The logic of submission of information is extremely simple: tasks are grouped in the principle of area of knowledge or action. As subgroups essential subareas are selected: work with agreements, the general tasks throughout the project, participation in design, participation in construction and a commissioning, work with documentation, the translation of the project in an operation stage, budgeting, interaction with other areas.
Project management |
General tasks |
- Strategic achievement of the goal of the project, change management of a project objective
- Budget management
- Team management of the project. Determination of structure. Selection of a command together with personnel department
- Project risk management
- Management of communications inside and outside project team
- Quality management of the project: awareness and satisfaction of customers and sponsors of the project.
- Management of other resources of the project
Работа с договорами |
- Development, drawing up and implementation of the procedure of drawing up and agreement signature within the project
- Preparation and management of the agreement on lease of the platform <a href="" >of a data processing center</a>
- Preparation and management of the agreement on design and designer's service
- Management of the other agreements which are not entering competence of other team members
- The main contact person at emergence of financial and legal issues according to current agreements
Участие в проектировании |
- Collecting and approval of requirements at customers and sponsors of the project
- Coordination of changes of requirements to an end product of the project
- The presentation and protection of project solutions before customers and sponsors of the project
Участие в строительстве и пусконаладке |
- Ensuring communications between key project participants: customers, the lessor, state bodies, command the project, the other involved parties
- Ensuring existence vskh necessary permissions from supervisory authorities to the corresponding project stages
Работа с документацией |
- Maintaining documents of the top level on project management
- Coordination of obtaining necessary information for documents of the top level from project team members
- Development of structure of document flow of the project
Перевод проекта в стадию эксплуатации |
- Ensuring complete transfer of up-to-date data to an operation command
- Archiving of project data
Бюджетирование |
- Preparation of the project budget
- Protection of the project budget
- Control and reporting under accomplishment of the project budget
Взаимодействие |
- Providing effective ways of communication between all involved parties inside and outside a project team
Coordination of works |
Общие задачи |
- Daily management of the current tasks on the platform at half-cooking stages to construction, constructions, a commissioning and commissioning
- Project management within the selected budget in agreed time frames
- Determination and risks assessment of the project regarding coordination of install works for inclusion in the general risk register
Работа с договорами |
- Preparation and management of the agreement on construction preparation of the platform
- Preparation and management of the agreement on holding a complex commissioning
- Initiation and coordination of tendering process on purchases of materials, services and other works.
- Coordination of passing of agreements through all stages of approval and signing
- Contract management regarding control of accomplishment of terms and budgets
Участие в проектировании |
- Analysis of influence of intermediate results of design on change of the purpose, terms, budget of install works of the project
Участие в строительстве и пусконаладке |
- General management by contracts with contractors on the platform (the main contact person for the solution of daily questions)
- Carrying out prodgotovitelny works on preparation of the platform for construction and install works
- Providing contractors with necessary resources of resources for contract performance within the project
- The regular status report on the project regarding install works
Работа с документацией |
- Drawing up and control of the plan of install works and its approval of a vista shot of the project
Перевод проекта в стадию эксплуатации |
- Coordination of works on carrying out balancing and commissioning and works on input of DPC in operation
Бюджетирование |
- Control of the project budget regarding purchase of materials, agreements of all-construction works and agreements on installation of the systems of DPC
Взаимодействие |
- Assessment of necessary parameters of the project (terms and cost of execution of works, supply of equipment and materials)
- Coordination of the carried-out works on construction of DPC with other project team members (approval, control, acceptance of works) and contractors
- Ensuring obtaining documentation within agreements and its transfer for processing and archiving
- Initiation and holding planned and unplanned meetings for the solution of the current tasks of construction of DPC between contractors
Security |
Общие задачи |
- Providing order of access to DPC,
- Ensuring safety of property and intellectual property of the company
- Maintenance of working discipline on the building site
- Management of a warehouse
Работа с договорами |
- Preparation and management of the service agreement of protection of the platform and project office, "disturbing button"
- Preparation and management of the service agreement of protection of the platform and project office
- Preparation and management of the agreement on verification of personal data of employees
- Preparation and management of the agreement on credit check of contractors and other partners
- Control of compliance of the signed contracts to security policy of DPC
Участие в проектировании |
- Development of requirements to operation of a control system of access
- Development of requirements to operation of a video surveillance system
