions by the largest number of accidents for 2024 is as follows:

10 regions of the Russian Federation in terms of the number of accidents in 2024

According to the traffic police, in 2024, 132 thousand road accidents occurred on the roads, which is 0.3% less than a year earlier. They killed 14.4 thousand people (-0.7%) and wounded 164.7 thousand people. Most often there were collisions (58.3 thousand incidents), collisions with pedestrians (34.3 thousand) and exits from roads (13.7 thousand).

The traffic police note that the decrease in road accidents is associated with a number of factors. One of the main reasons was the improvement of road infrastructure, including the repair of hazardous areas, the construction of new interchanges and the introduction of intelligent transport systems such as adaptive traffic lights and smart pedestrian crossings. An important role was played by strengthening control over traffic rules, which resulted in an increase in the number of traffic cameras for fixing violations, an increase in fines for gross violations and tougher penalties for drunk driving.

The growth of driving culture was another factor in the decline in accidents. Educational programs, tightening requirements for training drivers in driving schools and combating aggressive driving styles are gradually changing the behavior of road users. A milder winter in Russia also affected.

Sobyanin: Smart cameras helped reduce the accident rate on the Moscow Ring Road by 20% in 3 years

The installation of smart video cameras on the Moscow Ring Road (MKAD) has reduced the number of road accidents by 20% over the past three years. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced this in July 2024 in his telegram channel. Read more here


The increase in the number of accidents to 132.4 thousand.

In 2023, approximately 132.4 thousand road accidents (road accidents) were recorded in Russia, in which 14.5 thousand people died and 166.5 thousand were injured. Compared to the previous year, the accident rate increased by 4.5%, the number of deaths - by 2.3%, the number of victims - by 4.3%. Such data were published by the State Traffic Inspectorate in mid-February 2024.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, the number of accidents on Russian roads in 2023 increased for several reasons. This is the redirection of cargo flows from west to east and the growing popularity of auto tourism. The road infrastructure in some regions was not ready for a significant increase in load, which is why emergencies have become more frequent.

2023, approximately 132.4 thousand were recorded in Russia. ROAD ACCIDENT

The report says that in 2023 Kalmykia became the leader in the increase in the number of accidents, where the accident rate jumped by 35.6% compared to 2022. In addition, the number of incidents increased significantly in the Omsk region (plus 32.5%), the Republic of Tuva (plus 24.9%) and the Novosibirsk region (plus 21.9%). The most emergency regions in absolute terms were Moscow (8.1 thousand. ACCIDENT; an increase of 5.3% on an annualized basis) and the Krasnodar Territory (6.15 thousand ACCIDENT; plus 6%). At the same time, in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the accident rate decreased by 30% compared to 2022, in Chukotka - by 23.5%, in Mordovia - by 16.5%, in Chechnya - by 14.3%, in the Tomsk region - by 12.6%.

According to the State Traffic Inspectorate, in 2023 a total of 84.8 thousand occurred in settlements and cities. Accidents, which is 7% more than a year by year. On the roads of federal significance, 15.3 thousand accidents were recorded (plus 4.4%), regional or inter-municipal significance - 21.6 thousand (plus 1.7%), local significance - 72.9 thousand (plus 6.3%), on toll roads - 561 incidents (plus 7.5%). At the same time, the accident rate in areas controlled by stationary road cameras decreased by 24% - to 18.5 thousand accidents.[1]

Pilot All-Russian Road Safety Index presented

Urbanteh and the Higher School of Economics on November 15, 2023 presented a pilot All-Russian road safety index. The tool allows you to comprehensively consider the situation on the roads and determine ways to reduce accidents.

The index is based on a complex technique that assesses several parameters. This is the severity of the consequences of an accident, the level of social and transport risk. Read more here.

By order of the Belgorod Ministry of Internal Affairs, software was created that determines the degree of guilt of an accident participant

On June 30, 2023, the Belgorod State National Research University (NIU BelSU) announced the development of specialized software to determine the degree of guilt of an accident participant. Read more here.

2022: The death toll in road accidents in Russia in 3 years decreased by 3 thousand people

The death toll in road accidents in Russia for 3 years decreased by 3 thousand people. This was announced at the end of December 2022 by Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin at an operational meeting with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

According to Khusnullin, in 2022, about 14 thousand people died in road accidents against 17 thousand in 2019, and in comparison with 2021 there is a decrease of 6-8%. The number of accidents during this time decreased from 164 thousand to 130 thousand, the Deputy Prime Minister said.

The number of victims in road accidents since 2020 has decreased by 3 thousand people

The traffic police will publish statistics on road accidents for 2022 in 2023. At the same time, the State Traffic Inspectorate already notes a trend towards a decrease in the number of accidents and deaths in them. According to the traffic police, for 10 months of 2022, a total of 103.9 thousand accidents occurred on the roads of the Russian Federation (-5.5% compared to the same period last year), in which 11.5 thousand people died (-5.1%) and 130.6 thousand people were injured (-5.6%).

