The administration of the Pskov region implements the automation equipment of accounting of subsidies to agricultural producers
Customers: Administration of the Pskov region Pskov; State and social structures Contractors: Centrprogrammsistem (TsPS, CPS) Product: DIN: Accounting of subsidies to agricultural producers (SPS)Project date: 2013/03 - 2013/05
Specialists of Centrprogrammsistem company completed the project of delivery and implementation of the specialized software tool "Accounting of the Budgetary Funds Provided to Agricultural Producers in the form of Subsidies" in the head public administration of agriculture, veterinary science and the state technical supervision of the Pskov region, the press service of the company reported on May 17, 2013.
Project implementation is broken into several stages. At the first stage training of employees of the customer in functionality of the program is provided.
For acceleration of start of accounting and payments of subsidies in the program, specialists of Centrprogrammsistem company provided automatic data transfer from forms of the regulated reporting in front of the MCX Russian Federation (in the Excel format) in a system.
At a stage of adaptation of a system printed forms of registers of receivers of subsidies and managerial reports are developed, the functionality of unloading of requests for a cash expense is finished, according to requirements of regional specifics.
Upon completion of the project the customer received the complex functionality helping:
- work with uniform regional base of receivers of subsidies;
- accelerate process of registration and processing of applications for providing subsidies;
- in the shortest possible time to create registers of receivers of subsidies on: compensation of percent, support of the industry, insurance, transfer of social payments, registers of agreements of providing subsidies for actions of social development of the village;
- create and unload requests for a cash expense in the systems of exchange with bodies of Federal Treasury.