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The Petrocommerce bank builds a management system for business continuity

Customers: Petrocommerce bank

Contractors: Leta IT-company
Product: Projects of external audit of IT and security (in tch PCI DSS and SUIB)

Project date: 2013/03  - 2013/05


The LETA company announced on May 27, 2013 project completion on creation of a management system for business continuity in Petrocommerce bank.

Opportunities and obligations

"Banking operations, including in emergencies are continuous to maintain capability, it is necessary for any credit institution. Interruption of business processes can turn back for bank loss of reputation and, as a result, clients, – Dmitry Buyev, the vice president of Petrocommerce bank noted. – At the end of 2011 we started the project on creation of a management system for business continuity within ensuring acceptance and execution of payment orders of clients – legal entities. At the same time it was important to guarantee compliance of the created system to requirements of the Bank of Russia. For the most effective solution of this task we addressed LETA company, recognized information security experts".

Movement on a stage

Project implementation was enabled in several stages. At the initial stage the staff of LETA company developed the techniques applied to the analysis of activity and neighboring risks, analyzed the selected crucial type of activity of bank and risks of its interruption, estimated how applied measures for ensuring continuity of business process correspond to the recommendations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Formation of the plan of ensuring continuity and recovery of activity (Ensuring continuity and restoration of activities) became the next step, the corresponding instructions and other internal documentation were developed. At the final stage of the project specialists of LETA carried out working off of process of testing and accumulation of knowledge of business continuity on the example of the specific scenario of emergency.


Result of joint work of employees of the bank Petrocommerce and specialists of LETA company - creation of a management system for business continuity which allows to provide uninterrupted implementation of crucial types of activity of bank.

Mechanisms which define an operations procedure of workers at interruption of different procedures, their recovery in case of occurrence of extreme situations are developed (the fire, blackout, failure of IT systems, etc.).

"Speaking about compliance to requirements of Provision of Bank of Russia No. 242-P of 12/16/2003, it is important to remember that management of business continuity is not a just nominal plan for a case of check by regulating authorities, and the tool which allows to resume in the shortest possible time the customer service delivery in case of system failure or emergency, – Alexander Malyavkin, the CEO of LETA company emphasized. – It should be noted that the system implemented by us not only guarantees compliance to the recommendations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, but also provides image certainly of reliable bank that is undoubted competitive advantage".