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Skolkovo Venture Fund - Industrial I


Financial services, investments and auditing
Since 2017
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
143026, territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center Bolshoi Boulevard, 42, p. 1




+ Skolkovo Venture Fund - Industrial I
+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Russian Venture Company (RVC)
+ Vnesheconombank - Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Activity
+ Oboronprom OPK

The Industrial Fund was established by Skolkovo Ventures and the Russian Venture Company for investment in high-tech projects. The investors of the fund for August 2019 are also PJSC UAC, Russian Railways and Russian Helicopters JSC.


2021:50 million rubles investment for Cyberphysics

On October 11, 2021, the Industrial Fund under the management Skolkovo Ventures of invested 50 million rubles in a startup Cyberphysics technology company that develops digital products to optimize production processes. More. here

2019: Investment for BFG Group

The Skolkovo - Industrial I Venture Fund, managed by Skolkovo Ventures, which invests in Industry 4.0 projects, will invest up to 200 million rubles in the BFG Group, a pioneer in the Russian market in the field of software for optimizing production processes. This was announced on August 21, 2019 by the Foundation for the Development of Internet Initiatives. More details here.