Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Carlin Alexander Bogdanovich
Carlin Alexander Bogdanovich

Carlin Alexander Bogdanovich is the former governor of Altai Krai. Member of Regional political council of the party United Russia.

Income, property

Income and pension for 2012 were 2.371 million rubles. Has the house in Moscow area and 2 apartments in the capital of the Russian Federation[1].


Was born on October 29, 1951 in the village of Medvedka of Tyumentsevsky district of Altai Krai, Russia.


In 1972 graduated from the Sverdlovsk legal institute (since 2014 - UrGYuU (The Ural state legal university)).

In 1988 graduated from Academy of National Economy at Council of Ministers of the USSR (since 2010 - the Russian Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)).

Scientific degree, academic status

Doctor of jurisprudence, professor.

Thesis for a degree of the doctor of jurisprudence - "Problems of legal regulation of state registration of the property right to real estate"[2].


1972 - - worked with 1982 in prosecutor's office of the city of Biysk.

1982 - 1986 - in prosecutor's office of the city of Barnaul.

1986 - the senior prosecutor of management of Prosecutor's office of the USSR.

1989 - 1990 - the Assistant Attorney General of the USSR on special instructions.

1991 - 1992 - the deputy head of department - the head of department of supervision of legality in foreign economic activity.

1992 - the head of department of management, the head of department of ensuring participation of prosecutors in arbitral procedure of the State Office of Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation.

On April 28, 2000 - the secretary of state - the Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation.

2002 - the first Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation.

2004 - 2005 - the head of department of the Russian President Administration concerning public service, one of the main objectives of which is ensuring implementation by the President of the Russian Federation of powers on carrying out state policy in the field of public service. Under its management and with direct participation the documents defining the concept of reforming and development of public service of the Russian Federation, drafts of the federal target programs and backbone federal laws governing the state and office relations are prepared.

2005: Head of administration of Altai Krai

On August 25, 2005 - on representation of the President of the Russian Federation it is given authority of the head of administration of Altai Krai the Altai edge Council of People's Deputies.

2007: Governor of Altai Krai

Since December 1, 2007 - the Governor of Altai Krai.

July 18, 2009 - The president Dmitry Medvedev submitted the offer to prolong a term of office for the second term for consideration of the Altai edge Legislative Assembly.

Held a position of the Governor of Altai Krai till May 30, 2018. (VRIO of the governor of Altai Krai from June 31 to September 25, 2014).

Job responsibilities on a post of the governor of Altai Krai:

1) represents Altai Krai in the relations with federal public authorities, public authorities of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation, local government authorities and at implementation of foreign economic relations, at the same time has the right to sign agreements and agreements on behalf of Altai Krai;

2) will publish laws of Altai Krai, certifying their publication by signing, or rejects as it should be, the stipulated in Clause 74 presents of the Charter (Fundamental law) of Altai Krai;

3) creates Administration of Altai Krai according to the legislation of Altai Krai and makes the decision on resignation of Administration of Altai Krai;

4) submits in the Altai edge Legislative Assembly annual reports on results of activity of Administration of Altai Krai, including on the questions raised by the Altai edge Legislative Assembly;

5) has the right to require convocation of an extraordinary session of the Altai edge Legislative Assembly and also to convoke newly elected Altai edge Legislative Assembly on the first session before the term set by this Charter (Fundamental law) of Altai Krai;

6) has the right to participate in work of the Altai edge Legislative Assembly with advisory capacity;

7) provides coordination of activity of executive authorities of Altai Krai with other public authorities of Altai Krai and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation can organize interaction of executive authorities of Altai Krai with federal executive authorities and their territorial authorities, local government authorities and public associations;

8)[3] performs other powers according to federal laws, this Charter (Fundamental law) of Altai Krai and laws of Altai Krai[3].

2018: Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Since September 18, 2018 - the vice-chairman of Committee of the Federation Council on the constitutional legislation and the state construction; Representative from executive body of the government of Altai Krai (date of termination of powers: September, 2023).

Alexander Karlin: perspectives of economic development of Altai Krai

Member of editorial boards of the Zakonnost and Prokurorskaya i sledstvennaya praktika magazines.

Member of the academic councils of scientific research institute of problems of strengthening of legality and law and order, Institute of advanced training of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation.

Member of editorial boards of the magazines "Zakonnost", "Prokurorskaya i sledstvennaya praktika".

Scientific activity

Monographs, textbooks and manuals

Carlin A. B. Problems of legal regulation of state registration of the property right to real estate: Monograph. — M.: Manuscript, 2007. — 16 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Creation and development of a system of state registration of the rights to real estate and transactions with it. — M, 2007. — 10 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Russian legal encyclopedia. Separate articles. — M, 1999. — 1 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Civil law: The textbook / Under the editorship of V.V. Zalessky, M.M. Rassolov. — Chapter 19. — M.: Unity, 2002. — 60/1 items of l.

Carlin A. B. A role of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in creation of the legal basis of reforming of economy//the Role of judicial authorities in the constitutional state. — M, 2002. — 0.5 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Russian experience of codification//Quality of a regulation: French-Russian seminar. — M, 2002. — 3 items of l.

