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Ananyev Aleksei Nikolaevich
Ananyev Aleksei Nikolaevich

Ananyev Alexey Nikolaevich - founder of Technoserv.


Alexey Ananyev was born on August 24, 1964 in Moscow.

1987: Diploma of translator from Portuguese and English

In 1987 he graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​ ​ named after Maurice Torez with a degree in foreign languages ​ ​ with the qualification of "translator-referent in Portuguese and English."

1992: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Technoserv

  • Since 1995 - Member of the Board of Directors of the JSCB. Promsvyazbank

  • In 1998-2002 - Member of the Board of Directors of Tambovmyasoproduct OJSC.

  • In 2001-2003 - Member of the Board of Directors of ZAO TD Minsk.

  • Since 2002 - Member of the Boards of Directors of CJSC AiF and OAO ON Press-1.

  • Since 2002 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Cryogenmash (Balashikha, Moscow Region).

  • In 2005, he received an Executive MBA from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business.

2006: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Promsvyazbank

Since 2006 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Promsvyazbank.

2012: Net worth $1.8 billion

According to Forbes, Alexei Ananyev's fortune in 2012 was $1.8 billion. He occupied 49th place in the ranking of the wealthiest people in Russia[1].


General Director of the Corporation "Control Systems"

In February 2013, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin announced on his Facebook page that he had signed a directive on the appointment of Alexei Ananyev as general director of Corporation Management Systems OJSC, created in 2010 by order of the government and the Federal Agency for State Property Management (100% of the company belongs to the state[1].

The appointment of a manager from a large private business to the position of the parent organization for the development of military ACS is natural, since all attempts by the Ministry of Defense and other government agencies to integrate efforts in this area and force developers to use uniform standards have failed, says Reserve Colonel Viktor Murakhovsky. According to a source close to the Ministry of Defense, the military has no objections to the appointment of a private businessman, but Ananyev's work will be properly monitored so that there are no abuses in spending tens of billions of rubles, which are planned to be allocated for the development and production of military ACS.

On March 23, 2013, the government published a new list of candidates for election as representatives of the Russian Federation and independent directors to the board of directors of Russia's largest shipbuilding holding , the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC). Alexey Ananyev, who joined the USC directors as an independent director in August 2012, was not nominated for the new list.

In May 2014, Alexey Ananyev left the Management Systems Corporation.

After leaving the post of general director of the Management Systems corporation, Alexei Ananyev returned to Technoserv, where he again headed the advisory council - the highest managing body of the group of companies. Sergey Korneev, who replaced Ananyev during his absence, took over as president of the Technoserv group.

List of assets: Promsvyazbank, Technoserv, etc.

As of March 2013, together with his brother Dmitry Ananyev, Alexey Ananyev was a co-owner of the companies:


Division of assets with brother Dmitry

On February 26, 2018, Vedomosti announced the division of assets between the Ananyev brothers[2].

After the Central Bank introduced a temporary administration to Promsvyazbank, I considered that it would be right if each of us began to deal with our assets - those that were historically managed. Now I have 100% in "Technoserv," and my brother - 100% in Promsvyaz Capital.
Alexey Ananyev

The transaction was cash-strapped, according to him: he left the shareholders of Promsvyaz Capital B. V. (she owns the controlling stakes of Promsvyazbank and Vozrozhdenie Bank), transferring the share to his brother Dmitry, and he - from Technoserv. Prior to that, the brothers owned equally all businesses.

Seizure of assets for €11 million

In July 2018, it became known that the High Court of London froze the assets of bankers brothers Alexei and Dmitry Ananyev in the amount of €11 million and $15.6 million as part of the proceedings against Promsvyazbank, reports The Bell. According to the newspaper, the lawsuit was initiated by wealthy bank clients who invested in credit notes under the guarantees of the Ananyev brothers.

One of the investors, on condition of anonymity, said that VIP clients of Promsvyazbank received an offer to invest in credit notes issued by Peters International (Cayman) Limited in 2017. As Kommersant previously reported, the securities were behind the balance sheet of Promsvyazbank, they were issued under the guarantee of Promsvyaz Capital B.V. and Peters International Investment N.V., the ultimate beneficiaries of which were the Ananyev brothers. The parameters of two of them are known: $100 million and €30 million with maturity in 2019, as well as $70 million and €30 million with maturity in 2020.