The total number of road accidents on the roads of Russia for ten months of 2022 decreased by 5.5% compared to the same period last year, the death toll - by 5.1%. The top 5 regions in terms of the absolute number of accidents include Moscow, Krasnodar Territory, Nizhny Novgorod Region, St. Petersburg and the Moscow Region. It follows from police reports that there is an increase in accidents due to the fault of foreign drivers, and the number of children under 16 who died in road accidents is also increasing.

Data on the number of accidents for ten months of 2022 are published in the statistical section of the traffic police website. In total, 103.9 thousand accidents occurred on the roads of the country (-5.5% compared to the same period last year), in which 11.5 thousand people died (-5.1%) and 130.6 thousand people were injured (-5.6%).

The leaders among the subjects in terms of the absolute number of accidents are Moscow (6.4 thousand accidents), Krasnodar Territory (4.6 thousand), Nizhny Novgorod Region (3.6 thousand), St. Petersburg (3.5 thousand) and Moscow Region (3.2 thousand).

The increase in mortality in road accidents is recorded in 29 regions, including the Altai Republic (+ 72.7%), Karachay-Cherkessia (+ 44.7%), Sevastopol (+ 40%), the Republic of Mari El (+ 39.7%) and the Jewish Autonomous Region (+ 37.5%).

According to the corresponding decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, mortality in road accidents in 2024 will not exceed the level of 8.4 people per 100 thousand population. The same decree enshrines the "desire" for zero mortality on the roads in 2030.[2]

2021: The number of victims of road accidents in Russia decreased by almost 6%

In 2021, almost 6% fewer people died in road accidents in Russia than a year earlier. This was announced on March 22, 2022 by Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin at a meeting of the government commission on road safety. At the same time, he did not name the death toll.

According to him, about three quarters of mortality on the roads of the Russian Federation fell on three factors: hitting pedestrians, driving in the oncoming lane and driving drunk. It was on these three factors that the authorities decided to focus, Khusnullin noted.

In 2021, almost 6% fewer people died in road accidents in Russia than a year earlier

In October 2022, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation reported that over the past decade in Russia, more than 220 thousand people died in road accidents and more than 2 million were injured. The department then noted that in 15 years the death toll in road accidents has more than halved.

By 2030, the Ministry of Internal Affairs intends to reduce mortality in road accidents to four deaths per 100 thousand citizens.

In March 2022, the head of the ONF working group "Protection of Motorists' Rights," auto expert Pyotr Shkumatov named three main reasons for the high mortality rate on Russian roads:

  • the lack of barrier fences to separate oncoming lanes: according to Shkumatov, where "bumpers" are installed, mortality is reduced by up to 80%;
  • lack of lighting: most accidents occur in the dark, he said;
  • a small number of regulated pedestrian crossings: in Russia, it is necessary to move to adjustable crossings with traffic lights and a ringing button, says Pyotr Shkumatov.

Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2021 described mortality statistics for road accidents on Russian highways with the phrase "as in hostilities." The head of state noted that it is necessary to achieve a reduction in mortality on the roads, and instructed to continue appropriate work with law enforcement officers and road workers.[3]

2020: Mortality on the roads of Moscow has halved in 10 years, 2.5 thousand lives have been saved

According to the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of Moscow, in 2020, 370 people died as a result of an accident in the capital against 763 in 2010. The decrease in mortality on the roads of the city in Deptrans was explained by several factors:

  • reconstruction of streets and highways;
  • changing traffic patterns;
  • upgrading pedestrian crossings;
  • replacing traffic lights;
  • development of photo and video recording system.

According to the press service of the Moscow Department of Transport in its Telegram channel, in 2020, 7939 road accidents occurred in Moscow, as a result of which 8944 people were injured. Most of these accidents happened due to the fault of drivers who grossly violated the rules of the road.

Mortality on the roads of Moscow in 10 years has decreased by 2 times

Compared to 2019, the number of deaths in road accidents in Moscow at the end of 2020 decreased by 17%, or 73 people. The number of wounded also decreased by 17% (1,779 people), the number of accidents with victims - by 15% (1,357 accidents).

The Department of Transport noted that it Moscow had reached a record high level of road safety. The target indicator of social risk, approved by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, is Vladimir Putin no more than 4 deaths in road accidents per 100 thousand inhabitants by 2030. In Moscow in 2020, this figure was 2.9 people. per 100 thousand population. This is 2.3 times lower than in 2010 (6.6 people. per 100 thousand population) and corresponds to the indicators of many developed countries of the world.

In 2020, compared to 2010, the number of injured as a result of road accidents decreased by 34% (4648 people), the number of accidents with victims decreased by 33% (3818 accidents). The decrease in accidents on Moscow roads over the past 10 years has saved 2.5 thousand lives, the Moscow Department of Transport and Road Transport Infrastructure Development said.[4][5]

Intelligent Transport Infrastructure (ITS) Russia
