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Trend Micro Email Content Security

The name of the base system (platform): Trend Micro Custom Defense Solution
Developers: Trend Micro
Technology: Cybersecurity - Antiviruses,  cybersecurity - the Antispam

The Trend Micro Incorporated company is called by Forrester Research the leader in technologies of protection of e-mail in the new report for the 4th quarter 2012 of The Forrester Wave™: Email Content Security. During the research of analytics of research company compared products of nine companies, one of which was a Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security platform which is providing protection of message exchange at the level of the gateway and including means of "traditional" and cloud security.

Suppliers were estimated by 47 criteria grouped in three groups: Solution portfolio, Marketing strategy and Market share. The quote from the report of Forrester Research: "The functions of the reporting and management offered by the Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security platform really impress. In this Trend Micro area certainly is ahead of all other suppliers".

According to Forrester, "e-mail is a crucial element of business therefore it is difficult to revaluate importance of its protection. Many organizations do not regard protection of e-mail among priority investments, however this aspect of information security is one of the most important. E-mail often becomes the base for the directed attacks therefore such regulations as HIPAA and PCI, require to provide protection of the electronic messages containing confidential information".

From the moment of an exit of the previous report version in April, 2012 Trend Micro provided a number of the innovative developments for protection of e-mail, capable to stop both traditional threats, and new the directed attacks. The solutions Trend Micro for protection of e-mail which are offered within the Trend Micro Custom Defense Solution platform also effectively reveal and block the entering spam, include DLP technology and enciphering for protection of outgoing mail.