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Glebova Love Nikolaevna
Glebova Love Nikolaevna

Glebova Lyubov Nikolaevna is the former Head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science. Former Deputy Minister of Health and social development of Russia. The former deputy plenipotentiary envoy of the president in the Volga Federal District.


The Nizhny Novgorod Region, Russia was born on March 7, 1960 in Arzamas.


1981 - graduated from the Arzamas State Teacher Training College (ASTTC) as "A teacher of Russian".

Scientific degree

Doctor of pedagogical sciences.

Thesis: "Social and pedagogical design of educational policy of the region"[1].


1981 - 1983 - the secretary of committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of AGPI, Arzamas.

1983 - 1984 - the acting secretary of All-Union Leninist Young Communist League Group, Arzamas.

1984 - 1985 - the secretary of group of companies.

1985 - 1987 - the director Dvortsa of pioneers, Arzamas.

1987 - 1989 - the manager of department of the studying youth and pioneers of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League Gorky OK.

1989 - 1992 - the secretary Gorkovskogo OK the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League.

1992 - 1993 - the director of preparation and carrying out lotteries of AMK Concern Ltd, Gorky.

1993 - 1997 - the director of Directorate of Lotteries LLP, Nizhny Novgorod.

1997 - 1998 - the director of Nizhny Novgorod Directorate of Lotteries LLC.

1998 - 1999 - the chairman of executive committee of OOPD "New Force".

1998 - 1999 - the adviser to the Russian Prime Minister S.V. Kiriyenko, the Chairman of executive committee "New force".

1999 - 2001 - the deputy of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

2001 - 2005 - the Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District.

2005 - 2008 - the secretary of state - the Deputy Minister of Health and social development of the Russian Federation.

2008 - 2012 - the Head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science[2].

On May 28, 2012 - said that universities of Russia should stating punishment for students who pass the Unified State Examination instead of school students in charters.

Lyubov Glebova: rules USE cannot be violated

Lyubov Glebova about USE innovations in 2012

October, 2012 - left a post of the head of Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science in October in connection with transition to a new position to the Federation Council.

On October 15, 2012 - the deputy of a meeting of Pachelmsky district of the Penza region.

Former responsible secretary of Union of Right Forces fraction.

Member of the Russian Public Council of Development of Education (RPCDE).

Scientific activity

The list of the published works


  • 1. Glebova, L.N. Social and pedagogical design of educational policy [Text] / l. N. Glebova – Arzamas: AGPI, 2009. – 320 pages – 20 items of l.

  • 2. Glebova, L.N. Formation of policy of social partnership in development and implementation of the legislation in the field of education in the 80-90th the 20th century [Text] / l. N. Glebova – Arzamas: AGPI, 2008. – 128 pages – 8 items of l.

Manuals, methodical recommendations:

  • 3. Glebova, L.N. Social policy [Text]: Manual/L. N. Glebova, T.T. Shchelina, N.V. Mumladze. – Arzamas: AGPI, 2008. – 88 pages – 5.5 items of l. (personal participation of 1.83 items of l.).

  • 4. Glebova, L.N. Management of the social systems [Text]: Manual/L. N. Glebova, T.T. Shchelina, N.V. Mumladze. – Arzamas: AGPI, 2008. – 85 pages – 5.3 items of l. (personal participation of 1.76 items of l.).

  • 5. The history of development of policy of social partnership in the field of education [Text]: Manual/L. N. Glebova. – Arzamas: AGPI, 2008. – 88 pages – 5.5 items of l.

  • 6. Social partnership in the field of education in 80-90 the 20th century [Text]: Manual/L. N. Glebova. – Arzamas: AGPI, 2008. – 96 pages – 6 items of l.

  • 7. Glebova, L.N. Introduction to a profession [Text]: Manual/L. N. Glebova, T.T. Shchelina, S.V. Shchennikova. – Arzamas: AGPI, 2009. – 120 pages – 7.6 items of l. (personal participation of 2 items of l.).

  • 8. Glebova, L.N. Social policy. Methodical recommendations [Text] / l. N. Glebova, T.T. Shchelina. – Arzamas: AGPI, 2006. – 18 pages – 1.1 items of l. (personal participation of 0.55 items of l.).

  • 9. Glebova, L.N. Management of the social systems: Methodical recommendations [Text] of L.N. Glebov, T.T. Shchelin. – Arzamas: AGPI, 2006. – 17 pages – 1.1 items of l. (personal participation of 0.55 items of l.).

The scientific articles published in the VAK magazines:

  • 10. Glebova, L.N. Possibilities of social and professional design in training of specialists for the social sphere [Text] / l. N. Glebova, T.T. Shchelina.//Izvestia of St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance. – 2008. – No. 4. – Page 34-40. – 0.7 items of l.

  • 11. Glebova, L.N.K to a problem of social and professional design in training of specialists for the social sphere [Text] / l. N. Glebova//Messenger of the Russian economic academy of G.V. Plekhanov. – 2008. – No. 5 (23). – C13-17. – 0.8 items of l.

  • 12. Glebova, L.N. Training of social teachers at the modern higher school [Text] / l. N. Glebova//the World of education and education in the world. – 2008. – No. 4 – Page 9-17. – 0.8 items of l.

  • 13. Glebova, L.N. Training of social teachers: problems, approaches, technologies [Text] / l. N. Glebova//Messenger of the university of the Russian Academy of Education. – 2008. – No. 4 (42). – C8-13. – 0.6 items of l.

  • 14. Glebova, L.N. Training of social teachers at the modern higher school [Text] / l. N. Glebova//Messenger of the Ministry of Internal Affairs university. – 2008. – No. 4. – Page 4 - 9. – 0.6 items of l.

