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Rostelecom brings the Ural regional center of interoperator calculations into operation

Customers: Rostelecom

Moscow; Telecommunications and Communications

Product: Peter-Service RSS

Project date: 2012/08  - 2012/12

JSC Rostelecom and PETTER SERVICE company announced on December 25, 2012 start in commercial operation of the solution "Clearing Center".


Within consolidation of mobile business Rostelecom carries out work on centralization and unification of key business processes. In particular, based on branch of the macro-region Ural the general roaming coordinator who became the single interface of the company in interaction with the Russian and foreign operators concerning roaming is created. Centralization of transactions and consolidation of a subscriber base helped Rostelecom to achieve in 2012 significant decrease in interoperator rates, including at the expense of the conclusion of preferential transactions. As a result, roaming rates for subscribers were several times reduced that led to significant increase in volumes of consumption of this service.


Implementing solution was carried out on the basis of the best world practices, but taking into account unique features of mobile assets of JSC Rostelecom.

"To try to obtain from roaming partners of the best conditions of cooperation, mobile business of Rostelecom should have one negotiator and the consolidated subscriber base, – the director of roaming and additional services of mobile assets of JSC Rostelecom Irina Trofimova told. – "Clearing center" will allow in one place and in real time to reflect all settlings with the Russian and foreign operators. Besides, the uniform augmented list of the countries and operators in whose networks it is possible to use roaming will be available to all mobile assets of our company".
"In the solution "Clearing Center" we implemented functionality of the roaming multibroker with support of all information and financial flows of subordinates and the coordinated operators. The solution provides calculations and control of tariffing of services for all fragments of network of the supported standards in the uniform center and gives to the operator an opportunity to use flexible mechanisms of management of tariff offers, – the development director of PETER-SJeRWIS Ltd Alexey Kireev noted. – The uniqueness of our solution consists in unlimited opportunities of support of any business processes of the telecom operator within one system".