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Innopolis University


Innopolis University, established in December 2012, is positioned as the first IT university in Russia. The goal of the university is to become an effective platform for interaction between science, education and business. It is part of the city of Innopolis.


Revenue Ths. rub


+ Innopolis University

Innopolis University is a Russian university specializing in, education development and research in the field of information technology and. In robotics 2020, on the basis of Innopolis University, a single platform was created for the advanced training of teachers of higher and secondary professional formations Russia - the Reference Educational and Unified Methodological Center in the areas of the digital economy. The specialists of the centers are engaged in the formation and development of digital competencies among specialists from priority sectors of the economy, determined by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2018 N 204 "On National Goals and Strategic Development Objectives for the of the Russian Federation Period until 2024":, and health care extracting the manufacturing industry,, IT and education agriculture others.

As part of the activities of the Reference Educational Center, a consortium of educational organizations of higher and secondary vocational education was created to unite methodological resources, which was joined by more than 400 partners - Russian universities and colleges from 78 regions of the Russian Federation.

Management structure of Innopolis University

The supreme governing body of Innopolis University is the Supervisory Board, which is responsible for determining the priority areas of its activities, the principles for the formation and use of its property, the election, control and early termination of the director's powers, the approval of the annual report and the annual balance sheet.

The composition of the Innopolis University Supervisory Board for 2020:

  • Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko
  • Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Maksut Shadayev
  • Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Valery Falkov
  • President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov
  • Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Tatyana Ilyushnikova
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors of Diginavis LLC Nikolai Nikiforov
  • Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Roman Shaikhutdinov
  • Director of Innopolis University Kirill Semenikhin
  • Director of 1C LLC Boris Nuraliev
  • Sergey Belousov, senior partner of the Runa Capital venture capital fund.

The Supervisory Board for 2018 included:

Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov should be appointed Chairman of the Council in 2019.


As of December 2018, 14 laboratories and 7 scientific centers were created at the university, as well as the Competence Center of the National Technological Initiative on Robotics and Mechatronics, which includes 16 leading universities in the country, 5 applied academic institutions, as well as 7 foreign partners.

The focus of the university: software development management, robotics, big data management systems, security of computer systems and networks, gaming computer systems and machine graphics.

Major specialties (2016):

  • сomputer science,
  • software engineering,
  • cyber security,
  • data science и
  • robotics.

According to information as of September 2016, they teach at the university only in English[1].

For 2013-2014, Innopolis concluded cooperation agreements with four higher educational institutions from the top 50 world ratings. Guest lectures on the territory of the university were given by 45 international professors, and contracts were signed with 19 of them. The faculty of Innopolis includes representatives of scientific schools and universities in Russia, Switzerland, China, Canada, Italy, Sweden, Slovenia, and the Republic of Korea.

Conditions for students

Training costs

Innopolis is a non-state university that exists with private donations and sponsorship money.

In 2016, the cost of 1 year of undergraduate studies was 1.2 million rubles, in the magistracy - 2 million rubles, the best students were given grants for training.

Obligation to work in Innopolis after graduation

According to 2016 data, after graduation, students cannot immediately leave the city - they must work from one to three years: in the educational institution itself, in a resident company or in their own startup in Innopolis. Many are counting on their startup.

Exemption from military service

In May 2015, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation approved the idea of ​ ​ the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications to create a specialized structure at Innopolis University, the work in which will be considered an alternative service in the army for students. True, CNews will have to serve according to this scheme for up to three years[1].

According to the Minister of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications has high hopes for cooperation with the military-industrial complex and Innopolis in general, and Innopolis University in particular.

Partnerships and Research Laboratories

The university cooperates with 153 IT companies and 53 academic partners around the world, including rating leading universities and CERN.

15 research laboratories and 7 development centers have been opened at Innopolis University. On the basis of the university, the NTI Competence Center was opened in the direction of "Technologies of Robotics and Mechatronics Components." The center's specialists, together with members of the consortium, have developed a roadmap for the development of robotics and sensorics in Russia until 2024. On the basis of the Laboratory of Neuroscience and Cognitive Technologies, which is part of the center, there is a leading Russian scientific school in the field of neuroscience.

