3D printing in medicine
Bioprinting occurs using specially designed 3D bioprinters, similar to how various parts are printed on 3D printers - in layers, according to a digital three-dimensional model. At the same time, printer cartridges are filled with spheroids - conglomerates of cells that are applied to a special substrate - a kind of bio-paper. Having printed one layer of cell spheroids, a second is applied on top, which fuses with the first. So gradually they get a voluminous living object - a tissue or an organ. 3D printing has huge potential in medicine. With these technologies, highly accurate three-dimensional models of human organs can be reproduced, as well as some implants. Developers of such technologies strive for the creation of organs in real time.
Technologies for growing organs and tissues
Main article: Growing organs (Bioprinting, bioprinting)
Global market
Main Article: 3D Printing in Medicine (Global Market)
2025: A prototype of a human bionic hand is printed using a 3D printer at Perm Polytechnic
On February 3, 2025, the press service of PNIPU announced that a student of the Perm Polytechnic University had developed a prototype of a bionic human hand. A student at Perm Polytechnic University is developing a bionic prosthetic human arm using 3D printing technology. A prototype product is already ready, capable of performing compressive movements and imitating tactile sensations. The study was conducted as part of the Priority 2030 strategic academic leadership program. Read more here.
Russian scientists have found a solution for the rapid restoration of cracked tissues in the knees after surgery
Molds for growing cellular spheroids have been developed at MIPT. The technological solution proposed by the development team from MIPT and IFM UrO RAS makes it possible to form three-dimensional cellular structures in culture vessels. We are talking not only about standard containers, but also about rare modifications of forms - multi-well plates and cups for a confocal microscope. To create stamps and molds for spheroids, the development team from MIPT and RAS used additive technologies - 3D modeling and 3D printer. Read more here.
In the center of Ilizarov began to implant prostheses of talus bone created on a 3D printer
The G.A. Ilizarov National Medical Research Center for Traumatology and Orthopedics in Kurgan in October 2024 successfully performed an operation to replace the talus and ankle joint with a prosthesis made using 3D printing. This is the fifth such operation performed in the center, and the first in Russia in the treatment of osteomyelitis of the ankle joint. Read more here.
In the St. Petersburg hospital began to use 3D printing to restore cranial defects
The I.I. Janelidze Research Institute of Emergency Medicine in St. Petersburg began to use 3D printing technology to restore cranial defects in patients with craniocerebral injuries. This became known in August 2024. This innovative technique makes it possible to create individual implants that exactly correspond to the anatomical characteristics of each patient, which significantly increases the effectiveness of surgical interventions. Read more here.
A 3D patch for internal organs has been developed. He is already treating the sick
In early August 2024, researchers from the United States developed a 3D printed patch for internal organs, primarily for the correction of heart and joint lesions. It has already begun to be used in clinical practice. Read more here
3D printing of cardiovascular stents from biodegradable materials launched in Russia
In August 2024, it became known about the launch of a new technology for 3D printing of cardiovascular stents from biodegradable materials in Russia. This innovation was developed by scientists at Perm Polytechnic University (PNIPU), creating personalized coronary stents from biocompatible polymers. The technology includes not only the design, but also the manufacture of stents using 3D printing, which opens up new opportunities in cardiac surgery and medical practice. Read more here
The cornea of the eye began to print on a 3D printer
In early July 2024, German researchers from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, in collaboration with specialists from Carl Zeiss Meditec AG and Evonik Healthcare, announced the development of a new technology for the restoration of the cornea of the eye. It provides for the use of laser 3D printing using biochernils. Read more here
Dental 3D printer, which prints crowns, bridges and eliners, went on sale
In mid-July 2024, Stratasys launched the DentaJet XL dental 3D printer, which prints crowns, bridges and eliners. The manufacturer notes that the new printer is able to facilitate the operation of labotatoriums by using larger cartridges, a large printing tray and ultra-fast mode. In addition, printed crowns require minimal post-processing, reducing the burden on laboratories. Read more here
How 3D printing of human organs is developing in Russia
In 2023, 15 companies specializing in the supply of products for research on human bioprinting, including bioprinters, spare parts for them, reagents, chemicals and accessories for bioprinting, worked in Russia. These include Moscow-based Diaem LLC, Analytica M LLC, Trading House Himmed LLC and St. Petersburg-based Technosnab LLC. At the same time, many Russian scientific institutes are engaged in the study of the possibilities of 3D printing of human organs. This is stated in the study, the results of which were published on February 29, 2024. Read more here.
How AI and 3D printing revolutionise the creation of skincare products
Beauty brands combine AI and 3D printing technologies to create personalized skincare products that meet the needs of specific consumers. AI tools are rapidly gaining popularity in the beauty industry, according to a study released on November 15, 2023. Read more here.
3D printing of nerve tissue treats brain injuries
On October 4, 2023, British researchers from the University of Oxford announced the development of a new technology for 3D printing of nervous tissue that mimics the structure of the cerebral cortex. The method is expected to help in the treatment of various injuries and neurodegenerative diseases in the future.
Experts say there are no effective treatments for severe brain injuries. Such damage, including those provoked by disease, either leads to a sharp deterioration in the quality of life, or provokes a fatal outcome. According to statistics, every year around the world, approximately 70 million people are diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries, with 5 million of these cases being severe or fatal.
Tissue regenerative therapy, specifically based on the use of a patient's own stem cells, could be a promising way to treat brain damage. But the problem is that there is no technology to mimic the necessary architecture of nerve tissues. Specialists from the University of Oxford have proposed a way to solve the problem.
Scientists have formed two-layer brain tissue by 3D printing. Nerve cells were grown from induced pluripotent human stem cells. Using specific combinations of growth factors and chemicals, it was possible to obtain two types of cells to create biochernils, which made it possible to reproduce the bilayer structure of brain tissue. These samples maintained their cellular structure for several weeks, after which they were implanted in the brains of mice. They demonstrated good integration, as evidenced by the growth of nerve processes and the migration of neurons across the implant-host border. Now the researchers intend to improve the technique for creating complex multi-layered cortical tissues.[1]
Human muscles began to be printed on a 3D printer
On August 25, 2023, American researchers at the Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation in Los Angeles announced the development of a new technology for the formation of human muscles by 3D printing. The proposed approach is expected to aid in the treatment of patients with skeletal muscle injuries resulting from trauma, disease or surgery. Read more here.
