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Nice Situator

Developers: NICE Systems
Technology: Video surveillance systems


NICE Situator is the solution for management of situations

NICE Situator is the solution in the field of management of situations which in real time executes consolidation and comparison of data from several different systems of the enterprise. At the same time NICE Situator coordinates issue of the most effective responses, providing to all participants of workflow of the information about that as where occurs and what is required reaction.

All tools necessary for full control over an operating cycle of management of dispatching office are a part of NICE Situator.

Uniform management, the centralized control

Requirements to continuous improvement and ekonomichnostirabochy processes grow therefore the scope of new technologies and information volumes in dispatching office significantly extend. Along with security management and workflows employees also should control the numerous systems, observing at the same time all requirements and politicians whose number also grows.

NICE Situator allows to cope effectively with these tasks, integrating all cameras which are available in the organization, sensors, communication systems, data sources and technology processes based on a single platform. This solution is capable to detect possible and current situations thanks to intellectual search algorithms of communication between events which seem untied.

Besides, NICE Situator provides implementation of procedures, automates separate tasks and difficult workflows and also modifies them in process of deployment of events using intellectual algorithms, reducing thereby risk of an error of the operator. As a result of the organization and their employees make effective and reasoned decisions thanks to what necessary measures are timely undertaken.

An opportunity to reveal the developed events, to manage effectively them and to reduce the related risks helps to save human lives and to minimize costs, providing at the same time the continuity of business processes. NICE Situator sets the standard in the field of management of situations and creates base for implementation of workflows within commercial and crucial infrastructures and the systems of national security.

Response time is reduced by 75%

Due to optimization of a management system of dispatching office using the solution NICE Situator the large energy company of the USA lowered a response time on incidents by 75%. Permanent readiness of sensors, checks, an automatic response and implementation of procedures of reaction reduces the risks connected with security, confidentiality and workflows.

Main features

Fall forward and efficiency of a response

NICE Situator compares all entering data and analyzes the developed events, quickly creating a situation picture. Automatic submission of all important information, procedures and workflows provides the standard preset response that reduces risk of an error of the operator and allows to select the optimal control circuit a situation regardless of the one who is in dispatching office.

Reliable future and protection of capital investments

In the available technologies are invested already heavily that does not allow to increase efficiency of workflows by simple updating of the equipment. Being the open solution implemented in the form of a superstructure over the existing infrastructure, NICE Situator protects the made investments and expands the available opportunities. Besides, the solution NICE Situator can be used with the latest technologies for creation of the platform allowing to improve continuously workflows.

Providing and support of compliance

In the environment which is regulated more and more strictly non-compliance with requirements not only costs much, but also increases risks. Automation of workflows and work with reports in NICE Situator provides uniform following to politicians and procedures that helps the organizations to achieve permanent compliance to requirements.

Optimization of use of working resources in a corporate complex

In a large corporate complex time and resources of personnel of a security service were spent every week for processing of nearly 2000 signals "access to the gateway is prohibited". The solution NICE Situator helped to implement instant check of similar signals and lowered their number by 75% that allowed employees to pay more attention to priorities.

Expanded means for work with reports and summing up

Inaccuracies in reports not only complicate ensuring compliance, summing up, conducting investigations and judicial processes, but also lead to big dead times and damage. The configured automatic means for work with reports helping to save time and money and also precisely are a part of the solution NICE Situator and to completely consider all actions connected with separate incidents.

Effective visualization of situations

The solution NICE Situator creates the overall operational picture with alarms in real time and information obtained from all integrated systems in the form of the intuitive multilayer interface on the basis of GIS. All necessary information layers of GIS (any number of aerial photographs, maps, plans of floors, drawings of a CAD and three-dimensional models) are displayed automatically that allows to control all systems, employees and assets and to interact with them. Such solution creates the broad picture of a situation and serves as the reliable platform for effective management of all these elements. NICE Situator is the open solution and can work based on available in the GIS infrastructure organization.

Automation of workflows

Thanks to expanded and at the same time simple means in use for planning and implementation of workflows of NICE Situator administrators have an opportunity to develop the most difficult workflows for reaction in the conditions of standard and emergencies. The politicians of transfer on higher level implementing dynamic or manual reassignment of tasks and notifications to other employees or other resources are applied to tasks and notifications which are not processed properly in the set period.