Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
2012/11/27 12:48:41

Start of DPC. List of necessary contracts

At a stage of planning of construction of DPC it is difficult to estimate the volume of the contract work previous and accompanying different stages of construction. Understanding of this volume will help not only to plan correctly need of attraction of various resources (for example, such as — translators, lawyers, financial controllers, purchasing department and others), but also can be a peculiar control list for planning of the sequence and duration of project tasks. Besides, having the relevant list, it is possible to ochenit more simply what problems can be solved independently and what to entrust to the third-party company, to increase project budget assessment accuracy. The tabulated sheet of contracts can render the strategic help at signing of the contracts on adjacent works that will allow to save a part of budgetary funds.

The directory of TAdviser of Data centers of Russia and technologies for data centers.

The example of such list which can serve as a starting point for creation of your own is given below. The main idea consists in separation of the project into stages (design, construction, a commissioning and operation) and into the fields of efforts (in this example it is subsystems of DPC and auxiliary services). It is easy to adapt the provided matrix for each specific project, simplifying, supplementing or combining separate tasks.





Basic contracts of DPC
Lease of the platform of DPC
Preliminary design
Complex design Designer's service
Design of technological solutions of DPC
Delivery and installation of equipment, furniture and tools for operation
Complex commissioning of DPC
Delivery and installation of a raised floor
Power supply of DPC
Water supply of DPC
Heating of DPC
Cleaning of premises
Supply of diesel fuel
Architectural concepts
Architectural inspection of the platform
Preparation of the platform (dismantling of the existing systems and constructions, cleaning of premises)
Design of architectural concepts of DPC Construction works Construction service and repair of the building and platform
Power supply
Power supply system design Delivery and installation of electric equipment Planned TO and repair of a power supply system and electric equipment
Abnormal repair of a power supply system and electric equipment
Design of a subsystem of UPS Delivery and installation of the UPS and batteries Planned THAT UPS and batteries
Abnormal repair of a system of UPS
Design of DGU Delivery and installation of DGU Planned TO and repair of DGU
Abnormal repair of DGU
Mechanical systems
System design of precision conditioning Delivery and installation of a system of precision conditioning Planned TO and repair of a system of precision conditioning
Abnormal repair of a system of pertsizionny conditioning
Ventilation system design Delivery and installation of a ventilation system Planned TO and repair of a ventilation system
System design of water supply and sewerage Delivery and installation of the water supply and sanitation system Planned TO and repair of a system of a vodosnayuzheniye and sewerage
Abnormal repair of the water supply and sanitation system
Fire extinguishing system design Delivery and installation of the water supply and sanitation system Planned TO and repair of the fire extinguishing system
Abnormal repair of the fire extinguishing system
Delivery of supplies of the fire extinguishing system
Telecommunication and low-current networks
Design of a structured cabling system Delivery and installation of a structured cabling system Abnormal repair of the Structured cable network
Laying of external optical lines to DPC THAT external optical lines
Lease of communication channels
System design of BMS Delivery, installation and setup of the BMS system Planned TO and repair of the BMS system
System design of the fire notification and signaling Delivery and installation of a system of the fire notification and signaling Planned TO and repair of a system of the fire notification and signallings
Abnormal repair of a system of the fire notification and signaling
Delivery and installation of telecommunication racks, accessories and distribution equipment
Protection of an object Protection of an object
"Disturbing button" "Disturbing button"
System design of CCTV Delivery and installation of the CCTV system THAT and repair of the CCTV system
Access control system design Delivery and installation of a control system of access THAT and repair of a control system of access
Credit check of suppliers and contractors
Verification of personal data of employees
Labor safety and ecology
Ecological inspection of the platform Ecological cleaning of the platform
Export of ecologically dangerous garbage Export of ecologically dangerous garbage
Office and management of documents
Lease of project office
Power supply, water supply and heat supply of office
Service and repair of office
Cleaning of office
Mobile communication Mobile communication
Wire communication and Internet Wire communication
Furniture, office equipment and office Furniture, office equipment and office
Hot power supply Hot meals
Courier service Courier service
Translation of documents
Copying, scanning and printing of documents

Certainly, the provided list is not exhaustive. Perhaps, even, some important positions in it are missed, for example, appeals to state bodies, work with the recruiting company, compulsory and additional education of employees, etc. If you have ideas about it, please, share in comments. I hope, this information will be useful in Tsodostroyeniya's development in our country.