Customers: Irkutskenergosviaz Irkutsk; Telecommunication and communication Contractors: Croc Project date:
In March, 2013 Irkutskenergo subsidiary company -Irkutskenergosviaz, announced plans for creation of DPC with a total area over 10 thousand sq.m. The area of machine halls of the center which will be located in the territory of the New and Irkutsk combined heat and power plant should be 3.2 thousand sq.m and contain 1.3 thousand with firmness - places.
As well as Irkutskenergosviaz which is engaged in communication services provision of DPC will become non-core business for Irkutskenergo. With its help the company expects to render services in lease of space for placement of the equipment of customers, on lease of servers and also to provide "cloud" services which will allow to use far off and on demand the necessary software. In DPC the separate zone where clients will be able to test and set up the equipment will also be selected, speak in Irkutskenergosviaz.
The company expects that commercial banks, the large companies and government institutions of Eastern Siberia will become primary clients of its DPC. The management of Irkutskenergo is sure that the new DPC will not only bring an additional income to the company, but also "force creation of points of economic growth of Eastern Siberia".
The total amount of investments into DPC will be about 2.5 billion rubles, and as the general contractor on his construction Croc will act. Irkutskenergosviaz expects that development of the project documentation will be completed until the end of June, 2013, and the first stage of DPC will be put into operation in the second half of the year 2014.
The customer notes that its DPC will become the Russia's fifth, applying for obtaining the certificate Tier III with coefficient of fault tolerance of 99.982%: the reserve on a case of failure will be had by all engineering systems of the center. In data center the three-level system of access should be organized and safety not only data and the equipment in the DPC, but also an information access is ensured.
For the first time announced plans for creation of DPC of Irkutskenergo in 2011, however then the sounded planned indicators were much more modest: the planned area was 1 thousand sq.m with a possibility of expansion to 3 thousand sq.m., capacity – 150-200 is resistant - places, and project investment cost – about 400 million rubles.
Irkutskenergo notes that there are no similar planned infrastructure facilities now in an Asian part of Russia. If it is constructed in the specified time frames, then will become one of the largest in the country.
At the moment the largest DPC in the region can be considered the platform of Sibirtelecom with a total area about 900 sq.m. built in 2009. In 2007 idea for creation of large DPC in the Irkutsk region were also nourished by Microsoft which was ready to invest in it about $500 million. However this project raised questions from FSB and finally was contracted.