History and Performance Indicators

2024: Opening of the Center for Industrial Robotics

In September 2024, it became known that the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia began to open federal centers for industrial robotics, the purpose of which will be the development and introduction of robotic solutions at the country's industrial enterprises. The first such center was the Center for the Development of Industrial Robotics, opened on the basis of Innopolis University. As part of this project, it is planned to create two more similar centers in various federal districts by 2026.

According to TASS, the centers will perform a wide range of tasks, including technological audits of enterprises, the development and implementation of robotic solutions, reengineering and pre-production production. Particular attention will be paid to the development of educational programs and the conduct of research and development work (R&D). These measures are aimed at popularizing robotization and increasing the technological competitiveness of Russian enterprises.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade began to open centers for industrial robotics in Russia

According to Sergey Dallada, director of the Center for the Development of Industrial Robotics at Innopolis University, grant support from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia will allow implementing complex and long-term robotization projects. He also stressed that the results of pilot projects will be available to a wide range of Russian enterprises, which will contribute to accelerating the introduction of robotic solutions.

Director of the Center for Robotics Timur Satdarov added that the new centers will be distributed among federal districts, and each unit will specialize in its own direction of work. Nevertheless, thanks to the exchange of experience and competencies between the centers, they will be able to solve the problems of the entire industry.

The goal of creating centers for industrial robotics is to provide access to advanced robotic technologies and stimulate their introduction into Russian enterprises.[2]


Appointment of Alexander Gasnikov as rector

On November 24, 2023, Innopolis University announced the appointment of Alexander Gasnikov as the new rector of the university. His candidacy was agreed by members of the supervisory board and founders of the educational institution. Read more here.

Agreement with Rostelecom to train new generation engineers

On September 21, 2023, Rostelecom and Innopolis University signed a cooperation agreement within the framework of the federal project Advanced Engineering Schools (PISH). The document was signed by Kirill Menshov, Senior Vice President for Information Technology at Rostelecom, and Kirill Semenikhin, Director of Innopolis University. The parties intend to create joint educational programs for the training of new generation engineers, develop and apply advanced technologies for the development of IT products, as well as exchange experience and knowledge between teachers, students and specialists of both organizations.

The agreement is concluded until 2025 with the expected extension, at least until 2030. The company plans to train the younger generation of IT engineers for digital sovereignty. countries The best students studying under the programs of the Advanced Engineering School of Innopolis University will undergo an internship or internship at Rostelecom.

In collaboration with Innopolis University, we will aim to train people for the dynamic. IT market of Russia We rely on the expertise of our company in the field of information technology and closely monitor international the Russian and trends. industries We also have a successful track educational record of engineering training programs DevOps and are interested in training new personnel staff. Together, we will be able to create new educational programs focused on the formation of highly qualified IT specialists, "said Kirill Menshov, Senior Vice President for Information Technology at Rostelecom.

Since the launch of the PCH project, we have managed to create the first versions of the frontier task products, form an infrastructure for laboratories to create products based on, and AI develop and implement 16 programs of higher and additional professional education. However, the training of qualified and sought-after specialists is impossible in a theoretical vacuum. That is why in our work we focus on the development of partnership with representatives of the IT market. Rostelecom's experience will help make the educational process as close as possible to working on real business projects and facilitate the transition of a specialist from the university to the industrial environment, "said Kirill Semenikhin, director of Innopolis University.

Also, thanks to the financial support of Rostelecom, special educational spaces will be built on the basis of the Advanced Engineering School of Innopolis University: laboratories and interactive advanced training complexes equipped with high-tech equipment, high-performance computing systems and specialized application software.

Agreement on the use of Security Vision products in Innokiberpoligon

Innopolis University Director Kirill Semenikhin and Security Vision CEO Ruslan Rakhmetov signed a cooperation agreement. The main area of ​ ​ joint activity will be the work of the parties within the framework of the Innokiberpoligon project - a platform solution for cyber training and training specialists in the field of information security. Security Vision announced this on May 23, 2023.

