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Баннер в шапке 2






+ Mikhailov Alexander.
+ Arefiev Andrey Alexandrovich

LANTER specializes in the supply of POS-terminal equipment, software solutions for transactional business, the provision of services to banks and trading enterprises.

LANTER is an authorized distributor of Hypercom products on the Russian market, part of the LANIT group of companies and specializes in the supply of POS-terminal equipment, software solutions for transactional business, and the provision of services to banks and trading enterprises. Currently, the company's clients are more than 40 financial institutions in Russia and the CIS countries.

Performance indicators


The company's revenue in terms of service increased by 220% compared to 2012.


2025: Hackers attacked "LANIT" and encrypted some of the servers. Group customers are advised to take urgent action

"FINCERT" (FinCERT) On February 21, notified credit and financial institutions about the possible compromise of the information systems of LANTER and LAN ATMservice, which are members of the Lanit group of companies. More


LANTER has increased its business and demonstrated growth in all areas of activity. The growth leader was the service direction: by the end of 2013, the company had more than 35 thousand units of equipment on service. An important area was the development of our own competencies in the field of software development. The company developed and certified its own EMV library, in the fall of 2013 confirmed the compliance of its own software with PA DSS standards.

The development of competencies in terms of NFC solutions continued. As an authorized partner of ID Tech in the ViVOpay product line on the Russian market, LANTER provided, along with the supply of ViVOpay Kiosk II readers, certification support in the Moscow Metro project for receiving contactless bank cards.

Significant changes have occurred in the traditional direction of the company's activities - the supply of POS-terminal equipment. As part of a partnership with VeriFone, the launch of the updated VeriFone Optimum line was expected in 2013. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, including economic ones, VeriFone has repeatedly postponed the release date of this model, and at the end of the year it postponed its release indefinitely. Despite the current situation, LANTER has taken a number of measures aimed at meeting the needs of customers for orders, service and warranty replacements for the next 18 months. Orders have been placed and a warehouse of VeriFone Optimum equipment has been formed that meets the PCI2.0 standard.


LANTER specialists have implemented more than 50 integrated cash solutions that are so in demand in the trading acquiring market. Solutions allow you to reduce customer service time, reduce the likelihood of a cashier error at a trading enterprise, and increase transaction security.

The solutions implemented by LANTER are based on the TRPOS software module, designed specifically for connecting POS terminals or PIN-pads to cash systems of various manufacturers. The TRPOS cash solution does not require a control server. The payment application is installed directly in the POS terminal or PIN-pad connected to the cash desk, which guarantees high reliability and security of the solution. Integrated cash solutions are implemented for various operating systems, including DOS, Windows and Linux.

LANTER cash solutions can be used in almost all areas of the retail business: in the restaurant, hotel business, in trade and service organizations. Currently, integrated solutions have been implemented in the companies Shtrikh-M, UCS (R-Keeper), Crystal Service, Pilot, Service Plus, Rarus, ATOL, Libra, HRS and others.


At the end of November 2010, the LANIT group of companies completed the separation of the business of the Department of Banking Technologies (DBT) into independent companies: LAN ATMservice and LANTER, which were included in the LANIT group of companies. The Department of Banking Technologies of LANIT began its activity in 1995 and today occupies a leading position in the market of Russia and the CIS countries in the field of the supply of banking self-service terminals and POS terminals, as well as the development of specialized software for the banking sector. Over 15 years, the department has delivered and installed more than 60 thousand. POS terminals and about 20 thousand ATM in Russia and the CIS countries, while about 11 thousand units of equipment are serviced by the department's service center. The department's clients today are more than 150 banks in Russia and several dozen credit institutions in the CIS countries. Among the customers of the department: Sberbank of Russia, Rosbank, MDM-Bank, Alfa-Bank, Gazprombank, URALSIB Bank, Bank of Moscow, Bank St. Petersburg, Otkritie Bank, Moskomprivatbank, National Bank TRUST and many others.