MRO Consult
TOiR Consult LLC is the specialized independent consulting company, executes projects of optimization and reorganization of a management system for operation, maintenance and repairs (MRO) of the equipment of large enterprises.
Oleg Evgenyevich Danilov
Number of employees
2017 year
+ Oleg Evgenyevich Danilov
Key activities of the company:
- Development of standards on a MRO (standard amounts of works, labor input of transactions, standards of an expense of Inventories)
- Creation of electronic interactive directories on the equipment (drawings, schemes, cards of lubricant, etc.)
- Creation of the database of the equipment (certification)
- Development and protection of the feasibility statement in project implementation of development of the MRO system
- Inspection of the existing MRO system (16 directions) and determination of the priority directions of development of the MRO system