Inter Eyre Center of youth programs
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
101000, Sretensky Boulevard, 6/1, building 1
The center of youth programs Inter Eyre works since 1996 and submits a number of the programs connected with study, summer work, travel and training abroad for youth and students. Among the most popular projects – Work&Travel USA, Camp America, Internship USA, Academic Year USA.
Except directly programs Inter Eyre registers international student's (ISIC), teaching (ITIC) and youth (Euro<26, Go25) удостоверения, которые дают возможность пользоваться специальными тарифами на авиаперелеты по всему миру на большинстве международных авиакомпаний, а также многочисленными скидками при посещении музеев, выставок, культурных центров, кафе, кинотеатров.
At office Inter Eyre it is possible to obtain all necessary information on cheap placement in hostels (youth hotels) and to land transport worldwide, to pick up and book the ticket on the bus in many countries.
Inter Eyre performs with support of voluntary and peacekeeping initiatives, being a general sponsor of the Center of the international youth and student's exchange World4U programs, the voluntary association performing exchange of volunteers with more than twenty countries of the world and the leading ten of voluntary projects in Russia both for the Russian volunteers and for the international voluntary commands all the year round.