The name of the base system (platform): | Parus-municipal management Management of the state (municipal) property |
Developers: | Parus |
Branches: | Government and social institutions |
Technology: | SaaS - Software as service, Accounting systems |
Content |
PARUS – Electronic municipality - a departmental information system. It is intended for automation of municipal accounting, rendering electronic services, management of the tax capacity of the municipal entity and support of acceptance of management decisions by the head of body of local government.
Functionality of a system provides automated management of administrative processes, control over all stages of rendering service and the notification of the head about violations of regulations.
Example of the configured route of rendering municipal service
- rendering electronic municipal services using a regional segment of the uniform portal of the public and municipal services;
- information exchange through SIEI with regional and federal authorities within rendering electronic public and municipal services according to the list of documents (data) approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 6/29/2012 No. 1123-r (in edition of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12/18/2012 No. 2422-r).
Within participation in electronic interdepartmental interaction a system makes the analysis of incoming requests and in the automated mode prepares drafts of answers on the basis of the data which are stored in accounting registers. The task of the specialist of municipal administration comes down to verification of the created answer and its confirmation by the electronic signature. Work in the PARUS-Electronic municipality system promotes decrease in labor costs in comparison with use of the standard System of Execution of Regulations (SER) when data on requests in the course of rendering services are entered by specialists of bodies of local government manually in the conditions of tough regulations of providing information through SIEI.
Processing of the request which came through SIEI
A system provides not only data exchange within rendering the public and municipal services, but also receiving from federal sources of information necessary for increase in efficiency of activity of bodies of local government. The municipality has an opportunity to verify data on a land and property complex with data of Rosreestr for the purpose of elimination of discrepancies and quality improvement of administration of property taxes. The body of local government without serious labor costs receives data on the taxation objects and their owners in the automated mode (at the same time requests form not on separate positions, and in large quantities).
Panel of monitoring of a taxable basis
"PARUS is Electronic municipality" is an effective tool for conducting municipal accounting. Functionality of a system provides automation of accounting processes within powers of bodies of local government and also regular monitoring and visualization of key indicators of social and economic development of municipal entities.
Functional units of the IC
- register of the population of the municipal entity;
- register of the land plots of the municipal entity;
- register of a real estate of the municipal entity;
- card file of municipal documents;
- management subsystem administrative processes;
- subsystem of administration of the local taxes;
- subsystem of monitoring of social and economic development of the municipal entity;
- request processing subsystem SIEI and other addresses.
Card file of municipal documents
"PARUS is Electronic municipality" - the cloud solution. Access for users to the software (S) is provided far off on network channels via the Web interface. Itself software is developed in the data processing center (DPC) in the form of a uniform program core with which all users work. Service and software updating is executed on a centralized basis on the party of SaaS provider. The centralized solution architecture provides minimization of operating costs and increase in efficiency of providing information for acceptance of management decisions.