Director of the University Innopolis Kirill Semenikhin and Security Vision CEO Ruslan Rakhmetov

Security Vision has experience of interaction with leading universities of the country in terms of theoretical and practical training in the field of information security and information security automation in particular.

With the Innokiberpoligon platform, launched as part of the Advanced Engineering Schools project, everyone can learn security analysis, penetration testing and response scenarios in the event of cyber attacks. For the most effective training of specialists, it is important to use a combined approach, combining courses, simulators, cyber training, developed in conjunction with domestic specialists in the field of information security. And thanks to a partnership with Security Vision, achieving goals will become faster, "said Kirill Semenikhin.

Security Vision strives to make the maximum contribution to improving the skills of domestic information security specialists. To this end, we cooperate with leading Russian universities that conduct training in the area of ​ ​ "Automation of information security processes," implement educational programs, and provide our products for practical study, including at the National Training Ground. The Innokiberpoligon platform is an important and promising project, and for its development we plan to widely cooperate with the Russian IT University both by providing Security Vision products for integration into the platform and in the educational and methodological direction, Ruslan Rakhmetov said.

Launch of an online master's degree in product management and data analysis

Innopolis University on May 5, 2023 announced the launch of an online master's degree in product management and data analysis.

Two-year training in Russian starts in August 2023. These are the first two tracks in the technological entrepreneurship program of the Russian IT university, available for applicants without serious technical training. Entrance tests, classes and practice are held remotely.

Digital Product Management: In their first year, students will receive training in digital product management, client research and hypothesis management, product team management, no-code development and product promotion.

The second course is devoted to the creation of MVP, product testing, according to the real cases of partner companies of our university. Students will gain industry-sought skills in team management, analytics and product promotion to international markets,
said Oksana Giroche, Academic Head of Training, Director for the Development of Humanities and Social Sciences, Innopolis University.

Data-driven management: In the first year, undergraduates will be trained in data analytics, strategic management of the company based on the data-driven approach. In the second year, students will apply the acquired skills in practice and, under the guidance of mentors, will implement projects in Yandex, Tinkoff, VK, ICL Services, Megafon and other partner companies of the Russian IT university with the prospect of further employment in them.

The academic head of training is Adil Khan, professor at the Institute of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, head of the Machine Learning and Data Presentation Laboratory at Innopolis University.


Victory in the selection of the federal project "Advanced Engineering Schools"

As part of the advanced engineering school until 2030, together with industrial partners, Innopolis University will provide complete import substitution of development tools and introducing digital products, as well as train 14 thousand IT specialists, launch new educational programs for higher and additional professional education. The University announced this on July 1, 2022.

To train highly qualified IT specialists, experts from the Innopolis University Engineering School, together with partners from Gazprom, Rostelecom, VK, Ak Bars Bank, MTS and with the support of Russian Ministry of Digital Development, will develop 4 educational programs of higher education: Bachelor's degree in Information Systems Engineering, Master's degree in Software Engineering, Master's degree in System and Network Security Engineering, Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering. Training in these programs starts in 2023. It is also planned to develop and launch training in 8 programs of additional vocational education.

PIS Innopolis University, together with partners, plans to solve two key tasks: in the short term, to ensure technological sovereignty countries in the field of development, and in the software long term, to develop a special product for the world agenda - autogeneration technologies based on artificial intelligence,
said Iskander Bariev, First Vice-Rector - Deputy Director, Head of PISH Innopolis University.

On the basis of PISH Innopolis University, we will create special innovative educational spaces: digital educational sandbox for the development of DevOps Playground systems, digital AI laboratory InnoDataHub, cyberphysical information security laboratory SNE Cyber ​ ​ polygon, showroom "Industry 4.0".. The complexes will allow program listeners to combine into cross-functional teams that simulate real development groups in companies. This training format will ensure a seamless transition from the university to the working environment,
noted Kirill Semenikhin, director of Innopolis University.

The federal project "Advanced Engineering Schools" was launched in 2022 at the initiative of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. Aimed at training qualified engineering personnel for high-tech sectors of the economy. It is one of 42 initiatives of the Government of the Russian Federation aimed at improving the quality of life of citizens, is carried out within the framework of the state program "Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation."