- Development of requirements to architectural concepts of security perimeter and access paths in DPC
- Refining of requirements to the listed systems in design process
- Control of compliance of the signed contracts to security policy of DPC
Участие в строительстве и пусконаладке |
- Participation in an induction for contractors
- Regular status monitoring of the platform in terms of security policy
- Informing project managers in case of violations in the field of labor protection and ecology on the platform
- The regular status report on the project in terms of security issues
- Participation in a commissioning of control systems of access and video surveillance
Работа с документацией |
- Development of policy of physical security of DPC
- Development of procedures and documents according to requirements security half-tics
- Drawing up work instructions of security guards of DPC and office, warehouse workers
Перевод проекта в стадию эксплуатации |
- Transfer of function to the head of security of DPC on the end of construction
Бюджетирование |
- Preparation and regular tracking of the budget of a security service
Взаимодействие |
- Interaction with security services of the lessor, security services of the next enterprises, representatives of the state law enforcement agencies
- Carrying out informing and training in security for the staff of project office
Labor protection and ecology |
Общие задачи |
- Collection of information for preparation of necessary sanitary and ecological permissions. Submission of documents on obtaining permissions
- Determination and risks assessment of the project regarding labor protection and ecology for inclusion in the general risk register
Работа с договорами |
- Preparation and management of the agreement on preliminary ecological survey of the platform
- Preparation and management of the agreement on export of ecologically hazardous waste for construction
- Control of compliance of the signed contracts to regulations of labor protection and ecology
Участие в проектировании |
- Development of requirements to operation of a system of the fire notification
- Development of requirements to operation of the fire extinguishing system
- Development of requirements to the DGU project (ecological part)
- Refining of requirements to the listed systems in design process
- Collecting and transfer to the designer of initial ecological information on the platform
- Control of compliance of project solutions to requirements of regulations of labor protection and ecology
Участие в строительстве и пусконаладке |
- Holding an induction for contractors
- Regular status monitoring of the platform and holding meetings with representatives of contractors
- Verification of the plan of the organization of works of contractors prior to works
- Informing project managers in case of violations in the field of labor protection and ecology on the platform
- The regular status report on the project in terms of labor protection and ecology
Работа с документацией |
- Development of policy on labor protection and ecology in DPC
- Creation and maintenance in current status of documentation on labor protection and ecology
- Drawing up instructions for labor protection for a project team
Перевод проекта в стадию эксплуатации |
- Participation in acceptance of fire extinguishing systems and fire notification
- Transfer of documentation on labor protection and ecology to an operation command
- Carrying out certification of jobs in the operated DPC
Бюджетирование |
- Preparation and regular tracking of the budget on labor protection and ecology
- Control of inclusion of actions for labor protection in the budget and project plan
Взаимодействие |
- Transfer to the architect of DPC of the requirements dictated by regulations on labor protection and ecology
- Formation of requirements to jobs at the organization of jobs at office and in DPC
- Providing project team with individual protection equipment
- The organization of an induction and obucheniye for labor protection, fire safety and ecology for a project team
- Drawing up list of necessary tools and equipment for preparation of DPC for operation
Conceptual technology of DPC |
Общие задачи |
- Transformation of requirements of project orderers in requirements to separate subsystems of DPC
- Coordination of drawing up requirements to the project of DPC in general and separate subsystems
- Control of intermediate and final outputs of design
- Preparation of requirements to the program of a commissioning, approval of the program and control of its accomplishment
- The conflict resolution at the level of subsystems at design, delivery, installation, a commissioning and commissioning of systems and elements of DPC
- Determination and risks assessment of the project regarding project works for inclusion in the general risk register
- Determination and risks assessment of the project regarding the made project decisions and their influence on an end product
Работа с договорами |
- Development of a subject part of the contract for all-construction works regarding technological solutions on the basis of project data
- Development of a subject part of the delivery contract and installation of specific technology elements of DPC
Участие в проектировании |
- Collecting and providing input data for design
- Development of requirements to technological solutions of the project of DPC
- Refining of requirements to the project in design process
- Change management in design process
- The main contact person for contacts concerning design
- Drawing up and control of the plan of design and its approval of a vista shot of the project
Участие в строительстве и пусконаладке |
- Regular general control of project implementation of DPC according to the project
- Control of implementation of technological solutions at construction of DPC
- Participation in acceptance of works on installation of technological solutions of DPC
Работа с документацией |
