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Efficient Com is the agency of trade marketing and the integrated communications. Among his clients there are Lenovo, Samsung, LG, Michelin.

Media of Arts



2015: Softline Venture Partners left Efficient Com

Softline Venture Partners, corporate venture fund of Softline group, sold 100% of the Efficient Com agency to Media of Arts holding.

Efficient Com remained with fund after sale of the Daripodarki project to the strategic investor. The transaction took place in October, 2014. Softline Venture Partners sold a share of 50.03% in Daripodarki of the European company Edenred for 4 million euros.

Efficient Com was structural division of the Daripodarki project – portfolio company of fund. In 2014 Daripodarka it was absorbed by Edenred group. The Efficient Com agency was not included into the transaction.