Carlin A. B. State regulation of market economy. — M, 2003. — 6 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Develop the potential of a system of state registration of the rights to the real estate//Results of five years' activity and perspective of development of a system of state registration of the rights to real estate and transactions with it: Collection of works. — M, 2003. — No. 2. — 0.6 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Fifth anniversary of a system of state registration rights / a System of state registration of the rights to real estate and transactions with it. — M, 2003. — 0.2 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Judicial authorities and legal reform / 200 years to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation: Collection of scientific works. — Tyumen, 2003. — 0.4 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Crisis management: The manual according to the uniform program of training of arbitration managers. — Legal basis. — Tom I / Introductory article. — M.: Infra-M, 2004. — 0.4 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Collection of regulatory legal acts and methodical materials about state registration of the rights to real estate and transactions with it. — Volume 1 / Introductory article. — M, 2004. — 0.25 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Collection of regulatory legal acts and methodical materials about state registration of the rights to real estate and transactions with it. — Volume 2 / Introductory article. — M, 2004. — 0.2 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Perspectives of improvement of the legislation on state registration of the rights to real estate and transactions with it / Registration of the rights to the real estate: Collection of works. — M, 2004. — No. 1. — 2 items of l.

Carlin A. B. A new stage of reforming of public service//the Public civil service in Russia: Collection of scientific works. — M, 2005. — 0.5 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Improvement of public service in modern conditions//Lawyers in days of the Great Patriotic War: Collection of works. — M, 2005. — 2.3 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Comment on the Federal law "About the System of Public Service of the Russian Federation" and Federal law "About the Public Civil Service of the Russian Federation". — M, 2005. — 16 items of l.

Carlin A. B. the Public civil service of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation in the system of public service of Russia//Problems of the public and municipal service: strategy and tactics of reforms: Collection of works. — Barnaul, 2006. — 0.8 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Reform of public service of the Russian Federation. — M, 2006. — 10 items of l.

Articles published in the leading reviewed scientific magazines and editions

Carlin A. B. Problems of activation of lawmaking activity//Law and right. — 2001. — No. 1. — 0.6 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Improve lawmaking activity//Economy and the right. — 2001. — No. 2. — 0.2 items of l.

Carlin A. B. A role of Ministry of Justice in democratic conversions in Russia//the Law and the right. — 2001. — No. 4. — 0.3 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Problems and perspectives of development of a system of state registration of the rights to real estate and transactions with it//Law and right. — 2001. — No. 10. — 0.5 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Legal basis of economic conversions//Legislation. — 2001. — No. 12. — 0.5 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Normative legal support of the social and economic sphere//Russian justice. — 2002. — No. 9. — 0.5 items of l.

Carlin A. B. The state — to the official, the official — to the state//Public service. — 2002. — No. 4 (14). — 0.5 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Social state and legal problems of freedom of economic activity//Bulletin of the Russian legal academy. — 2003. — No. 4. — 0.3 items of l.

Carlin A. B. On the way of updating of legal ideology of bankruptcy//the Law and the right. — 2003. — No. 8. — 0.7 items of l.

Carlin A. B. The constitutional liberty principle of economic activity in the conditions of the social state. Sales problems//Law and right. — 2003. — No. 12. — 0.4 items of l.

Carlin A. B. To public service — new quality of functioning//Public service. — 2004. — No. 6 (32). — 0.6 items of l.

Carlin A. B. The principles of a registration system of the rights to the real estate in the conditions of economic integration//the Bulletin of the Russian legal academy. — 2005. — No. 1. — 0.5 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Legal nature of institute of the property right to real estate as main institute of civil law//Modern right. — 2006. — No. 12. — 0.8 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Concept and maintenance of state registration of the property right to real estate//Modern right. — 2006. — No. 12 (1). — 0.9 items of l.

Carlin A. B. The civil bases of implementation of state registration of the property right to real estate//"Black holes" in the Russian legislation. — 2007. — No. 2. — 0.9 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Contents and features of the civil mode of real estate//"Black holes" in the Russian legislation. — 2007. — No. 3. — 1.6 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Legal basis of state registration of the property right to real estate//State and right. — 2007. — No. 5. — 1.2 items of l.

Carlin A. B. To a question of a role and value of Administrative regulations of execution of the state function on state registration of the rights to real estate and transactions with it//Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice. — 2007. — No. 6. — 1.2 items of l.

