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Баннер в шапке 2

Automated system of commercial accounting of energy resources in the city of Ufa

Customers: City administration of Ufa

Ufa; Government and social institutions

Contractors: Matrix IT
Product: Matriks. Automated system of commercial accounting of energy resources

Project date: 2012/11

Specialists of Matrix IT company completed the project on equipping of 325 metering stations of thermal energy set in apartment houses of the city of Ufa, an automated system of commercial accounting of energy resources.

At the beginning of 2012 Administration of GO Ufa set the task – to start the city automated system of commercial accounting of energy resources (ASCAER) for Matrix IT company. Project objectives - energy saving, ensuring reliable control of quantity of the consumed utility resources, ensuring steady power supply of residential consumers, complete scheduling. At the first stage of the project it was required to start a system at 325 metering stations set in apartment houses of Ufa.

In the course of implementation of the ASCAPC specialists of Matrix IT company:

  • installed the equipment of the bottom level (an ASCAPC cabinet with the communication controller) in apartment houses of Ufa;
  • set the top level: the hardware and software system "Matrix" is poll server, the archiving server, the server of alarms;
  • set the client software of users of the ASCAPC;
  • executed a commissioning of the mounted equipment (communication is performed on GPRS channel);
  • executed software customization of the top level and the client software under user requirements.

As a result, the automated system of commercial accounting of energy resources put into operation allows:

  • obtain contemporary records from metering devices on GPRS channels;
  • display data retrieveds on the screen in graphic and tabular formats;
  • create different report forms;
  • transfer data retrieveds to the power supplying organizations.

The difficulties which arose at implementation of the ASCAPC were connected with a large number of types of models of metering stations (BKT 7, TEM 107, TSRV-024, TSRV-034, the Hydrometer, Asvega, etc.). For example, for connection in the system of the metering device the Hydrometer, was required to find the solution which would allow to work with the M-Bus interface. Also, during implementation there were difficulties because of the low level of the signals received from objects as in the city of Ufa metering devices are installed in cellars of apartment houses.

One of important features of the implemented system is the possibility of a remote configuration of the installed equipment. The present possibility allowed to lower considerably labor costs on system implementation and to avoid difficulties, connected with the fact that the selected 325 objects were in different parts of the city.

Despite difficulties, the Matrix IT company coped with an assigned task successfully. The complex of an automated system of commercial accounting of heat put into operation proved positively both in economic, and in technical aspects. Equipment by this system of all-house metering devices of 325 apartment houses allowed to keep full control and account of consumption of energy resources that corresponds to Federal law No. 261-FZ of 11/23/2009. "About energy saving and about increase in power efficiency …".