Customers: Government of the Yaroslavl region Yaroslavl; State and social structures Contractors: Alan IT Product: DioramaНа базе: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010 Project date: 2011/01 - 2013/03
ALAN-Informatsionnye tekhnologii LLC the knowledge base of public authorities of the Yaroslavl region of Diaram for the Government of the Yaroslavl region completed the project of development and deployment of the software solution ", the company integrator reported on April 1, 2013.
Within the regional target program "Increase in Efficiency and Effectiveness of Activity of Executive Authorities of the Yaroslavl Region" for 2009 - 2012 the software product "The knowledge base of public authorities of the Yaroslavl region of Diaram is created.
Project objective - implementation of components of the electronic government. As the contractor - ALAN IT LLC.
By April 1, 2013 Diaram it is integrated with an electronic document management system (ESED "Directum", a regional information and analytical system of the Yaroslavl region ("RIAS YaO") and the analytical systems "X-files" and "The analytical courier" of I-Teco Ltd.
"On complete implementation of the solution about two years were required. We met considerable difficulties in the course of work, nevertheless, all of them were overcome. The huge help in work on this project to us was rendered by the staff of Department of information and analytical providing and Department of informatization and communication of the Yaroslavl region. We are happy with the developed solution and we plan its further promotion in other regions", - Alexander Elin, the CEO of ALAN-Informatsionnye tekhnologii LLC told.