RSM Russia (RSM Top-Audit)
Since 1992
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
119285, Pudovkin St., 4
The RSM Top-Audit audit and consulting group is founded in 1992.
Enters into the international network of independent auditing companies RSM International. Has accreditations at the London and New York stock exchanges. Among clients of group there are JSC EEC Federal Grid Company, JSC Mosenergo, FGUP Russian Post, JSC Svyazinvest, JSC Gazprom, JSC Severstal, JSC Aeroflot, JSC RusHydro, JSC Rostekhnologii, JSC MTS, Avtodor Group, JSC Rosneft, JSC "Russian Railways", JSC Channel One, JSC Sberbank of Russia, etc.
Performance Indicators
According to the Ekspert magazine, AKG "RSM Top-Audit" took the 9th place among the largest Russian audit and consulting groups according to the results of activity for 2012 (total revenue – more than 2.6 billion rubles)
2013: Partners of RSM Top-Audit separated business
Two independent companies work at the market since November 1, 2013: auditor RSM Russia and consulting AKF Top-Audit.
Elena Los, Nina Dantser and Tatyana Gazeeva acted as partners of RSM Russia. The company specializes in audit and related services.
Roman Lerner and Evgeny Shokhor will independently develop AKF Top-Audit company which main activities will be a preparation of the reporting and assessment according to IFRS and also automation of financial and economic activity of clients.
In RSM Russia auditing company 700 of 1100 employees of RSM Top-Audit remained to work, the others turned into Roman Lerner and Evgeny Shokhor's consulting business.
The decision on the section of business was made by council of partners in the summer of 2013. The deal is closed on November 1.
Stated the reason of the section of business the creator of the RSM Top-Audit group and the head of RSM Russia Elena Los: "The recommendation of RSM International network to lead the names to the uniform standard became a formal occasion: RSM plus the name of the territory of presence (at the same time legal independence of members of network completely remains). But a part of partners did not want to lose a name Top-Audit which is recognizable more than 20 years in the market and is held in the deserved respect of clients. Besides, in the company two businesses – auditor and consulting actually worked, and the solution to separate them came by itself".
The managing partner of AKF Top-Audit company Evgeny Shokhor reported that process of the section took place in a benevolent, quiet situation, "auditor and consulting business – it is initial business partner, intellectual, constructed on client portfolios, but not on some tangible assets. As a result each partner left with the portfolio of clients and with the command". According to him, "in the long term separation of businesses can increase an order portfolio of each of the companies by 20-30%".