Articles in other editions

Carlin A. B. Social entity of criminal effects//Bulletin of the Leningrad State University. — 1982. — No. 5. — Release 1. — 0.6 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Precepts for business//the Legal newspaper. — 1991. — No. 6. — 0.2 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Participation of the prosecutor in consideration of arbitration cases of alienation of the state and public property//Legality. — 1994. — No. 1. — 0.3 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Improve lawmaking activity//Legal regulation of the real estate market. — 2001. — No. 1. — 0.3 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Problems of state registration of the rights to real estate and transactions with it//Real estate and investments. Legal regulation. — 2001. — No. 2. — 0.7 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Relevant problems of state registration of the rights to real estate and transactions with it//Legal regulation of the real estate market. — 2001. — No. 2 — 3. — 0.5 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Registration of the rights to the real estate and transactions with it//Bulletin of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. — 2001. — No. 9. — 0.5 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Departments issue low-quality acts, trying to legalize the interests//the Official information Страна.ru Internet resource. — 2001. — December 11. — 0.2 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Legal basis of economic conversions//Legislation. The right for business. — 2001. — No. 12. — 0.6 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Participation of judicial authorities in formation of the legal basis of the modern economic relations//Bulletin of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. — 2002. — No. 1. — 0.5 items of l.

Carlin A. B. System of state registration of the rights to the real estate and land relations//Real estate and investments. — 2002. — No. 1 (10). — 0.5 items of l.

Carlin A. B. To a new stage of development of a recording system of the rights to the real estate//the Real estate and investments. — 2002. — No. 2 — 3 (11 — 12). — 0.3 items of l.

Carlin A. B. A role of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in creation of the legal basis of reforming of economy//the Bulletin of the International legal institute. — 2002. — No. 3. — 0.5 items of l.

Carlin A. B. State registration of the rights to the real estate and a land reform//the Property relations in the Russian Federation. — 2002. — No. 3 — 4 (8 — 9). — 0.5 items of l.

Carlin A. B. There is no contradiction between the purpose of the state on effective public administration by the earth and a subsoil and function on state registration of the rights to real estate//Newsletter of GIS association. — 2002. — No. 5 (37). — 0.25 items of l.

Carlin A. B. A role of judicial authorities in carrying out legal reform//Bulletin of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. — 2002. — No. 9. — 0.5 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Improve management of territorial authorities of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation//the Bulletin of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. — 2002. — No. 10. — 1.2 items of l.

Carlin A. B. To a new qualitative system status of state registration of the rights//the Bulletin of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. — 2003. — No. 3. — 0.5 items of l.

Carlin A. B. The right and self-regulation in Russia//the Arbitration manager. — 2003. — No. 3. — 0.4 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as regulating authority: results of the first stage of activity//Arbitration manager. — 2003. — No. 6 (7). — 0.4 items of l.

Carlin A. B. New feature of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation//Bulletin of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. — 2003. — No. 7. — 0.3 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Constitution of the Russian Federation and development of the economic legislation//Messenger of the International legal institute. — 2004. — No. 1. — 0.3 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Legal support of reforming of public service of the Russian Federation//Information and methodical bulletin of State Duma administration of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. — 2004. — Release 2 (28). — 1.2 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Self-regulation problems//Effective crisis management. — 2004. — Special issue. — 0.6 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Perspectives of improvement of the legislation on state registration of the rights to real estate and transactions with it//Registration of the rights to the real estate. — 2004. — No. 11. — 1 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Altai Krai: from the science city to the innovative development//the Budget. — 2006. — No. 4. — 0.2 items of l.

Carlin A. B. To a question of the bases of state registration of the property right to real estate//Right and life. — 2006. — No. 103 (13). — 0.8 items of l.

Carlin A. B. System of the legislation on state registration of the property right to the real estate: federal and regional aspects//Right and life. — 2006. — No. 104 (14). — 0.9 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Problems of implementation of state registration of the property right to real estate and ways of their solution//Right and life. — 2007. — No. 106 (16). — 1.7 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Administrative regulations of execution of the state function on state registration of the rights to the real estate//the Right and life. — 2007. — No. 107 (1). — 0.8 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Main directions of development of the regional legislation on state registration of the property right to the real estate//Right and life. — 2007. — No. 108 (2). — 0.9 items of l.

Carlin A. B. To a question of the main directions of improvement of the legislation on state registration of the property right to the real estate//the Right and life. — 2007. — No. 109 (3). — 1.1 items of l.

Carlin A. B. Social state and legal freedoms of economic activity//Bulletin of the Russian legal academy. — 2003.— No. 4. — 0.3 items of l.[4].

Awards and titles

  • 2002 - A medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the II degree - for the achieved labor success, strengthening of friendship and cooperation between the people and long-term fair work.

  • 2007 - An order "For Merit to the Fatherland" 4th Class - for a big contribution to social and economic development of Altai Krai.

  • Order of Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow.

  • Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation.

  • Valid state councilor І class.

  • State councilor of justice 2 classes.

  • Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation.

  • Honorary employee of bodies of prosecutor's office, justice.

Interesting Facts

In one of an interview told journalists whether it is going to bring the blog or the microblog to Twitter, and whether it finds necessary informal communication on the Internet. Alexander Karlin told that he will not comment somehow on action in blogs by other governors. And also is not going to create the blog or the microblog on twitter because "it is necessary either to do it seriously, or not to do in general". The governor noted: at the moment considers sufficient the blog on the official site of edge administration.

Alexander Karlin about Twitter and blogs

Marital Status

He is married, two sons.
