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JSC Mosenergosbyt completes certification of certification center

Customers: Mosenergosbyt

Moscow; Power

Contractors: Leta IT-company
Product: Projects of external audit of IT and security (in tch PCI DSS and SUIB)

Project date: 2013/01  - 2013/01


The LETA company announced on January 30, 2013 completion of evaluation tests of objects of informatization of corporate certification center JSC Mosenergosbyt.


Within the project specialists of LETA need to estimate compliance of the automated systems (AS) of the JSC Mosenergosbyt corporate certification center (CCC) to the security requirements of information imposed to AS according to the leading and methodical documents of FSTEC of Russia.


The project was separated into three stages.

  • The first stage experts prepared and developed the organizational and administrative documentation necessary for carrying out certification.

  • During the second carried out expertizes and consultations on completion of the documents submitted by the customer.

  • The third, final, specialists of LETA carried out evaluation tests and put Corporate certification center into production operation.


On project deliverables the Certificate of compliance of an object of informatization to requirements for security of information confirming system effectiveness of the data protection implemented on object of informatization is issued to the Customer.

"Certification of objects of informatization is a logical conclusion of a complex of works on protection of information resources, - Alexander Malyavkin, the CEO of LETA company noted. - Its indisputable advantages are, first, the maximum ensuring compliance of the systems of personal data protection and to the conforming documentation regarding protection of PDN to requirements of regulators, secondly – the complex approach to check of the protected object of informatization in actual practice operation allowing to estimate compliance of the applied package of measures and means of protecting to the required level of information security".