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In IT structure of administration of the Magadan region the directory service is updated

Customers: Administration of the Magadan region

Contractors: Comparex
Product: Projects of IT outsourcing

Project date: 2014/04  - 2014/06


On June 16, 2014 it became known of the project of upgrade of service Microsoft Active Directory Government of the Magadan region of century the Contractor in the project the company COMPAREX.

Project Tasks

In October, 2013 the IT management of the Government of the Magadan region designated a problem of upgrade of the operating infrastructure and the system of the uniform directory of the enterprise.

By the time of making decision on upgrade version 2008 Active Directory directory service acted on the enterprise, there were no internal documents regulating interaction of authorized administrators with the Active Directory.

Within the project it was required to update the Active Directory of 2008 to version 2012, to develop the regulations describing interactions of authorized administrators of the customer with the Active Directory 2012, to carry out migration of workstations of users on upgraded version of the Active Directory of 2012.

The IT guide of the customer selected COMPAREX company for project implementation. The basis - the licensing agreement Microsoft Enterprise Agreement which is earlier signed between the companies.

Project Progress

The project is implemented within a month. Specialists of the contractor carried out IT audit of the operating infrastructure. Based on audit updated the version of the Active Directory, created documentation of regulations for service.

The main condition of execution of the project - ensuring continuity of work of business processes of the customer what specialists of the contractor coped with. They provided training of staff of IT service of the customer and during 2014 they should provide technical support of the updated IT infrastructure.

Project Results

Updating Microsoft Active Directory government of the Magadan region reduced risks of work of irrelevant versions of products, received the stable, effectively managed directory service as fundamentals of corporate information policy.