According to Kommersant's information, credit notes were offered by bank managers "almost like a deposit," while their rate reached 5.25% in dollars and 6.25% in euros. At that time, Promsvyazbank's rates were 1.3% for dollar deposits and 0.3% in euros. The first technical default on securities was made in April, but they did not fall under state insurance in the amount of 1.4 billion, so their holders decided to go to court.

Removal from the posts of chairman of the board of directors and general director of Technoserv

In October 2018, a new board of directors of Technoserv was elected. The chairman of the council was Sergey Baranov, who holds the position of head of the IT department - senior vice president of VTB Bank, which earlier in 2018 owned 40% of Technoserv.

Alexey Ananyev, who previously headed the board of directors, also joined the new board. In addition, he headed the board of the company.

On December 18, 2018 Dmitry Troshenkov , he headed as general director three main legal entities of the system integrator Technoserv"": Technoserv Group LLC, TechnoServ AS LLC, Technoserv Management LLC.

Technoserv Group LLC is the company through which a transaction was executed in 2018 to sell part of the system integrator to VTB Bank. It is 50% owned by the founder of Technoserv Alexei Ananyev (through Ts-Holding, but the share is pledged by VTB until 2026), by 40% - directly by VTB. Another 10% - from the company "Rizus-Project," also owned by Ananyev.

Until December 18, 2018, Alexey Ananyev was the general director of Technoserv Group LLC.

Promsvyazbank filed a record lawsuit against the Ananyev brothers

On December 21, 2018, it became known that Promsvyazbank had filed a record lawsuit against the former main owners, brothers Dmitry and Alexei Ananyev, and the ex-leadership. The bank claims that his money paid off the debts of the Ananyev brothers. Read more here.


The Bank of Bad Debts of the Central Bank promised to pursue the Ananyevs abroad

The Bank of Non-Core Assets (BNA) intends to prosecute in foreign courts the ex-owners of Promsvyazbank brothers Dmitry and Alexei Ananyev and the beneficiaries of the O1 Group - the family of Boris Mints. In February, with reference to the head of Trust Bank (BNA was created on its basis), Alexander Sokolov, following a press conference, told RBC[3] the[4].

BNA, created on the initiative of the Central Bank on the basis of Trust Bank, collects bad and non-core assets of large rehabilitated banks. It, among other things, accumulated the problem debt of the Central Bank taken for the reorganization of large private banks - Promsvyazbank, the ex-owners of which are the Ananyev brothers, as well as Otkritie FC and Binbank banks .

Questions to the ex-owners of Promsvyazbank relate to buyback transactions by the bank the day before the reorganization of its own shares from Boris Mints's NPF Future and Safmar and Doverie NPF controlled by the Gutseriev family, RBC writes. The provisional administration of the PSB appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to initiate a criminal case in connection with these transactions back in December 2017.

Immediately after the reorganization, Dmitry Ananyev left Russia and received the status of a resident of Cyprus. The location of Alexei Ananyev in the bank "Trust" and "Technoserv" at the time of publication did not specify TAdviser. At the end of 2018, RBC reported that the Ananyev brothers left the Russian Federation immediately after entering the interim administration at the PSB, and that in January 2018 Alexei Ananyev returned to Moscow. Later, in February 2018, in an interview with Vedomosti, he said that he did not plan to leave Russia.

In relation to Mintsev, trials are being prepared in Cyprus, in London, Sokolov said, commenting on the criminal case against the ex-head of Otkritie FC Bank Yevgeny Dankevich, who is suspected of embezzlement of 34 billion rubles. due to a deal with O1 Group bonds on the eve of reorganization. According to investigators, Dankevich entered into a conspiracy with the bank's borrowers and ordered to buy their bonds at a value twice the real price of the securities.

There has not yet been a single meeting in London. We'll get to the end anyway. The same applies to Messrs. Ananyevs. The fact that people left the country and, in fact, fled with money does not mean that the topic is over. In any case, we will go for all debtors to the end, if this is not a Russian jurisdiction, then it will be a jurisdiction where there are either assets or people are located. Either money or responsibility, there is no other, - quotes the words of Alexander Sokolov RBC.

According to Sokolov, law enforcement agencies opened dozens of criminal cases on the applications of rehabilitated banks with a total amount of damage of 80 billion rubles.

The arrest of a plane, car, real estate and paintings in a lawsuit for 282 billion rubles

In May 2019, judicial arrest was imposed on the assets of Dmitry and Alexei Ananyev. The procedure was carried out by the Moscow Arbitration Court after Promsvyazbank filed a corresponding application, which became part of the procedure for the bank and the Central Bank to return their assets, which were withdrawn by the businessman brothers, Vedomosti reported.