Nerve networks have begun to print on a 3D printer using new biotechnils
A team of Monash University researchers used biochernils containing living neurons and non-cellular materials that, when printed, formed three-dimensional neural networks. This was announced on September 20 by Monash University. Read more here.
In Russia, began to create implants from new materials similar to bone tissue
Russia has developed a technology for the production of biomimetic implants with a given permeability. This was reported on September 11, 2023 in Skoltech, whose specialists participated in the implementation of the project together with colleagues from MISIS University and St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University. Read more here.
Russian scientists have printed material that increases the durability of intervertebral implants
Scientists method MISIS University patented 3D printing of a three-dimensional framework from auxetic metamaterials, which can be used for implants prostheses intervertebral cages to medicine and in the future. Zdrav.Expert This was announced on August 31, 2023 by representatives of MISIS. More. here
Toilets began to be printed on a 3D printer. They don't need ruffles
In mid-August 2023, Chinese researchers from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan announced the development of a method for 3D printing of toilets, which are practically not polluted during operation. Read more here.
In Russia, cancer patients began to install unique facial implants that are printed on a 3D printer
Scientists at Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) and Tomsk National Research Medical Center have developed the first technology in the Russian Federation for making 3D-printer implants for maxillofacial surgery from domestic raw materials and tested it on the first patients. The press service of the university announced this on August 18, 2023. Read more here.
Sechenov University has developed a unique cellular voice restoration technology
Scientists at the Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University have developed a laryngeal implant that helped to cope with a defect in the vocal folds and restore them to a natural, natural state. The press service of the university spoke about the creation of a unique cellular technology for restoring voice in early August 2023. Read more here.
The world's first 3D glass printing technology has begun to be used to treat skin diseases
In early April 2023, it became known that the Polish company Sygnis SA entered into a cooperation agreement with Berger & Kraft Medical. Partners will join forces to develop advanced skin therapy products. Read more here.
The first "tissue pistol" stitching wounds with biopolymers was printed in Russia
The University of MISiS presented the first "tissue pistol" in Russia, which can stop bleeding and trigger regenerative processes in light and moderate injuries. This was announced on April 5, 2023 to Zdrav.Expert by representatives of NUST MISIS. The case and parts are printed in NITU MISiS using FDM (from the English. Fused Deposition Modeling - printing by layering, approx. Zdrav.Expert) and SLA (from the English. Laser Stereolithography Apparatus - laser stereolithography, approx. Zdrav.Expert) 3D printing technologies. Read more here.
3D printing technology created with bacteria to create bone-like structures
On February 23, 2023, Swiss scientists from the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne (EPFL) announced the development of a method for 3D printing of mineralized structures similar to bone tissue. Read more here.
3D printer starts printing gloves for quick hand skin replacement
In mid-February 2023, scientists from the Irving Medical Center at Columbia University presented a method for creating three-dimensional bioengineered skin grafts. Researchers have already created a skin glove that can be useful for replacing skin on the hands by simply putting it on your arm like a glove.
Traditional skin grafts require skin to be taken elsewhere before being applied to the damaged area. Scientists are developing bioengineered skin by combining human cells with biomaterials, but so far these designs have been simple sheets that are not easily cut out and firmly attached to the undulating anatomy of patients.
Researchers have developed a method to create 3D structures more like clothing that can simply be pulled over damaged fabric. In addition to ease of application, according to the developers, the method requires the creation of designs for each specific situation, which allows the creation of personalized designs that are ideal for each patient.
The approach involves laser scanning the area of the body on which the transplant will be applied, for example, a burn, in which most of the skin on the arm is damaged. In this case, the patient's hand is scanned, and then scientists, using computer-aided design, create a template for a hollow design resembling a glove. The next step involves 3D printing a biomaterial substrate of the desired shape. The substrate is then seeded with connective tissue proteins such as collagen and skin fibroblasts, which can release connective tissue components. The researchers then seed the keratinocytes on the outside of the graft to form a layer of the epidermis. After a period of cultivation, according to scientists, the graft can be put on a damaged arm like a glove.[2]
The first 3D-printer implants for the spine were registered in Russia
Startup Pozvonoq (a joint venture of the North-West Nanocenter and Orthoinvest Group of Companies) has registered the first 3D-printer implants for the spine in Russia. This was reported on February 16, 2023 in the press service of the Foundation for Infrastructure and Educational Programs (FIOP). Read more here.
3D printing began to be used for IVF
In late January 2023, the researchers created a dynamic cell culture that could significantly improve the in vitro fertilization process using a unique polymer material and 3D printing process. Read more here.
Russian scientists have proposed 3D printing technology for tools for dentistry
For the first time, Russian scientists NUST MISIS and the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology proposed the manufacture of an important dental tool - a self-adapting file for cleaning dental canals - using additive technologies, namely selective laser melting (SLP). As representatives of MISIS told Zdrav.Expert on January 17, 2023, the researchers achieved a high resolution of SLP technology (about 100 microns), and in some cases the technology proposed by scientists will reduce and reduce the cost of tool production. Read more here.
3D printing began to be used for printing eye tissue
On December 22, 2022, American researchers from the National Eye Institute (NEI) announced the development of 3D bioprinting technology to create eye tissue. The technique is expected to help in the study of the genesis of age-related yellow spot degeneration (VDD) and other eye diseases. Read more here.
Materials for 3D printing of artificial meat began to be created from agricultural waste
December 15, 2022 Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), founded by Xi'an Jiaotong University China in and Liverpool University in, announced the Great Britain creation of special inks for 3D printing agricultural waste that can make cultured meat more affordable. More. here
3D production of hip prostheses for animals launched in Zelenograd
In the center of prototyping, "Scat 3D" began to print orthopedic measurements. These are special drills that are used in complex hip replacement operations in animals. In addition, hip endoprostheses began to be printed, the production is still piece, according to the website of the mayor of Moscow on October 6, 2022. Read more here.
A service for designing 3D models of individual implants has been developed in Novosibirsk
In July 2022, it became known about the creation in Russia of a service for the design of 3D models of individual implants. We are talking about the development of the Novosibirsk State Technical University NETI. Read more here.
MISiS scientists 3D-printed biocompatible ear prosthesis
A biocompatible personalized implant of the auricle for plastic surgery was developed by young scientists of NUST "MISIS." Representatives of MISiS reported this to Zdrav.Expert on June 15, 2022. It is expected that the proposed technology will speed up the engraftment of the implant and organize the production of products entirely from Russian components. Read more here.
