Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Enterchain Enterchain


Information technology
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
108811, Moscow settlement, Kiev highway, 22nd kilometer, ownership 6 building 1, building A2V, Office park Comcity

Top managers:
Shmatalyuk Anton Evgenievich



+ OMEGALLIANCE, Omega Alliance (Operationas Management Engineering Alliance)

The Russian company Enterchein, a member of the OMEGALLIANCE group, is a team of experts in the field of production planning that specializes in creating supply chain management systems.


According to the information for June 2021, the main area of ​ ​ activity is the provision of consulting services for the implementation of methods and digital solutions to increase the efficiency of supply chains and production planning.

Enterchein offers the following consulting and IT services:


  • Optimizing SCM Processes
  • SCM Training
  • BPMN Training
  • Improving Operational Efficiency


  • Business architecture and information systems support
  • Automate production planning and supply chains
  • Planning Solutions mining industries
  • Product Oil Mixing Optimization System
  • Product Oil Production Planning System


2021: Partnerships

As of June 2021, Enterchain is performing:

  • Partner of RPM Global (formerly Runge Pincock Minarco)
  • Exclusive Partner OMP
  • Partner AVEVA


Partnership agreement with Runge Pincock Minarco

Runge Pincock Minarco (as of June 2021 - RPM Global) on September 29, 2015 announced the conclusion of a strategic business partnership agreement with the Russian company EnterChain (Enterchein).

According to a non-exclusive business partnership agreement, Enterchein has become a software reseller and provider of services for the introduction of advanced software in the field of mining RPM in the markets of Russia and Kazakhstan.

Rename to EnterChain

The company "Es-Si-Em Engineering" on September 1, 2015 announced its renaming. Since September 2015, the company has been called EnterChain (Enterchein).


Logo in 2012

According to information for 2012, ES-Em Engineering specialized in creating highly efficient supply chain management systems that give companies unique and difficult to copy competitive advantages. Es-Si-Em Engineering acted as an exclusive representative in Russia and the CIS of leading international companies representing the best solutions in the field of Supply Chain Management.