The PSB lawsuit against the former co-owners was filed on December 21, 2018, and the total number of defendants in it reached 13. Among them, in addition to the Ananyev brothers themselves, were Andrei Zhupanov, deputy chairman of the board of Promsvyazbank, Alexey Iodko, deputy chairman of the board, who was in charge of HR, Vladimir Mamakin, who controlled the financial block, and Tatyana Voloshkina, who oversaw work with VIP clients. In addition, the list includes former leaders of small businesses and the corporate block Vladimir Shatalov and Evgeny Kozerenko, head of the project financing department Alexander Afanasyev and head of the financial markets block Dmitry Ivanov.

The bank's lawsuit also demanded to cancel all transactions made by the Ananyev brothers the day before the bank's reorganization, which took place on December 15, 2017. According to PSB representatives, the total number of transactions reached 30, and all of them pursued the only goal - to withdraw funds from the bank.

The total amount of claims in this claim reached 282.2 billion rubles, at 194.2 billion rubles. of which the damage caused to the bank was estimated from all transactions conducted by management. The remaining 88 billion rubles. PSB wanted to recover from the defendants for financial assistance provided to him by the Central Bank.

By decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court, the property of businessmen Ananyev and other defendants in the case was arrested precisely on the claim for 282.2 billion rubles.

According to the court verdict, Alexei Ananyev's shares in such companies as PSB Management (owns 33%), Pectis Capital (4%) and Novoye Vremya (holds 1/39 of the stake) were arrested. In addition, other property of the businessman was arrested, including the Bombardier Challenger 650 aircraft with tail number OE-LAN and serial number 6088 (home airport - Sheremetyevo) and a number of paintings that were in the operational management of the Institute of Russian Realistic Art.

The list of paintings includes, among others, "Portrait of Kliment Voroshilov in the Office" (I. Brodsky), "Over the Snowy Fields" (G. Nissky), "On the Way" (G. Nissky), "Kliment Voroshilov and Maxim Gorky in the shooting range of the Central House of the Red Army" (A. Gerasimov) and "Three Artists" (V. Popkov).

By a court decision, an official ban was imposed on registration actions of any nature in relation to real estate owned by Alexei Ananyev. This includes, among other things, five land plots in the Moscow region, an apartment in Moscow on Bolshaya Spasskaya Street, as well as three buildings and seven land plots in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region in the village. Gorki-2.

The movable property of Alexei Ananyev also fell under arrest. The former co-founder of Technoserv, according to court documents, owns the following premium cars at this time: Cadillac Escalade, Ford Excursion, Honda TRX, Lexus LX 570 and Mercedes-Benz GL63.

Closing the IRRI museum after the seizure of property

On June 4, 2019, the Institute of Russian Realistic Art (IRRI), founded on the initiative of Alexei Ananyev, announced the closure of the entrepreneur's property after the arrest. Read more here.

Sale to Anavoya Holdings Limited for €1,000

Alexey Ananyev sold for a "symbolic" amount of 1000 euros the Cyprian a company Anavoya Holdings Limited through which he owned 10.01% of the domestic IT integrator "Group," Technoserv reported on July 26, 2019 "" Sheets with reference to a representative of the businessman. The buyer was Contemporary Solutions from the British Virgin Islands.

Alexey Ananyev. Photo author: Vedomosti

40% of "Technoserv" as of July 2019 belongs to VTB. Ananyev still remains the owner of 49.99% of the company. But since mid-2018, this package has also been pledged by VTB. In December 2018, the bank realized the pledge for non-fulfillment of credit obligations and received the right to dispose of this share. In order for 49.99% to formally become the property of the state bank, he needs to contact the FAS and agree on a deal.

Since the end of 2018, VTB has been independently managing Technoserv. Until 2018, the company belonged to the Ananyev brothers - Alexei and Dmitry. At the beginning of the same year, their key asset, Promsvyazbank, collapsed, and the Ananyev brothers divided the assets. Alexei got 100% of Technoserv. In June 2018, he sold 40% of VTB, and in December the state bank decides to remove the businessman from managing the organization. The reason is gross errors in management, which is why the company was in a pre-bankruptcy state.

Back in 2017, Technoserv had a reputation as the largest the Russian IT-structure. Its revenue exceeded 50 billion. rubles

Criminal case and international wanted list

In September 2019, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against Alexei Ananyev. The businessman is charged with embezzlement on an especially large scale, he is put on the international wanted list, RBC reported, citing sources familiar with the investigation of the[5].

