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Баннер в шапке 2

Rosatom Technical Academy





Number of employees
2022 year


+ Government of the Russian Federation

Autonomous non-profit organization of additional professional formations "Technical Academy" is Rosatom an organization specializing in additional professional, education professional retraining of managers and specialists nuclear power and industries certification of personnel.

The Academy is the educational, scientific and methodological center of ROSATOM in the field of ensuring the safe use of nuclear energy and a single industry center for the development of competencies in the field of nuclear technologies.

Areas of activity

Areas of activity of the Academy for May 2022:

  • additional professional education in the field of nuclear and radiation safety, national security, supporting the processes of the nuclear industry;
  • training of foreign NPP personnel (including construction personnel and NPP maintenance and repair personnel);
  • training of nuclear infrastructure personnel (including faculty and transfer of nuclear education);
  • information and consulting services (including the development of educational and methodological documentation, scientific and technical expertise, certification and certification of technical means of protection);
  • conference service (including organization and holding of conferences, hotel service, organization of food and life the Russian and foreign listeners, - and transportlogistic visa services,). polygraphy



TechAakademia "Rosatom" in numbers

As of May 2022:

  • 290 Industry Training Programs
  • 240 NPP personnel training programs
  • 345,000 industry trainees trained since 1967
  • 80,000 m2 - total area of ​ ​ training sites
  • 5 training sites, 14 special laboratories
  • 8 divisions, > 1000 employees, 29 foreign partners

Cooperation with MPEI

On February 28, 2022, the National Research University "MPEI" and the Technical Academy of Rosatom signed a cooperation agreement. Read more here.