Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Amount of the Center of Collecting and Processing of Technology Information technologies, PTK (TsSTI)

The name of the base system (platform): Wonderware System Platform
Developers: Amount of technologies
Branches: Power
Technology: MES - Management of productions and repairs

The product is developed by request of JSC Kvadra.


PTK "Center of Collecting and Processing of Technology Information" occupies (TsSTI) the level of the systems of operational production management (MES), providing decision support and acting as a link between automation systems of technology processes and the systems of higher level, such as corporate systems of management (KISU/ERP).

The automated system of collecting and processing of technology information of Kvadra company includes four subsystems: collecting of technology information, commercial scheduling, IT monitoring, service of relay protection and automatic equipment (RZA).

The subsystem of collecting of technology information consolidates data from different PCSs of thermal power plants and provides control of the actual production indicators of combined heat and power plant. Data sources for this subsystem more than 300 control systems and accounting of energy resources, operational supervisory control, local as an APCS, devices of telemechanics, registration of abnormal events, relay protection and automatic equipment (RZA/Ras) act.

According to requirements of technical specifications TsSTI is a three-level geographically distributed system

Structure of a System

A system includes the following levels:

  • bottom level (level of combined heat and power plant):
  • server of applications/data collection of WAS (Wonderware Application Server);
  • servers of input-output of third-party producers;
  • the system of visualization based on InTouch for System Platform at each combined heat and power plant (the automated workplace of users);
  • the existing automated systems – the AIIS KUE, the systems of telemechanics, the PCS of boiler units, the PCS of turbine units, separate measuring instruments which are not introduced into automation systems, AS of accounting of heat, AS of accounting of fuel.

The WAS server provides collecting and data processing from servers of input-output of third-party producers and the existing automated systems and also is data source of servers of the average level of a System and for an automated workplace of users of level of combined heat and power plant (InTouch for System Platform). This solution allows to provide users of combined heat and power plant with operational information regardless of a status of the average and top level of a system.

  • average level (level of Regional generation):
  • the server of applications/data collection of WAS in each generation and servers of input of an output of third-party producers;
  • Historian storage server;
  • the system of visualization based on InTouch for System Platform (the automated workplace of users).

The WAS server provides collecting and data processing from servers of the bottom level, archiving of technology information on Historian storage server and also is data source for servers of the top level of a System and an automated workplace of users of the average level (InTouch for System Platform). This solution allows to provide users of regional generation with operational information regardless of a status of the top level of a system. Based on the solutions applied to this level the subsequent expansion of dispatching systems of regional generation with connection of automation systems of other objects, in addition to combined heat and power plant is possible.

  • top level (level of Executive office):
  • WAS application server;
  • Historian storage server;
  • server of calculations;
  • WEB server of access Wonderware Information Server (WIS).

The WAS server provides collecting and data processing from servers of the average level, preserving of historical information on Historian storage server and also is data source for an automated workplace of users. The WEB server of access of WIS provides providing data to users via WEB interface.

The server of calculations provides:

  • data collection from the different technology Websites, e-mail and local folders;
  • preprocessing and preserving of the acquired information in TsSTI DB;
  • analytical and statistical data processing;
  • reporting.

Collecting, the analysis and data mapping, necessary for participation on OREM, is performed in a subsystem of commercial scheduling.

Data sources for this subsystem are reports of the infrastructure organizations and the specialized Websites. On the basis of data from production divisions, the infrastructure organizations, existing regulations of OREM and operation algorithms admitted to the organizations on RSV and BR the fuel component in cost values of the electric power, the expected price value of the balancing market, parameters of tsenoprinimayushchy requests, recommendations about execution of loading is calculated, results of work on BR, RSV and the market of power are defined. The subsystem allows to generate reporting information on preliminary financial results of participation of the Company on OREM for the reporting period set by the user.

All production divisions of JSC Kvadra are equipped with the registrars of abnormal events (RAE) which serve for registration of the fact of emergence of accidents, formation of a cut of a large number of electrotechnical parameters with indication of values of the registered accidents till the accident approach moment. These devices create files of oscillograms which in the subsequent should be analyzed by the relevant services. TsSTI elicits the fact of emergence of new files of oscillograms on each of RAE, executes loading them in a DB on the level of combined heat and power plant, further these files are replicated on the level of Regional generation and Executive office. The subsystem of "Service of relay protection and automatic equipment" allows to conduct serviceability check of the equipment of combined heat and power plant by specialists outside the combined heat and power plant.

Due to a large number of the server hardware, user applications (the "fat" and "thin" client) and also communication channels between them there was a need for development of the additional subsystem providing monitoring of operability of infrastructure of TsSTI and diagnostics of principal components and system modules.

The subsystem of IT monitoring keeps track of operability of communication channels and the capital equipment using standard means of the ICMP protocol. Besides, the messages from active network equipment created according to the SNMP standard are processed. For each object selected by the user (system administrator), the subsystem displays the continuous and retrospective data about availability of nodes of network, about work of network interfaces, about receipt or absence in a DB of data from sources.

TsSTI is implemented based on the products Wonderware System Platform v4.0 providing a full range of services for problems of integration of different industrial applications, reliable storage and convenient information display. The Wonderware platform allows to make step-by-step scaling and configuring of a system without the need for replacement of existing solutions. Thus, due to use of Wonderware System Platform v4.0 there was an opportunity to quickly integrate a large number of sources of technology information and also to provide conditions for further development due to connection of new objects, accumulation of its functionality and integration into the systems of an enterprise scale (EAM/ERP). So, information which is contained in TsSTI allows to develop in the future expert systems and simulation models for each combined heat and power plant of the company, to calculate more effective operation modes of combined heat and power plant for the purpose of optimization of loading of the generating capacities.

The implemented system is in trial operation now. The expected result from its implementation is providing:

  • reliable and exact control of parameters of technology production processes of the electric power and heat in real time;
  • signaling and the operational notification of managers on a deviation of values of development out of the set limits;
  • automatic calculation of a fuel component in cost value of the electric power for each hour, requests for participation for BR and RSV and recommendations about increase in efficiency of combined heat and power plant;
  • monitoring of operation parameters of combined heat and power plant and operation personnel.

[1]At the heart of the product description article of group of developers. Complete text of article