3D printer printed biosimilar heart valves that do not require replacement
On June 2, 2022, it became known about the creation of 3D-printed artificial heart valves, which are designed to form new tissue with the patient's own cells. Read more here.
An ear was printed on a 3D printer and transplanted to a person
In early June 2022, an implant printed on a 3D printer was surgically installed in a patient born with a small, incorrectly formed right ear - the procedure is doubly revolutionary, since the tissue of the artificial ear is made of the patient's own cells. Read more here.
For the first time in Russia, endoprosthesis was carried out with a combination of 3D printing and a modular prosthesis
In March 2022, for the first time in Russia, endoprosthetics was carried out with a combination of 3D printing and a modular prosthesis. The operation took place at the N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology. Read more here.
3D-printed testicular cells offered hope for male infertility treatment
In late March 2022, researchers at the University of British Columbia developed a technique to print human testicular cells in 3D in a hollow tubular structure that mimics the seminal tubules found in the testicles. The printed structures show encouraging signs that they can produce viable sperm. This technology can open the way to conception for men with fertility problems.
Infertility can be a huge burden for those who want to have children. Thanks to medical advances for many people, there are real treatment options for March 2022, but some forms of infertility are particularly difficult to treat. One particularly complex form of male infertility is non-constructive azoospermia (NOA), in which sperm are absent from the patient's semen. The only way to obtain sperm for the in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure in NOA is through surgery in an attempt to find elusive sperm in the testicles. As a rule, this is possible only in 50% of cases.
{{quote 'Infertility affects 15% of couples and the male factor is one of the causes in at least 50% of cases. We print these cells on a 3D printer into a very specific structure that mimics human anatomy, which we believe is the best chance to stimulate sperm production. If successful, it could open the door to new fertility treatments for couples who have no other options in March 2022, said researcher Ryan Flannigan. }} In an effort to find a less invasive and more successful approach, the researchers are developing a technique that will allow them to obtain stem cells from the testicles of such patients by biopsy, and then 3D-print those cells into structures that can then produce their own sperm inside the body. At the end of March 2022, the researchers unsealed testicular stem cells into tubular structures, and the cells survived 12 days later. They evolved into specialized cells for sperm production and showed early signs that the cells could produce sperm.
Researchers are testing structures with different growth factors and nutrients to get them to start producing sperm. In the event that scientists at the University of British Columbia succeed, the technology could be life-saving for men with one of the most complex forms of infertility.[3]
Orthopedic 3D implants with antibacterial biopopulation have been created in Russia
As it became known in March 2022, scientists from the Ya. L. Tsivyan Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, the Federal Research Center for Fundamental and Translational Medicine and the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the SB RAS have developed 3D-printed implants with a porous structure and antibacterial coatings based on zinc and silver. Read more here.
Stryker uses 3D printing in orthopedics
In mid-August 2021, Stryker Executive Director Naomi Murray told how Stryker uses 3D printing to create unique porous materials that would otherwise be impossible. For 20 years, Stryker has used additive manufacturing specifically to produce complex orthopedic implants. Read more here.
The Bakulev Center begins to use 3D printing of a model of heart pathology before surgery
In early June 2021, it became known that the National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A.N. Bakuleva will use 3D printing of a model of heart pathology before surgery. The innovation will help surgeons "rehearse" operations by inserting real implants, wires and tools into an anatomical model created on a 3D printer. Thanks to this, doctors will be able to better prepare for real surgical interventions. Read more here.
Rusal launched 3D printing of bioprostheses from aluminum powders
On September 24, 2020, Rusal announced the launch of 3D printing of aluminum powder products. The service began to provide the Institute of Light Materials and Technologies (ILMiT), which is part of the Russian aluminum company. Read more here.
Scientists develop 3D bioprinter printing technology for personalized neuroprostheses
On September 21, 2020, it became known that researchers from St. Petersburg State University have developed NeuroPrint 3D printing technology for soft neuroprostheses, which in the future can help literally put a person on his feet after a spinal cord injury. This development has already shown its effectiveness in studies in mammals and Danio-rerio fish. The results are published in the scientific journal Nature Biomedical Engineering. Read more here.
LightForce Orthodontics Raises $14 Million Investment to Develop 3D-Printed Braces Concept
In mid-September 2020, LightForce Orthodontics unveiled the concept of the world's first 3D-printed bracket system. LightForce's decision attracted a $14 million investment from companies such as Tyche Partners, Matrix Partners and AM Ventures. The funding will be used to further scale LightForce Orthodontics and develop the product. Read more here.
Rosatom to 3D-print spinal implants
The manufacture of metal complexes (cages) for spinal surgery will be launched on the basis of Rosatom Corporation, this became known on July 23, 2020. Read more here.
Sandvik Coromant employees apply 3D printing to help healthcare professionals
On May 14, 2020, it became known that Sandvik Coromant employees use 3D printing to help medical workers.
As reported, in a pandemic, medical personnel are forced to wear protective respirators for 12 or more hours a day, without the opportunity to take a break from them and recover. As a result, painful hematomas appear in the nasal area and behind the ears. Over the past weeks, enthusiasts from around the world have been proposing solutions to improve personal protective equipment (PPE) to at least make it a little easier for those who save lives. So, Sandvik Coromant engineer Wally Kalayag produces up to 20 special straps a day on his home 3D- printer.
Wally Kalayag knows firsthand what pain wearing a protective mask causes - his wife works around the clock at a medical center. He decided to help her and other workers by starting printing reusable extension cords on his 3D printer on a mask. They are attached at the back and allow you to "fit" the PPE in size, thereby relieving tension from the bridge of the nose and ears. Importantly, these straps are easy to disinfect and do not require special certification, which can take months to obtain.
Extenders can be easily printed even on the simplest 3D printers, and open source files are posted on the Internet to make the setting. Wally uses plastic threads as material. His printer allows you to produce only three straps in 2.5 hours, but he has already made more than 300 pieces. For May 2020, all funds are donated to Long Beach Memorial Medical Center in California, and Wally is working to produce 1,000 more extension cords.
This act also inspired other Sandvik Coromant employees to use affordable additive technologies to help healthcare professionals. His colleague Kim Ohayon also set up his 3D printer, but its performance already reaches 12 belts in five hours. The 200 extension cords he printed will also go to Long Beach Memorial Medical Center, where Wally's wife works.
