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Pervouralsky Novotrubny Works (Malahit: HR)

Customers: Pervouralsky Novotrubny Works, ChTPZ

Product: Malahit:HR

Project date: 2007/10

The Malakhit company completed the first stage of implementation of the module "Training Management and Personnel Development" at Pervouralsky Novotrubny Works.

The project is executed within development of a corporate information system of the enterprise. The module "Training Management and Personnel Development" is functionally connected with the modules "Personnel Management" and "Payroll" and Malachite is completely integrated into the ERP system operating at the enterprise.

The first stage of automation of accounting of activities for personnel development was begun in April, 2007 and proceeded four months. The functionality implemented by this moment provides an opportunity to trace the history of development of each worker, to keep the cost accounting on training and to analyze work of this direction on different criteria.

At the second stage of works mastering of the additional opportunities allowing to work purposefully with a talent pool and to keep track of requirements of the enterprise for specialists to key positions is planned. Upon termination of the project a system will allow to use more effectively the potential of workers, to optimize training costs of personnel and, in general, will provide big independence of foreign market of work.