An application to law enforcement was filed in 2018. According to Promsvyazbank, within the framework of the case, several episodes of illegal activities of the former owners of the bank Alexei and Dmitry Ananyev are being investigated, including the theft of credit files, the performance of 24 securities purchase and sale transactions the day before the entry into temporary administration. Promsvyazbank is recognized in the criminal case as a victim and works in constructive cooperation with law enforcement agencies.

The bank added that the Moscow Arbitration Court has already established the illegality of these transactions, in connection with which decisions were made on the arrest of the property of the former beneficiaries of the bank.

Transfer to his wife 5 thousand paintings, 4 apartments and shares of Cypriot companies to hide property from creditors

At the end of October 2019, the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow invalidated the marriage agreement of the former co-owner of Promsvyazbank Alexei Ananyev and his wife Daria.

Alexey Ananyev

As a  representative of Promsvyazbank told RBC, Ananyev handed over the following property to his wife in order to hide it from creditors:

  • "the world's largest collection of paintings of socialist realism," which has 5,299 copies;
  • 50% in the Technoserv group and 50% in the authorized capital of the Dutch Technoserv B.V.;
  • three apartments in house number 137 on Leninsky Prospekt in Moscow;
  • apartment on Bolshaya Spasskaya Street in Moscow;
  • Alexey Ananyev's real estate in Austria and Portugal;
  • 1000 shares of the Cypriot company Bloumer;
  • 11,000 shares of Cypriot company Skibren.

The marriage agreement concluded between the Ananyev spouses after 29 years of marriage and just two months before the introduction of the interim administration into the bank did not pursue any other legitimate goal, except for hiding property from Alexei Ananyev's creditors, Promsvyazbank told Vedomosti.

Ananyev's defense believes that Promsvyazbank could not file a lawsuit to invalidate the marriage contract, since the organization is not a current creditor for the businessman. 

The claims brought by PSB against the former owners were not satisfied by the arbitration court by the end of October 2019. The lawyer also denies the transfer of shares in Technoserv Group and Technoserv B.V. under a marriage agreement and promises to challenge the court's decision.

The court's decision, published without a motivation part, left questions for both sides. Despite the recognition of the marriage contract as invalid, the transfer of property back to joint ownership was refused.

According to the lawyer Forward Legal Daria Shlyapnikova, the property transferred under the marriage contract will return to the joint ownership of the spouses.[6] 

Published materials of the investigation in the criminal case

On October 31, 2019, Kommersant published details of the criminal prosecution of the former owners of Promsvyazbank (PSB) Dmitry and Alexei Ananyev, who were arrested in absentia by the Basmanny Court for international investigation, became known. According to investigators, using the Cyprus branch of the bank, the brothers stole 66.3 billion rubles, $575 million and €24.4 million in five days under fictitious transactions, and legalized 39 billion rubles. and $169 million Read more here.

Discovery of paintings and documents of the Ananyev brothers in a warehouse near Moscow

On November 7, 2019 Forbes , he said that employees Investigative Committee found more than 200 paintings financial and documents of the ex-owners Promsvyazbank Dmitry and Alexei Ananyev in the warehouse in the city district, the Domodedovo press service said. bank What specific financial documents were found, the press service did not specify. The paintings were taken out of the museum founded by Alexei Ananyev "Institute of Russian Realistic Art" (IRRI) , contrary to the ban of the Arbitration Court, which seized the brothers' assets due to losses of 282 billion rubles caused to Promsvyazbank.

Investigators found canvases of classics of socialist realism - George Nissky, Isaac Brodsky, Alexander Deineka and others, the estimated value of which exceeds hundreds of millions of rubles. Among the paintings was the portrait of Alexei Ananyev in oil. The paintings were transported to special storage rooms.

Alexey Ananyev

The fact that the paintings of Alexei Ananyev were found was first reported by the telegram channel Mash.

The warehouse where the objects of art were stored is located at 81 Konstantinovo village in the urban district of Domodedovo, a source familiar with the situation said. This warehouse is located next to the Smolensk Church. By phone, indicated on the website of the Smolensk Church, it was clarified that the warehouse has nothing to do with the church - this is a separate organization in the building of the former toy factory.

For a week now, law enforcement officials have been carrying out some actions, many journalists, but the temple has been working,
said the rector of the church, Archpriest Alexander Kazachenko

SPARK at the warehouse address indicates more than a dozen operating companies, including Vasco LLC. Its general director and co-owner Andrei Vasilchenko said that his company is engaged in real estate management, but refused to answer the rest of the questions about Ananyev's paintings.