We are proud and support such employee initiatives, since for May 2020 any contribution is important, even the most, at first glance, insignificant. And although 3D belts will not slow down the pandemic, they will at least be able to make the work of medical workers more comfortable. In addition, such an example demonstrates that technologies that seemed fantastic a few years ago and were the prerogative of large industrial enterprises and serious medical corporations are becoming available to everyone. told Vadim Nedilko, General Director of Sandvik LLC |
The company not only supports the initiatives of its employees, but also actively participates in providing medical institutions in Sweden and other countries of the world with the necessary means of protection. Thus, the production site in Westberg is engaged in the voluntary collection of PPE, such as gloves, protective clothing and face masks. The plant plans to transfer these PPE to the Swedish health care system along with face shields, which the company produces in its additive production centers. Sandvik Coromant has developed 3D modeling technology that allows you to print a protective face mask screen on a 3D printer 200 times faster than the methods existing for May 2020. The technology allows you to increase the performance of 3D printing, which will help create protective masks for healthcare workers fighting COVID-19 even faster. All data about the technology is in the public domain.
In addition, Sandvik Coromant provided 1,998 protective suits to the Wuhan Tunji Hospital in Wuhan, the original epicenter of the virus, and also donated 1,000 personal protective kits for the medical staff of the Sassoon Hospital, an isolation center for COVID-19 patients in Pune, India.
iMakr supported UK healthcare with 3D printing
On April 30, 2020, the Verbatim company announced that Great Britain in order to provide workers NHS England (NHS) with protective masks, the company iMakr had assembled 3D- farms.printers
One such farm can produce up to 2,000 scutes per day.
These protective masks are transparent shields that attach to the user's head and cover most of their face. Protective materials are disposable and become scarce during a pandemic.
With the help of volunteers, PPE items were able to be quickly packed and sent to hospitals - where they are needed most.
iMakr noted that 3D printing is ideal in cases that require fast and individual production.
After discussions with the National Service health care for England (NHS), we were quickly able to set up printer farms in two locations, 400 on each. Thread PLA Verbatim is our preferred material due to its rigidity and reliability. In addition to manufacturing face shields, we are also working on other 3D printing facilities that are needed to support healthcare, including parts for, fans said Wei Liu, COO of iMakr
To Europe In, there has been an increase in demand for additive manufacturing services, with many manufacturers coming together to support health services. iMakr was one of the first in the UK to respond and, through its expertise, was able to create and launch two print farms for NHS England quickly and efficiently. said Tim Stevenson, regional sales manager at Verbatim
In Spain, they begin to print ventilation devices on 3D printers
At the end of March 2020, Consorci de la Zona Franca, HP Inc., Leitat and CatSalut developed the first 3D printing device for emergency ventilation, which is intended for industrial production. The device is a valve mask that can be used for short-term emergency ventilation of patients with COVID-19. Read more here.
HP Inc. has begun 3D printing medical devices to combat coronavirus
At the end of March 2020, HP Inc. and its partners began using 3D printers to print medical devices needed to combat COVID-19. In addition, the companies plan to publicly release 3D drawings for "many parts that do not require complex assembly."
According to HP, the company primarily took up parts used in face masks and respirators, as well as products such as devices for opening doors without the help of hands. More than 1,000 parts have already been delivered to hospitals, according to the company.
In a press release, HP CEO Enrique Lores said HP and its 3D printing partners are "working nonstop to overcome this unprecedented pandemic."
We are looking for partners in other countries and other industries to identify the most necessary details, approve their design and start 3D printing, "explained Lores. |
The first printed parts include devices for opening the door with the elbow, a mask regulator that does not cause discomfort when worn for a long time, as well as brackets for convenient holding of the protective mask in place. Other parts are also being tested and certified and are "expected to go into production soon," HP said. These include parts for the device of community-acquired IVL - a mechanical mask with a valve that can be used for short-term ventilation, as well as FFP3 face masks.
HP said it has engaged four 3D technology research centers to work with partners around the world to "coordinate efforts and increase production to meet the most urgent needs." HP also coordinates with government agencies and health agencies to supply medical devices.[4]
Medical masks in Russia began to print on a 3D printer
On March 25, 2020, it became known about the beginning of 3D printing of medical masks by Temporum, which is a resident of the Nagatino technopark. The products are created on 3D printers using FDM technology, the essence of which is to grow the product in layers from pre-melted plastic thread, according to the website of the capital's mayor's office. Read more here.
Hospitals in Italy began to purchase 3D-printed devices
In mid-March 2020, hospitals in the northern part Italy began to purchase devices printed to save 3D printer patients. coronavirus
The coronavirus pandemic has led to an acute shortage of intensive care and oxygenation, which are necessary to keep patients alive for the acute period of the disease. Areas with a sharp rise in morbidity, such as Northern Italy, have been particularly affected. The only way to save lives at this stage is to keep as many resuscitation systems working as possible. However, due to a disrupted supply system, repair of devices became difficult, in which case 3D printing came to the rescue.
When a hospital in Brescia, Northern Italy, urgently needed spare valves for resuscitation devices, Massimo Temporelli, founder of FabLab in Milan, contacted doctors and offered his help in making inexpensive breathing tubes for intensive care machines using 3D printing. The doctors accepted help.
Startup FabLab was helped by Isinnova. Isinnova founder and CEO Christian Fracassi brought the 3D printer directly to the hospital and changed the settings in a few hours and printed the missing part for the resuscitation system.
At least ten patients remained alive thanks to a tool using a 3D printed valve. Otherwise, the resuscitation system would have to be turned off. After the successful application of the first valves printed in the hospital using the thread extrusion system, the baton was picked up by another local company Lonati SpA, which set about 3D printing of other necessary parts. This time, the sintering and melting process of the powders under the action of a polymer laser was used for printing.[5]
Gypsum replacement for fractures, which is printed on a 3D printer, went on sale
At the end of December 2019, the Spanish company Xkelet launched a gypsum substitute for minor fractures, which is printed on a 3D printer. The Xkelet plaster cast substitute is waterproof, does not cause itching, is easy to remove and can be reused, eliminating the time and expense of reprocessing. Read more here.
