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Izhora pipe plant (Severstal-Group) (RNS Web)

Customers: Izhora pipe plant (Severstal-Group)

Metallurgical industry

Product: RNS Web

Project date: 2007/06

On June 20, 2007 the RuNetSoft company signed agreements with ZhTEK LLC company on RNS Web.CRM system implementation in the territory of Izhora Plant to Kolpino, the Leningrad Region.

Main goal of the project - automation of process of accounting of the movement of the cars arriving and going from the industrial platform Izhora Plant.

On intentions of project managers a system should create a common information space in the company, having connected several areas (offices) deleted from each other among themselves and to provide full automation of activity of managers and cargo operators.

The project is calculated for a period of 4 months and includes the next stages:

Preproject inspection (examination). Studying of internal business processes of the enterprise, interviewing of representatives of the main people involved in the project from the customer. Result of a stage - the complete specification on system implementation in two versions (for the customer and for development team)
The system implementation broken into 2 substages: complete accounting of the movement of cars in the territory of the plant and financial accounting, cash transactions and integration of RNS Web.CRM into the software of Ministry of Railways of Itran
Personnel training
Pilot operation of a system
Stage of stabilization and documentation of the implemented system
Trial operation and maintenance of a system

In a work progress over the project some modules RNS Web.CRM will receive new specific names and will be significantly upgraded (for convenience of work of users). For example, the module "Orders" will crash into two submodules - "The natural sheet" and "A register of cars". The module "Finance" will be renamed into "Calculation of idle times", etc.