- Preparation of information for writing of work instructions to a duty shift of a command of operation of DPC
Перевод проекта в стадию эксплуатации |
- Collecting and archiving to accompanying project and executive documentation for transfer to an operation command
- Drawing up the list of necessary tools, the equipment and literature for preparation of DPC for operation
Бюджетирование |
Нет |
Взаимодействие |
- Distribution of tasks for drawing up terbovaniye to the project among a command and collecting of rezulyat
- Coordination of work on drawing up requirements
- Coordination of work of a command at a stage of control of construction and a commissioning of subsystems of DPC
- Preparation of recommendations about the organization of jobs at office and in DPC
Construction architectural concepts |
Общие задачи |
- Ensuring competent design of the architectural systems of DPC, their implementation taking into account building regulations
Работа с договорами |
- Development of a subject part of the contract for all-construction works regarding architectural concepts on the basis of project data
Участие в проектировании |
- Development of requirements to architectural concepts of DPC taking into account construction tasks of the adjacent systems
- Development of requirements to the DGU project (architectural part)
- Refining of requirements to architectural concepts in design process
Участие в строительстве и пусконаладке |
- Control of implementation of architectural concepts at construction of DPC
- Control of observance of industry regulations and rules at accomplishment of all-construction works of works
- Participation in acceptance of results of accomplishment of all-construction works and their elements
Работа с документацией |
Нет |
Перевод проекта в стадию эксплуатации |
- Collecting and archiving to accompanying project and executive documentation for transfer to an operation command
- Drawing up the list of necessary tools, the equipment and literature for preparation of DPC for operation
Бюджетирование |
- Scheduling of the recommended maintenance of the systems entering architectural concepts, drawing up the ZIP list
Взаимодействие |
- Collecting of construction tasks on the adjacent systems and tebovaniye to architectural concepts of DPC from all team members of the project
- Preparation of recommendations about the organization of jobs at office and in DPC
Electric power supply systems |
Общие задачи |
- Providing a competent system design of power supply of DPC, installation with observance of industry regulations and rules, holding a commissioning and transmitting and receiving
Работа с договорами |
- Development of a subject part of the delivery contract and installation of equipment and power supply systems of DPC on the basis of project data
Участие в проектировании |
- Development of requirements to the project of a power supply system of DPC
- Development of requirements to the project of the earthing and lightning protection system
- Development of requirements to the DGU project (electric part)
- Refining of requirements to the listed systems in design process
Участие в строительстве и пусконаладке |
- Participation in connection, testing and commissioning of power supply systems and DGU
Работа с документацией |
- Preparation of information for writing of work instructions to a duty shift of a command of operation of DPC
Перевод проекта в стадию эксплуатации |
- Collection of information for preparation of giving in supervisory authorities. Submission of documents in supervisory authorities
- Transfer of tools and equipment of DPC to an operation command
- Scheduling of the recommended maintenance of the mounted systems, complete sets of ZIP
- Drawing up the list of necessary tools, the equipment and literature for preparation of DPC for operation
- Collecting and archiving to accompanying project and executive documentation for transfer to an operation command
Бюджетирование |
Нет |
Взаимодействие |
- Development of recommendations about the organization of jobs at office and in DPC
- Formation of construction tasks and requirements for architectural concepts of DPC in terms of a power supply system
Mechanical systems |
Общие задачи |
- Ensuring competent design of mechanical systems of DPC, installation with observance of industry regulations and rules, holding a commissioning and transmitting and receiving
Работа с договорами |
- Development of a subject part of the delivery contract and installation of mechanical systems of DPC on the basis of project data
Участие в проектировании |
- Development of requirements to technical solutions of the fire extinguishing system
- Development of requirements to the project of a system of precision conditioning
- Development of requirements to the project of a ventilation system
- Development of requirements to the project of the water supply and sanitation system
- Development of requirements to the DGU project (mechanical part)
- Refining of requirements to the listed systems in design process
Участие в строительстве и пусконаладке |
- Participation in connection, testing and commissioning of fire extinguishing systems, precision conditioning, ventilation, water supply and sewerage, DGU
Работа с документацией |
- Preparation of information for writing of work instructions to a duty shift of a command of operation of DPC
Перевод проекта в стадию эксплуатации |
- Transfer of tools and equipment of DPC to an operation command
- Scheduling of the recommended maintenance of the mounted systems, complete sets of ZIP
- Drawing up the list of necessary tools, the equipment and literature for preparation of DPC for operation
- Collecting and archiving to accompanying project and executive documentation for transfer to an operation command
Бюджетирование |
Нет |
Взаимодействие |
- job of recommendations about the organization of jobs at office and in DPC
- Formation of construction tasks and requirements for architectural concepts of DPC in terms of mechanical systems.
