Customers: Verdi (salon) Moscow; Housing and public utilities, service and household services Contractors: 1C-Rarus Product: Comme il faut: Beauty shop, edition 1На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.2 Project date: 2013/11 - 2013/12
On January 17, 2014 the 1C-Rarus company announced automation of beauty shop "Verdi" using software "Comme il faut: Beauty shop".
Project Task
For improvement of service quality and compliance to modern requirements the management Verdi made the decision on automation. Main objectives — accounting simplification, acceleration of business processes. Specialists 1C-Rarus offered salon the software product "Comme il faut: Beauty shop".
Project Results
Product introduction made transparent processes of the organization and increased efficiency of its work:
- Keep account of work with clients, employees and also materials;
- Control the system of pricing, including providing discounts;
- Make out retail sales;
- Manage cash flow;
- Create expense reports.