Mini version of human heart printed on 3D printer
In early September 2019, the biotech company Biolife4D, headquartered in Chicago, announced that it had successfully printed a mini version of the human heart on a 3D bioprinter. The tiny heart has the same structure as the full-size model, and the company believes this is an important step in creating an artificial heart suitable for transplantation. Read more here.
Vessels began to print on a 3D printer and sell
In August 2019, Prellis Biologics announced the start of 3D printing of vascular structures and readiness to sell them to research institutions. This is a joint project with Volumetric Bio. Read more here.
Operation to install a 3D printed titanium implant in the anterior pelvis
On April 18, 2019, after the removal of a massive cancer tumor, an interdisciplinary team of surgeons at Sechenov University conducted the first surgery in Russia and in world practice to install a titanium implant of the front pelvis printed on a 3D printer. Read more here.
For the first time, a living heart of human cells was printed on a 3D printer
On April 15, 2019, researchers from the University of Tel Aviv reported what they managed to print on 3D printer a living heart using human cells. Nobody has been able to do this before.
To create an organ, scientists took adipose tissue from a person. Then it was divided into cellular and non-cellular components, after which the cells were "reprogrammed" so that they turned into stem cells, which then turned into heart cells. The non-cellular components were converted into a gel that served as printing ink.
As in an ordinary heart, the artificial included all the necessary vessels, collagen protein to create connective tissue and a variety of biological molecules.
The size of the heart is about two and a half centimeters - about like the heart of a rabbit. The printer printed one heart for about three and a half hours.
The researchers' further plans center around the biological features of the heart they created. They want to make him beat in the same way that a normal heart beats in a person's chest. By the time this breakthrough occurs, the heart may be shrinking.
According to experts, it is necessary that all cells work together and have the ability of a pump. If successful, scientists plan to test a printed model on animals
Maybe in ten years, organ printers will appear in the best hospitals in the world, and these procedures will be carried out regularly, "said Tal Dvir, professor at the TAU Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Biotechnology, Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and the Center for Regenerative Biotechnology. |
The heart created by Israeli scientists can be suitable for rabbit at this stage. Around 2020, it will be possible to talk about transplanting 3D-printed hearts to rabbits and rats.[6]
Opening of the CD3D 3D Bioprinting Center in Poland
On March 28, 2019, information appeared about the launch by the Polish portal CD3D (Centrum Druku 3D) of a 3D bioprinting center, which, according to a statement from representatives of CD3D Sp. z o.o., is one of the largest in Europe. It is planned that the center will work closely with the Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics and Nanoconstructions. Read more here.
The world's first 3D-printed bionic eye presented
In late August 2018, a team from the University of Minnesota announced a project for what is claimed to be the world's first 3D-printed bionic eye. It gives great hope to patients who have lost their sight. Read more here.
Self-learning prosthesis project won the 2018 Microsoft Imagine Cup
At the end of July 2018, smartARM, which developed a self-learning robotic prosthetic arm, won the 2018 Microsoft Imagine Cup international technology competition. Read more here.
Portable 3D printer for printing artificial leather directly on a person
In May 2018, researchers at the University of Toronto unveiled a portable 3D printer for printing skin, designed to treat deep burn wounds. The team of researchers notes that this is the first device that forms and places a printed tissue sample directly at the burn site in just a couple of minutes. Read more here.
Software for 3D organ printing using artificial intelligence
On April 11, 2018, biological 3D printer maker Aether announced the release of Artificial Intelligence (AI) - based medical imaging software that will greatly advance the development of 3D organ printing. The new Automatic Segmentation and Reconstruction (ASAR) will help physicians and researchers improve productivity through automated segmentation of organs and tissues.
Hospitals save tens of thousands of dollars with 3D printing
In March 2018, a 3D printing lab opened at Manchester Northern Hospital (NMGH) to help maxillofacial surgery specialists treat and rehabilitate patients after having head and neck cancer, facial trauma or congenital abnormalities. The laboratory was created by reconstructive technology specialist Oliver Burley, who substantiated the economic benefits of a 3D laboratory for the hospital, and also raised funds for the PolyJet laboratory, software and 3D printer itself (worth $42,000). Currently, the laboratory staff consists of three specialists who work with nine consultants in maxillofacial surgery.
After receiving a master's degree in reconstructive technology, which studied the application of 3D printing, Burley presented an economic model of a 3D laboratory to the management of Manchester Hospital. The first argument in her favor was cost savings, as the hospital spent $166,000 annually on 3D printing projects. On average, the hospital faces 20 cases of cancer and 8-10 injuries annually, and an analysis based on this data found that maintaining its own 3D laboratory would cost less. Although the hospital has to pay for licensing the laboratory, this amount remains fixed and does not depend on the amount of work done. The second argument was the saving of time for surgeons who can use 3D models when planning operations. Finally, the last argument was to reduce the delivery time of 3D models from the manufacturer.
The Materialize Mimics Innovation Suite was chosen as the modeling software, and ProPlan CMF was taken to create models of reconstruction of the skull bones of jaw osteotomies; the cost of the software was about $25,000. Burley notes that 3D models are used by the hospital in almost every case of head and neck cancer; he is confident that in five years the 3D printing laboratory will become a mandatory application of treatment and rehabilitation centers for cancer patients.
Basically, the lab works with patients who have head or neck cancer: they require reconstructive surgery, including bone graft-based surgery to reconstruct the upper or lower jaw. The patient's head is scanned and then a virtual three-dimensional model is created. Surgeons and laboratory specialists may consider various types of reconstructive operations and virtual reality devices before proceeding to the design stage. Designed prostheses, rods or plates are 3D printed using metal or plastic blends. The final phase of the project assumes that the resulting model is sterilized and transmitted to surgeons. Thanks to a wide range of tools, the laboratory accepts other orders and is already used by orthopedists, neurologists and rheumatologists.
The Civil Service health care Great Britain has made significant progress in 3D printing - for example, in Wales, the world's first combined bone graft was recently created and a three-dimensional model of surgery was presented. Experts note the prerequisites that 3D printing will increasingly be used in healthcare. A new Bristol Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) opened in Bristol in February 2018 to explore tissue engineering technology by bioprinting. The new developments will be based on data from existing cardiovascular and 3D printed heart implants studies.
3D-printed limbs are inserted into refugees from Syria
In March 2018, it became known that a hospital in Jordan uses 3D-printed limbs to treat refugees wounded in Syria. The technologies used in the project of the international medical care organization Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) allow you to design and manufacture a prosthesis within 24 hours, and its cost is several times lower than that of traditional artificial limbs.