Three universities of the Republic of Tatarstan became the winners of the project to create Advanced Engineering Schools on their basis. The engineering school at the Naberezhnochelninsky Institute of KFU in partnership with KAMAZ will specialize in mechanical engineering. The school at KNITU-KHTI in partnership with SIBUR Holding, Gazprom, Ammonium will deal with the chemical industry. In general, the project will contribute to the further proactive development of Russian science and industry,
specified Roman Shaikhutdinov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan.

By 2030, the best practices and programs will be implemented in universities that are part of the consortium of the Support Educational Center on the basis of Innopolis University: more than 370 universities in 2022.

The organizers selected from 89 applications from 41 regions of the Russian Federation 30 advanced engineering schools in partnership with high-tech companies and enterprises.

Funding for the program in 2022 will be:

  • 2.5 billion rubles - from the federal budget;
  • 3.6 billion rubles - co-financing from high-tech Russian companies.

Until 2024, universities together with partner companies:

  • release 2.5 thousand highly qualified engineers;
  • 28 thousand teachers will be trained in advanced training courses;
  • receive more than 1.1 thousand grants for the passage of practices in companies;
  • will create 506 new advanced training programs for engineers.

Cooperation with Skoltech to study bachelors in the field of "Informatics and Computer Engineering"

Innopolis University and Skoltech will jointly teach bachelors in the field of "Informatics and Computer Engineering." The university announced this on April 14, 2022.

For 4 years, Innopolis University and Skolkovo University of Science and Technology will train specialists in applied artificial intelligence and machine learning. The agreement on cooperation in the development and implementation of the undergraduate program was signed by Kirill Semenikhin, Director of Innopolis University, and Alexander Safonov, Senior Vice President for Development of Skoltech, in the presence of Rustam Minnikhanov, President of the Republic of Tatarstan, and Shuvalov, Chairman of VEB.R.F.I.

The first 50 students will begin their studies under the program in online form in September 2022 in Innopolis. Midway through their sophomore year, students will choose the educational track and disciplines taught at Innopolis University or Skoltech. Four-year students will find a job in the Innopolis IT company, Skolkovo startups or Skoltech design centers of their choice. The training will be in English. From 2023, it is planned to recruit up to 200 people per course for the program.

Шаблон:Quote 'author = said Kirill Semenikhin, director of Innopolis University.

Шаблон:Quote 'author = noted Alexander Safonov, Senior Vice President for Development of Skoltech.

As a defense of the thesis, graduation students will be able to present their startup. Graduates of the program working in Russian companies of the innovative sector of the economy, as well as continuing their studies at the magistracy of Innopolis University or Skoltech, are compensated for the cost of training.


Innopolis University received 90 million rubles to open a technology transfer center

Innopolis University received 90 million rubles to open a technology transfer center. This was announced on October 25, 2021 by the press service of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan [[Shaikhutdinov Roman Alexandrovich 'Roman Shaikhutdinova]. Read more here.

Strategic cooperation with Gubkin RSU

Innopolis University on April 9, 2021 announced the start of cooperation with the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas.

Director Russian IT of the University Kirill Semenikhin of Gubkin Viktor Martynov signed a memorandum of cooperation educational between organizations. The parties agreed on a strategic and long-term partnership.

Innopolis University and Gubkin University will conduct joint research projects, exchange faculty and students, hold joint scientific and practical conferences, seminars and round tables. It is also possible to create and develop joint interdisciplinary research clusters - laboratories, technology parks, test sites and design offices.

"The Russian State University of Oil and Gas is one of the leaders among industry universities in Russia. Our partners in the portfolio have scientific projects and developments in demand in the mining and manufacturing industries. These are the industries in which we retrain university teachers and colleges within the framework of the Reference Educational Center for the introduction of new digital competencies. Also at Innopolis University there is a Center for Oil and Gas Technologies, which develops IT solutions for the largest Russian oil and gas companies, so the examination of colleagues from Gubkin University will be especially useful for us, "said Kirill Semenikhin, director of Innopolis University.


