Customers: May Contractors: Microsoft Rus Product: Microsoft Business IntelligenceProject date: 2012/03 - 2012/11
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In November, 2012 Microsoft and May announced business intelligence system implementation on the basis of the newest technologies of Microsoft. A system is a basis of a unified environment on work with information and exchange of it between all business units May and their business partners, including sales representatives and distributors.
Prerequisites of the Project
The May company is the global marketing focused Russian company with more than 20-year history, Mai-Innovate consisting of five large business units (information and communication technologies for development of an ecosystem of management of innovations), Mai-Foods (production of the packed food), Mai-Realty (development and real estate administration), Mai-Energy (marketing of oil products) and Mai-Capital (investment management). The amount of data with which the company operates is huge as it includes not only information from business units, but also the data arriving from partners (sales representatives, distributors).
The company needed quality improvement of the qualitative account given for preparation, carrying out forecast modeling, the analysis of consumer behavior, etc. Besides, there was a task to provide users at all levels of management – not only top managers, but also non-management employees, high-quality tools of the analysis.
According to Igor Lisinenko, the CEO May, the company was in great need in the single integrated system which allowed to lift quality of decision-making to essentially new level. "The system of a business intelligence on the basis of technologies of our strategic Microsoft partner which provided flexibility necessary for us and a full compliance to individual requirements of different business divisions became such solution for us", - he told.
Choosing a Solution
The May company has wide experience of use of technologies of Microsoft therefore the choice of the Microsoft platform for creation of a system of a business intelligence was quite natural and allowed to create the most harmonious, frictionless IT environment.
Features of the solution
The system of a business intelligence used May is created on the basis of solutions Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Microsoft Excel 2010 Power Pivot Applications, Microsoft SQL Server by Visio 2010, 2008 (including Integration Services) and also Windows Server 2008 R2, Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Project Server 2010 and 2009 AX. A system integrates information from different sources (Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Dynamics AX and others) in the clear visualized reports on all business processes.
The financial statements (cash flow, accomplishment of the income and expenditure budget, receivables, etc.), personnel management (schedule performance of working time, etc.), sales management can be an example of visualization (sales plans on specific groups of goods, brands or sellers, etc.). At the same time employees of all levels easily, depending on access rights, can receive or independently prepare reports necessary to them and use these data in the daily work.
Project Result
Implementation allowed to increase May quality of the business data arriving from different sources, to perform forecast modeling and the analysis of consumer behavior and to provide to all users various and convenient tools for preparation of the reporting and carrying out the analysis.
By estimates of the company, the number of internal users of a system of a business intelligence grew up by 10 times, and the number of the business partners participating in the project increased by 100 times. Thanks to a unified environment on work with information the number of the duplicated data decreased by 7 times, and time necessary for approval of the reporting and data acquisition for decision making at all levels of management, was reduced by 5 times. It allowed the company to pass from management only of operating activities to innovation management.
Plans for development of the project
In further plans for development of a corporate ecosystem of management of innovations possible application of the last solutions of Microsoft is considered, namely: adaptation of all solutions for mobile devices, migration on Microsoft SQL Server 2012, new versions of SharePoint, Microsoft Office and implementation of Master Data Service,Alexander Balabanov, the managing director Mai-Innovate said.