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Баннер в шапке 2

Original (System of protection of authenticity)

The name of the base system (platform): ORIGINAL
Developers: Original-Foundation
Date of the premiere of the system: 07/08/2008
Last Release Date: 18/10/2012
Technology: PDM - Product data management

The system of protection of authenticity of ORIGINAL this new solution for rapidly emerging market. Any successful product has counterfeits which force out the original from a counter, steal profit and occupy the niches belonging to an original brand. The ORIGINAL program allows to protect easily and quickly authenticity of a product and to reveal counterfeit sales points.

At the heart of a system marking of goods unique codes and creation of base of these codes with its entering in the electronic directory. The buyer purchases a product with the unique code and registers its one of convenient methods (short SMS number, a hot line, a promo site). At registration the code is compared to base, and the buyer obtains information - his authentic goods or not.

In the response message there is an opportunity to send to the buyer any information. Having contacted the one who purchased a counterfeit, "the black markets" and sales points of counterfeits are easily calculated.

The system of protection of authenticity of ORIGINAL provides to the customer report generation on sales (on the basis of registration of codes), extensive opportunities of carrying out marketing efforts (using unique codes) and the service which is building up from competitors for increase in loyalty of buyers.