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Advanced Research Fund for Financing Advanced Military and Dual-Use Technologies





Vladimir Putin signed a law in October 2012 on the formation in Russia of the Advanced Research Fund, a close analogue of the American DARPA Agency (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).

The law on the creation of the Fund was adopted by the State Duma on September 28, approved by the Federation Council on October 10 and signed by President Putin on October 16, 2012.

According to the certificate of the State Legal Department, the Fund will pursue five main goals: promoting scientific research and development to achieve new results in the military-technical, technological and socio-economic spheres; formation of scientific ideas about possible threats that are critical for the country's defense, the reasons for their occurrence and ways of elimination; determining the main directions of scientific research and development in order to develop the production of high-tech military, special and dual-use products; organization of an order for the development, testing and support of innovative scientific and technical ideas and design solutions in the field of development and production of high-tech military, special and dual-use products; bringing ideas and solutions to the level of projects and financing them.

The goal of the Herbarium project is not to create a specific software product, but to develop an ecosystem in which developers can offer enterprises of instrument engineering, mechanical engineering and other industries of the military-industrial complex modern software for the design, design and management of engineering data. In the future, Herbarium will develop as a kind of "application store" for Russian enterprises in the engineering and instrument-making industries, which today use mainly imported software.

Initially, the Fund is expected to be able to implement about 150 projects that require various amounts of funding. According to the results of the first year of the Fund's work, the number and cost of projects can be specified.

The foundation will be created in the form of a non-profit organization. His property will be formed by federal budget allocations, as well as by transferring federal property to it. The amount of the property contribution by the state has not been determined.

The supreme governing body of the Fund will be the board of trustees, the board and the general director. The full-time staff in the first years of the fund's activity will be up to 100 people.

Intellectual property rights obtained in the results of work on the projects of the Fund will belong to the state. Accounting for projects and the procedure for transferring such rights to federal departments, state corporations and other legal entities will be entrusted to the government of the Russian Federation.

The fund will be subordinate to both the military department and the Russian government.

Among the well-known projects of the American agency DARPA and its predecessor ARPA, there is funding for an Internet prototype, TCP/IP protocol, technology for the mass production of integrated circuits, as well as combat humanoid robots.


2024: Appointment to the post of general director Maxim Vakshtein

In August 2024, the president Russia Vladimir Putin signed a decree appointing Maxim Vakshtein as the new general director. Advanced Research Foundation (FPI) He took over. Andrey Grigoriev Wackstein previously worked as his deputy - head of information research. More here

2017: FPI and ITMO University will create a targeted IT search laboratory

The Foundation for Advanced Research and ITMO University entered into a cooperation agreement at the beginning of the year, which involves interaction between the Foundation and the university on a wide range of issues. Among the main areas of cooperation are the search, selection and ensuring the implementation of scientific and technical projects, the creation of conditions for attracting talented youth to the field of scientific research and technological development, as well as the formation of scientific ideas about possible threats that are critical for the country's defense and state security.

The Foundation for Advanced Research and ITMO University plan to create a targeted search laboratory, whose activities will be aimed at developing interdisciplinary research in the field of information technology and related fields. The laboratory will be created on the basis of the Faculty of Translational Information Technologies of ITMO University, whose goals are to create promising world-class technologies to solve knowledge-intensive problems in such small-formalized areas as health care, public life and others.

Targeted laboratories are created by the Foundation and various organizations for long-term and wide-format cooperation. The tasks of the target laboratory include the search for new scientific ideas, the formation of proposals for research areas, the development of research programs and the search for teams for their implementation. The search target laboratory identifies critical problems in a certain area of ​ ​ research, forms scientific and technical foundations and concepts for solving them, collects and analyzes relevant scientific data and develops proposals for the areas, goals and expected results of breakthrough research and development in the corresponding area. The tasks of the target search laboratory also include the development of regulatory, technical and technological documentation for the technologies and samples being created.