Since the beginning of 2017, five volunteer patients have participated in the MSF program, including children, according to New Atlas. The project is being implemented at the MSF Recovery Surgery Center at the Al-Mowasah Hospital in Jordan's capital, Amman, where wounded people are being treated during military conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.
We do not use too complex electronic solutions, but strive to make as simple but at the same time reliable prostheses as possible, "said Safa Herfat, MSF biomedical equipment engineer, in an interview with the publication. |
According to him, a 3D-printed hand can cost about $20, while a regular prosthetic upper limb costs hundreds of dollars.
In addition to the cheapness and speed of manufacture, there are other advantages. For example, a prosthesis made with three-dimensional printing can be designed with the individual needs of the patient and his daily tasks - from driving a car to ordinary household chores. In addition, the design can be carried out remotely, and only a limb scan and 3D printing itself can be performed on site.
Also, printed prostheses are much lighter than traditional ones, which is important for patients.
If the prosthesis is heavy and bulky, the patient most likely does not go away with it for a long time and stops using it, "said Safa Herfat. |
MSF hopes to expand the program to other regions that need similar help. [8]
3D bioprinter for diabetes mellitus
In early December 2017, the Australian University of Wollongong introduced a new customizable 3D bioprinter that can improve the treatment of patients with type 1 diabetes.
The inventors called the system a 3D bioprinter for pancreatic cell transplantation (PICT). The new technology was introduced to the South Australian Minister of Health and then transferred for use to the Royal Adelaide Hospital, which became the world's first clinic with such equipment.
The developers explain that the system applies special biochernils containing insulin-producing islet cells to transplantable 3D-printed framework structures. It is proposed that such a method should improve the existing process of islet cell transplantation from human donors used to treat serious cases of diabetes. The new technology reduces the risk of rejection of transplanted tissue by including patient cells in the donor tissue.
The PICT bioprinter will allow us to uniquely mix donor cells with recipient cells and create new complex "organoids" for experimental transplantation, explained Professor Toby Coates. |
In addition, the bioprinter prints several types of cells, so its framework structure can also include the endotheliocytes needed to grow new blood vessels in transplanted islet tissue.
The research council has awarded a grant to the Australian Centre for Advanced Technologies in Electrical Materials, which is led by Professor Gordon Wallace, and now further development and improvement of the 3D bioprinter admitted to the Royal Adelaide Hospital will be carried out by his team.
Together with the team of Toby Coates from the Royal Adelaide Hospital, we plan to improve the effectiveness of islet cell transplants by introducing donor materials into the 3D printed structure to protect them during and after transplantation, "Professor Wallace stated[9] |
3D middle ear printing for hearing return
At the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) in December 2017, it was shown how it is possible to reproduce replicas of the middle ear with 3D printing to return hearing to people. The development began to be applied in practice.
By converting 3D images taken using computed tomography into 3D-printed prostheses, surgeons were able to accurately place four implants of different sizes in human ears.
Assuming that the most likely cause of an unsuccessful outcome with an existing prosthesis lies in an incorrect fit, the possibility of creating a personalized prosthesis that can accurately fill the bone-air rupture is the least likely to lead to failure, says study author Dr. Jeffrey Hirsch, assistant professor of radiology at the University of Maryland at Baltimore, in an interview with HCB News. - Our study shows that in different ears, even at the submillimeter level, there are minute differences that can be accurately transmitted using 3D modeling. |
According to the scientist, this method can improve the surgical procedure, which often fails due to the wrong size of prosthetic implants. In the study, four surgeons performed implants in four different middle ears. All surgeons were able to precisely combine the model of the prosthesis with the temporal bone containing the middle and inner parts of the ear. The chances of such an outcome with conventional prosthetics are 1:1296.
Hirsch explained that the opportunity provided by 3D modeling to see complex anatomical relationships allows us to reach a new level of study, understanding and medical planning.
The next step for the researchers will be to develop a biocompatible material. As such a platform, a team of researchers is considering the use of grown stem cells.[10]
FDA Guidelines for 3D Printing in Medicine
On December 4, 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued new guidelines for creating medical models using 3D printers. The manual details the design and testing aspects of the models and their quality requirements.
Although 3D printing refers to relatively new technologies, it has already found wide application in clinical practice - for example, it is used to recreate replicas of complex anatomical structures and simulations of surgical operations. After noticing the rapid evolution of this technology, the FDA issued special recommendations to help manufacturers bring 3D printed models to market more efficiently.
The recommendations, developed from a joint FDA workshop with the RSNA Independent Expert Group on 3D Printing dated August 31, 2017, focus on the technical aspects of 3D printing.
Recommendations include sections on design and manufacturing process, model testing and instruction writing. The technical aspects of 3D printed models are covered in the Manufacturing Process section. When creating models based on images, for example, obtained from CT scans, the minimum image quality and resolution, image processing algorithms that can change the size of the model compared to real organs, as well as the safety and definability of anatomical landmarks used to adapt the model should be taken into account.
The model testing section provides requirements for their description, mechanical test results, sizing, material characteristics, sterilization and biocompatibility. According to the third section, each device should have an instruction, which will indicate the patient's identifier, the purpose of the model and its final design, as well as a warning about the need for a preliminary examination of the patient to exclude any changes that may distinguish the model from the real anatomical structure.[11]
Printing a Mobile Infection Detector
In October 2017, a group of American engineers and scientists developed a new complex for diagnosing infectious diseases "on the ground," which uses a regular mobile phone and a diagnostic chip the size of a credit card as a detector. The solution was created using 3D printing technologies.
The low cost, portability as well as the use of a conventional mobile phone as a detector makes this diagnostic complex indispensable for diagnosing infectious diseases in resource-limited settings or when a diagnostic result is needed immediately. Integration of the diagnostic platform with modern mobile communication systems will allow personalized treatment of patients and monitoring of the epidemiological situation.
At the same time, the time for obtaining diagnostic results is comparable to the time for conducting similar tests in a stationary laboratory - about 30 minutes. A conventional smartphone is used to collect and interpret real-time images of the enzyme multiplying reaction, which is carried out in a silicon microfluidic chip that serves to visually display test results.