Training plan for 80 thousand teachers until 2024

80 thousand Russian teachers will be taught digital competencies. This was announced on December 20, 2020 by Innopolis University.

The support educational center on its basis will continue to operate until 2024. The corresponding decree Government of the Russian Federation was signed by the Prime Minister. Mikhail Mishustin The financing center provides for a federal subsidy of 6.4 billion. rubles

By 2024, the Russian IT university will train teachers in 143 programs included in all stages of education - secondary-special, higher and additional. According to the plan, in 2021 the number of listeners will be 16 thousand people, in 2022 - 17.9 thousand, in 2023 - 22.1 thousand and in 2024 - 24 thousand.

When developing programs, representatives of the industry are involved, which set actual training trajectories so that the received competencies are as in demand as possible, "says Elena Makarova, head of the center.

The support educational center on the basis of Innopolis University was created in 2020. Under the advanced training program "Digital technologies in teaching specialized disciplines," 3 thousand teachers and methodologists are already studying in it. According to the estimates of the Russian IT university, they will be able to teach digital competencies to more than 10 thousand students in various subject areas.

In 2020, the Innopolis University team did a lot of work - educational materials were prepared from scratch, a consortium of 51 universities and universities was created, 3,000 people were trained in a pandemic-based setting, and training programs with partners were updated. In addition, we have opened the largest industry forum on the digitalization of education. The first results of the educational process we have built are already visible. We are grateful to the government of Russia and Tatarstan for the trust and high assessment of the work of the university, - explained Kirill Semenikhin, director of Innopolis University.

Creation of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence based on Innopolis University

On December 10, 2020, Innopolis University announced that the first Institute of Artificial Intelligence in Russia was created on its basis. The division of the Russian IT university will be engaged in scientific and educational activities and the development of AI projects in the oil and gas industry, medicine, geo-information technologies, industry, new materials and microelectronics. Read more here.

Training plans for 5 thousand civil servants together with the University of NTI "20.35"

Innopolis University on October 5, 2020 announced that it would train 5 thousand civil servants.

The training program for anti-crisis leaders and teams of the digital economy "CLICK" was launched jointly with the University of NTI "20.35." In two months, students will learn data-driven management competencies and develop digital projects. Read more here.


2,350 civil servants from 21 regions trained

On May 7, 2020, Innopolis University published a report for 2019 - 44 industrial partners, the victory of the Russian national robotics team, 63 projects in the portfolio and a surplus budget. The document published on the website provides in detail data on the results of the activities of the Russian IT university.

According to the company, in 2019, a research center for digital economics in the field of blockchain was opened on the basis of Innopolis University. Employees of the center, together with partners from Aeroflot, will create the first fully verified distributed registry platform in Russia. The development will be applied in health care, transport, financial services, industry, power, education, agriculture and urban enterprises.

Innopolis University published a report for 2019

IT university specialists trained 2,350 civil servants from 21 regions under the programs "CDO (Chief Data Officer) - data-based management" and "CDTO - Chief Digital Transformation Officer: Head of Digital Transformation."

We continue to prepare personnel for the transformation of society and the formation of technological sovereignty at all possible levels, introduce our experience in the development of modern competencies in other constituent entities of the federation, share practice with the global educational community.

told Kirill Semenikhin, Director of Innopolis University

Digital Economy Technologies

With the support of an IT university, 5,000 schoolchildren and 450 education workers from 40 countries of the world studied in key areas of the digital economy: computer science, mathematics, artificial intelligence, information security, robotics.

The Russian national team, formed by the team of the University's Pre-University Training Center, became the absolute champion at the World Robot Olympiad - WRO 2019.

The Center for Geoinformation Systems, together with the Innopolis City Hall, has completed work on a digital 4D model of the city. The center's specialists began developing priority standards for the requirements for Earth remote sensing data from space.

The university won the competition of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation for the creation of technology for processing information security incidents using artificial intelligence. Such a technological solution will reduce the reaction time to violations. The FSB of Russia issued a license to the Information Security Center of the university for the development, production and distribution of cryptographic means and the provision of services in the field of information encryption.

