In Renaissance of the Credit the next stage of implementation of the modules Neoflex Reporting for preparation of reports of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is completed
Customers: Renaissance Credit Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing Contractors: Neoflex Consulting (Neoflex) Product: Neoflex ReportingProject date: 2013/03 - 2015/09
In Renaissance Credit bank which is one of key clients of Neoflex since 2006 in 3 months the analytical Neoflex Reporting system for calculation of obligatory standards regarding capital adequacy (H1) and receiving the 125th form for new requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of July 1, 2013 was implemented. Obtaining 11 reports was automated. The project was complicated by several factors: 5-million portfolio of the credits, 18 million accounts, four core banking systems.
At the beginning of 2016 in bank the next stage of works on Neoflex Reporting system implementation for preparation of obligatory reports of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is completed.
Within the next stage of the project specialists of Neoflex implemented the functionality for reporting allowing to provide timely Renaissance of the Credit to the regulator the necessary information on activity of bank. Now using the system of the obligatory reporting Neoflex Reporting in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation formation of 10 reports is performed.
The project on implementation in Renaissance of the Credit of Neoflex Reporting started in 2014, the information system serves as a support of operating activities of bank: using Neoflex Reporting calculation of reserves for their additional accrual / recovery on portfolios of homogeneous loans when closing the last trading day of month is made. One more important Neoflex Reporting function is consolidation of the qualitative, checked data from different information systems of bank. It allowed to create "the uniform center of the truth" - storage of up-to-date information which can be quickly presented in the form of different reports on a request of inspection bodies. For example, for the purpose of fulfillment of requirements of the Central Bank by a bank inquiry in very short time, for several days, specialists of Neoflex configured the mechanism of formation of the register of investors for DIA (Deposit Insurance Agency).
Maria Arkhipova, the senior vice president for information technologies and maintenance of banking activities of Renaissance Credit bank, notes: "One of priority problems of bank automation - preparation of the reporting for regulators. Neoflex Reporting system implementation, in addition to accomplishment of this major function, became for us the tool which allowed to increase significantly quality of data in back offices and to optimize our business and IT processes. From Neoflex Reporting we already hand over in the Central Bank reports on reserves, 122, 125 regarding assets, 126, 127, 157, 251, 302 regarding liabilities, 345, 401, 410 forms. On the way the following batch — reports 128, 129, 302 regarding assets, 125 regarding liabilities, codes of the 135th form. We plan further development of the direction and we hope for support of Neoflex company within strategic partnership".
The credit pipeline developed based on SOA provided automation of key business processes of bank selling financial products. Further work proceeded in the field of risk management: the company renders to bank services in support of bank processes regarding scoring cards, and the bank, in turn, uses the product Neoflex StrategyTesting Manager (NSTM) for testing of changes in the strategy of decision making. In 2013 the Neoflex company implemented in Renaissance Credit bank a pilot project by calculation of reserves and also PKR used for calculation of capital adequacy ratios. On project deliverables, come to the end within three months, the bank made the positive decision on system implementation of preparation of the bank reporting of Neoflex Reporting.