Customers: Stroygazmontazh (SGM) Contractors: 1C-Rarus Product: 1C:Enterprise 8. Management of the construction organization (1S:USO)Project date: 2012/03 - 2012/09
Number of licenses: 350
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The 1C-Rarus company created a management system for money in Stroygazmontazh construction company with the help "1C:Enterprise 8. Management of the construction organization".
Earlier the company conducted budgeting of money using spreadsheets. Budget making took long time, generally due to labor-intensive processes of the analysis and making changes. At such method of conducting budgeting it was difficult to reach the efficiency which is required management decisions for acceptance.
Using spreadsheets also budget implementation control was exercised. The staff of the centers of the financial responsibility (CFR) had no opportunity to independently control execution of the budget, payment happened according to paper requests, for control it was necessary to transfer manually data to tables of accounting.
Dynamic development of the company caused growth of document flow and the cash flow (CF) several times. Stroygazmontazh LLC was required to minimize the number of "paper" documents on this section and to lower number of appeals of employees to department of Treasury at approval of payments and for information on payment.
Implementation of the program "1C was carried out to choice reaction time in the company: Management of construction organization 8" using specialists 1C-Rarus. The decision to create a management system for money on the basis of "1C was made: Management of construction organization 8".
The aims were pursued:
- Planning of the operational budget of DDS;
- Formation in electronic form of requests for planning and payments;
- Operating control of exceeding of the planned amounts according to budget items when forming requests for payment;
- Maintaining plan-fact analysis of budget implementation of DDS;
- Obtaining financial statements of the operational budget in different analytical cuts (for example, on construction objects);
- Possibility of electronic approval / document approval.
Automation of the main transactions during the forming and approval of budgets and requests for a funds expenditure considerably facilitated and accelerated process of work of employees. Approval of the budget is accelerated by 3 times. Processing of requests for expenditure of DS and formation of instructions happens 5 times quicker. Appeals of employees to department of Treasury for obtaining information on payment are excluded. Together with formation of the different reporting, a system allows to carry out the plan-fact analysis of the cash budget.
During the project jobs of financial and budget controllers, operator, employee of finance division are created. All employees of the CFD are provided with access to work with budgets in a system. 350 jobs are automated.
Process of work with budgets is optimized:
- Work with budgets is conducted in electronic form now.
- The personnel of the CFD independently create the budget on each article. Then using a system it is consolidated in the general budget of DDS of the company.
- Approval of the budget by 3 times accelerated.
- The financial controller had an opportunity in a foreground mode to adjust, reject and approve the budget of the CFD.
- The special mechanism of an approval / statement with storage of history of work with the document is developed.
- Opportunities for review of document packages are provided.
- Work with the approved budget is facilitated. The financial controller clicking of one button got access to all album of the budget forms approved in the company which includes 28 forms.
- Electronic requests for an expense of DS form the employees independently. Appeals to department of Treasury are almost excluded: a system allows to obtain operational information about inclusion of the request in the register of payments, about a payment date and number of the payment order.
- Time for preparation of requests for expenditure of means decreased at 3-10 times (depending on a type of the request) due to use of already available data in a system. It allows users to create the bigger number of requests on payments to the supplier, taxes, the salary.
- Time for processing of requests for expenditure of DS and formation of instructions was reduced by 5 times. A system allows to see the account balances online and supports group processing of requests (installation of registers, accounts of payment, a payment date). Payment orders are created automatically on the basis of registers of payments.
- A system allows to prepare the different reporting: the enlarged reports for the management; reports which are required for planning of payment of materials of delivery; reports of finance division ("Financing on construction objects", "Register to the certificate of financing of an object", "Certificate of a status of settlement on construction objects").
- The information system allows to carry out the analysis on comparison of the planned and actual budget DDS. * For variance analysis from planned data functions on grouping of data are provided in any necessary analytical section.
Vera Timofeeva, the head of department of treasury of Stroygazmontazh LLC noted:
- With the advent of an automated system of budgeting of DDS information on a financial status of the enterprise became transparent. It gives to the management access to more detailed information at the level of the separate CFD and the cost item. Decision making at different stages of the current or following planning period is facilitated.