The NTI Competence Center for Robotics and Mechatronics Component Technologies at Innopolis University completed 5 projects in 2019, registered 2 patents for inventions and 20 certificates of state registration of computer programs .

In 2019, 16,210 applications from 162 countries were received for training at Innopolis University: 5133 from Russia, 1123 from 8 CIS countries, 7631 from 153 non-CIS countries. 253 people became students, 14 people - graduate students. The average score USE of students enrolled in the first year is 92.7.

Change of Supervisory Board

In April 2019, in accordance with government order No. 648-r, the composition of the supervisory board of Innopolis University was changed. The updated composition includes Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov, Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Konstantin Noskov and Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Ilya Torosov.

Nikolai Nikiforov said on his Twitter that Akimov will head the supervisory board.

The previous supervisory board included Nikolai Nikiforov, who at the time of entry held the post of Minister of Communications and held the post of chairman in it. It also included Mark Shmulevich, Minister of Informatization and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan Roman Shaikhutdinov, founder of Acronis and Parallels Sergei Belousov, ex-general director of NVision Group Anton Sushkevich, rector of Innopolis University Alexander Tormasov and founder of the Unium network of educational centers Dmitry Kondratyev.

Innopolis University told TAdviser that the final updated composition of the supervisory board is at the formation stage.

A source close to Innopolis University believes that Nikolai Nikiforov, Roman Shaikhutdinov, Sergei Belousov and Alexander Tormasov may remain in the new composition.

Innopolis University will update the supervisory board "(photo -"

In addition to the new supervisory board, in accordance with the order, the transfer of shares and buildings of the IT city construction operator in Tatarstan to Innopolis University, published in the same month, began. Innopolis University should withdraw 97.46% of Innopolis JSC. The latter owns the buildings in which the university operates - this is a university complex, including educational and laboratory, residential and sports buildings.

After the completion of all transfer procedures, the founders of the university will be the Russian Federation represented by the Ministry of Communications and the Republic of Tatarstan represented by the Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Due to such measures, the authorities expect to reduce the cost of educational activities of the university by more than 20%. It is expected that this will allow the university to recruit more students, open new laboratories and research centers, as well as train specialists and solve scientific and research problems within the framework of the Digital Economy program. [3].

The Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan clarified TAdviser that after the completion of the procedures, Innopolis JSC will continue to work. The transfer of shares does not mean the liquidation of the company or the automatic transfer of ownership. These are corporate procedures, the department said.


602 students study. 100% of funding from extrabudgetary sources

Innopolis University as of December 2018, it ranks second among technical universities and seventh among all the Russian universities in terms of the quality of admission of applicants (the average score of USE first-year students is 90.4 points). As of December 2018, 602 students are studying - 46 more than in 2017. As of December 2018 financing , activities are carried out entirely at the expense of extrabudgetary sources, while for the entire period of operation the university attracted 706.5 million rubles sponsorship funds.

Grant to establish National Robotics and Mechatronics Center

Innopolis University of Tatarstan won a grant for the creation of an institute on the technology "Components of robotics and mechatronics." A specialized national center will be created on the basis of the university. As part of the direction, the university will open bachelor's, master's and graduate programs[4] for[5].

Scientists will develop solutions for industry, medicine and rehabilitation, agriculture, and will also work on the creation of unmanned vehicles, humanoid and multi-legged walking robots. In May, a laboratory of industrial robotics will open at the university, in September - autonomous vehicles, in February 2019 - control and prototyping mechatronics. Also next year, a laboratory of special robotics will work at the university, where they will study the social and cognitive aspects of the field.

In May 2018, Innopolis will begin work on partially autonomous electric vehicles with intelligent driver assistance systems and hybrid vehicles that can travel both by air and ground. In the near future, the development of robots for the construction of houses and high-tech prostheses will start.

The university plans to open, within the framework of the project, the Intellectual Activity Result Management Center (RID), to launch a scientific journal on the problems of robotics and publications on the activities of consortium participants led by Innopolis. The consortium included 16 universities, including MIPT, HSE, ITMO and FEFU, five applied academic institutes, including IPPI and IMASH RAS, 20 industrial partners and seven partners from France, China, Denmark, Sweden, Germany and Norway, reports Haitek.

