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MIAC of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Chuvash Republic


Budgetary institution of the Chuvash Republic "Medical information and analytical center" Ministry of Health and Social Development of Chuvashia

Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Chuvash Republic


Experience of the Chuvash Republic in creation of a regional Uniform State Health Information System segment

  • In the Chuvash Republic works on information technology implementation in activity of the medical organizations are begun within implementation of the Strategic plan of restructuring of a system of providing medical care for 2003-2010. First of all, it allowed to create a single corporate medical network with providing standards of safety of information exchange and also to implement the unified software in all medical organizations.
  • It is automated 7,326 (100%) jobs of health workers. The 100% scope of the industry is provided with the high-speed Internet. 428 structural divisions (100% of a total quantity) are connected to the regional protected data network.
  • The regional segment of the Single state information system in the field of health care in the Chuvash Republic is provided by "Republican Medical Information System" (RMIS) which functions since 2012.
  • The key functions implemented in RMIS and which are used health workers: the electronic medical record, electronic registry, the personified accounting of medicines, preferential provision of medicines, etc.
  • RMIS is integrated with information systems of Territorial fund of compulsory health insurance, Federal social insurance fund, Bureau of medico-social examination, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

  • 4 federal institutions of health care, 54 health facilities, more than 17,000 medical staff, 21 medical subsystems, more than 10 thousand automated workplaces
  • 100% scope of MO and OVOP fiber optic communication
  • 2 distributed DPCs
  • Certification center

Electronic medical record

The medical organizations conducting the out-patient and polyclinic acceptance and legal entities having the round-the-clock hospitals work in a subsystem of RMIS "Electronic Medical Record".

1,235 thousand unique electronic medical records are created that makes 100% of the population of the republic.

Electronic registry

  • Schedules of acceptances of medical specialists and making an appointment is performed in the system of RMIS "Electronic Registry". Since January 1, 2008, from the moment of implementation of a subsystem in electronic form more than 22 million persons registered in acceptance to doctors. In 2018 3,359,107 records, including using the Internet are performed
  • 927608 that makes 28% of a total quantity which registered in appointment.

Electronic recipes on preferential provision of medicines

  • As a part of RMIS the module "Preferential Provision of Medicines (PPM)" providing implementation of the statement of preferential recipes, managements of trade inventories and control of program implementation of preferential provision of medicines is implemented.

The medical organizations on a centralized basis make out requests for preferential medicines in the module LLO.

  • 46 (100%) clinics write out and transfer recipes, in electronic form in 39 pharmaceutical organizations. The pharmaceutical organizations have access to the module LLO RMIS regarding confirmation of the statement of the preferential recipe.

Laboratory information systems

In the Chuvash Republic 5 centralized kliniko-diagnostic laboratories function (further – TsKDL). 45 medical organizations are connected to TsKDL services. Integration with RMIS regarding a design of the electronic direction and obtaining results of researches in the Electronic medical record is made.

Scheduling of sanitary motor transport

  • 100% of sanitary transport are equipped with GLONASS system.
  • In all stations of emergency medical service the software package of automation of dispatching service of the station of emergency medical service "an ACS 03" is used.
  • The software package "ACS 03" is integrated with RMIS regarding information transfer about urgent calls into clinics of the republic.

Telemedicine systems

  • Based on republican hospitals the telemedicine centers for the corresponding clinical profiles, based on interdistrict, city and central district hospitals telemedicine points are created.
  • Telemedicine consultations of the regional level are held in the directions oncology, cardiology, pediatrics, surgery in the doctor-doctor format.
  • "The regional telemedicine information system of the Russian Ministry of Health" from the All-Russian center of medicine of accidents Protection which is unrolled in the medical organizations is successfully used. All medical organizations and their structural divisions, private clinics and the Federal centers which are territorially located in the Chuvash Republic are connected to a system.
  • Connection of the medical organizations to a Federal telemedicine system is made.


In the Chuvash Republic the Central archive of medical images integrated with RMIS functions. Diagnostic the equipment of the medical organizations transfer results in RMIS (including 1 private clinic).

Further development of informatization of health care will be continued within the National Health care project by creation of the Uniform digital circuit of health care and the organization of mechanisms of information exchange of the medical organizations.

The regional project of the Chuvash Republic "Creation of a uniform digital circuit in health care on the basis of the single state information system of health care (SSISHC)" is developed.