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Institute of Organic Chemistry named after N.D. Zelinsky RAS (IOH RAS)



+ Government of the Russian Federation

The Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IOH RAS) is one of the scientific centers in the field of organic, physical organic, bioorganic chemistry and organic catalysis in Russia and in the international arena.


2022: Discovery of a glycovaccine development laboratory

At the Institute of Organic Chemistry named after N.D. Zelinsky RAS (IOH RAS), with the financial and organizational support of the R-Pharm group of companies, a specialized laboratory has been created that will focus on the development of conjugated carbohydrate vaccines (the so-called "glycovaccin") against antibiotic-resistant pathogens of hospital infections. The R-Pharm company announced this on November 28, 2022. Read more here.