Customers: State Museum of the History of Religion St. Petersburg; Science and education Contractors: ELAR (Electronic archive, NPO Opyt) Product: ELAR PauerskanProject date: 2013/08 - 2015/10
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The State Museum of the History of Religion (SMHR) continues work on creation of electronic collections and in the project of works on high-quality scanning of museum objects. ELAR corporation became the winner of open auction, the press service reported on August 26, 2013.
Project Tasks
Specialists of corporation will carry out digitization more than five hundred exhibits of different funds, documents of the GMIR scientific and historical archive. About one hundred objects of ritual and household purpose from Tkani fund, will be transferred to a collection of the Russian graphics and the Chinese popular prints to an electronic form using complexes of high-quality scanning of ELAR Pauerskan.
ELAR Pauerskan distinguishes universality: it is equally safe and convenient for digitization of fabrics, picturesque cloths, metal elements, different installations and any paper documents. On the same equipment will transfer to an electronic form more than sixty large-sized drawings and drawings from scientific and historical department of the museum.
November 12, 2015. ELAR corporation digitized large-sized objects from a meeting of Federal State Budgetary Institution of culture "State Museum of the History of Religion" (SMHR).
State Museum of the History of Religion, 2015
Specialists of ELAR created more than 400 high-quality digital copies of museum objects from funds "East Religions", "Precious Metals and Fabrics", "West Religions", "Orthodoxy". Works were carried out in the territory of the museum on scanners of the Pauerskan brand. This equipment guarantees receiving authentic to the original of copies: on a digital image the smallest parts and features of an object are recreated, up to the invoice of material. Will use electronic copies of the drawings, engravings, lithographs, documents different on the functional purpose of textile objects, GMIR in the professional activity, representatives of the company integrator reported TAdviser.
"We create insurance copies of the museum objects entering into Museum fund of the Russian Federation – it is required by the Russian museum legislation. Besides, electronic images in high quality help us to implement exhibition projects. For example, we can expose graphics only within three months (such term is caused by requirements of ensuring safety of exhibits), and then originals are replaced with their copies. It allows us to prolong exhibitions for any term. Originals of documents from scientific and historical archive which always decorate any exhibition a month of exposure later are also replaced with copies. The quality of digitization on Pauerskan is so high that we can print graphic images, and all nuances of originals will be transferred", - the chief keeper of State Museum of the History of Religion Elena Denisova tells.
"All criteria of quality of scanning — reproduction of half tones, the minimum level of color noises and geometrical distortions, an exact color rendition, high resolution capability are in full accordance with regulations of the Metamorfoze1.0 standard *, - the leading expert on work with cultural institutions of ELAR corporation Evgeny Mokeev comments. – This standard de facto sets requirements to parameters of the equipment for digitization of objects of historical and cultural heritage".