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The name of the base system (platform): CompanyMedia
Developers: InterTrust
Last Release Date: May, 2014
Technology: EDMS

aDocs is mobile application of tablets running the Android system for work with documents, information materials and contacts, it is announced in April, 2014.

The aDocs application is included into a product line of mobile jobs of CompanyMedia and provides access to operational information using tablet Android devices - in a business trip, a trip, at a meeting or business negotiations. Functions of acquaintance, the consideration, electronic approval, signing and execution of documents which arrived on the tablet device are available to users. The application allows to work with various content, including the entering, outgoing, internal and administrative documents and also citizens' appeals.

In the current version of aDocs a number of innovations appeared. Search capabilities of employees from the contact list are expanded, the feature to transfer the connected documents to tablet devices is added, function of delivery to the tablet of information materials of any format appeared.

The application is focused on users from among heads and business specialists. For upper managers the operation mode with the assistant is provided in aDocs. In this case the assistant by preparation of draft documents or resolutions can designate a priority and enter the comments which the head will study when obtaining the document. The text of the resolution can be entered by the head using the screen keyboard or is selected from the list of standard texts — templates.

In aDocs ample opportunities for control of execution of documents are implemented. Completion date can be specified by the user and contractors are selected from the contact list which is stored on the tablet. Performance reports also arrive on the mobile device.