The official event took place within the framework of the All-Russian Conference "Digital Industry of Industrial Russia." With the new center, Innopolis will become the core of Russian robotics. The opening ceremony was attended by RT Deputy Prime Minister - RT Minister of Informatization and Communications Roman Shaikhutdinov, Innopolis University Director Semenikhin Kirill, Innopolis University Rector Tormasov Alexander, ASI Young Professionals Director Dmitry Peskov and RVC General Director Alexander Povalko.

The NTI National Competence Center will open 4 new laboratories: Industrial Robotics (May 2018), Autonomous Vehicles (September 2018), Control and Prototyping Mechatronics (February 2019), Special Robotics - mobile, service, medical, space, agricultural, cognitive and social robotics (May 2019). The project also includes the opening of the Intellectual Activity Result Management Center (RID), the opening of a scientific journal on robotics problems and the creation of an information resource describing competencies, scientific, applied and educational activities of consortium participants.

The educational direction of the center includes the introduction of robotics and mechatronics programs based on virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies, including network educational programs for bachelors, masters and graduate students, creating an online platform, holding youth conferences, scientific schools, seminars, hackathons and olympiads.

2017: Ethereum Blockchain Training Plan

Innopolis University will select and train personnel to work in the Ethereum blockchain system. The leadership of the Russian IT university and Vitalik Buterin agreed on this in August 2017 at a meeting at the University of Innopolis. The founder and chief architect of Ethereum visited the university in Innopolis for communication with professors and open dialogue with students.

University employees told the Ethereum developer about the competencies of specialists at Innopolis University and presented the Center for Distributed Registry Systems. As a result of the negotiations, the parties decided to adapt the existing curricula of the IT university and develop new ones with mentoring and academic support for Ethereum developers.

Iskander Bariev, Vice-Rector - Head of the Department of Project and Research Activities: "Innopolis University, within the framework of the Center for Distributed Register Systems, is actively working on the development of technology and the implementation of research and development projects. Vitaly Buterin and his colleagues have worldwide fame not only in the professional IT community, and it is a great honor for us to offer them the competence of Innopolis University for joint projects. Our professors and employees will make every effort to implement all the agreements reached on the results of today's meeting and contribute to the development of Ethereum in Russia, "comments Iskander Bariev, Vice-Rector - Head of Project and Research Activities at Innopolis University."


Sponsorship decreased by 63%, hope for public money

On February 22, 2017, Innopolis University published a report on its activities in 2016. The expenses of the non-profit organization approached 1 billion rubles, and the volume of attracted partner contributions and donations decreased by 63%.

In 2016, the amount of financing for Innopolis amounted to 978.8 million rubles. Subsidies and grants brought the university 167.5 million rubles, which is more than in 2015 (35.5 million rubles), but significantly less than in 2014 (416.3 million rubles). The amount of attracted sponsorship funds also decreased significantly - to 336 million rubles in 2016 from 535.9 million rubles a year earlier (a decrease of 63%). Educational services brought the university 163.8 million rubles.

Innopolis University Building

Innopolis expenses in 2016 reached 929.6 million rubles. Of these, 242.3 million rubles were spent on education, 295.1 million rubles on scientific activities, and 236.7 million rubles on the management of the university. Holding events cost the university 124.8 million rubles, pre-university training cost 30.7 million rubles.

It also follows from the report that by the end of 2016, 635 students were studying at Innopolis, which is almost double the number of students in 2015. In 2016, 313 people from 10 countries of the world entered the university, while 9200 applicants applied for training, that is, the competition amounted to almost 30 people per place.

By the end of 2016, a total of 45 faculty members were involved in teaching students at the university (in 2015 there were 23), another 48 employees are responsible for the research part (in 2015 - 39), 124 administrative employees were also involved (in 2015 - 93). The institution has 16 laboratories and centers, 113 articles were published per year.

