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Баннер в шапке 2
Glagolev Sergey Nikolaevich
Glagolev Sergey Nikolaevich

Glagolev Sergey Nikolaevich is the rector of BGTU of Shukhov.


Sergey was born on November 16, 1959.

In 1982 graduated from the Moscow automobile and road institute majoring in "Cars and automobile economy".

In 2002 got an education in the Moscow Russian academy of public service under the President of the Russian Federation in "The public and municipal administration".

In 2002 defended the master's thesis in "Economy and management of the national economy (economy, the organization and management of the enterprises, the industries and complexes (industry)).

In 2009 defended the doctoral dissertation in "Economy and management of the national economy (economy, the organization and management of the enterprises, the industries and complexes (industry)).

Belgoroavtotrans, worked at other motor transportation enterprises of the city of Belgorod in consolidation.

From 1989 to 1993 held different positions in the Belgorod Executive Committee of the City Soviet of People's Deputies and city council of People's Deputies.

From 1993 to 2000 worked in administration of the Belgorod region.

In BGTU of V.G. Shukhov Sergey Glagolev works since May, 2000:

In 2000 became the vice rector for economy and external relations, worked for 2003.

From 2000 to 2004 he is the associate professor of highways and airfields, the associate professor of the organization and traffic safety, professor.

In 2003 held a post of the vice rector for a construction complex and external relations. Since 2007 passed to work as the first vice rector for social development and worked till 2010.

From 2004 to 2009 Sergey worked the head of the department of service of transport and technological machines.

In 2010 it is elected the rector of BGTU of V.G. Shukhov.

For March 5, 2014 Sergey Nikolaevich Glagolev works as the rector of BGTU of Shukhov.

Married. Two adult sons.