On May 30, the Moscow Arbitration Court arrested assets in a claim for damage to Promsvyazbank in the amount of 282 billion rubles. Among the assets were shares in companies, business - jets , cars, money in accounts, as well as a collection of paintings from IRRI. After this decision, the museum reported that the arrested paintings did not belong to him, also did not belong to businessmen and the museum building - a team of managers managed the museum and collection. At the same time, the administration of the museum provided access to bailiffs to all the paintings that were in the museum.

In December 2017, the Bank of Russia sanitized Promsvyazbank due to a lack of reserves and poor-quality capital. The Central Bank then demanded to add about 200 billion rubles, but the shareholders did not find this money. On the second day after the announcement of the reorganization, the Central Bank said that the credit files in the bank were stolen, and the regulator had to contact law enforcement agencies. Dmitry Ananyev is a resident of Cyprus and lives in Limassol, his representative said in court.

In addition to arbitration proceedings, the Ananyev brothers are also accused in a criminal case. They are accused of embezzlement and embezzlement of 66 billion rubles and $575 million as part of an organized group, causing property damage by deception and abuse of trust, as well as legalization of criminal proceeds. The brothers are on the international wanted list.

The Ananyev collection (about 5.3 thousand paintings) is the world's largest collection of paintings in the style of socialist realism, Promsvyazbank said in court. Two months before the introduction of the provisional administration in Promsvyazbank, Alexei Ananyev entered into a marriage agreement with his wife Daria after 29 years of marriage. According to the marriage agreement, the paintings, as well as several apartments and shares in offshore companies, became the property of Daria Ananyeva. Promsvyazbank suspected in this attempt to hide property from creditors Alexei Ananyev. The bank filed a lawsuit, and at the end of October 2019, the marriage agreement was declared invalid[7].


Former US attorney launches probe into Ananyev brothers "global fraud

In early February 2020, it became known about the investigation, which was launched by the law firm The Law Offices of Bud Cummins of the former US District Attorney Bud Cummins, about the "global fraud" of brothers Dmitry and Alexei Ananyev with money from large depositors of Promsvyazbank (PSB).

As Bad Cummins himself told Vedomosti, the investigation has been ongoing since November 2019. Its goal is to find out whether the Ananyevs committed, and whether American banks facilitated this, the misappropriation of millions of dollars tied to "now useless" credit notes, and whether companies controlled by the brothers could abuse the US financial system.

Brothers Dmitry and Alexey Ananyev

According to Cummins, he represents the interests of PV Group Limited, created by a group of ex-PSB clients who acquired "worthless" credit notes in 2017. There were four issues of notes worth $170 million and 60 million euros.

According to Cummins' office, the Ananyev brothers fraudulently offered PSB clients to exchange their deposits for credit notes, and then disappeared, taking assets. The withdrawal scheme used by the oligarchs included several companies in different countries, as well as transactions that were brokered by large American banks. It is assumed that the money of PSB creditors passed, in particular, through the correspondent accounts of JP Morgan Chase, Bank of New York Mellon and Citibank, before settling in Cypriot banks.

The money of PSB creditors in dollars passed through the bank's correspondent accounts in the United States before ultimately settling in Cypriot banks, Cummins said in a statement. According to her, in addition to the Ananyevs, 40 directors of various companies related to businessmen in 27 jurisdictions around the world participated in the scheme.[8]

The Supreme Court refused the Ananyev brothers to revise the decision to arrest 282 billion rubles

In early February 2020, the Supreme Court of Russia refused to brothers Dmitry and Alexei Ananyev and 10 other former  top managers of Promsvyazbank to revise the decision to seize funds and property in the amount of 282.2 billion rubles.

The arguments of the applicants for cassation complaints do not refute the conclusions of the courts and do not indicate the existence of grounds for transferring complaints for consideration at the hearing. At the same time, the applicants are not deprived of the opportunity to restore their rights by applying for the abolition of interim measures already taken, - according to the definition published in the file of arbitration cases.

The Supreme Court of Russia confirmed the legality of interim measures in the form of the arrest of the property of the brothers Alexei and Dmitry Ananyev

According to Vedomosti,  Promsvyazbank estimated the share of each of the Ananyev brothers and Promsvyaz Capital B. V. through which they controlled the bank at 88 billion rubles. He asks to recover from each within 282.2 billion rubles. This is a joint claim: if one of the defendants pays, everyone else will owe less. But the payer has the right to present recourse claims against the rest, Ivan Tertychny, partner of TA Legal Consulting, explained to the publication.