The complex itself consists of a regular smartphone and a portable stand socket printed on a 3D printer and containing optical-electronic "stuffing," as well as a special interface for the smartphone camera. The application running in the smartphone collects the results of tests and data about the patient carried out using a microfluidic chip, which are then transmitted to the cloud database.
During the demonstration tests, the complex was used for qualitative and quantitative analysis in drops of blood of infections that cause respiratory diseases in horses - Zika fever, Dengue fever and Chikungunya fever.[12]
Robotic arm replacing sign language interpreter
In August 2017, the media reported on the development of graduate students of the University of Antwerp (Belgium), which will be able to make life easier for deaf people. With the help of a 3D printer, young scientists have made a robotic arm capable of performing the role of a sign language interpreter. The invention is called ASLAN (Antwerp's Sign Language Actuating Node).
Sign language interpreters are often in short supply, which is why it was decided to create an inexpensive automated system that can translate text into sign language.
For example, a deaf person needs to appear in court, or a hearing impaired student is present somewhere in the classroom. These are situations in which people with hearing problems require sign language interpreters, but it often happens that these specialists are difficult to quickly find. In such circumstances, an inexpensive system such as ASLAN can be a solution to the problem, "says Erwin Smet, professor at the University of Antwerp, quoted by Medgadget.[13] |
I spoke to friends about the lack of sign language interpreters in Belgium, especially in Flanders, where specialists who know Flemish sign language are needed. We wanted to solve the problem. I also needed a robotics project for my dissertation, so we combined the two tasks, "adds Stijn Huys, one of the creators of the robotic sign language translator. |
The robotic arm assembled by the inventors consists of 25 plastic parts printed on a 3D printer and is driven by 16 servo motors, which are controlled by the Arduino platform, Tech Crunch reports. The developers plan to have a system with two robotic arms and a face to convey emotions.[14]
So far, there is only a prototype of the device, but enthusiasts intend to complete the project and make the materials of their work publicly available so that those who wish can independently manufacture a sign language interpreter robot.
Artificial Heart Seal
In July 2017, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) introduced an artificial heart created using three-dimensional printing. At the time of the announcement, the silicone product was far from the stage of commercial readiness.
The artificial heart weighing 390 grams and a volume of 679 cubic centimeters is printed on a 3D printer by casting on melted models. The left and right ventricles are separated not by a septum, but by a special chamber filled with compressed air. Inflating and deflating, this chamber mimics the contraction of the muscles of the human heart and pumps blood.
By the time the artificial heart is demonstrated, it supports only 3000 beats, that is, it can work from 30 to 45 minutes. To test the work of the heart, scientists used an advanced test medium that simulates the human cardiovascular system, and a fluid that has a viscosity comparable to blood. The functioning of the device was captured on video.
Our goal is to create an artificial heart that in size, shape and function would be comparable to human, "says Nicholas Cohrs, a member of the research group involved in the project. "It was a technical feasibility test. Our task was not to create a heart ready for implantation, but to think about a new direction for the development of artificial hearts. |
By 2017, about 26 million people suffer from heart failure. Most of them are hopelessly waiting for donors who would provide them with a new heart. Such patients are equipped with special blood pumps that facilitate the heart, but they can cause serious complications and do not provide patients with a pulse.[15]
Ovarian seal
In May 2017, it became known about 3D printing of the ovaries, which allowed infertile mice to give birth. Scientists intend to test the development in humans.
Scientists at Northwestern University of Chicago have created an artificial ovary to fully restore reproductive function. During the experiment of a sterile laboratory mouse, a prosthesis created using three-dimensional printing was implanted. Subsequently, the mouse (three out of seven) were able to feed on the mother's milk and get healthy litters.
Ovarian bioprostheses consist of a porous framework of gelatin ink that is filled with follicles - tiny fluid-containing sacs where immature eggs are stored. The recipient mouse's body actually coordinated ovarian tissue development, and the flow of blood through the pores helped turn the implanted structure into a functional bioprosthesis.
However, it is worth noting that not the entire ovary was printed, since it is too complex an organ. Scientists have created a connective tissue base for the ovary: the printer was charged with gelatin, which was obtained from collagen, one of the main proteins in the connective tissue - collagen was in the form in which it is usually present in the ovaries of animals. Mouse follicles with eggs inside were then immersed in the resulting (printed) gelatin base.
It is not yet clear whether such a prosthesis will work for humans, as female follicles are much larger and grow faster. However, scientists promise to conduct research aimed at developing the idea in the human direction.[16]
The goal of the project is to restore fertility and endocrine health to young female cancer patients who have been sterilized during treatment for ovarian cancer, "Teresa Woodroofe, a professor at Northwestern University in Chicago, said in an interview |
Heart on research chip 3D-printed
In late October 2016, Harvard University researchers reported the creation of the world's first 3D-printed chip-based heart. The new development will allow experiments related to the work of the heart without the participation of experimental people and animals, according to the university website.
The results of the study itself, conducted by scientists from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, are published in the journal Nature Materials.
The heart on the chip is made of a translucent synthetic material imitating the structure and function of the heart tissue. In the device there are microscopic sensors capable of tracking the beating when the chip is exposed to various drugs and toxins released by various pathogens.
A 3D-printed organ cannot serve as an implant for humans, but is intended only for scientific research. Thanks to the new technology, it will be possible to reproduce hereditary diseases in laboratory conditions with the reconstruction of cells of a particular patient, as well as to test various treatments on artificially grown tissues in order to choose the most effective.
Researchers often have to work in the dark when there are gradual changes in the course of histogenesis and development of cardiac muscle tissue, since there are no light non-invasive ways to measure tissue functional characteristics, says lead author Johan Ulrik Lind. - Integrated sensors allow researchers to continuously collect data while the tissue matures and improves contractility.[17] |
Creating 3D models of organs before operations in Dubai
In October 2016, it became known that 3D printers would appear in medical institutions in Dubai, printing accurate models of the organs of patients to be operated on. Thanks to the new technology, it is planned to improve the accuracy and efficiency of surgical operations.
According to Gulf News, all hospitals under the control of health care the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will be equipped with equipment for 3D printing prosthetic limbs and teeth that simulate cast fractures and models of human organs to simulate operations before direct operational contact with the patient.
According to the vice-president of the UAE and the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum (Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum), this initiative will speed up medical procedures, reduce costs and help doctors plan complex surgical operations.