Telecommunication and low-voltage systems |
Общие задачи |
- Ensuring competent design, net installation, faultless testing of low-voltage and telecommunication systems of DPC
Работа с договорами |
- Development of a subject part of the delivery contract and installation of telecommunication and other low-voltage systems of DPC on the basis of project data
Участие в проектировании |
- Development of requirements to the project of external communication lines of DPC
- Development of requirements to the project of a structured cabling system of DPC
- Development of requirements to technical solutions of the BMS system
- Development of requirements to technical solutions of a system of the fire notification
- Development of requirements to technical solutions of a control system of access
- Development of requirements to technical solutions of a video surveillance system
- Development of requirements for the specification of server racks, to filling by their accessories
- Participation in development of requirements for cooling of server racks
- Participation in development of requirements for power supply of server racks
- Refining of requirements to the listed systems in design process
Участие в строительстве и пусконаладке |
- Participation in connection, testing and commissioning of external communication lines, SCS, BMS systems, fire notification, access control, video surveillance
Работа с документацией |
- Development and maintenance of policy of a poimenovaniye of infrastructure of DPC
- Maintenance of the database on the systems of DPC mounted and put into operation
Перевод проекта в стадию эксплуатации |
- Information transfer about the equipment of DPC mounted and entered in the database in finance division
- Transfer of management of policy of accounting of elements of infrastructure to an operation command
- Transfer of tools and equipment of DPC to an operation command
- Scheduling of the recommended maintenance of the mounted systems, complete sets of ZIP
- Drawing up list of necessary tools and equipment for preparation of DPC for operation
Бюджетирование |
Нет |
Взаимодействие |
- Development of recommendations about the organization of jobs at office and in DPC
- Formation of requirements for construction architecture of DPC from the point of view of low-voltage and telecommunication networks.
Organization of office |
Общие задачи |
- Creation of the warm and cozy atmosphere at office
- Processing of incoming calls, acceptance and transfer of faxes, mails and official e-mail
Работа с договорами |
- Preparation of the agreement on lease of office
- Preparation and management of the agreement on power supply, water supply and heat supply of office
- Preparation and management of the agreement on maintenance of office
- Preparation and management of the agreement on cleaning of office
- Acquisition of office equipment, furniture and office
- Preparation and management of the delivery agreement of mobile services, wire communication and Internet.
- Preparation and management of the agreement on maintenance of office
- Preparation and management of the delivery agreement of hot meals in office
- Preparation and management of the agreement on courier services
Участие в проектировании |
Нет |
Участие в строительстве и пусконаладке |
Нет |
Работа с документацией |
Нет |
Перевод проекта в стадию эксплуатации |
Нет |
Бюджетирование |
- Preparation and regular tracking of the budget of office expenses
Взаимодействие |
- The organization of jobs for project team members
- Coordination of wishes of a project team on improvement of work in office
- Organization of informal actions and holidays
Document flow |
Общие задачи |
- Development and deployment effective workflow systems in the project
- Maintenance in current status of the contact sheet of the project
- Translation of the project documentation
- Distribution of the project documentation among a project team and partners
Работа с договорами |
- Preparation and management of the service agreement of transfer
- Preparation and management of the service agreement of scanning, printing and copying
Участие в проектировании |
- Maintaining minutes of meetings on behalf of the customer
Участие в строительстве и пусконаладке |
- Maintaining minutes of meetings on behalf of the customer
Работа с документацией |
- Processing of the entering and outgoing project documentation (paper, electronic)
Перевод проекта в стадию эксплуатации |
- Transfer of the project documentation to an ekspuluatatsionny command
Бюджетирование |
- Preparation and regular tracking of the expenditure budget on document flow
Взаимодействие |
- Collecting of the accompanying and executive documentation at team members of the project and its archiving.
- Processing of financial documentation (accounts, acts, delivery notes, invoices) in a command and interaction with financial service