Earlier, the court of first instance, as well as higher courts, rejected the petitions of the Ananyev brothers to cancel the arrest of property that, according to businessmen, does not belong to them.

According to RIA Novosti, citing lawyers, Dmitry Ananyev transferred ownership of all his real estate to his wife Lyudmila Ananyeva and Velux Assets Limited, and the rights to 18 objects previously owned by Alexei Ananyev were transferred to his wife Daria from October to November 2017. The basis for the transfer of ownership was an additional agreement to the marriage contract.

Promsvyazbank says that only the property that belonged or belonged to the defendants earlier was arrested and was dishonestly alienated on the eve of the bank's reorganization .[9]

Promsvyazbank reduced requirements for the Ananyev brothers from 16.5 billion to 19.6 million rubles

On April 16, 2020, it became known that Promsvyazbank reduced the requirements for the Ananyev brothers from 16.5 billion to 19.6 million rubles. The credit institution filed a corresponding petition with the Moscow Arbitration Court. Read more here.

The head of the TFR Bastrykin revealed the details of the investigation of the case of the Ananyev brothers about the embezzlement of more than 87 billion rubles

Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) Alexander Bastrykin in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, published on July 24, 2020, spoke about the progress of the investigation of the criminal case against the brothers Alexei and Dmitry Ananyev. Read more here.

Suspicion of bribery to PFR employees

On October 5, 2020, it became known about the case initiated by the Investigative Committee of Russia against Alexei Ananyev. He is suspected of giving bribes to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) in exchange for patronage when concluding state contracts.

As RBC writes with reference to a source familiar with the case file, in 2015, unidentified persons from among the top management of the FIU turned to the beneficiaries of the RedSis group of companies, namely to Sergei Gordeev and several more of his companions, whose identities have not yet been established, offering to provide information on upcoming public procurement for monetary remuneration, which would help companies included in RedSis to win tenders and implement government contracts. According to the case file, Gordeev and his companions agreed.

According to the source, employees of the Pension Fund of Russia received monthly money from entrepreneurs from 2016 to 2019. Officials and businessmen agreed on joint preparations for participation in tenders: they drew up technical specifications and formed the initial maximum price. For bribes, they supplied IT companies with data on government contracts planned for conclusion by the fund: for software development, for the purchase of computer equipment and telecommunications equipment, for the acquisition of rights to software, local computer networks and information and computing services. Also, employees of the FIU handed over to merchants a plan for the informatization of the Pension Fund for 2016.

A case was opened against Ananyev on giving bribes to PFR employees

Redsis participated in the scheme not only in money - the company prepared technical documentation for the supply of iron and the provision of services, after which it was transferred to the PFR employees for placement at electronic auction sites.

By the beginning of October 2020, RedSis is undergoing bankruptcy proceedings. 100% of the authorized capital of the company is pledged by Promsvyazbank, the ex-co-owner of which was Alexey Ananyev.

The interests of the beneficiaries of the RedSis group of companies were represented by Vasily Vasin, who, according to investigators, involved his employees in the corruption scheme: technical director Alexander Lanin, director of the department for working with state customers of the social sphere Dmitry Radchenko, financial director Konstantin Mogilnikov, deputy financial director Anastasia Telegin and head of the financial control department Alexander Abramova. All of them knew about the relationship between the fund and their organizations, a source told RBC.

In 2016, RedSis was acquired by Technoserv (at that time IT company was owned by Alexey Ananyev). According to investigators, after the consolidation of RedSis, the businessman "continued to bribe civil servants and headed an organized group." The investigation established that from 2016 to 2019, Gordeev's companies, and then Ananyev, paid 210 million rubles to PFR officials.

According to the UK, Redsis actively carried out state contracts of the FIU, as well as the Interregional Information Center of this Fund, in the period from 2017 to 2019. The total amount of contracts amounted to 5.33 billion rubles.

Alexei Ananyev is accused of paying bribes to PFR employees in exchange for patronage when concluding state contracts

In July 2019, security officials detained Alexei Ivanov, deputy head of the PFR, a former subordinate of Ananyev for Technoserv. Ivanov "was responsible to Ananyev for the work of the entire scheme with state contracts," a source told RBC. Ivanov's episode was combined with other components of Ananyev's case.

