On February 19, 2013 the InfoWatch group announced Vsevolod Ivanov's appointment to positions of the deputy CEO of InfoWatch Group and the chief executive of InfoWatch Ltd. Vsevolod will be responsible for the development strategy of holding, formation of product offers, increase in market shares of the companies of holding, the international expansion, sales in segments where products of InfoWatch Group are already provided and also opening and mastering of new segments of the market.
"I come to InfoWatch in complete confidence that now the most favorable time for the business connected with information security. The market of means of protecting from internal threats is seriously underestimated. Now it is similar to the anti-virus market of the beginning of the 2000th years, only with the high potential and, according to my forecasts, in several years will grow in tens of times. The main factors of transition to this sphere of steel for me huge "open" demand, interest from clients and, on the other hand, the acquired examination and reputation of InfoWatch company – the pioneer and the technology leader of the industry. My task – to save the leading positions of group and to provide steady active growth and development of the new directions of business", – Vsevolod Ivanov emphasizes.
Vsevolod has two higher educations, is the certified specialist in the field of project management and sales strategy.
Vsevolod Ivanov headed the direction of marketing in IBS group and Perekrestok trading house, then directed marketing and sales in Kaspersky Lab where he participated in development and positioning of a brand of the company, development and an output to international market of a line of anti-virus solutions.
From 2002 to 2007 Vsevolod was a board member and the deputy CEO of Rosgosstrakh Insurance Group. During this time the company could come to the leading positions of the Russian market of insurance thanks to the carried-out rebranding, active reforming of the selling network and reforming of strategy of business.
Further Vsevolod Ivanov was responsible for development of the direction of consumer services as the senior vice president of CB Renessans Credit and then directors of the department of retail service and sales of Sberbank of Russia where he participated in development and deployment of strategy of retail business. Until recently as the adviser and the independent consultant dealt with issues of strategy and business development in a number of the financial and technology companies of Russia and the abroad.