  • 15. Glebova, L.N. What is public and professional accreditation? [Text] / l. N. Glebova//the Higher education in Russia. – 2009. – No. 2 – Page 11-14. – 0.3 items of l.

  • 16. Glebova, L.N. Social partnership and social and professional design in university [Text] / l. N. Glebova//the World of education and education in the world. – 2009. – No. 4 – Page 8-13. – 0.8 items of l.

  • 17. Glebova, L.N. Politika of social partnership in the field of education at the end of XX - the beginning of the 21st centuries [Text] / l. N. Glebova//the World of education and education in the world. – 2009. – No. 5 – Page 12-19 – 0.7 items of l.

Scientific articles, reports, materials:

  • 18. Glebova, L.N. Legislative initiatives about the general education: analysis and perspectives of studying [Text] / l. N. Glebova//Current problems of psychology of education. Materials of an anniversary regional scientific and practical conference. – N. Novgorod, 2000. – Page 76-79. – 0.2 items of l.

  • 19. Glebova, L.N. Ponyatiye of social partnership in an educational paradigm [Text] / l. N. Glebova//Messenger of MSU. – M, 2000. – No. 2. – Page 57-61. – 0.3 items of l.

  • 20. Glebova, L.N. Implementation of the principle of social partnership within development of the trustee movement in the Volga Federal District [Text] / l. N. Glebova//Modern problems of pedagogical sciences. Interuniversity collection of scientific works. – Saransk, 2001. – Page 38-41. – 0.2 items of l.

  • 21. Glebova, L.N. Development of educational policy at a boundary of XX – the XXI centuries [Text] / l. N. Glebova//Messenger of psychology and pedagogical faculty NGPU. – Novosibirsk, 2001. – No. 3. – Page 81-85. – 0.3 items of l.

  • 22. Glebova, L.N. Strategy of development for the "Development of Guardianship in the Volga Federal District" project [Text] / l. N. Glebova//Traditions and innovation in modern education. Collection of articles. – N. Novgorod, 2001. – Page 53-55. – 0.2 items of l.

  • 23. Glebova, L.N. Istoriya of guardianship: positive experience and revival of traditions [Text] / l. N. Glebova//Education at the intersection of eras. Collection of articles. – M, 2002. – Page 39-45. – 0.4 items of l.

  • 24. Glebova, L.N. Formation of policy of social partnership: The legal basis of development of an education system of Russia in 1980 - 1990 [Text] / l. N. Glebova//Changes. – 2002. – No. 1. – Page 97-130. – 2 items of l.

  • 25. Glebova, L.N. New generation – new values, new reference points, the new purposes [Text] / l. N. Glebova//Inner world of the young man and future of Russia. The collection of articles of an interuniversity scientific and practical conference is on April 17-18, 2003 Arzamas: AGPI, 2003. – Page 196-202. – 0.4 items of l.

  • 26. Glebova, L.N. Problema of social orphanhood in the developing democratic society [Text] / l. N. Glebova//Effective technologies of social adaptation of orphan children: Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference on December 18-19, 2003 – Arzamas: AGPI, 2003. – Page 13-15. – 0.3 items of l.

  • 27. Glebova, L.N. Development of partnership within project activities for problem solving of social orphanhood [Text] / l. N. Glebova//Effective technologies of social adaptation of orphan children: Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference on December 18-19, 2003 – Arzamas: AGPI, 2003. – Page 47-52. – 0.4 items of l.

  • 28. Glebova, L.N. Experiment of the small cities on solution of the problem of social orphanhood in the developing democratic society [Text] / l. N. Glebova, T.L. Migunova//Psychological ensuring prevention of social orphanhood and deviant behavior of children and youth. Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference 13 – on April 15, 2004 – M.: Consortium "Social Health of Russia", 2004. – Page 156-159. – 0.4 items of l. (personal participation of 0.2 items of l.).

  • 29. Glebova, L.N. The main activities of the Ministry of problem solving of social development in the Russian Federation [Text] / l. N. Glebova//Social work. – 2007. – No. 1 – Page 19-22 – 0.2 items of l.

  • 30. Glebova, L.N. Social and pedagogical technologies in preparation and retraining of specialists of educational institutions [Text] / l. N. Glebova, T.L. Migunova, T.T. Shchelina//Preparation and retraining of teachers of a system of the general school and life-long professional education: Collection of Articles IV of the International scientific and practical conference. – Penza: Volga House of knowledge, 2008. – Page 71-76 – (personal participation of 0.3 items of l.).

  • 31. Glebova, L.N. Possibilities of social and professional design in ensuring educational process in UDO [Text] / l. N. Glebova, T.T. Shchelina//Social and psychological ensuring educational process in organizations of additional education: materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference on March 21, 2008 – Arzamas: AGPI, 2008. – Page 64-68. – 0.15 items of l. (personal participation of 0.1 items of l.).

  • 32. Glebova, L.N. The theory and practice of social and professional design in the organization of practice of students of psychology and pedagogical faculty [Text] / l. N. Glebova, T.T. Shchelina//the Problem of formation of professional competence of students and teachers in the course of the organization of practice in modern conditions: Materials II of the All-Russian scientific and methodical conference (on April 24, 2009). – Tomsk: Publishing house of the Tomsk state pedagogical university, 2009. – Page 332-342. – 0.8 items of l. (personal participation of 0.3 items of l.).

  • 33. Glebova, L.N. Razvitiye of social contacts within project activity of public organization and educational institution [Text] / l. N. Glebova//Social and psychological problems of modern youth: materials of the International scientific and practical conference on May 27-28, 2009 – Arzamas: AGPI, 2009. – Page 26-29 – 0.25 items of l.[3].


[1] is awarded with a medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the II degree[1].


Valid state councilor of the Russian Federation of 1 class.

Marital Status

She is married, brings up the son.