According to investigators, in 2017-2019, Ivanov received a bribe of at least 4.4 million rubles from representatives of Technoserv. The representative of the Prosecutor General's Office said then that immediately after the arrest, Mr. Ivanov issued a confession, revealed the mechanism of the crimes committed, exposing both himself and other persons who participated in the corruption scheme.

According to the investigation, the same people from the PFR leadership attracted Dmitry Kuznetsov, head of the PFR information technology department, "to fulfill the criminal obligations assumed," Head of the Information Security Department of the FIU Evgeny Nikitin, Head of the Infrastructure Management Department of the Automated Information System of the FIU Ruben Enfiadzhyan, Head of the Procurement Department of the PFR Alexander Rudnev, as well as employees of the Department of Public Services of the PFR and the State Institution Interregional Information Center of the PFR (including its head Konstantin Yankin), a source in the UK told RBC.

Dmitry Kuznetsov, Evgeny Nikitin, Enfiadzhyan Ruben, Rudnev Alexander appear in the case of bribery to PFR employees

According to the interlocutor of RBC, Andrei Bogomolov, vice president of the Technoserv group of companies, and Alexei Kopeikin, director of the department for work with government agencies, were involved in the corruption scheme.

The Pension Fund said that they are aware of the situation and provide assistance to law enforcement agencies. Rudnev and Yankin continue to work at the FIU by early October 2020, unlike the other mentioned employees.

As Ananyev's lawyer Alexei Kirsanov told TASS, the former co-owner of Promsvyazbank has not yet been charged by the Investigative Committee in the case of giving bribes to the PFR leadership by October 5, 2020.

We know from the media that the case has been initiated, but Alexei Ananyev has no status - he is neither a suspect nor an accused, "Kirsanov said.

According to the sources of the publication, the criminal case under the articles on giving and receiving bribes (part 5 of article 291 of the Criminal Code and part 6 of article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) was opened by the senior investigator of the department for the investigation of crimes against state power and in the field of economics of the Main Investigation Department of the TFR Grigory Maskaltsov.[10]

Ananyev's lawyer: there is no evidence of his involvement in the bribe case in the UK resolution

On October 6, 2020, Alexei Ananyev's lawyer Alexei Kirsanov told TAdviser that, having studied the decision to initiate a criminal case received from the Investigative Committee, he did not find any evidence of involvement in Ananyev's case.

I have not seen a single evidence of involvement in Ananyev's criminal case, although I read the ruling very carefully. Not a single proof that Ananyev himself gave bribes to someone, gave someone money to give bribes or gave instructions to do so. Nothing like that is even close there. It gives only the opinion of the investigation, - Alexey Kirsanov told TAdviser

The investigator, according to the lawyer, issues a decision to initiate a criminal case, where he sets out his version of events and opinion, and only during the investigation must confirm them with evidence.

Alexey Ananyev is not in Russia and, as far as the lawyer knows, is not going to return to the country in the near future.

Kirsanov does not know anything about the fate of the ex-employees of the FIU, whose names appear in the case.

The arrest of the property of the Ananyev brothers for 50 billion rubles hit the video

On October 6, 2020, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation announced the detention of five accomplices in a criminal case on the embezzlement of the former owners of Promsvyazbank by the Ananyev brothers, and also specified the amount of damage in this case - 87.2 billion rubles. These funds, according to law enforcement agencies, were introduced from Russia to Cyprus in a few hours. Read more here.

The court arrested the assets of the Ananyev brothers for €267 million in favor of Trust Bank

In early December 2020, it became known about the arrest of the property of the Ananyev brothers in the amount of 267 million euros. The corresponding decision in favor of the bank of non-core assets "Trust" was made by the district court of Limassol (Cyprus). Read more here.

Interpol refused to look for the Ananyev brothers

On December 4, 2020, it became known about the refusal of Interpol in the search for Alexei and Dmitry Ananyev. In fact, the international police organization stopped all search procedures against the former co-owners of Promsvyazbank, said their lawyer Alexei Kirsanov. Read more here.