Every next year is more difficult for us than the previous year, since we do not slow down in the implementation of the ambitious goal - to become one of the world leaders in the field of IT education, "said Kirill Semenikhin, director of Innopolis University.[6]

The crisis made its own adjustments, the director of the university Dmitry Kondratyev admitted back in September 2016:

"We have difficulties attracting funding: those who worked with us continue to support the university, but the search for new sponsors is very difficult. We appealed to the government with a request to co-finance our activities[7].

According to Kondratyev, he expects that the state will support the university on parity conditions and the university will become a private-state one.

"We need one major sponsor to cover half the budget. Until now, this has not been found, "the director shrugs. How much funds the university asked from the budget is not specified.

Builders through the court demand 4.2 billion rubles

Innopolis did not pay off the contractor for the construction of the building of its University - Kamgesenergostroy. The contractor demands 4.2 billion rubles in court from Innopolis. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications[8] intervened in the case: [9].

Relations between OJSC Innopolis and the construction contractor did not work out, and at the end of 2015 Kamgesenergostroy filed two lawsuits against this structure with the Arbtirazhny Court of Tatarstan to recover 2.15 billion rubles. and 2.05 billion rubles.

In total, Kamgesenergostroy demands to recover 4.2 billion rubles from OAO Innopolis. With a total amount of both contracts of 3.85 billion rubles.

Thus, in addition to the fact that Kamgesenergostroy wants to recover money from OJSC Innopolis that has not been paid for obligations, the builders want to receive a bonus for the fact that the construction estimate exceeded the amount of contracts (see below).

2015: Moving to Innopolis campus

In 2015, the university began moving to the campus of Innopolis, which includes an educational and research building designed for 2 thousand students, a sports complex with a swimming pool, residential buildings for 1074 students.

In September 2015, up to 300 bachelors and 100 masters in a number of areas begin their studies at the university:

  • ON Software Engineering,
  • security of computer systems and networks (Cyber ​ ​ Security),
  • big data management systems (Data Sciences),
  • Robotics and
  • Computer Science.


Private financing in the amount of 378 million rubles

On the website of Kazan University "Innopolis" was posted in May 2015 a report for 2014, which contains information on financing: in total, the university attracted 378 million rubles, and among its sponsors were, Acronis ICL HA (formerly ICL-CS VS)"," MegaphoneMTS"," " Parallels Minister of Communications, Nikolay Nikiforov Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC", "which Russian electronics is part of", "and Rostec Denis Sverdlov partner of the integrator AT Consulting Shilov Sergey[10] DNA Technology Tesis

73% (382.5 million rubles) of the funds collected in 2014 were spent on scientific activities, the development of educational programs of the master's degree, bachelor's degree and pre-university training. In 2013, the university raised 462.6 million rubles, 80% of which went to the formation and development of training programs.

According to the report, 860.4 million rubles were raised in two years. In 2014, the university received three grants totaling 416.3 million rubles, for which four laboratories were opened. Research areas of grants: a grant for 345.1 million rubles for the development of a new generation of cloud storage technologies (in partnership with OJSC Rostelecom), 61.2 million rubles for the robotic direction (in partnership with LLC Android Technology), 10 million rubles for the medical direction (in partnership with CJSC Vector).

In 2013-2014. the Minister of Communications transferred to Innopolis University about 200 − 250 thousand rubles. annually to express his civic position, the representative of the Ministry of Communications Ekaterina Osadchaya told Vedomosti. According to her, Nikiforov transferred the same amount to the budget of Public Television of Russia. Osadchaya did not specify the essence of the civil position.

Innopolis Development Director Sofya Chernogortseva comments that Nikiforov annually transfers a certain percentage of annual income, and Sverdlov made a one-time private donation. The managing partner of AT Consulting Shilov did the same: about two and a half years ago he gave Innopolis several million rubles.

First 24 students

Since September 1, 2014, 24 students have enrolled in the university. It was announced that 105 students will begin their studies on September 1, 2015. 1664 schoolchildren took part in pre-university training programs.

2012: Plan to graduate 1,000 students per year

Since 2013, Innopolis University has been operating (according to 2012 plans, it must graduate 1000 students a year).