In addition, 3D printing improves the accuracy of clinical preparation. We will print all patient organ models using basic computed tomography capabilities to help doctors mimic surgeries and visualize all sorts of situations, Al-Maktoum reported. |
According to him, UAE regulators are working to ensure that the laws are consistent with the rapid development of volumetric printing technologies. The day is not far away when customers will be able to print out various items at special kiosks, so it is very important to define clear rules for managing any type of 3D printing, the sheikh added.
The use of 3D printers for medical purposes has become part of Dubai's strategy for the development of 3D printing, the task of which is to turn the city into the leading center of this technology by 2030. All new buildings in Dubai are expected to be 25% 3D printed parts by this point.[18]
Creating and implanting a 3D skull
In April 2016, it became known that South Korean surgeons were able to print on a 3D printer skull model and use it on a living person. The operation was successful and helped save human life, according to a publication on the site 3Dprint.com.
A 60-year-old patient was admitted to the hospital at Chung-Ang University in South Korea with a complaint of a sudden headache. She was diagnosed with a subarachnoid hemorrhage. After futile attempts to stop the fatal bleeding, doctors made the decision to remove part of the skull to reduce pressure on the brain caused by its swelling.
During the operation, an insufficient blood supply to the brain occurred at the site of the removed part of the skull, as a result of which a skull transplant was required. As a result, it was decided to implant a three-dimensional model of the skull.
Doctors of the hospital attracted specialists from the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology in Gangwon Province. They scanned the patient's skull using computed tomography and created an exact three-dimensional copy of the organ. With the help of special equipment, the model was printed out. It was made of pure titanium, which is considered to be one of the best materials for creating implants. This metal is light, strong and inert, it has a low probability of rejection by the body.
The operation to implant the 3D-printed skull was completed successfully. Kwon Jeong-tek, professor of neurosurgery at Chunan University, noted that the creation of synthetic implants and metal plates used to connect bone fragments has long been used to replace elements of the human skull, but this technology has always been imperfect.[19]
3D printing software in medicine
At a webinar hosted by Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM) in late March 2016, University of Utah doctor Justin Cramer listed the main software products that can be used for 3D printing in medicine.
- Horos. It is a free program for viewing X-rays, as well as images obtained from magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography. This open source product has fairly advanced functionality in 3D rendering, including a surface visualization tool. Files can be exported to STL format for 3D printing. The disadvantage of Horos is the lack of the ability to segment an image - dividing into pixels in order to simplify and/or change the representation of the image so that it is easier to analyze, Cramer said.
- Blender. This application is also open source, and one of its main advantages is the very active Internet community, which is constantly developing new add-ons for this product. It is more functional than Horos, but more difficult to master, notes Justin Kramer.
- SketchUp. The program allows you to model various three-dimensional objects and has quite wide possibilities. For Kramer, the greatest benefit is the function of converting STL files to Collada format, with which the Apple iBooks application is compatible. SketchUp was once distributed for free, but by April 2016 it costs $695. Educational institutions (or those with access to email in the.edu domain) can download a special version of the program for free.
- Materialise. The University of Utah itself, known for its achievements in the field of three-dimensional printing, uses the CAD of the Belgian company Materialise. We are talking about the Mimics image processing program and the 3-matic product. The latter allows you to change geometry, rearrange the mesh and create 3D textures, light structures and conformal structures at the STL level, preparing computer models for 3D printing.
When choosing software for 3D printers, Justin Kramer recommends following a simple rule: free options are suitable for beginners, but if it is planned to create accurate anatomical models for professional use, then it is better to purchase a powerful paid product, since it can be used to create a better model.[20]
University of Utah Developments: Cheap 3D Build-Up Printing
At the end of March 2016, the medical organization Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM) held a webinar during which radiologists from the University of Utah spoke about the possibilities of their new laboratory for 3D printing. Its feature is the use of inexpensive equipment.
FDM modeling was chosen for 3D printing. The technology involves the creation of three-dimensional objects by applying successive layers of material that repeat the contours of the digital model.
According to Edward Quigley, PhD, of the University of Utah, the build-up method is a versatile and cheap way to create volumetric objects, which is why it is often used to develop entry-level medical 3D printers.
The University of Utah has constructed a cheap printer based on FDM that allows the printing of fragile and complex anatomical models used for educational purposes. To obtain more accurate and visual prototypes, experts added color printing modes to the equipment. However, despite all the achievements, the modeling process remains difficult: very often there is a large failure, as a result of which the 24-hour printing of the object ends only with a bunch of molten plastic, Quigley complains.
However, there were also successful experiments at the university. One of them is depicted in the illustration above. The picture on the left shows a 3D-printed nylon model showing cervical vertebrae, vertebral arteries, dural sac and spinal cord. On the right is the virtual version from which the physical prototype was created.
Edward Quiglin noted that 3D printing can be used for research, intraoperative planning of operations, in cardiovascular and pulmonary surgery. Such technologies are especially useful in traumatology, and can also be used, for example, to create a guide for a biopsy needle or a guide sleeve for drilling teeth, he added.[21]
See also
- ↑ Oxford researchers develop 3D printing method that shows promise for repairing brain injuries
- ↑ 3D Bioengineered Skin Grafts Fit Complex Anatomy
- ↑ 3D Printed Testicular Cells Offer Hope for Male Infertility
- ↑ HP And 3-D Printer Partners Working To Print Needed Medical Parts
- ↑ 3D printing saves Italian lives
- ↑ [How 3D printed prosthetic limbs are helping one hospital treat Syrian war refugees https://newatlas.com/3d-printed-prostheses-syria/53685/]
- ↑ [1]of Wollongong's PICT 3D bioprinter could revolutionize Type 1 diabetes treatment
- ↑ 3-D printed middle-ear to correct hearing loss shows promise at RSNA
- ↑ FDA releases guidance on 3D printing of medical products
- ↑ Integrated lab-on-a-chip uses smartphone to quickly detect multiple pathogens
- ↑ 3D-Printed Robotic Arm for Sign Language Translation
- ↑ This 3D-printed robotic arm is built for sign language
- ↑ 3D printing helps ETH Zurich scientists create beating silicone heart
- ↑ 3D-printed mouse ovaries yield healthy offspring
- ↑ 3D-printed heart-on-a-chip with integrated sensors
- ↑ Dubai hospitals to implement 3D printing before surgery
- ↑ The power and promise of 3D printing: Part 2
- ↑ The power and promise of 3D printing: Part 1