Lifting sanctions by Ukraine

On March 23, 2021 Ukraine , a decree appeared on the website of President Volodymyr Zelensky, lifting sanctions on ex-owners Promsvyazbank Dmitry and Alexei Ananyev. The brothers were included in the sanctions list in 2019 for three years. More. here

Claim in the case of Avtovazbank for 113 billion rubles

As it became known in early April 2021, the bank of non-core assets Trust"" filed a lawsuit against the brothers Ananyev in the case. AvtoVAZbank In addition to the former owners, the Promsvyazbank defendants are the ex-head of AvtoVAZbank Oleg Vdovin and the former shareholder, ex-chairman of the board of directors of AvtoVAZbank Nikolay Taran. The total amount of claims is 113 billion. rubles More. here

Claim from Promsvyazbank for 100 billion rubles in the case of embezzlement

On June 17, 2021, it became known about a new lawsuit that Promsvyazbank filed against the ex-owners of the credit institution Dmitry and Alexei Ananyev. The bank requires more than 100 billion rubles in a criminal case of embezzlement. Read more here.

New requirements from Trust Bank for €315 million

On September 7, 2021, it became known about the new requirements presented by Trust Bank to brothers Dmitry and Alexei Ananyev. According to TASS, citing a statement from a credit institution, claims in the amount of 315 million euros were put forward in Cyprus in connection with the alleged illegal withdrawal of assets from Promsvyazbank and Avtovazbank. Read more here.

2024: Bankruptcy

The Moscow Arbitration Court ruled to declare Alexei Ananyev, the former co-owner of Promsvyazbank, bankrupt. This decision was made on May 28, 2024 on the basis of the statement of the bank itself, which also initiated the procedure for the sale of the debtor's property.

The financial manager informed that the register of creditors includes claims from four creditors totaling 204.4 billion rubles. Creditors are Promsvyazbank, Trust Bank, VTB and tax authorities. The amount of Ananyev's assets, in May 2024, is significantly less than his debt obligations, which became the basis for declaring him bankrupt. At a meeting of creditors, the decision was unanimously upheld.

Alexey Ananyev

According to Interfax, for the first time, Promsvyazbank's application for Ananyev's bankruptcy was recognized as justified by the Moscow Arbitration Court on November 23, 2023. The court approved the debt restructuring procedure and appointed Igor Minaev as financial manager. In November 2023, Promsvyazbank's claim in the amount of 91.2 billion rubles and 77.3 thousand rubles of state duty was included in the register of creditors.

On March 21, 2024, the court confirmed the validity of VTB's claim in the amount of 168 million rubles, including it in the register of creditors. Subsequently, on April 9, 2024, the court also recognized the claim of Trust Bank in the amount of 113.1 billion rubles as justified.

According to Interfax, Ananyev's bankruptcy process lasted from November 2022, when Promsvyazbank filed a bankruptcy petition with the former owner of the bank. Alexey and Dmitry Ananyev previously owned Promsvyazbank, which was sanitized by the Central Bank in December 2017 and transferred to the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund. The bank later came under the management of the Federal Property Management Agency and became the main bank for servicing government contracts and defense orders.

Earlier, the Moscow Arbitration Court arrested the assets of the Ananyev brothers in the amount of 282.2 billion rubles at the request of Promsvyazbank, but later some security measures were canceled.

The Interfax correspondent said that Alexei Ananyev's brother, Dmitry Ananyev, was also declared bankrupt on January 29, 2021 at the request of Nastyusha Law Firm, and the Moscow District Arbitration Court confirmed the legality of this decision on July 30, 2020. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on October 26, 2020 refused Dmitry Ananyev to revise this decision.[11]

Titles and awards

Alexey Ananyev was one of the "25 best managers of Russian IT companies" (2003, 2006, 2008).


"I'd rather give up my point completely than fall out with my brother." Forbes interview, October 2006.


Interesting facts

Alexey Ananyev serves in the church and sings in the church choir. In addition, he is one of the largest Russian Orthodox patrons.


Since 2001, Alexey Ananyev became interested in collecting paintings by Soviet masters. In his collection of about 6 thousand works of 352 artists (data from December 2016). In 2011, he opened a museum to exhibit these works there - the Institute of Russian Realistic Art (IRRI).

Feedback from colleagues

According to Felix Glikman, chief adviser to the president of OJSC Systematics Group, Alexey Ananyev is "one of the brightest and most controversial leaders in the IT market."

Boris Shcherbakov, vice president of Oracle, CEO of Oracle CIS, described the head of Technoserv as follows: "Despite the monstrous amount of other work, he does not change his love for IT and strategically builds a very correct company, investing and developing."


Married, three children.

Alexei was brought to the Orthodox Church by his wife Daria. He was baptized in 1991 and introduced his brother to religion. Dmitry was baptized in 1992. The brothers helped the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, are members of the Board of Trustees for the support of the Central Clinical Hospital of St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow. The Ananyevs also participated in the restoration of the Valaam Monastery, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

With his wife Daria
