Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Fedorov Denis Vladimirovich
Fedorov Denis Vladimirovich


Was born in the city of Obninsk of the Kaluga region.


Graduated from MSTU of N.E. Bauman.

Postgraduate study of Moscow Power Engineering Institute.


2001 – 2003 - RAO UES of Russia, then in NPVP Turbokon Ltd.

2003 – 2006 - head of department of investment technologies and technology projects of EuroSibEnergo-Engineering LLC, investment Management of Gazenergoprom Corporation LLC.

2006 – 2007 - the advisor to director general of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC (during this period the name of the company – Mezhregiongaz LLC).

2006 – 2008 - CEO of JSC Mezhregionenergosbyt.

Since 2007 - the head of department of development of the electricity sector and marketing in power industry of Gas and liquid hydrocarbons marketing and processing department of JSC Gazprom.

since 2009 - the CEO of Gazprom Energoholding LLC. Chairman of the board of directors of JSC OGK-2, vice-chairman of Board of Directors of JSC TGC-1, board member of JSC Mosenergo.

Achievements, awards

Candidate of Economic Sciences.

2003 - it is recognized by the best young scientist of Russia in the field of physics and technology sciences (according to the results of the competition held by RAS). Taught more than three years in MEI (specification).


Married. Raises the son.